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NASM CNC Final Exam with 100%Correct Answers 2023 Latest Updates AGrade, Exams of Nursing

NASM CNC Final Exam with 100%Correct Answers 2023 Latest Updates AGrade

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NASM CNC Final Exam with 100%

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When working with a client who has been complaining of low back pain that has been getting worse, what is the most appropriate recommendation? A. Refer her to a certified personal trainer. B. Tell her to use a heating pad when the pain gets bad. C. Refer her to a chiropractor. D. Recommend use of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. - Correct answer-C. Refer her to a chiropractor. With which client would it be most appropriate for the Nutrition Coach to work? A. Elite clients competing in a national Ironman B. Clients who want testing for vitamin deficiency C. Clients with inconsistent weight loss and gain D. Clients trying an elimination diet to identify food sensitivities - Correct answer-C. Clients with inconsistent weight loss and gain According to the scope of practice for a Nutrition Coach, which is an example of an appropriate resource for determining daily caloric intake? A. ADA calculations based on age, gender, and activity level B. Body type and cultural preferences C. Dietary Guidelines for Americans D. The Nutrition Coach cannot assist with daily caloric intake. - Correct answer-C. Dietary Guidelines for Americans During a regular meeting, a client is complaining of irregular gastrointestinal issues, ranging from diarrhea to constipation. What is the best course of action? A. Closely monitor his situation and re-evaluate during the next meeting. B. Evaluate his prescription medications to look for similar side effects. C. Advise him to eat more vegetables and drink more water. D. Advise him to make an appointment with his personal physician. - Correct answer-D. Advise him to make an appointment with his personal physician.

A new client has just moved into the area. She states that she occasionally suffers from anxiety and panic attacks and needs to renew her prescription medications. To which healthcare professional should she be referred? A. Podiatrist B. Physiologist C. Physiotherapist D. Psychiatrist - Correct answer-D. Psychiatrist One of the roles of a Nutrition Coach is to help facilitate weight loss. Which of the following would be most appropriate to recommend for the overweight client? A. Limit carbohydrates to 35% of the diet. B. Give up bread and avoid gluten. C. Refer to a certified personal trainer for a resistance training program. D. Drink a protein shake instead of eating lunch. - Correct answer-C. Refer to a certified personal trainer for a resistance training program. Where should client files be kept to ensure client confidentiality? A. In an electronic version only B. With the client C. In the manager's office D. In a locked and secure location - Correct answer-D. In a locked and secure location A Nutrition Coach has been working with an overweight client for 6 weeks. During the most recent weight-in, they discover that she has lost 27 pounds. What is the best course of action for the Nutrition Coach? A. Congratulate her for a job well done. B. Informally question her about common eating disorder traits/habits. C. Add an additional 300-500 calories to her daily intake. D. Suggest she limit her exercise to twice per week. - Correct answer-B. Informally question her about common eating disorder traits/habits. According to the SCOFF eating disorder assessment, what is the minimum number of positive answers which might indicate an eating disorder? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

D. 5 - Correct answer-B. 2 A Nutrition Coach is sitting down with a new client for her initial evaluation. She noted on her Health History Questionnaire that she has never been able to maintain permanent weight loss and confides that she has made herself throw up after eating large meals. What is the best course of action? A. Refer her to a clinical psychologist. B. Tell her she has bulimia and refer her to a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. C. Tell her she may have anorexia and refer her to a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. D. Move forward with the client sessions but monitor her closely for any more selfinduced vomiting. - Correct answer-A. Refer her to a clinical psychologist With which client would it be most appropriate for the Nutrition Coach to work? A. Overweight client who wants to train for a 10K B. Client who wants nutrition therapy for cancer prevention C. Pre-pubescent teenager who is overweight D. Client who wants accountability during a 9-week extreme calorie-restricted diet - Correct answer-A. Overweight client who wants to train for a 10K Which of the following can a Nutrition Coach provide? A. Nutritional advice and behavioral modification B. Nutritional advice and behavioral counseling C. Nutritional advice and behavioral prognosis D. Nutritional advice and behavioral prescriptions - Correct answer-A. Nutritional advice and behavioral modification To ensure the client is retaining any shared information, it is important that the content presented is perceived to be important and what other quality? A. Easy to understand B. Based on prior experience C. Delivered slowly D. Reviewed several times - Correct answer-B. Based on prior experience Any research article on diet and nutrition should be scrutinized for which of the following? A. Reliability and validity

B. References and values C. Resources and volume D. Recall and verbiage - Correct answer-A. Reliability and validity To ensure the client is retaining any shared information, it is important that the content presented is highly relevant and what other quality? A. Pertinent B. Practical C. Brief D. Visual - Correct answer-B. Practical Which statement best describes the healthcare continuum? A. The health status of a client from sickness to wellness B. The many disciplines that make up the healthcare system C. The number of physician specialists that are in the healthcare system D. The type of alternative health practices that are legitimately recognized - Correct answer-B. The many disciplines that make up the healthcare system A new client is 6-weeks post-partum. She states that she has very little energy and feels sadness most of the time. What is the most appropriate course of action? A. Call 911. B. Contact her spouse to discuss options. C. Refer her to a clinical psychiatrist. D. Closely monitor her situation. - Correct answer-C. Refer her to a clinical psychiatrist. Which statement is within the scope of practice for a Nutrition Coach? A. Design a 5-day meal plan for a healthy client. B. Recommend the client discuss supplement usage and dosing with their pharmacist or physician. C. Recommend a diet that contains up to 50% protein. D. Provide general advice on a 3-day detox plan. - Correct answer-B. Recommend the client discuss supplement usage and dosing with their pharmacist or physician. Common assessments performed by a Nutrition Coach include height, weight, body composition, and what other test? A. Blood pressure B. Anthropometric measurements

C. Hydrostatic weighing D. SCOFF test - Correct answer-B. Anthropometric measurements Where might a Nutrition Coach find reputable information on recent dietary guidelines? A. Popular magazines B. Government-funded agencies C. Private, for-profit supplement companies D. Celebrity blogs - Correct answer-B. Government-funded agencies Clients often confide in the Nutrition Coach. Which client conversation would be grounds for a referral to a licensed healthcare professional? A. Slow weight loss of 1/2 pound per week (0.22 kg) B. Late-night ice cream binging C. Chronic fatigue D. Occasional sleeplessness - Correct answer-C. Chronic fatigue A client confides that she is taking laxatives to help her lose weight. What is the best course of action? A. Refer her to a Registered Dietitian. B. Tell her to eat more fiber as that will help. C. Refer her to a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. D. Tell her that regular use of laxatives are bad for her digestive tract. - Correct answer- C. Refer her to a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. It is not uncommon for clients to confide in the Nutrition Coach. Which client conversation would be grounds for a referral to a licensed healthcare professional? A. Daily panic attacks B. Stress-eating from recent divorce C. Occasional constipation D. Self-proclaimed "sugar addict" - Correct answer-A. Daily panic attacks A client has several relatives who have recently been diagnosed with cancer. She has been reading many books about natural health and is interested in taking herbal supplements that will help prevent cancer. What is the best course of action? A. Visit a health food store together. B. Refer her to a pharmacist or her physician. C. Tell her to save her money and stay away from herbal remedies.

D. Tell her to follow the guidelines of the books she read. - Correct answer-B. Refer her to a pharmacist or her physician. A Nutrition Coach is sitting down with a new client for her initial evaluation. She noted on her Health History Questionnaire that she has diabetes and she has trouble keeping her blood glucose controlled. What is the best course of action? A. Advise her to cut back on her simple carbohydrates at each meal. B. Inform her that when she loses 10% of her body weight, her blood glucose will be easier to manage. C. Refer her to a Registered Dietitian. D. Refer her to a Certified Diabetes Educator. - Correct answer-D. Refer her to a Certified Diabetes Educator. Scientists perform a diet study in which they assign half the people to a continuous dieting group and the other half to an intermittent fasting group. Which term best describes this study design? A. Observational B. Crossover C. Parallel D. Factorial - Correct answer-C. Parallel Which of the following is an example of descriptive research? A. Cohort study B. Survey C. Randomized controlled trial D. Meta-analysis - Correct answer-B. Survey Scientists perform a study comparing 1000 women with breast cancer to 1000 women without breast cancer. They gather information on the women's diets and look to see if the women diagnosed with breast cancer had more fat in their diet compared to the women who did not get cancer. Which term best describes this study? A. Cross-sectional study B. Case-control study C. Cohort study D. Survey - Correct answer-B. Case-control study

Which term best describes formulation of a hypothesis, collecting data to test the hypothesis, and changing or discarding the hypothesis when the data does not support it? A. Evidence-based practice B. Primary research C. Science D. Scientific method - Correct answer-D. Scientific method Fructose has been shown in studies to have adverse effects on blood triglycerides when consumed in excess of calorie needs. However, moderate doses of fructose have been shown to have no effect. Which of the following items best describes the conclusion that should be drawn from this data? A. There is no reason to ever restrict fructose intake. B. Fructose should be limited in the diet as much as possible. C. Fructose intake poses no risk to triglycerides when consumed within energy needs, but caution is warranted if calorie intake is high. D. There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions as to the impact of fructose intake on triglycerides. - Correct answer-C. Fructose intake poses no risk to triglycerides when consumed within energy needs, but caution is warranted if calorie intake is high. Which term refers to a proposed explanation for a set of observations? A. Randomized controlled trial B. Theory C. Hypothesis D. Prediction - Correct answer-C. Hypothesis Scientists perform a study tracking 10,000 people over a 10-year period. They look at their sugar intake at the beginning of the study and then see who develops diabetes over the study duration. Which term best describes this study? A. Survey B. Cross-sectional study C. Case-control study D. Cohort study - Correct answer-D. Cohort study Scientists gather 20 studies looking at the relationship between protein intake and lean body mass, and then they statistically analyze them together as a group. What type of study is this?

A. Narrative review B. Observational research C. Randomized controlled trials D. Meta-analysis - Correct answer-D. Meta-analysis Scientists randomly assign subjects to a low or high carbohydrate group and then look at changes in body weight over 3 months. Which item represents the independent variable in this study? A. Length of study (3 months) B. Body weight C. Diet type D. Subjects - Correct answer-C. Diet type A scientist proposes that sugar is inherently fattening, independent of its calorie content. If that proposal is true, then that would mean that high-sugar diets should increase fat gain independent of their calorie content. What term describes this potentia l consequence? A. Theory B. Hypothesis C. Prediction D. Conclusion - Correct answer-C. Prediction Which observational study design allows scientists to hypothesize a potential causal association? A. Case study B. Cross-sectional study C. Case-control study D. Cohort study - Correct answer-D. Cohort study Which of the following represents a critical evaluation of a study by other scientists? A. Systematic review B. Peer review C. Narrative review D. Scientific method - Correct answer-B. Peer review The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) involves collecting healthrelated information via telephone interview across the United States. Which term best describes this research?

A. Case study B. Case-control study C. Cohort study D. Survey - Correct answer-D. Survey Which term refers to the ability to get similar results when something is measured under the same conditions? A. Test-retest reliability B. Generalizability C. Validity D. External validity - Correct answer-A. Test-retest reliability Scientists find that a protein supplement increases lean mass in the elderly. However, they caution that the results may not apply to other populations, like younger people. What term best describes what the scientists are referring to? A. Selection bias B. Reliability C. External validity D. Test-retest reliability - Correct answer-C. External validity Which item represents a high quality, non-peer reviewed source of information? A. Narrative Review B. Systematic Review C. Academic Textbook D. Position Stand - Correct answer-C. Academic Textbook Which term refers to a hypothesis or set of hypotheses for which a large body of high quality evidence has been accumulated? A. Randomized controlled trial B. Prediction C. Scientific method D. Theory - Correct answer-D. Theory Scientists randomly assign subjects to a low or high carbohydrate group and then look at changes in body weight over 3 months. Which item represents the independent variable in this study?

A. Length of study (3 months) B. Body weight C. Subjects D. Diet type - Correct answer-D. Diet type Scientists perform a study looking at the effects of caffeine on vertical jump performance. On one day, they give all the subjects caffeine followed by vertical jump tests. Two weeks later, they give all the subjects a placebo followed by the same vertical jump tests. Which term best describes this study design? A. Factorial B. Crossover C. Parallel D. Observational - Correct answer-B. Crossover Which term encompasses the weight of the scientific evidence, field observations, and individual client needs? A. Primary research B. Science C. Scientific method D. Evidence-based practice - Correct answer-D. Evidence-based practice Which of the following represents the lowest level of evidence?

  1. Observational research
  2. Non-peer reviewed media
  3. Peer reviewed editorials and expert opinion
  4. Randomized controlled trials - Correct answer-2. Non-peer reviewed media Which of the following represents a strength of observational studies? A. Can establish cause and effect B. Can determine mechanisms for effects C. Large subject numbers D. High degree of control - Correct answer-C. Large subject numbers Which term describes the phenomena when a group does not represent the population a scientist is intending to study? A. Uncontrolled variable B. Generalizability

C. Selection bias D. Recall bias - Correct answer-C. Selection bias Scientists find that a protein supplement increases lean mass in the elderly. However, they caution that the results may not apply to other populations, like younger people. What term best describes what the scientists are referring to? A. External validity B. Selection bias C. Test-retest reliability D. Reliability - Correct answer-A. External validity Seven studies show Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B. Three studies show no difference. Assuming all the studies are equivalent in quality, which item best describes this situation? A. The weight of the evidence suggests Diet A is more effective for lowering cholesterol than Diet B, but more data is needed. B. There are insufficient studies to conclude that Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B. C. It is unknown whether Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B. D. The weight of the evidence suggests that Diet A and B are equivalent in their ability to lower cholesterol. - Correct answer-A. The weight of the evidence suggests Diet A is more effective for lowering cholesterol than Diet B, but more data is needed. Scientists gather 20 studies looking at the relationship between protein intake and lean body mass, and then they statistically analyze them together as a group. What type of study is this? A. Narrative review B. Meta-analysis C. Randomized controlled trials D. Observational research - Correct answer-B. Meta-analysis A scientist proposes that sugar is inherently fattening, and performs a study comparing a high-sugar diet to a low-sugar diet with equal calories. He finds that fat gain was the same between the diets. Which term describes how this study effects the initial proposal? A. Falsification B. Scientific method C. Prediction D. Validity - Correct answer-A. Falsification

A scientist observes that people tend to perform better in a weight training session after consuming a pre-workout supplement. The scientist proposes that the caffeine in the supplement is increasing arousal, leading to increased performance. Which term best describes this scientist's proposal? A. Prediction B. Hypothesis C. Theory D. Conclusion - Correct answer-B. Hypothesis Scientists take 5000 people and have them fill out questionnaires on their dairy intake. They then compare cancer rates between people with high intakes and low intakes. What type of study is this? A. Observational B. Randomized controlled trial C. Meta-analysis D. Anecdotal - Correct answer-A. Observational Scientists perform a study comparing 1000 women with breast cancer to 1000 women without breast cancer. They gather information on the women's diets and look to see if the women diagnosed with breast cancer had more fat in their diet compared to the women who did not get cancer. Which term best describes this study? A. Cross-sectional study B. Case-control study C. Cohort study D. Survey - Correct answer-B. Case-control study Which statement best describes science? A. It is the use of evidence to construct explanations and predictions of natural phenomena. B. It is the use of anecdotes to explain observations. C. It is the process of collecting data that confirms a hypothesis while discarding data that refutes it. D. It is the collection of ideas that are not subject to falsification. - Correct answer-A. It is the use of evidence to construct explanations and predictions of natural phenomena. Studies show that Diet A causes more weight loss than Diet B. A client is able to better adhere to Diet B than Diet A. Which item represents the best option for this client?

A. Diet A B. Diet B C. Alternate between Diet A and B D.Start with Diet A, then gradually transition to Diet B - Correct answer-B. Diet B A _______________________ is where scientists gather all research on a topic and evaluate it based on predefined criteria and rules. A. Meta-analysis B. Peer review C. Systematic review D. Prediction - Correct answer-C. Systematic review What is a statistical analysis of RCTs? A. Hypothesis B. Meta-analysis C. Systematic review D. Survey - Correct answer-B. Meta-analysis In a ____________________________________ scientists divide people into two or more groups in a random fashion. The scientists keep everything the same between the groups except for one variable. A. Survey B. Meta-analysis C. Systematic review D. Randomized control trial (RCT) - Correct answer-D. Randomized control trial (RCT) What is it called when scientists observe people in their free-living environment, collect data on them, and look for relationships between variable? A. Expert opinion B. Observational research C. Randomized control trial D. Meta-analysis - Correct answer-B. Observational research What type of true experimental design consists of researchers tracking two or more independent groups in parallel with each other? A. Factorial Design B. Non-randomized Control Group

C. Parallel Design D. Crossover Design - Correct answer-C. Parallel Design What type of true experimental design consists of researchers testing the impact of two or more variables simultaneously, rather than isolating a single variable? A. Parallel Design B. Crossover Design C. Factorial Design D. Time-series - Correct answer-C. Factorial Design What type of true experimental design consists of the same groups of subjects assigned to both the treatment and control groups. Each subject acts as his/her own control. A. Factorial Design B. Crossover Design C. Parallel Design D. Non-randomized control group - Correct answer-B. Crossover Design A scientist proposes that sugar is inherently fattening, and performs a study comparing a high-sugar diet to a low-sugar diet with equal calories. He finds that fat gain was the same between the diets. Which term describes how this study effects the initial proposal? A. Falsification B. Prediction C. Scientific method D. Validity - Correct answer-A. Falsification Which term describes a variable in an experiment for which a scientist takes no steps to account for? A. Validity B. Dependent variable C. Independent variable D. Uncontrolled variable - Correct answer-D. Uncontrolled variable Which term refers to a hypothesis or set of hypotheses for which a large body of high quality evidence has been accumulated? A. Scientific method B. Randomized controlled trial C. Theory

D. Prediction - Correct answer-C. Theory "I tried this diet and lost 30 lbs." What type of evidence is this? A. Observational research B. Anecdote C. Randomized controlled trial D. Expert opinion - Correct answer-B. Anecdote Which term describes the phenomena when a group does not represent the population a scientist is intending to study? A. Selection bias B. Recall bias C. Uncontrolled variable D. Generalizability - Correct answer- A. Selection bias A scientist hypothesizes that a supplement will improve fat loss by suppressing appetite. Which item represents a prediction generated by this hypothesis? A. Subjects will eat a similar amount of food after taking the supplement compared to when they do not take it. B. Subjects will eat less after taking the supplement compared to when they do not take it. C. Subjects will lose fat after taking the supplement with no change in the amount of food consumed. D. Subjects taking the supplement will lose a similar amount of fat as subjects who do not take it. - Correct answer-B. Subjects will eat less after taking the supplement compared to when they do not take it. Seven studies show Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B. Three studies show no difference. Assuming all the studies are equivalent in quality, which item best describes this situation? A. There are insufficient studies to conclude that Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B.

B. The weight of the evidence suggests that Diet A and B are equivalent in their ability to lower cholesterol. C. It is unknown whether Diet A lowers cholesterol more than Diet B. D. The weight of the evidence suggests Diet A is more effective for lowering cholesterol than Diet B, but more data is needed. - Correct answer-D. The weight of the evidence suggests Diet A is more effective for lowering cholesterol than Diet B, but more data is needed. Which of the following is best defined as the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity? A. Satiety B. Hunger C. Stressed D. Complete - Correct answer-A. Satiety Intellectual wellness implies which of the following? A. Constant learning B. High IQ C. Superior knowledge D. Lack of knowledge - Correct answer-A. Constant learning Which of the following is a tip for a health-supporting diet? A. Include lots of processed meats in your diet. B. Follow a diet that is highly rigid and controlled. C. Follow a diet that is low in saturated fat. D. Eat foods that are highly palatable. - Correct answer-C. Follow a diet that is low in saturated fat. Which of the following is true in regards to obesity-related conditions? A. They are the least likely cause of premature death. B. They are not associated with preventable disease. C. They are a problem, but don't cause disease. D. They are one of the leading preventable causes of death. - Correct answer-D. They are one of the leading preventable causes of death. Which of the following best describes chronic diseases? A. They are of short duration. B. They are of long duration. C. They are infectious and transmitted through the air.

D. They are isolated to cardiovascular conditions. - Correct answer-B. They are of long duration. To which of the following terms can 'non-communicable disease (NCD) also refer? A. Transient diseases B. Infectious diseases C. Chronic diseases D. Curable diseases - Correct answer-C. Chronic diseases Changing seasons have which of the following? A. Little impact on food choices B. Importance only in developing cultures C. Limited applicaion in western society D. A significant impact on food choices - Correct answer-D. A significant impact on food choices Which of the following is best defined as a high degree of body fat, or excess body fat, with a BMI greater than 30? A. Obesity B. Overweight C. Sickness D. Underweight - Correct answer-A. Obesity How does basal metabolic rate change with age? A. Decreases B. Increases C. Does not change D. Changes little - Correct answer-A. Decreases Dietary habits associated with a lower incidence of cancer rates include which of the following? A. Eating foods low in antioxidants B. Eating high glycemic index foods C. Eating foods high in antioxidants D. Decreasing dietary calcium intake - Correct answer-C. Eating foods high in antioxidants Non-communicable diseases are which of the following?

A. Cureable with traditional medicines B. A premature death sentence C. Transmitted via saliva D. The first leading cause of death - Correct answer-D. The first leading cause of death The best approach to eating for a population's diversity and differences includes which of the following? A. A one-size fits all plan B. A flexible approach C. Rigid and inflexible dietary guidelines D. Ketogenic or Paleolithic diets - Correct answer-B. A flexible approach An important factor impacting satiety includes which of the following? A. Season B. Affordability C. Palatability D. Location - Correct answer-C. Palatability What foods elicit faster satiety-signal responses? A. Fats and simple sugars B. Processed foods and soda C. Complex carbohydrates and proteins D. Water and simple sugars - Correct answer-C. Complex carbohydrates and proteins Non-communicable diseases are also known as which of the following? A. Infectious diseases B. Chronic diseases C. Palliative diseases D. Genetic diseases - Correct answer-B. Chronic diseases Which organ produces and releases insulin? A. Kidney B. Thyroid C. Liver D. Pancreas - Correct answer-D. Pancreas What foods tend to have a higher thermic response than others?

A. High-protein foods B. Low-fat foods C. Low-protein foods D. High-carbohydrate foods - Correct answer-A. High-protein foods Which of the following is best described as the energy consumed for fuel to support and maintain normal body functions like temperature regulation? A. Thermic effect of feeding (TEF) B. Thermic effect of activity (TEA) C. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) D. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - Correct answer-C. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) Energy utilized for immediate work is known as which of the following? A. Potential l B. Kinetic C. Electrica D. Nuclear - Correct answer-B. Kinetic What is the process of generating energy from the food we eat? A. Catabolism B. Anabolism C. Metabolism D. Hemopoiesis - Correct answer-C. Metabolism During the first few seconds of exercise, regardless of intensity, what system is primarily utilized? A. Anaerobic glycolysis B. Aerobic glycolysis C. Krebs Cycle D. ATP-PC system - Correct answer-D. ATP-PC system What is the end-result of inadequate rest? A. Reduced RMR B. Increased RMR C. Reduced TEA

D. Increased TEF - Correct answer-A. Reduced RMR Between 1969/1971 and 1999/2001, global food consumption per person has risen by how much? A. Approximately 2,000 kcal per person per day B. Approximately 1,000 kcal per person per day C. Approximately 400 kcal per person per day D. Approximately 150 kcal per person per day - Correct answer-C. Approximately 400 kcal per person per day Which hormone is referred to as the hunger hormone because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake, and promotes fat storage? A. Leptin B. Ghrelin C. Cholecystokinin D. NPY Neuropeptide Y - Correct answer-B. Ghrelin Most cells utilize which of the following as their primary source of energy during intense activity? A. Amino acids B. Glucose C. Protein D. Fat - Correct answer-B. Glucose he storage form of glucose is know as which of the following? A. Ketone bodies B. Triglyceride C. Glycerol D. Glycogen - Correct answer-D. Glycogen A deficiency in which hormone is associated with an increased fat mass (central adiposity in particular), reduced insulin sensitivity, and impaired glucose tolerance? A. Cortisol B. Estrogen C. Testosterone D. Adrenaline - Correct answer-C. Testosterone Worldwide, activity levels (including occupational work, home/domestic work, leisure

and exercise, and physical activity) are doing which of the following? A. Increasing B. Staying the same C. Remaining undocumented D. Declining - Correct answer-D. Declining ATP consists of an adenosine molecule bonded to how many phosphate groups? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four - Correct answer-C. Three Resting metabolic rate, or RMR, declines by what percentage per decade for men? A. 1 to 2% B. 5 to 6% C. 8 to 10% D. >10% - Correct answer-A. 1 to 2% Energy expended during walking at work, typing, walking to and from meetings, and fidgeting is referred to as which of the following? A. Thermic effect of feeding (TEF) B. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) C. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) D. Thermic effect of activity (TEA) - Correct answer-B. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) The process of generating energy (in the form of ATP) from nutrients we consume in our diet is referred to as which of the following? A. Energy metabolism B. Energy restriction C. Energy requirement D. Energy adaptation - Correct answer-A. Energy metabolism Which of the following is best defined as the energy accounted for during digestion and processing of food? A. Thermic effect of feeding (TEF)

B. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) C. Thermic effect of activity (TEA) D. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) - Correct answer-A. Thermic effect of feeding (TEF) The first law of thermodynamics is also referred to as which of the following? A. The law of facilitation of energy B. The law of estimation of energy C. The law of probability of energy D. The law of conservation of energy - Correct answer-D. The law of conservation of energy To which of the following is one metabolic equivalent (MET) equal? A. 3.5 ml O2/kg/min B. 10 ml O2/kg/min C. 15 ml O2/kg/min D. 30 ml O2/kg/min - Correct answer-A. 3.5 ml O2/kg/min A metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids is referred to as which of the following? A. Glycogenolysis B. Glucagon C. Gluconeogensis D. Glycolysis - Correct answer-C. Gluconeogensis Which hormone, produced by adipose cells, decreases appetite when released? A. Ghrelin B. Leptin C. Cholecystokinin D. NPY Neuropeptide Y - Correct answer-B. Leptin Which of the following is best defined as the energy accounted for during everyday activities? A. Non-energy burning thermogenesis (NEBT) B. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) C. Resting energy activity thermogenesis (REAT) D. Near resting energy thermogenesis (NRET) - Correct answer-B. Non-exercise

activity thermogenesis (NEAT) The basic energy need of an average human being is approximately how many Calories? A. 1500 B. 2000 C. 2500 D. 3000 - Correct answer-B. 2000 Calories (energy) in versus calories (energy) out is an example of what principle? A. The first law of thermodynamics B. The second law of thermodynamics C. The third law of thermodynamics D. The fourth law of thermodynamics - Correct answer-A. The first law of thermodynamics Which category includes glucose (sugar), starches, and non-digestible cellulose? A. Proteins B. Fats C. Carbohydrates D. Triglycerides - Correct answer-C. Carbohydrates What are shorter sleep cycles associated with? A. Weight loss B. Atrophy C. Protein synthesis D. Weight gain - Correct answer-D. Weight gain Which principle describes how all energy taken into the body is accounted for; energy is either utilized directly, stored, or transformed to kinetic energy or heat? A. The first law of thermodynamics B. The second law of thermodynamics C. The third law of thermodynamics D. The fourth law of thermodynamics - Correct answer-A. The first law of thermodynamics Which of the following is the best prescription for daily protein intake for an older,

sedentary individual? A. 0.6 g/kg body weight B. 0.8 g/kg body weight C. 1.3 g/kg body weight D. 2.2 g/kg body weight - Correct answer-C. 1.3 g/kg body weight An existing client has been doing very well with meeting daily dietary recommendations with a three-meal per day eating pattern and they have met their goal to reach a healthy body weight with increased muscle tone. They express they would like to now pursue a new goal of a doing a physique competition within the next 12 months. Should the Nutrition Coach recommend they eat more or less frequently to help them meet their goals? A. A Nutrition Coach should recommend they eat less frequent meals because it is not possible to get the low body fat necessary for such a competition eating 3 or more meals per day. B. A Nutrition Coach should recommend they eat more-frequent meals because they can more frequently stimulate muscle growth. C. A Nutrition Coach should recommend they continue eating 3 meals per day because protein timing is not important whatsoever. D. A Nutrition Coach does not need to make any recommendations because the goal is not that extreme. - Correct answer-B. A Nutrition Coach should recommend they eat more-frequent meals because they can more frequently stimulate muscle growth. What are complementary protein sources? A. All protein-containing foods B. Meat and vegetables C. Any combination of plant-based foods D. 2 foods with incomplete proteins that, when eaten together, supply all the necessary essential amino acids - Correct answer-D. 2 foods with incomplete proteins that, when eaten together, supply all the necessary essential amino acids How do protein and amino acids influence body pH? A. They are only acidic and decrease body pH. B. They are only basic and increase body pH. C. They act as buffers to maintain neutral pH. D. They do nothing to influence body pH. - Correct answer-C. They act as buffers to maintain neutral pH. To meet body composition goals, is it prudent for the client to meet the prescribed

protein intake by choosing protein-based foods that also cause them to exceed prescribed fat intake? A. No. It is inadvisable to overconsume other nutrients to meet protein needs. B. Yes, if the goal is to gain weight. No, if the goal is weight maintenance or loss. C. Yes, because protein is the most important of the macronutrients. D. Yes, as long as it is not coming from saturated fat. - Correct answer-A. No. It is inadvisable to overconsume other nutrients to meet protein needs. Which is most likely to impact longevity? A. Protein restriction will inhibit longevity. B. Calorie restriction may inhibit longevity. C. Protein restriction will enhance longevity. D. Calorie restriction may enhance longevity. - Correct answer-D. Calorie restriction may enhance longevity. In general, what sources are complete proteins? A. All foods containing at least 10g of protein B. Plant-based products C. Animal-based products D. Foods labeled "high protein" - Correct answer-C. Animal-based products What are enzymes? A. Protein-based structures which transport other compounds between cells B. Protein-based structures which catalyze chemical reactions C. Protein-based structures which transmit electrical signals throughout the nervous system D. Protein-based structures which primarily eliminate pathogens - Correct answer-B. Protein-based structures which catalyze chemical reactions Does the Dietary Guidelines for Americans adjust RDAs according to a person's activity level? A. No, they are only based on protein sensitivity. B. Yes, the recommendations are adjusted based on activity level, weight, height, and goal. C. No, they are only based on body size. D. Yes, they are adjusted based on activity level alone. - Correct answer-C. No, they are only based on body size.