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NASM CPT TEST 2024/ACTUAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT VERIFIED ANSWERS/LATEST 2024-2025, Exams of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


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Download NASM CPT TEST 2024/ACTUAL EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT VERIFIED ANSWERS/LATEST 2024-2025 and more Exams Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in PDF only on Docsity!



According to research, endurance is best achievedby performing what number of repetitions at 50 - 70% of the 1RM a) 1 - 5 b) 12- 20 c)6- 12 d) 1 - 10 - answer-b) 12 - 20 What muscle(s) are MOST likely tight (overactive)if a client demonstrates an arching low back during the overhead squat assessment?

a) Hip Flexors

b) Transverse abdominus

c) Gluteus maximus

d) Multifidus - answer-a) Hip Flexors

The Four P's of Marketing include all of thefollowing EXCEPT:

a) Price

b) Plan

c) Product

d) Place - answer-b) Plan

A proprioceptively enriched environmentchallenges an individual's

a) Internal balance and stabilization

b) Maximum strength capabilities

c) Maximum cardiac output

d) Hypertrophy gains - answer-a) Internal balanceand stabilization

What are smaller chambers located superiorly oneither side of the heart that gathers blood returning to the heart much like a reservoir?

a) Atria

b) Atrioventricular node

c) Ventricles

d) Sinoatrial node - answer-a) Atria

Which of the following is not a testing site for body fat according to the durnin womersley test?

a) Bicep

b) Thigh

c) Tricep

d) Suprailliac - answer-c) Thigh

What muscles are most likely overactive and should be stretched when an athlete exhibits an excessive forward lean?

a) Soleus, gastrocnemius, hip flexor complex,abdominal complex

b) Anterior Tibialis, gluteus maximus, erectorspinae

c) Hip Flexor complex, erector spinae, latissimusdorsi, thoracolumbar fascia

d) Transverse abdominus, multifidus, internaloblique, diaphragm. - answer-a)

Soleus, gastrocnemius, hip flexor complex, abdominalcomplex What are the three stages of the GeneralAdaptation Syndrome?

A) Increased endurance, increased strength,increased power

B) Alarm reaction, resistance development,exhaustion

C) Delayed-onset muscle soreness, increased motor unit recruitment, joint pain

and musclestrains

D) Mechanical specificity, neuromuscular specificity, metabolic specificity - answer-B)

Alarmreaction, resistance development, exhaustion When the nervous system properly recruits the correct muscles to produce force, reduce force, and dynamically stabilize the body's structures inall three planes of motion, this is an example of:

a) serial distortion patterns.

b) structural efficiency.

c) neuromuscular efficiency.

d) equilibrium patterns. - answer-c)neuromuscular efficiency.

Which of the following is not a key predictor ofexercise participation and adherence?

a) Popularity of chain

b) Supportive environment

c) Cost of membership

d) Convenient location - answer-a) Popularity of chain

The principle of indicates that a synergist muscle will substitute fora prime mover exhibiting decreased neural drive.

a) Autogenic Inhibition

b) Reciprocal Inhibition

c) Synergist Dominance

d) Sarcopenia - answer-c) Synergist Dominance


a) corrective flexibility

b) dynamic flexibility

c) active flexibility

d) passive flexibility - answer-a) correctiveflexibility

Which stage of change has zero temptation to engage in the old behavior and exhibit 100% self-efficacy in all previously tempting situations

a) Contemplation c) Maintenance

b) Preparation

d ) Termination - answer-d)Termination What muscle(s) are MOST likely weak (underactive) if a client demonstrates knees move inward during the overhead squat assessment?

A) Gluteus medius

B) Psoas

C) Latissimus dorsi

D) Soleus - answer-A) Gluteusmedius

PeopleinthisstageoftheStagesofChangeModeldon otexercisebutarethinkingaboutbecomingmore active in the next 6 months.

a) Precontemplation

b) Preparation

c) Contemplation

d) Action - answer-c) Contemplation

Which of the follow is a lower body agility test?

A) Shark Skill Test

B) YMCA Step Test

c) Bioelectrical Impedance

d) Davies Test - answer-A) Shark Skill Test

Ifaclientdemonstrateskneesthatcaveinduringtheov erheadsquatassessmentwhatmuscle(s)areMOST likely tight (overactive)?

A) Gluteus maximus

B) Gluteus medius

c) Vastus medialis oblique

d) Adductor complex - answer-d) Adductorcomplex


a) They're too vascular

b) They're sarcoplasmic

c) They're avascular

d) Avascular Necrosis - answer-c) They'reavascular

Theconceptof statesthatprolongedGolgit endonorganstimulationinhibitsthemusclespindlesof the same muscle.

a) reciprocal inhibition c) excitation inhibition

b) facilitation inhibition d) autogenic inhibition - answer-d) autogenic inhibition

What form of flexibility applies gentle force to an adhesion "knot," altering the elastic muscle fibers from a bundled position into straighter alignment with the direction of the

muscle or fascia?

A) Active-isolated stretching c) Static stretching

B) Self-myofascial release d) Functional flexibility - answer-B) Self-myofascial release

Obesity is a condition of being considerably overweight and refers to a person with a body mass index (BMI) of

a) Less than 18.5 c) Between 18.5-24.

b) Between 25 to 29.9 d) Greater than 30 - answer-d) Greater than 30

The tendency of the body to seek the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns iscalled:

A) Muscle imbalance c) Postural distortionpatterns

B) Altered reciprocal inhibition d) Relative flexibility - answer-d) Relative

flexibility If a client demonstrates their heals coming off theground during the overhead squat, which muscle(s) are MOST likely tight (overactive)?

A) Teres major c) Latissimus dorsi

B) Soleus d) Anterior Tibialis - answer-B) Soleus

Which of the following is a process created to produce internalized experiences to support or enhance exercise participation?

a) Positive Self-Talk

b) SMART Goals

c) Exercise Imagery

d) Verbal Communication - answer-c) ExerciseImagery

According to NASM, which of the following is aperformance test?

A) Shark Skill Test

B) Push-Ups

C) YMCA Step Test

D) Body Fat Calipers

E) Answers A & B - answer-E) Answers A & B

Which of the following is a beneficial adaptationto cardiorespiratory exercise?

a) Decreases resting heart rate c) Decreases strokevolume

b) Increases arterial blood pressure d) Increases heart rate at any given level of work -

answer-a)Decreases resting heart rate What percentage of the US population is estimated not to engage in 30 minutes of low-to- moderate physical activity? a) 25% c)35% b) 65% d)75% - answer-d)75% Type2diabetesisassociatedwithobesity,particularlyabdominalobesity,andaccountsfor %of all diabetes. a) 5to10% c)40to45% b) 50to55% d)90to95% - answer-d)90to95% What muscles are possibly tight (shortened) if a client's feet turn out during the Overhead SquatAssessment?

a) Anterior tibialis c) Posterior tibialis

b) Lateral gastrocnemius d) Gluteus medius - answer-b) Lateral gastrocnemius

A tight psoas decreasing neural drive of thegluteus maximus is an example of what?

a) Synergistic dominance

b) Altered reciprocal inhibition

c) Autogenic inhibition

d) Arthokinetic dysfunction - answer-b) Alteredreciprocal inhibition

Approximately how many amino acids does thebody use?

a) 8

b) 20

c) d)30 - answer-b) 20 The formation of glucose from noncarbohydratesources, such as amino acids is called:

a) β-oxidation (beta) c) Krebs cycle

b) Glycolysis d) Gluconeogenesis - answer-d)Gluconeogenesis

According to research, hypertrophy is achieved bytraining with what percentage of 1RM a) 50 - 70% b) 85 - 100% c) 75 - 85% d) 30 - 45% - answer-c) 75 - 85% The ----------- is the primary pace maker of theheart

a) Sinoatrial node

b) Atriums

c) Atrioventricular node

d) Ventricles - answer-a) Sinoatrial node

The ability to react and change body position withmaximal rate of force production, in all planes of motion and from all body positions, during functional activities is known as

a) Quickness c) Power

b) Speed d) Agility - answer-a) Quickness

Which of the following is an example of a "totalbody power" exercise?

a) Barbell Clean c) Single-leg Squat Touchdown

b) Bench Press d) Ball Dumbbell Cobra - answer-a)Barbell Clean

What muscles are possibly weak (lengthened) if aclient's feet flatten during the Overhead Squat Assessment?

a) Bicep femoris c) Latissimus dorsi

b) Soleus d) Anterior tibialis - answer-d) Anteriortibialis

When performing the Overhead Squat Assessment, how many repetitions should theclient complete? a) 2 b) 5 c)3 d)7 - answer-b) 5 Hypertension is defined as blood pressure greaterthan: a) 120/ b) 130/ c) 110/ d) 140/90 - answer-d) 140/ Which of the following assessments BESTmeasures cardiovascular efficiency?

a) Shark Skill Test c) Bioelectrical Impedance

b) Rockport Test d) Davies Test - answer-b)Rockport Test

Which of the following best describes a length-tension relationship?

a) The length at which a muscle is under tension

b) The greater the length of a muscle, the greater the tension, therefore allowing the

most force tobe generated

c) The shorter the length of a muscle, the less thetension, therefore allowing the most

force to be generated

d) The length at which a muscle can produce thegreatest force - answer-d) The length

at which amuscle can produce the greatest force Muscle spindles are sensitive to:

a) A change in tension and the rate at whichtension changes

b) A change in muscle length and the rate at whichlength changes

c) Changes in articular tension

d) A change in joint pressure - answer-b) A changein muscle length and the rate at which

length changes When performing the single-leg squat, what checkpoint should be observed?

a) Ankles c) Knees

b) Hip d) Lower back - answer-c) Knees

Which phase of the Optimum Performance Training model supersets a "barbell bench press" with a "medicine ball chest pass"?

a) Power Training c) Strength Endurance Training

b) Hypertrophy d) Maximal Strength Training - answer-a) Power Training

Which of the following is an example of a "backstrength" exercise?

a) Single-leg Cable Row c) Single-arm cable row

b) Soccer Throw d) Pull-up - answer-d) Pull-up

Which of the following is the proper intensity for aclient in phase 5 of the OPT model? a) 10 - 30% of 1rm b) 75 - 85% of 1rm c) 30 - 45% of 1rm d) 50 - 70% of 1rm - answer-c) 30 - 45% of 1rm The core is defined as which of the following?

a) Levator-pelvic-hip complex

b) Levator-pubic-head complex

c) Lumbo-pubic-hip complex

d) Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex - answer-d) Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex

When using medicine balls for their explosive power capabilities, high-velocity movements


a) A lighter ball, generally less than 10% anindividual's body weight

b) A smaller ball, generally less than 10 inches indiameter

c) A larger ball, generally 20 inches in diameter

d) A heavier ball, generally greater than 10% an individual's body weight - answer-a) A

lighter ball,generally less than 10% an individual's body weight The core stabilizers are made up of primarily whattype of muscle fiber?

a) Type I

b) Type II B

c)Type II A

d) None of the above - answer-a) Type I

The storage form of carbohydrates is called:

A) Amino acids

B) Triglycerides

c) Glycogen

d) ATPase - answer-c) Glycogen

Which of the following is an example of a closed-chain exercise?

a) Squats c) Lat Pull down Machine

b) Machine Leg Extension d) Bench press - answer-a) Squats

The reverse crunch is considered what type ofcore exercise?

a) Core-stabilization

b) Core-power

c) Core-strength

d) All of the above - answer-c) Core-strength

A floor prone cobra is considered what type ofexercise?

a) Core-strength

b) Core-stabilization

c) Core-power

d) All of the above - answer-b) Core-stabilization

Which of the following is NOT true regardingreactive training? a) Increases resting heart rate c) Increases firing frequency (rate coding) b) Increases rate of force production d) Increases motor unit recruitment - answer-a)Increases resting heart rate A rotation chest pass is considered what type ofexercise?

a) Core-strength c) Core-stabilization

b) Core-power d) All of the above - answer-b)Core-power

All of the following are true regarding reactivetraining, EXCEPT:

a) it increases motor unit recruitment.

b) it increases firing frequency (rate coding)

c) it increases maximal strength

d) it increases the rate of force production - answer-c) it increases maximal

strength Whichplaneofmotionbisectsthebodyintoupperand lowerhalves,allowingforrotationalmovement?

a) Sagittal

b) Transverse

c) Frontal

d) Coronal - answer-b) Transverse

The three phases of plyometric training ,in order,are:

a) eccentric, amortization, and concentric.

b) eccentric, concentric, and amortization.

c) concentric, eccentric, and amortization.

d) concentric, amortization, and eccentric. - answer-a) eccentric, amortization, and

concentric. What is the target heart rate for a stage IIIcardiorespiratory training program?

A) 65 - 75% of HRmax c) 76 - 85% of HRmax

B) 86 - 95% of HRmax d) 96 - 100% of HRmax - answer-B) 86 - 95% of HRmax

What is defined as the science concerned with theinternal and external forces acting on the human body and the effects produced by these forces?

a) Biochemistry

b) Functional Anatomy

c) Biomechanics

d) Exercise Physiology - answer-c) Biomechanics

A Single-leg Squat Touchdown is what type ofexercise?

a) Balance-stabilization

b) Balance-corrective

c) Balance-Strength

d) Balance-power - answer-c) Balance-Strength

Which of the following is an accurate descriptionof front-side mechanics?

a) Proper alignment of the lead leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes

ankle plantarflexion, knee extension, hip extension, and neutral pelvis

b) alignment of the rear leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes ankle

dorsiflexion, kneeextension, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis

c) Proper alignment of the rear leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes

ankle plantarflexion, knee extension, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis

d) Proper alignment of the lead leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes ankle

dorsiflexion,knee flexion, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis - answer-d) Proper alignment of the lead leg and pelvis during sprinting, which includes ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis An anatomical location referring to a positionabove a reference point is known as

A) Lateral c) Superior

B) Distal d) Proximal - answer-c) Superior

Core-stabilization exercises should adhere towhich of the following tempos?

a) 4/1/2 c) 2/2/ b) 4/2/1 d) 1/0/1 - answer-b) 4/2/ All of the following are benefits of a cool-downEXCEPT:

A) Restore physiological systems close to thebaseline

B) Encourages venous pooling of blood in thelower extremities

C) Gradually cool body temperature

D) Reduce heart and breathing rates - answer-B)Encourages venous pooling of blood in

the lowerextremities Physical Activity Guidelines recommends adultsshould accumulate 150 minutes of moderate- intensity aerobic activity every week or

A) 30 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobicactivity every week.

B) 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobicactivity every week.

C) 95 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobicactivity every week.

D) 60 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week. - answer-B) 75

minutes ofvigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week. Which of the following compounds are considered the CHIEF source of energy for all bodily functionsand muscular exertion?

a) Proteins c) Fats

b) Water d) Carbohydrates - answer-d)Carbohydrates

Consumption of which of the following is associated with a lower incidence of heart disease, lower incidence of cancer, maintaining

good intestinal motility, and helps regulate thebody's absorption of glucose?

a) Fiber c) Water

b) Protein d) Lipids - answer-a) Fiber

When performing the Squat Jump with Stabilization exercise, how long should a clienthold the landing position?

a) 1 - 2 seconds c) 3 - 5 seconds

b) 5 - 7 seconds d) 8 - 10 seconds - answer-c) 3 - 5 seconds

simply means creating a purposeful systemor plan to achieve a specific goal.

a) Program design c) Goniometric assessment

b) Reactive training d) Exercise imagery - answer-

a) Program design Which of the following is an example of aperipheral heart action set?

a) Bench Press into a Push-Up c) Push-Up into aSquat

b) Squat into a Jump d) Jump Squat into a PowerClean - answer-c) Push-Up into a

Squat are the most fundamental components ofdesigning a training program that determine theamount of stress placed on the body and what adaptations the body will incur.

a) Power adaptations c) Acute variables

b) Motor units d) Formed elements - answer-c)Acute variables

A rest interval of 20 - 30 seconds replenishes whatpercentage of ATP/CP stores? a) 10 b) 50 c)30 d)90 - answer-b) 50 The states that the body will particularlyadapt to the demands placed on it.

a) principle of overload c) principle of specificity

b) principle of individualism d) principle of progression - answer-c) principle of

specificity Actin (thin) and myosin (thick) are the primary components of myofilaments that make which ofthe following?

a) Endomysium c) Sarcomere

b) Fascicle d) Myofibril - answer-d) Myofibril

Mabel is 75 years old. She exhibits upper cross syndrome and her arms fall forward during the overhead squat. What muscle is likely overactive?

a) Gastrocnemius

b) Pectorals

c) Mid/Lower traps

d) Adductor - answer-b) Pectorals

What is the purpose of phase 1 of the OPT model?

a) Increase total body strength

b) Increase lactate threshold

c) Improve muscle imbalances

d) Increase rate of force production - answer-c)Improve muscle imbalances

What is an example of a "total body" exercise most appropriate for the starting phase of the OPTmodel?

a) Step-up to balance, curl, press c) Barbell clean

b) Squat, shrug, calf raise d) Squat, curl, press - answer-a) Step-up to balance, curl,

press Which of the following is a strategy within afitness professionals' scope of practice that focuses on the ability to recognize and regulateone's behavior?

a) Intervention c) Disassociation

b) Self-Monitoring d) Cognitive Restructuring - answer-a) Intervention

Which of the following is a collaborative person- centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthenmotivation for change?

a) Disassociation c) Outcome Goal

b) Motivational Interviewing d) Objective Goal - answer-b) Motivational Interviewing

Which of the following muscles work as a force couple to upwardly rotate the scapulae during amilitary press?

a) Latissimus Dorsi, Bicep Brachii & LevatorScapulae

b) Upper Trap, Serratus Anterior, Lower Trap

c) Upper Trap, Middle Trap, Lower Trap

d) Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Tricep Brachii

  • answer-b) Upper Trap, Serratus Anterior, LowerTrap resistance training workout that involves performing all sets of an exercise or body part before moving onto the next exercise or body partis known as

a) Superset

b) Circuit Set

c) Vertical Loading

d) Horizontal Loading - answer-d) HorizontalLoading

In the context of muscle actions, raising a dumbbell up against the direction of resistance is a(n)

a) Concentric Action

b) Eccentric Action

c) Isometric Action

d) OPT Action - answer-a) Concentric Action

A person's estimated maximal heart rate is foundby subtracting his or her age from the number a) 200 b) 220 c)210 d)230 - answer-b) 220 While observing a pulling assessment, a personaltrainer notices a client's shoulders elevating. Which of the following exercises is appropriate tostrengthen the client's underactive muscles?

a) Standing shoulder shrug

b) Ball Cobra

c) Seated shoulder press

d) Ball Bridge - answer-b) Ball Cobra

Which of the following is characterized by flat feetand adducted and internally rotated knees?

a) Lower crossed syndrome

b) Pronation distortion

c) Upper crossed syndrome

d) Lower extremity movement syndrome - answer-b) Pronation distortion

A turn-key product is one that

a) Requires keys to open

b) Needs work to open

c) Ready for immediate use

d) Requires extensive training - answer-c) Readyfor immediate use

Which of the following is a kinetic chaincheckpoint?

a) Neck

b) Wrist

c) Waist

d) Knee - answer-d) Knee

Which of the following indicates goalcommitment?

a) A client visits a licensed psychologist to dealwith her affective influences.

b) A client shares his goals with and reports hisprogress to others.

c) A client accepts feedback from her friends andfamily about her progress.

d) A client refrains from setting a fixed timeframe to achieve his goals. - answer-b) A client

shares hisgoals with and reports his progress to others. Which of the following is a progression of the multiplanar jump with stabilization in the frontalplane?

a) A transverse plane jump with 90 degreesrotation before landing

b) A sagittal plane jump with 90 degrees rotationbefore landing

c) A frontal plane jump with 180 degrees rotationbefore landing

d) A coronal plane jump with 180 degrees rotation before landing - answer-a) A transverse

plane jump with 90 degrees rotation before landing Which of the following is considered objectiveinformation?

a) Body composition testing

b) Inquiring about client's current injuries

c) Asking the client if they wear shoe's withelevated heels

d) Asking the client about past surgeries - answer-

a) Body composition testing Ancillary revenue can be gained through

a) Personal training services

b) Nutritional services

c) Membership sales

d) Merchandise sales - answer-d) Merchandisesales

Individuals who have shown a certain level of interest in personal training services are.

a) Targets c) Acquisitions

b) Leads d) Clients - answer-a) Targets

Which of the following is a common mistake madewhile performing prisoner squats?

a) Keeping the neck in neutral alignment

b) Allowing the feet to turn out

c) Keeping the knees in line with the feet

d) Allowing the knees to point outward - answer-

b) Allowing the feet to turn out A client complains of pain in his shoulders while performing the triceps dips exercise. Which of thefollowing should a fitness professional suggest to the client to reduce the discomfort?

a) Perform the exercise without a bench

b) Decrease the range of motion

c) Perform the exercise with legs elevated.

d) Elevate the shoulders up to the ears and push the body down - answer-b) Decrease

the range ofmotion In the context of behavior modification approaches, which of the following is a written statement that outlines the responsibilities of participants, their expected behaviors, and contingencies for changes in their behaviors?

a) A contract

b) A record

c) A prompt

d) A journal - answer-a) A contract

The drawing-in maneuver is a maneuver used torecruit the local core stabilizers by drawing the in toward the spine.

a) Shoulder

b) navel

c) chest

d) pelvis - answer-b) navel