Download NCC PMHNP · LMR - Georgette's · PMHNP Exam Review Questions - · ANCC Review Questions (PMH and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NCC PMHNP · LMR - Georgette's · PMHNP Exam Review Questions - · ANCC Review Questions (PMHNP IQ) · Vol 2 unit 1. depakote can cause what birth defect? - spina bifida Depakote can affect what organ? - liver Can TCAs cause liver toxicity? - yes Kava Kava can affect what organ system? - liver Should you take benzo's and kava kava? - no Carbamazepine can cause what reaction in Asians? Because of which allele? - SJS; HLAB -1502 allele What 2 meds can cause agranulocytosis; at what ANC would you d/c these drugs? - carbamazepime and clozaril; 1,000 If creatinine is greater than ___ --> d/c lithium - 1.5 What level of proteinurea is concerning? - 4+ BPD patients with mood symptoms may benefit from which medicaiton? - lithium MEDICATIONS THAT can increase lithium levels - NSAIDs (ibu and indocin), THIAZIDES, ACE INHIBITORS (lisinopril) does lithium potentially cause hyper or hypothyroidism? - hypothyroidism lithium can cause what abnormal finding on EKG? - T-wave inversion (and many more) NMS is primarily caused by which drug class? - antipsychotics What 3 lab findings indicate muscle breakdown in NMS? - myoglobinuria, rhabdomyolysis, CPK What 2 treatments are successful for NMS symptoms? - Bromocriptine-- dopamine agonist, Dantrolene- muscle relaxerQ Medication for serotonin syndrome? - cyproheptadine How long to wait before switching from one medication class to another (SSRI to a MAOI)? - 2 weeks how long to wait--> switching from prozac to MAOI - 5-6 weeks What migraine medication may put you at high risk for SS? - sumatriptan (Imitrex) Best non-pharmacological way to treat schizophrenia - Assertive Community Treatment How to test abstraction on MSE? - interpret a proverb Where is SI documented in the MSE? - Thought Content How do assess fund of knowledge on MSE? - Who is the president? problems with clock drawing test point to problem in which brain hemisphere? - RIGHT mesolimbic pathway - XS dopamine --positive sx schizophrenia mesocortical pathway - dopamine deficiency leads to negative symptoms nigrostriatal pathway - decrease dopamine leads to increased ACH and therefore EPS Tuberoinfundibular pathway - hyperprolactinemia what anti psychotic is know to frequently cause hyperprolactinemia? - risperidone what are normal prolactin levles for men vs women? - <20 men, <25 women Is cogentin recommended for tardive dyskinesia? - NO TD can occur in as little as - 2 months What 2 anti nausea medications can cause TD? - reglan, compazine INducers ___ lvls of drugs in the body - reduces Inhibitors cause ___ lvls of drugs in the body - increased Can disulfuram cause mania? - yes ANTACIDS/PPI (omeprazole, protonix) can decrease absorption of psychotropic medications→ therefore - take at least 2 hours before taking psychotropic medications creator of DBT? - MARSHA LINEHAN