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Psychology Terms and Concepts: A Comprehensive List, Exams of Career Counseling

Definitions and explanations for various psychology terms and concepts, including developmental stages, social psychology, moral development, intelligence testing, counseling exam questions and answers, cultural influences, and therapeutic approaches. It covers topics such as fixation, propinquity, contextualism, criticisms of kohlberg's theory, jensen's iq testing, the civil rights act of 1964, prognosis, dollard's theory, mores, folkways, frank parsons, ecological culture, ethnocentrism, acculturation, assimilation, watson's little albert experiment, extinction, skinner's operant conditioning, pavlov's classical conditioning, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, maslow's hierarchy of needs, type ii error, culture, universal culture, national culture, regional culture, emic approach, etic approach, paralanguage, means tests, social insurance programs, and various therapeutic approaches.

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Download Psychology Terms and Concepts: A Comprehensive List and more Exams Career Counseling in PDF only on Docsity! NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Primal Scene - correct answer a psychoanalytic concept that suggests that a young child witnesses his parents have sex Animism/ Animistic - correct answer When a child acts as if nonliving objects have life like abilities and tendencies Father of analytic psychology - correct answer Carl G. Jung Konrad Lorenz - correct answer Best known for imprinting studies (an instinctual behavior when the goslings animals follows the first moving object - typically the mother); he had the animals imprint to him; believed that ppl were aggressive by nature Comparative psychology - correct answer refers to laboratory research using animals and attempts to generalize the findings to humans (related to ethology-field research utilizing animal) Fixation (meaning in relation to developmental stages) - correct answer implies the indv. is unable to go from one NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated developmental stage to the next; person becomes fixated or stuck in a stage that they feel safe Object permanence - correct answer knowing that an item still exist even when it is out of sight; This occurs during the sensorimotor stage (Piaget concept) Senile psychosis - correct answer psychosis (a break from reality which can include hallucination, delusions, and thought disorders) Senile psychosis (a condition that brought on by old age; where a person may lose their memory) Play therapy and art therapy are preferred to traditional counseling and therapy because cultural differences have less impact on these types of intervention. TRUE or FALSE - correct answer TRUE Harry Harlow - correct answer Known for work with the rhesus monkeys; maternal deprivation Albert Ellis - correct answer developed Rational-Emotive behavior NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Albert Bandura was a ___ type of therapist and did what type of experiment? - correct answer Behaviorist Experiment: Children who viewed live or filmed aggression imitated the behavior; Social learning theory- aggressive behavior is learned Children learned vicariously Daniel Levinson - correct answer worked a lot research about mid-life crises; men mid-life crisis 40-45/ women 35-40 Early adult transition= 17-22; indv makes decisions ab. college and breaking away from family Age 30 transition = 28-33 ideal adult life dream try to make a reality Midlife transition= 40-45; stressful period (women enter stage 5 yrs earlier); did dreams become reality Age 50 transition Later adulthood= 60-65 makes peace with world Close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs influence interpersonal attraction? T or F - correct answer True NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Proxemics - correct answer study of proximity; relates to personal space, interpersonal distance, and territoriality; Leon Festinger - friendship and attraction highest among apt. neighbors Propinquity - correct answer tendency for ppl who are in close proximity to be attracted to each other; name by social psychologist Contextualism - correct answer Behaviors must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs Criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development - correct answer It was more applicable to males - Carol Gilligan Arthur Jensen IQ testing - correct answer Tried to prove that blacks had lower IQs due to genetic factors NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated The civil rights act 1964 - correct answer helped change the ACA and pushed counseling to be more multicultural/ intercultural (means the same thing) Prognosis - correct answer probability that one can recover from a condition Dollard/ Miller hypothesis - correct answer frustration leads to aggression Balance theory = Leon Festinger's coginitive dissonance theory - correct answer ppl strive for consistency/ balance in terms of their belief system; social psychology theory; indv. try to reduce cognitive dissonance/ inconsistent or incompatible actions and beliefs Mos (plural - mores) - correct answer group rules for what is good or bad for the welfare of the people; if broken can result in the harm of another; behaviors based of morals Folkways - correct answer describe correct, normal, or habitual NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated that fears are learned, conditioned to fear a furry white animal then generalized it to meaning anything white and fuzzy Extinction - correct answer when the conditioned stimulus is not reinforced by the unconditioned stimulus; taking away the meat after ringing the bell. . the salivation will eventually stop B. F Skinner (behaviorist) - correct answer Operant conditioning; it means roughly changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response; Positive reinforcement, (-) reinforcement, etc Ivan Pavlov (behaviorist) - correct answer Classical conditioning (later developed by John Watson) involves learning to associate an unconditioned stimulus that already brings about a particular response (i.e. a reflex) with a new (conditioned) stimulus, so that the new stimulus brings about the same response. -The unconditioned stimulus (or UCS) is the object or event that originally produces the reflexive / natural response. NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated -The response to this is called the unconditioned response (or UCR). The neutral stimulus (NS) is a new stimulus that does not produce a response. -Once the neutral stimulus has become associated with the unconditioned stimulus, it becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS). The conditioned response (CR) is the response to the conditioned stimulus. Neal Miller - correct answer reported that autonomic responses in a wide variety of internal organs could be classically conditioned through use of biofeedback; he did this along with Ali Banuazizi Mary Cover Jones (behaviorist) - correct answer demonstrated that learning could serve as a treatment for a phobic reaction The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator reflects the work of what theorists - correct answer Carl Jung Oscar Buros created/wrote what in relation to testing/ assessment - correct answer Mental Measurements Yearbook NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Aptitude tests vs. Achievement tests - correct answer Aptitude = what you are capable of learning Achievement = what you have learned WAIS-III (Wechsler Adult) WPPSI-III (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence ages 2yrs 6m - 7yrs 3m) WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 6-16yrs) What is the mean and standard deviation for these tests? - correct answer Mean is 100 & Standard deviation is 15 What is the mean & standard deviation for Stanford-Binet intelligence tests? - correct answer Mean = 100 SD= 16 Internal validity - correct answer Whether the dependent variables truly were influenced by the independent variable External validity - correct answer refers to whether the experimental research results can be generalized to larger populations NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated American Association of Counseling and Development. On July 1, 1992, the association changed its name to the American Counseling Association (ACA) to reflect the common bond among association members and to reinforce their unity of purpose Psychodynamic vs. psychoanalytic - correct answer They are similar, but not the same thing. Psychoanalysis is a subset of psychodynamic theory. According to the APA, psychoanalysis is a type of psychodynamic theory created by Freud that is focused on unconscious motivations and conflict. It is usually very long and intensive (sometimes 3-5 times per week). Psychodynamic theory is a broad therapeutic orientation that consists of self psychology, object relations, ego psychology, psychoanalysis (and a couple more). Behavior is explained in terms of past experiences and motivational forces. Actions are viewed as stemming from inherited instincts, biological drives, and attempts to resolve conflicts between personal needs and social requirements. Coefficient of determination is computed by squaring the correlation coefficient Answer: .49 - correct answer You are given a correlation coefficient NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated of .70. How would you accomplish computing the coefficient of determination John Krumboltz Learning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC) - correct answer Social Learning theory - builds of Albert Bandura The 4 main factors that influence career choice: 1. Genetic endowment and special abilities - sex, race, physical appearance, intelligence, abilities, and talents 2. Environmental conditions and events - cultural, social, political, and economic forces beyond our control 3. Instrumental and associative learning experiences Instrumental= person's behavior leads to a consequence (punishment or reward) Associative= observational learning, classical conditioning 4. Task approach skills (e.g., self-observation, goal setting and information seeking). NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Actual visits on the work site are more important so that you can see if the job fits Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) - correct answer Self-efficacy beliefs can influence one's career decisions Self-efficacy - correct answer "Can I really do this and what will happen if I try to do this?"; an individuals beliefs about his or her ability to successfully perform a particular task Urie Brofenbrenner Is this a stage theory? - correct answer Ecological Systems theory ( incorporating the microsystem, mesosytem, exosystem, and macrosystem) No it is not a stage theory Transactional Analysis is what and was established by who? - correct answer Eric Berne NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated cause the baby to be afraid); the fear began to generalize the fear Used to prove that fears are learned Little Hans - correct answer Freud treated him to not be afraid by sending letters and "Tabla Rosa" is what? - correct answer Blank Slate; the environment serves to mold the person; emphasized/ created by John Locke Anne Roe - correct answer Career Researcher; Based theory on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs- she felt that the occupation satisfies a need; taxonomy (the categorization of classification) A job satisfies an UNCONSCIOUS NEED. Early childhood experiences and parental style affect the needs hierarchy and the relationship of those needs to adult lifestyle. NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Original theory posits that warm and accepting parents created people who enjoy working with people but has since suggested that more important factors are involved in determine career choice. Roe's theory of career development uses the hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow. Anne Roe was the first career specialist to develop a two- dimensional system of occupational classification that utilizes FIELDS and LEVELS. The 8 occupational "fields" include: Service, Business, Contact, Organizations, Technology, Outdoor, Science, General Culture, and Arts & Entertainment The 6 "levels" of skill include: Professional & Managerial 1, Professional & Managerial 2, Semi-Professional / Small business, Skilled, Semi-Skilled, and Unskilled. Learning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC) NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated > Happenstance Approach (Krumboltz) - correct answer Clients are to learn to deal with unplanned events, especially in the give-and-take of the life the 21st century workforce. Five Critical Client Skills: 1) Curiosity- explore learning opportunities 2) Persistence- way of dealing with obstacles 3) Flexibility- adapting and adjusting to various circumstances 4) Optimism- positive attitude when pursuing new opportunities 5) Risk-taking- necessary during unexpected events Z score - correct answer The same thing as a standard deviation; z= -3.0 means that you are 3 standard deviations from the mean Bell curve (Know perspectives, z and t scores) - correct answer In mental health consultations who are the 3 players? - correct answer Consult-consultee-client NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Donald Super career theory (5 Life stages) - correct answer 1. GROWTH (birth-14) - Curiosity, Fantasy, Interest - development of capacity, attitudes, interests, and needs associated with self concepts. 2. EXPLORATION (15-24) - Crystallizing, Specifying, Implementing - a tentative phase in which choices are narrowed but not finalized; "trying it out" through classes, work experience, hobbies; The crystallization of traits occurs when there is progress toward forming a stable self-concept. 3. ESTABLISHMENT (25-44)- Stabilizing, Consolidating, Advancing - characterized by trail and stabilization through work experiences 4. MAINTENANCE (45-64)- Holding, Updating, Innovating - characterized by a continual adjustment process to improve working position and situation. 5. DISENGAGEMENT (65+)- Decelerating, Retirement Planning, Retirement Living - characterized by preretirement considerations, reduced work output, and eventual retirement. NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated stanine score - correct answer divides the distribution into 9 equal parts DSM categories - correct answer Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders Dissociative Disorders Somatic Symptom Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Elimination Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Gender Dysphoria Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders Substance Use and Addictive Disorders Neurocognitive Disorders Personality Disorders Paraphilic Disorders what is a t-test? - correct answer The t-test for independent means is used when we want to know whether there is a difference NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated between populations to determine if they came from the same population null hypothesis - correct answer The null hypothesis (H0) is a hypothesis which the researcher tries to disprove, reject or nullify. The 'null' often refers to the common view of something, while the alternative hypothesis is what the researcher really thinks is the cause of a phenomenon ANOVA - correct answer one way ANOVA is used to compare the means of an outcome variable across two or more different groups (Like gender categories: male, female, etc) but not all in the "same" type of group factor Type I error (Alpha error) Type II error (Beta error) - correct answer - Type I error Alpha error (When the null hypothesis is true and you reject it, you make a type I error) - Type II error Beta error (this is when you FAIL to reject the null hypothesis when the null is in fact false, aka "false negative") Culture - correct answer defined as habits, customs, art, religion, NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated attitude or worldview instead of simply someone of the same race/culture) (Freud) free association - correct answer say w/e comes to mind Freud's Ego defense mechanisms - correct answer denial- arguing against an anxiety provoking stimuli by stating it doesn't exist *denying that your physician's diagnosis of cancer is correct and seeking a second opinion displacement -taking out impulses on a less threatening target *slamming a door instead of hitting as person, yelling at your spouse after an argument with your boss intellectualization- avoiding unacceptable emotions by focusing on the intellectual aspects *focusing on the details of a funeral as opposed to the sadness and grief projection-placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else *when losing an argument, you state "You're just Stupid;" homophobia NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated rationalization-supplying a logical or rational reason as opposed to the real reason *stating that you were fired because you didn't kiss up the the boss, when the real reason was your poor performance reaction formation - taking the opposite belief because the true belief causes anxiety *having a bias against a particular race or culture and then embracing that race or culture to the extreme regression -returning to a previous stage of development *sitting in a corner and crying after hearing bad news; throwing a temper tantrum when you don't get your way repression-pulling into the unconscious *forgetting sexual abuse from your childhood due to the trauma and anxiety sublimation-acting out unacceptable impulses in a socially acceptable way *sublimating your aggressive impulses toward a career as a boxer; becoming a surgeon because of your desire to cut; lifting weights to release 'pent up' energy suppression- pushing into the unconscious *trying to forget something that causes you anxiety NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Id, ego and superego - correct answer Eros& thanatos (Freud concepts) - correct answer the life instinct the death instinct Carl Jung created __ and was taught by __ - correct answer Analytic Psychology || Freud Carl Jung and Analytic Psychology - correct answer Archetypes include a persona: social mask the person wears Alfred Adler is the father of ___ and was taught by Freud and thought that ____ was important - correct answer Individual psychology|| birth order He stressed the "will to power" B. F. Skinner was a ____ type of therapist? - correct answer Behaviorist|| Focused on operant or instrumental conditioning NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Criticism of Rogerians/ Humanistic - correct answer too + may not work w/ disturbed or young clients Albert Ellis developed __ and it states what? - correct answer REBT - humans have the tendency to think in an irrational, illogical way. Thoughts/ cognitions are internal verbalization. Shoulds, oughts, musts, terribilizing, and awfulizing causes irrational thoughts Uses bibliotherapy, homework, and rational imagery Criticism of REBT - correct answer Sterile, no emotions, no importance of client/counselor relationship Aaron Beck developed ___ and it believes what? - correct answer Cognitive therapy based on the premise that what we think affects our emotions, what we choose to do or avoid, and our physiological reactions. In fact, most situations remain neutral until we assign meaning based on how we interpret the situation. NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Two-way ANOVA/ Factorial ANOVA - correct answer Similar to the one-way ANOVA but the researcher is comparing means across two or more different group membership factors (like sex, classes taking, socioeconomic status, etc) can also look at interactions in between groups MANOVA - correct answer Researcher is looking into one categorical independent variable and two or more continuous, correlated dependent variables; Helps the researcher compares 2 or more groups on several correlated dependent variables ANCOVA - correct answer used when the researcher wants to control for confounding variables Kohlberg 3 stages of moral development - correct answer Pre-conventional Convention Post-conventional (Kohlberg believed people rarely made it to this stage) NCE Counseling Exam Test Questions And Answers A+ Rated Daniel Levinson - correct answer 1) Early adult transition (17-22) - leave adolescence, make preliminary choices for adult life 2) Entering the adult world (22-28) - make initial choices in love, occupation, friendship, values, lifestyle 3) Age 30 transition (28-33) - changes occur in life structure, either a moderate change or, more often, a severe and stressful crisis 4) Settling down (33-40) - establish a niche in society, progress on a timetable, in both family and career accomplishments; are expected to think and behave like a parent so they are facing more demanding roles and expectations . 5) Mid-life transition (40-45) - life structure comes into question, usually a time of crisis in the meaning, direction, and value of each person's life. neglected parts of the self (talents, desires, aspirations) seek expression. Men are seen more as parents than as "brothers" to other men who are somewhat younger than them and this message comes as an irritation at first. Also at this time, men becoming increasingly aware of death and they are reminded of how short life really is. They become involved in trying to leave a legacy and this usually forms the core of the second half of his life. 6) Entering middle adulthood (45-50) - choices must be made, a new life structure formed. person must commit to new tasks.