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A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the nccco core exam, covering essential aspects of crane safety and operation. It delves into topics such as boom deflection, crane stability, load charts, wire rope inspection, and safe operating procedures. The document serves as a valuable resource for individuals preparing for the nccco core exam, enhancing their understanding of crane safety and operational best practices.
Typology: Exams
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What was the result of boom deflection be ✓ Increased Boom radius When a crane is out of level by 1° it will lose the most capacity at what configuration ✓ Long boom minimum radius What is the purpose of using a spreader beam ✓ Support long hard to control loads Which of the following actions is most likely to cause two blocking ✓ Telescoping the boom out When is it safe to handle loads under powerlines ✓ The load know where any part of the crane can come closer than regulations allow When working your power lines tag lines and slings should be constructed of ✓ Probably propylene or polyethylene and webbing because they offer a fair insulating properties
When reading a load chart the listed capacity has an Asterix next to it this means ✓ The capacities are based on the cranes structural competence Pick can be made with the intermediate outriggers ✓ If there is a load chart for intermediate Outrigger work The main boom angle minus the gym offset would equal ✓ Jib angle to the ground You can use the range diagram to determine the ✓ Radius of unloaded boom Cranes on our acres are based on what percentage of stability ✓ 85% Cranes on crawlers are based on what percentage of stability ✓ 75% If a crayon is two blocked what functions should the anti-two block prevention system let you operate ✓ Boom up hoist down telescope in
Of the following conditions what condition LMI not warn you of ✓ Out of level When operating a crane of a capacity of 25 tons or less on a barge the maximum list or trim is ✓ 5° When operating a crane over 25 tons on a barge the maximum list or trim is ✓ 7° When operating a crane on a barge the crane must be ✓ Secured to the barge When using a four legged bridle the capacity is calculated using ✓ Three legs On a standing wire rope broken wires Adam and connection means the rope must be replaced ✓ Two Line pull is ✓ The amount of weight a drum will hoist for a given layer
Backward stability on a mobile crane can become an issue when the crane is working ✓ Over the side at a minimum radius Rotation resistant wire rope requires a higher safety factor because ✓ Internal damage occurs Timber mats work best when they are ✓ Bolted together Blocking under floats shall be ✓ Sufficient to support the crane and the load When operating a crane with a long boom on uneven ground you should ✓ Block under the pad and keep a 90° angle between the cylinder rod and pad When booming down a rough terrain crane and extending out Riggers from the cab you should ✓ Post a signal person One swing a suspended load on any crane with crawlers the most ground pressure will be exerted ✓ Over the corner A luffing jib on a conventional or hydraulic crane will
✓ Boom up or down independently of the main boom On a crane off level by 1% with a main boom height of 100 feet the whip line would be off-center by ✓ 12 inches////12 inches for every 1° for 100 feet The crane center of gravity were very the most swinging from the rear to the side with what type of crane ✓ Truck crane When is sideload is introduced to a lattice boom what part of the boom would encourage the highest stress ✓ Boom tip Voice signals must include ✓ Function and direction ✓ Distance and speed ✓ Function and stop When assembling or disassembling a lattice boom when is it permissible to work under the boom ✓ When the AV Director shows it is in feasible not to and the limits time and movement////safe=never only when says permissible Eccentric main boom reeving can cause ✓ Twisting of the boom
When putting wire rope on a drum the rope can be spoiled to within of the top of the drum ✓ Half an inch To prevent unauthorized access to the cranes working area though needs to be barricaded ✓ Working radius What is the minimum distance from the cranes counterweight and any obstacle ✓ 2 feet Which of the following weather conditions could restrict or stop hoisting activities ✓ Wind gusts Rigging hooks must be discarded if the throat opening is increased by more than ✓ 5% A crane performing personal lifts must not exceed of its rated capacity ✓ 50% When a load is being landed in the fall zone who should be in the fall zone ✓ Qualified rigger
If taking sides strain on a boom what concerns the operator the most Boom damage If a crane load chart has capacities listed in the shaded area this means that If overloaded structural confidence will be compromised As the layers of rope on a drum increase the allowable line Pull wil Decrease Of the following actions which one will most likely cause a side load condition Abruptly starting or stopping the swing Cording to OSHA with any hook ball or attachment at its lowest point a minimum of blank reps must remain on the drum at all times 2 What is the minimum distance of crane must maintain from powerlines rated below 50 KV 10 feet What is the best procedures to follow if underground utilities are present Contact utility company
For boom is reeves eccentrically to the block the most common result would be Twisting of the boom What is the safety factor for 6 x 19 IWRC wire rope 3.5- 1 What is the safety factor for rotation resistor wire rope 5 - 1 What is the safety factor for rigging hardware 5 - 1 What is the safety factor one hoisting personnel using IWRC wire Rope 7 - 1 What is the safety factor hoisting personnel using rotation resistance wire rope 10 - 1 Unless the manufacturer states otherwise the wind speed to seize hoisting Shall be 30 mph
When hoisting personnel OSHA requires wind speed not to exceed 20 mph Who has the responsibility of determining the correct weight of the load Supervisor When an operator leave there a crane they must Land load engage all locks and Pawls and lock machine When is it safe to work closer than alarm for distance from any powerline When the utility company certifies that the lines are D energized When operating a crawler crane what is the most unstable allowable quadrant of operation Side What is not a good location for crane set up Above utilities If an operator arrives at a job site and the crane is already set up how would he checked the main an auxiliary breaks Left the load a few inches off the ground and test the brakes
Tipping capacities for crawler cranes are based on 75% The term load radius is best defined as The distance from the center of rotation of the crane to the center of gravity of the suspended load Should the load be applied when determining the proper boom angle Yes When telescoping the boom section of a rubber tire which section should be telescoped first All sections should be telescoped equally Hooks must be discarded if a twist more than is found 0 degrees Hooks must be discarded if a throat opening of more than is found 5° Wire rope must be removed from service if any of the following conditions exist Six randomly distributed broken wires Wear of more than 1/3 of the outside diameter three broken wires and one strand of one lay length
When arriving first on the job site the operator should first determine the condition of the Access roads Basket hitch is rated of a vertical hitch 200% How many broken wires must be present in one strand of one lay for running wire rope to be removed from service 3 How many broken wires must be present in rotation resistant wire rope to be removed from service 2 in six diameters What is the minimum clearance needed between cranes counterweight and any obstacle 2 feet To restrict access to a crane swing radius the operator must Barricade the area around the crane You should always have at least how many wraps on A hoist drum 2
When working around powerlines you must Never stockpile material under powerlines Maintain the correct distance according to the rated KV Ground the crane with the proper grounding cable Boom angle is best described as The angle between the loaded boom and the horizontal What is the best procedure to follow when underground utilities may be present Contact local utility company When using cable or nylon spreaders it is important to remember The lower the spreader angle the greater the tension When is spinning load presents a danger the operator should Use a tagline Parts of line means The number of lines running through the load block A sudden start or stop while operating a crane produces
A dynamic load What percent of a cranes rated capacity is it classified as a critical lift 75% During disassembly of a long boom the hog lines are connected on a maximum cantilever point and the boom is slightly lifted off the ground which pins are to be removed next The bottom pins ahead of the cantilever point If you were to make a left using a four legged bridle how many legs are you going to calculate the load 3 According to OSHA all cranes equipped with a luffing jib must have Check valve When performing picking Carrie with a boom truck the speed limit is As prescribed by the manufacturer When determining backward stability the crane must be set up under the following conditions Crane unloaded and load block on supports Crane on outriggers Maximum boom angle Crane SHOULD NOT BE in the longest possible boom
On a crane load chart the area referred to as over the front is Different depending on the crane manufactures definition When cranes included within the scope of ANSI are mounted on barges or pontoons the cranes load rating shall be Modified as recommended by the manufacturer The first layer of a Hoist drum should have a pitch diameter of no less than times the rope diameter 18 Drum rotation indicators must be installed on all hoist leavers True On a hydraulic boom hoist pistons a must be provided in case of hydraulic failure Pressure relief valve All cranes equipped with a torque converter must have a Clutch reachable from the operators station Controls for operating a superstructure mounted power plant shall include all of the following except Means to shut off two cycle diesel engines in emergency
Forces on a cranes hand lever Shall not exceed 35 lbs Forces on a cranes Foot pedal shall not exceed 50 pounds The travel distance on a cranes two way lever must not exceed from the neutral position 14 inches The travel distance on a cranes one-way lever must not exceed from the neutral position 24 inches Frequent inspection occurs Every shift Frequent inspection should be performed by Competent person Periodic inspection occurs Weekly to monthly
When using single saddle or U bolt type clips the saddle shall NEVER be installed on The live end The pitch diameters for boom hoist sheaves shall not exceed 15 Pitch diameter load hoist sheave shall not exceed 18 Pitch diameters for load block sheaves shall not exceed 16 Prior to leaving a crane unattended the operator shall Land load or attachment Disengage master clutch Turn off engine secure from authorized use Before lifting a rated load the operator shall Left the load a few inches off the ground and apply the brake When performing a pic with a truck crane on outriggers the tires must be High enough to relieve them of the cranes weight
When blocking on the outrigger float the cribbing Shall be Sufficient to support the crane and its load When a crane is being used to lift personnel and inspection of the crane should be made Frequently When using audible signal is one signal would indicate Stop Two audible signals Go ahead Three audible signals Go back A crane must stay at least from energize powerlines under 50 Kv 10 feet A crane operator must respond to a stop signal from Eveyone
The margin of stability on a truck crane is 85% Of the following who is permitted inside the fall zone Qualified rigger The revolving frame of equipment in which operating machinery is mounted is referred to as Super structure When is it permissible to be under the boom when assembling or disassembling a boom When the A/D Director proves it is in feasible not to work under the boom When installing pins on a lattice boom how should the pins be installed Tapered side out When assembling or disassembling a lattice boom crane the amount of boom extended out past the bridal/equalizer is known as Cantilever length During assembly or disassembly of cranes no part of the crane or its components can come within of powerlines 10'
If any part of the crane rigging or attachments load/line can come within of a power line a dedicated spotter must be provided 20' Up to 50 KV 10 feet Over 50 to 200 kV 15' Over 200 to 350 KV 20' Over 350 to 500KV 25' Over 500 to 750 KV 35' Over 750 to 1000Kv 45'
If operating a crane in proximity of power lines over 1000 V what is the minimum clearance Determined by the utility company During hoisting operations in proximity of powerlines all tag lines and rigging should be Synthetic Powerlines or presumed energized unless The utility companies certifies the lines are D energized and they are visibly grounded Up to .75 kv 4' Over .75 to 50 Kv 6' Over 50 Kv to 345 Kv 10' Over 345 kvvolts to 750 kV 16 feet
750 kV to 1000 kV 20 feet What type of inspection requires no documentation Shift During what inspection classification does inspection of ground conditions take place Shift I frequent inspection is made Weekly to monthly A periodic inspection is made Monthly to annually A shift inspection must be completed Before the end of shift What inspection classification requires disassembly of a crane as necessary Annual/comprehensive
Equipment idle for more than three months must have an inspection performed in accordance with classification Monthly Documentation of the annual/comprehensive inspection must be retained for a minimum of One year Hooks with locks and latches must be used except when setting wooden trusses in such situation can be used J hook When is used to have a crane to hoist personal permitted When there is no other Safeway When hoisting personnel the total weight of the load basket attachment and rigging must not exceed of the rated load 50% Any gate or means of access/egress in a personal basket must not Swing outward Of the following what is not permitted in a personal basket Building materials
All bridals and rigging used for personal hoisting cannot be used and for any other hoisting activities True Before performing a lift with a personal hoist the following must be done Trial pick Proof lift Pre-lift meeting When performing a pic with a personnel hoist overwater for arrest systems must be used False Load rating charts are based on a percentage of the load which produces a tipping condition and the least stable direction the percentage is what for a truck crane 85% A sudden change in the speed of the left and attachments will produce a Shock load Hooks must be discarded if a throat opening of more than as found 5% Hooks must be discarded if a twist of more than what is found
When performing duty cycle work the rule of thumb is to Use 80% of the manufacturers load chart When assembling a lattice boom crane in what order should boom sections be installed Shortest closest to boom base When extending bloom sections on a hydraulic crane you should Extend all the sections equally When assembling a lattice boom on a truck crane the outriggers must be fully extended and the boom placed Over the quadrant of maximum stability When handling boom sections what type of sling is preferred Synthetic The distance it takes a strand to make a complete revolution around its core is referred to as Lay length How many random broken wires must be present for running route to be removed from service
Six In one lay How many broken wires and one strand of one lay must be present for removal Three What is the minimum number of broken wires must be present and standing rope to warrant removal Two////One is allowed How many broken wires are permitted at and end connection of a pendant line 1 How many broken wires present in rotation resistant wire rope warrant removal Two in six diameters What is the safety factor for running rope 3.5- 1 What is the safety factor for rigging 5 - 1 What is the safety factor for rotation resistant wire rope 5 - 1