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NBCOT Practice Questions with Correctly Solved Solutions for Occupational Therapists, Exams of Occupational therapy

A collection of practice questions and their solutions, designed to help occupational therapists prepare for the nbcot certification exam. The questions cover a wide range of topics relevant to the practice of occupational therapy, including client assessment, intervention planning, ethical considerations, and professional responsibilities. A valuable resource for ot students and professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in preparation for the nbcot exam.

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NBCOT Practice Questions with Answer Correctly Solved


1.1. The director of OT services for a large metropolitan home health agency is conducting a supervisory visit and notices the OTR is writing progress notes on a persona electronic tablet. OT is excited about using tablet and shares with the director that it saves a great deal of time. Most appropriate response from director? a. Applaud the OT for using technology efficiently b. Develop a policy prohibiting the use of personal electronic tablets for note writing c. Ask the OT to describe the use of electronic recording to the other OT at the agency d. Ask home health clients for their opinions regarding electronic record keeping: b. Develop a policy prohibiting the use of personal electronic tablets for note writing 2.A patient in a rehabilitation facility has a complete C8-T1 spinal cord injury. The patient is learning techniques to maximize independence with dressing. Which technique should the OTR teach the patient to use to support progress toward this goal? a. Put on undergarments and trousers in bed, then transfer to a wheelchair to complete upper body dressing b. Use a universal cuff with a button-hook and zipper-pull to fasten front- open- ing clothing c. Wear a wrist-driven flexor hinge splint for pulling on and fastening clothing d. While supine in bed, put on socks and shoes; then put on underpants and trousers by rolling side to side in bed: Put on undergarments and trousers in bed, then transfer to a wheelchair to complete upper body dressing 3.2. An OTR is reviewing hard-copy of client charts before a group session. While reviewing the charts, the OTR receives an urgent phone call and must leave the chart room. How can the OTR ensure that the charts remain protected during the OTR's absence? a. Close the charts and stack them on the table b. Lock the door to the chart room c. Cover the charts with other documents to obscure them from view d. Close the charts and return them to their original secure location: d. Close the charts and return them to their original secure location 4.3. An OTR is working in an outpatient setting and observes a COTA setting up electrical stimulation on a patient with a significant cardiac

2 / history, includ- ing a pacemaker.: c. Stop the COTA from proceeding, check the eval and treatment plan and if needed review physical agent modalities and appropriate use 5.When considering the readiness of a client for a power wheelchair, the OTR should primarily be concerned with?: Cognitive ability, to ensure that the individual has the awareness, problem solving, and decision making capabilities to learn how to consistently and safely operate the chair 6.While reviewing work hardening program documentation, an OTR realizes there is no entry in the client's medical record of a meeting conducted with the insurance case manager, client, and client's employer regarding light- duty options. According to best practice guidelines, how should the OTR amend the client's medical record to include a summary of the meeting? a. back-date the entry to correspong to the actial date of the meeting b. insert a summary of the meeting into the margins of the client's medical record. D. Enter the information as a late entry into the client's medical record.: D. Enter the information as a late entry into the client's medical record. 7.An OTR who has passed the initial NBCOT exam has decided not to be recerified through NBCOT. Which consequences will result from the OTR decision? a. the OTR will not be allowed to practice OT in the USA b. The OTR practice opportunities and credentials will remain unchanged c. the OTR may practice OT in the state that does not require certification, but the OTR's credential will change d. the OTR may practice OT in a state that does not require certification and the OTR credentials will not change: c. the OTR may practice OT in the state that does not require certification, but the OTR's credential will change 8.6. A COTA decides that a client has returned to the previous level of function and continued OT services are no longer needed. Best way to discharge patient? a. COTA sets a last tx day, provides home exercise program and review progress with the patient while completing the discharge notes b. COTA alerts the OTR and the OTR review the documentation discusses the patient's progress and response to intervention, and collaborates on a last tx day c. COTA notified the OTR who meets with the patient to discuss potential discharge from therapy, the OTR proceeds the discharge d. COTA sets a last tx day, provides a home exercise program and home safety packet, and reports final notes on functional levels to the OTR: b.

3 / COTA alerts the OTR and the OTR review the documentation discusses the patient's progress and response to intervention, and collaborates on a last tx day

4 / 9.COTA working on an inpatient rehab has had 2 patients fall in last month. OTR has concerns about the COTA's safety awareness during certain inter- ventions. Which approach is the best for the OTR? a. speak with the rehab manager about possible disciplinary action b. review the documentation of the 2 patients who fell and discuss their cases thoroughly with the COTA to determine cause of the falls c. ask the COTA whether more thorough supervision is needed and then proceed to provide close supervision d. collaborate with the COTA to determine potential causes of the falls and provide direct supervision with more deliberate feedback: d. collaborate with the COTA to determine potential causes of the falls and provide direct supervision with more deliberate feedback 10.An OTR is supervising an OT student for Level II FW. The OTR notices that the student did not gather complete info. Regarding a client's Occ. History. Which comment best represents effective feedback? a. "you missed some info when you were recording the client's occ. History b. "in the future, you need to ask better questions about the client's occ. History c. "in the future, you may want to use a checklist to ensure that your occ. History interviews are comprehensive. d. you should practice doing occ. History interviews: c. "in the future, you may want to use a checklist to ensure that your occ. History interviews are comprehen- sive. 11.An adolescent referred for OT has oppositional defiant disorder. During the initial interview, the parent reports that the youth never listens to requests, become angry several times a day, blames mistakes on an older sibling. Which area is most related? a. ADLs b. Rest and Sleep c. Leisure d. Social participation: d. Social participation 12.An OTR is working in a school with high incidence of violence in the district with increasing numbers of students diagnosed with ODD. The superintendent announces the formation of a task force to study the problem. Which response to the announcement would be best? a. document the progress of the OTR has made with students with ODD to justify continuing work with these students b. increase the frequency of visits to the students on the OTR caseload with his diagnosis because the task force will scrutinize intervention with

5 / these

6 / students. c. research intervention strategies to make sure that the intervention the OTR has been providing to these students is considered d. contact the superintendent and request to be appointed to a seat on the task force to study violence and incidence of ODD.: d. contact the superintendent and request to be appointed to a seat on the task force to study violence and incidence of ODD. 13.When working with a client with chorninc pain, the OTR needs to set a tone that will facilitate a therapeutic relationship with the client. Which statement sets an open and appropriate tone when working with a client who has chronic pain? a. your pain is all in your head. All you have to do is ignore it b. I have pain when I wake up in the morning. I have arthritis. It usually takes a while before it gets any better. Maybe you should try to exercise in the morning to get things moving like I do c. I realize that you are in pain. Lets try this activitiy and see what happens. If you need to stop, let me know, but I would like to see you push yourself. d. I think we should slowly increase the time you are spending at work- related tasks: c. I realize that you are in pain. Lets try this activitiy and see what happens. If you need to stop, let me know, but I would like to see you push yourself. 14.: 15.An OTR is working with an adult client with sensory processing difficulties who finds it uncomfortable to commute to a job via train because of the noise of the train and of other passengers talking. Which environmental modification would be appropriate? a. encourage the client to obtain a driver's license and avoid train b. petition the train to set off a section of silence c. recommend the use of noise-cancelling headphones with a device that plays music or books the client enjoys d. get a closer job: c. recommend the use of noise-cancelling headphones with a device that plays music or books the client enjoys 16.1. An OTR is working to establish a therapeutic relationship with a client in a skilled nursing facility. Which consideration is the MOST important in establishing an effective relationship? a. The OTR has the power to determine the goals b. The client is an informed equal in the relationship c. The OTR is solely responsible for any positive outcomes d. The client is expected to follow the OTR advice: b. The client is an

7 / informed equal in the relationship

8 / 17.2. A client with a herniated lumbar disk was referred to OT. The OTR completes an initial eval. And develops an intervention plan. Which task can the OTR assign to the COTA? a. Write up the initial eval. b. Alter the initial plan to address pain c. Do a complete reeval. Of strength d. Educate the client in proper body mechanics: d. Educate the client in proper body mechanics 18.3. According to the Standards of Practice for OT, what is the role of the COTA in the screening process a. Completing the screening process b. Initialing the screening process c. Analyzing and interpreting screening results d. Providing observations to the OTR: d. Providing observations to the OTR 19.4. A COTA who spend 2 years working on the ortho. Unit of an acute care hospital is now working on the neuro. Floor. How is appropriate supervision best described? a. The OTR and COTA decide to set up supervisory visits on an as- needed basis b. The COTA requires minimal supervision owing to his or her 2 years of experience c. The OTR and COTA agree that close supervision is best at this time d. The OTR and COTA decide that continuous supervisor is needed.: c. The OTR and COTA agree that close supervision is best at this time 20.5. A supervising OTR hires two newly graduated COTA's who have different learning styles. One prefers visual learning, and the other prefers hands on learning. Which approach is the best way for the OTR to supervise both COTAS a. Demonstrated tasks and have both COTAs return the demonstration b. Provide written instructions and protocols and discuss them c. Have both COTA role-play clinical scenarios d. Have one COTA perform new tasks and the other observe: d. Have one COTA perform new tasks and the other observe 21.6. A student OT arrives at a facility for Level 2 FW and discovers that the OTR supervisor has to take an unplanned eave for the duration of fieldwork. An entry-level COTA is present at the facility. What options does the student have for appropriate fieldwork supervision at that facility? a.The student may be supervised by the entry level COTA as long as the COTA consults with the OTR

9 / b. The student may be supervised by an OTR who works at another facility

10 / c.The student may be supervised by an entry-level COTA who works at another facility d. The student cannot complete fieldwork at the facility because adequate supervision is not available.: d. The student cannot complete fieldwork at the facility because adequate supervision is not available. 22.7. An extremely agitated pt. is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital late on a Friday afternoon. Because nursing is short staffed, the nurse on the unit requires that the patient attend an OT group being led by a COTA that evening. The COTA calls the OTR who is working at a location far from the unit, for guidance. The OTR is unable to return to the unit in time to evaluate the patient. What should the OTR recommend to the COTA? a. Allow the patient to attend the group b. Do no allow the patient to attend the group c. Cancel the group and eval. The client d. Allow the patient to attend the group with the understanding that the OTR will complete the eval on returning to the unit.: b. Do no allow the patient to attend the group 23.8. An entry-level COTA begins working at a long-term care facility and needs direct continuous supervision. Which statement BEST describes this type of supervision? a.The COTA and supervising OTR are in the rehab. Gym, the OTR observes the COTA's performance b. The COTA and OTR meet at the end of the day to discuss the COTA's caseload and review documentation c. The supervising OTR is in the facility but in another area d.The COTA emails or texts the OTR questions throughout the day as needed, and the OTR reviews the COTA's documentation regularly.: a. The COTA and supervising OTR are in the rehab. Gym, the OTR observes the COTA's performance 24.9. According to the Standards of Practice for OT, which task can the COTA complete in the eval. Process? a. Respond to the initial referral request b. Interpret and document the eval results c. Perform delegated assessments using current tools d. Make recommendations to other professionals: c. Perform delegated assess- ments using current tools 25.A COTA has been assigned to treat a new patient. The OTR has evaluated this patient but has not yet written the documentation. How

11 / should the COTA proceed? a. Do not treat the patient and document in the chart that intervention is on

12 / hold pending completion of eval. b. Review the chart to understand the patient's conditions and ask the patient what needs to be addressed as part of treatment c. Co-treat with the physical therapist to gain info on reason for admission and special issues, and document accordingly d. Discuss with the OTR reason for admission, precautions, and goals, and proceed, documenting the supervisory visit.: d. Discuss with the OTR reason for admission, precautions, and goals, and proceed, documenting the supervisory visit. 26.11. According to the Standards of Practice for OT, which best describes the role of the COTA in client outcomes? a. Develops a transition plan b. Contributes to discontinuation plan - however unable to Ind. Discontinue a client from OT. c. Reduces the intensity of services d. Interprets achieved outcomes: b. Contributes to discontinuation plan - however unable to Ind. Discontinue a client from OT. 27.12. Which statement Best describes how a COTA assists with performing an OT eval?: a. The COTA may perform delegated assessments and provide reports of a client's capabilities to the OTR 28.13. Under what circumstances is a COTA allowed to administer the Kohlman Eval. Of Living Skills to a new patient in an inpatient acute psychiatric hospital? a. After an OTR has directed the COTA to initiate the eval process b. When the OTR is unavailable to administer the assessment c. When the OTR is in the room while the COTA administers the assessment d.When the COTA has demonstrated competence in administering the assess- ment to the OTR: d. When the COTA has demonstrated competence in administer- ing the assessment to the OTR 29.14. A large outpatient hand clinic employs certified hand therapists who are either licensed OTRs or licensed PT's. COTAs are used to efficiently man- age caseloads. Which description of the supervision requirement for COTA working in this environment is most accurate? a. Must be supervised by a licensed OTR in accordance with state licensure and scope of practice for COTAs b. Does not require supervision if the COTA has a minimum of 5 years of expe- rience treating clients with upper extremity conditions: a. Must be supervised by a licensed OTR in accordance with state licensure and scope of practice for COTAs

13 / 30.15. A COTA has established service competency for administration and scoring of the Mini-Mental State Exam. Which supervision is the most appro- priate for the OTR to provide? a. Close supervision on an ongoing basis to ensure maintenance of service competency b. Minimal supervision to periodically recheck that service competency is maintained c. Supervision on an as-needed basis per the COTA's request to fine- tune service competency d. None, unless otherwise indicated by the facility, state law, or licensing changes.: b. Minimal supervision to periodically recheck that service competency is maintained 31.16. A COTA is shifting roles within a skilled nursing facility to become the manager of the therapeutic recreation department. In which way does supervision from the OTR change? a. Supervision is no longer needed b. Supervision is an as-needed basis c. The OTR and COTA meet monthly to discuss clients d. The OTR and COTA meet quarterly to discuss clients: a. Supervision is no longer needed 32.17. An OTR who supervised an OT assistant student in the student's final level II fieldwork in an acute psychiatric hospital hires the student for a COTA position. The student plans to sit for the NBCOT exam in 2 weeks. How should the OT supervise the COTA? a. Supervise the new employee as a COTA/L because the employee has completed all courses and fieldwork b. Always provide direct, face-to-face supervision for the new employee c. Supervise the employee consistent with national and state guidelines on uncertified employees d. Ask the new employee to initiate an OT assessment.: c. Supervise the em- ployee consistent with national and state guidelines on uncertified employees 33.18. A client with hip osteoarthritis has been referred for an OT assessment and treatment. What can the OTR have a COTA contribute to the assessment? a. Identify whether the client will need OT b. Decide which eval should be completed c. Select and implement therapeutic activities d. Interpret from the outcome if client can engage in occupations: c. Select

14 / and implement therapeutic activities

15 / 34.19. An OTR has just begun working on the cardiology unit of an acute care hospital and will be responsible for supervising the COTA that has been working there for 5 years. What is the best level of supervision? a. Continuous b. Minimal c. Routine d. Close: b. Minimal 35.1. An OTR in a home health setting is working with a client in the kitchen and hears a heated argument between the client's spouse and one of the client's children in the next room. The client begins to cry, indicating that the arguing is causing stress. a. Confront the people in the next room b. Call the medical social worker and report the incident c. Drive the client to a shelter d. Try to resolve the conflict: b. Call the medical social worker and report the incident 36.2. An OTR is conducting a group for older adult clients on prep. For driving cessation. Several group members express a fear of using public transportation because they have never done so. a. Referrals to a psychologist to address issues of fear and anxiety b. Driving evals. To ensure that the clients can continue to drive for as long as possible. c. Travel training to practice use of public transportation with the clients until they feel comfortable on their own d. Simulation of public transportation by driving the clients along the same routes used by the transit system: c. Travel training to practice use of public transportation with the clients until they feel comfortable on their own 37.3. Older women who are members of an ethic minority and live on lower incomes have been identified as using public transportation more than most people in their age cohort. How might this reliance on public transportation influence the engagement in community occupations of this population? a. Participation in community occupations will be limited by the hours of transportation service and the cost to use it b. Access to taxi services will expand this population's access to community occupations. c. Public transportation offers access to more geographic areas than does a private automobile: a. Participation in community occupations will be

16 / limited by the hours of transportation service and the cost to use it

17 / 38.4. Which method would be most effective to gather data on the needs of a homeless population in a large urban area? a. Face-to-face interviews with people who work with the homeless population b. A written survey distributed to people who are homeless c. Interviews with key informants who are homeless d. Telephone interviews with caseworkers at homework shelters: c. Interviews with key informants who are homeless 39.5. An OTR in an acute care setting is working on a dressing program with a client with spinal cord injury. What statement by the OTR is appropriate to facility positive coping for the client? a. "I have selected these clothes for you today." b. "Would you like to wear the blue or the red shirt?" c. "What clothes do you want to wear today?" d. "You should wear these clothes today.": c. "What clothes do you want to wear today?" 40.6. A client arrives for an OT eval. Upset because of an inability to travel home in time to attend the wedding of a family member. Which reponses by the OTR communicates a professional use of empathy? a. "Why don't you come back later when you are feeling better? b. "You seem upset that you are going to miss the wedding." c. "Life goes on. It will be okay" d. "You need to calm down so we can complete your OT for today.": b. "You seem upset that you are going to miss the wedding." 41.7. An OTR in an inpatient facility is working with an adolescent with major depression who repeatedly expresses feelings of worthlessness and poor self-concept. What should the OT do? a. Activities that establish normal daily routines b. Activities that engage the client socially c. Activities that do not require too many choices d. Activities that allow for self-expression: d. Activities that allow for self- expres- sion 42.8. An OTR is evaluating a 16-year old adolescent with major despression and suicide precautions in an inpatient facility. Which source of info. Will best enable the OTR to document the intensity, severity, and duration of these symptoms? a. Observation during occupational performance b. A life events inventory of the client c. Interviews with caregivers d. Interviews with roommates in the facility: b. A life events inventory of the

18 / client

19 / 43.9. During an OT eval., which approach would pose the biggest barrier to engaging in a client-centered process with an adult client who is able to converse? a. Paying attention to the meaning of nonverbal cues b. Being directive c. Being too empathetic with the client d. Asking too many closed-ended questions: d. Asking too many closed- ended questions 44.10. An OTR works with elderly clients with low vision. A client with macular degeneration is referred after substantial symptom progression and loss of vision. The client's spouse states that for the past 3 months, the client has uncharacteristically refused to participate in social activities, is frequently irritable and uncommunicative, and is unwilling to perform personal care or routine risks. a. Consider exporing assisted living alternatives b. Insist that the client resume accompanying the spouse to bridge club and prepare a snack to share with the club c. Encourage the client to consult a mental health provider d. Advise the client and spouse to seek professional counseling to adjust to the inevitable changes in the marriage: c. Encourage the client to consult a mental health provider 45.11. An adolescent hospitalized for suicidal ideation and depression is meeting with an OTR for discharge planning. What aspect of the discharge plan is MOST urgent? a. Provide client education on the effects of prescription medication b. Review the contract for safety procedures the client will follow when thoughts of suicide commence c. Contact the client's school system to see if a suicide prevention program is in place d. Reinforce the need for follow-up OT treatments to monitory progress: b. Review the contract for safety procedures the client will follow when thoughts of suicide commence 46.12. An OTR is assessing a client with bulimia. The client has become preoccupied with hiding purging behaviors from friends and family. While developing an occupational profile with the client, the OTR notices that the client's bulimia has evolved, and that the client has replaced all other activities with the bulimia. a.Teach the client relaxation strategies to provide relief from the stress caused by the bulimia

20 / b. Recommend social activities to encourage the client to interact with friends and family in a more positive way c. Provide the client with leisure's activities that will create more balance and offer the client more control over the client's life d. Assign the client small-group activities with other clients to provide the client with info. About the health impact of bulimia.: c. Provide the client with leisure's activities that will create more balance and offer the client more control over the client's life 47.1. A school district's supervising OTR receives a phone call from an irate parent of a middle school student whose individualized education plan (IEP) includes OT twice a week. The student did not receive OT for 3 weeks because one of the district's OTR was out with work-related injury. What is the OTR best option? a. Ensure that OT services are provided to this child, because it is included in the child's IEP b. Put the child on a waiting list while the therapist is out c. Reduce the frequency of OT visits to once a week while the therapist is out d. Discharge the child from OT because the parent is difficult to deal with: a. Ensure that OT services are provided to this child, because it is included in the child's IEP 48.2. An OTR wants to search the literature for rationales related to a sensory integration intervention for clients with dementia. Which is an appropriate question for an evidence-based practice literature review? a. "What is a sensory integration approach?" b. "How is sensory integration used with people with dementia?" c. "What is the efficacy of sensory integration?" d. "What are the outcomes of sensory integration?": b. "How is sensory integra- tion used with people with dementia?" 49.3. The spouse of a client with Alzheimer's dementia tells the OTR that the client has become more agitated, wanders, resists care, and displays inap- propriate and sometimes destructive bx. The spouse confides that feelings of stress have begun to feel overwhelming. a. Training the spouse to provide simple, one-step directions and avoid ab- stractions b. Role playing with the spouse and the client ways of providing explanations that will clarify the client's confusion c. Assertiveness training with the spouse d. Conflict resolution sessions between the spouse and client: a. Training the spouse to provide simple, one-step directions and avoid

21 / abstractions

22 / 50.4. Which statement best describes an important consideration for OTR's working with clients with dementia and their caregivers? a. Providing a variety of new occupations creates a sense of well-being for the caregiver and care recipient b. A brief respite from caregiving benefits the caregiver but is detrimental to the care recipient c. Everyday occupation is central to a caregiver's sense of well-being d. Psychologically resisting the inevitability of chronic illness improves satis- faction with caregiving.: c. Everyday occupation is central to a caregiver's sense of well-being 51.5. Believing that treatment was not medically necessary, a third-party payer has denied payment for OT services. What step should OT take to appeal the denial of payment? a. Write an appeal letter that explains the client's need for the OT services that were provided b. Correct technical errors in previously submitted documentation c. Write an appeal letter that requires reconsideration of previously submitted documentation d. Ask the payer whether a different intervention would better fit the payment guidelines: a. Write an appeal letter that explains the client's need for the OT services that were provided 52.6. During the OTR initial interview, a client with stage 2 Parkinson's dis- ease explains the importance of the client's role of head of household and expresses a fear of being dependent on his or her children. The client's chief complaints are tremors and fatigue, which are starting to affect the client's performance of higher-level ADL and IADL tasks. a. Energy conservation education, such as delegating tasks to family mem- bers to reduce fatigue b. Stress management skills, because stress tends to exacerbate symptoms such as tremors c. Activity and environmental modifications for home management skills to successfully maintain the client's role d. Therapeutic exercise to improve balance, which will enhance the client's participation in higher-level tasks.: c. Activity and environmental modifications for home management skills to successfully maintain the client's role 53.7. A client with middle-stage dementia has been wandering outside the house in the middle of the night. The client's caregivers have been using monitoring devices and recently added door alarms, but usually are too late.

23 / Weather is beginning to get cold, and the caregivers do not want to the client

24 / to get frostbite. What is the next intervention for the client? a. Install bed rails to keep the client from climbing out of bed b. Place the client in a nursing home c. Conceal the doorknobs so that the client cannot open the door d. Move the client's bed into one of the caregivers room: c. Conceal the door- knobs so that the client cannot open the door 54.8. An OTR is working with a client with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a skilled nursing facility. The client's adult child, who is the client's primary caregiver, appears to be stressed and fatigued and has asked the OTR for advice about how to best manage the parent's progressive decline in function. What would be the best approach? a. Refer the caregiver to a physician for treatment b. Refer the caregiver to the social worker for community resources c. Provide the caregiver with education about the progression of AD d. Suggest that the caregiver use the massage services at the facility.: c. Provide the caregiver with education about the progression of AD 55.9. Which suggestion that the OTR might provide to a caregiver who is living with a client who has AD is the best? a. Suggest appropriate activities that can engage the client during unoccupied time and improve daily structure b. Suggest that the caregiver allow the client to continue cooking Indep. With adapted cooking utensils to improve safety. c. Suggest that the caregiver provide challenge to the client's daily routine by maintaining distance during routine tasks d. Suggest modifications to the house environment to include arrows that lead to the bedroom and bathroom: a. Suggest appropriate activities that can engage the client during unoccupied time and improve daily structure 56.10. Which recommendation should an OTR make to the caregiver of a client with dementia, who is suffering from caregiver stress? a. Recommend that the caregiver inquire about medication to reduce the caregiver's stress b. Recommend that the caregiver inquire about additional sleep medication for the client c. Recommend that the caregiver contact a local adult day care to inquire about its services d. Recommend that the caregiver find a teenager in the neighborhood who can watch the client: c. Recommend that the caregiver contact a local adult day care to inquire about its services

25 / 57.11. A client with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) is recov- ering from a recent relapse and seeks OT to manage anxiety associated with the disease and its effect on occupational performance. a. Participation in a cognitive retraining group b. Implementation of a home exercise plan that incorporates deep breaking c. Relaxation, such as taking a hot bath or yoga d. Using coping strategies for self-identified difficult tasks or situations: d. Using coping strategies for self-identified difficult tasks or situations 58.1. When an OTR or COTA completes documentation, which of the following actions is MOST in compliance with HIPAA regulations for maintaining patient privacy and confidentiality? a. Positioning computer screens and patient charts out of others' view b. Collaborating with other therapist in the OTR discipline c. Maintaining electronic client documents d. Keeping hard-copy record in a central area: a. Positioning computer screens and patient charts out of others' view 59.2. According to the Standards of Practice for OT which of the following is a requirement to practice as an OTR in the U.S. a. Completing licensure, certification, or registration requirements b. Passing state licensure examination for OT c. Graduating from a private OT program d. Successfully finishing an independent fieldwork experience: a. Completing licensure, certification, or registration requirements 60.3. An OTR is approached by a client with Alzheimer's dementia who asks, "do I finish high school next year, or am I already finished? I don't want to go back." What is the best response for the OTR to make? a. "Try to remember that you completed high school 60 years ago." b. "I'll have to find out if you finished high school. Try not to ask me again." c. "It sounds like you're getting a little worried about that. You're already finished with high school. You don't have to go back." d. "Didn't you go to college?": c. "It sounds like you're getting a little worried about that. You're already finished with high school. You don't have to go back." 61.4. An adult client is receiving home health OT services from an OTR. At the initial session, the adult child of the client informs the OTR that the client's spouse passed away 2 months ago. The adult child states that the client has never been so down, that the client has to be encouraged to go to restaurants or movies and the client often cries.