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NCE EXAM 2024/2025 WITH 100% ACCURATE SOLUTIONS, Exams of Nursing


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NCE EXAM 2024/2025 WITH 100%


  1. Susie is playing with blocks and is trying to build a tower; she tries but cannot build a tower. Susie's mother helps her build a four-block tower. Later, Susie builds a four-block tower without her mother's help. According to Vygotsky, the inability to build the tower on her own is known as: - Precise Answer ✔✔The zone of proximal development (this is a range of tasks that are too difficult for children to do alone, but possible with help) According to Erickson, when an individual fails to develop a strong sense of identity, the individual will have troubles with the development of: - Precise Answer ✔✔Intimacy (individuals who fail to attain a lower level of development will fail to attain the next higher level). Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in Freud's theory of personality development? - Precise Answer ✔✔Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital Jacob's father tells Jacob to clean his room. When Jacob asks why, his father responds,

"Because I said so." The father's response is most representative of which parenting style? - Precise Answer ✔✔Authoritarian (uses coercion and psychological control to discipline children) Harry Harlow used baby monkeys and several different kinds of "surrogate mothers" to investigate which factors are important in early development and attachment. According to his findings, baby monkeys: - Precise Answer ✔✔Preferred a soft terry cloth mother to a wire mesh mother than holds a bottle. Which of the following is a myth about suicide in the United States? - Precise Answer ✔✔Asking someone about suicide may push that person over the edge. Cody does what his parents say because he doesn't want to lose his television privileges. This is an example of what level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development? - Precise Answer ✔✔Preconventional (the individual is most concerned with consequences) Josie likes to play peek-a-boo with her little brother, Jack. According to Piaget, Jack finds this game fun because he has acquired ____________, which is one of the primary tasks of the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. - Precise Answer ✔✔Object permanence

The theorist associated with bonding and attachment is: - Precise Answer ✔✔Bowlby Henry, a 72-year-old widower, reminisces with his daughter about his life. He talks about his successes and regrets. This is an example of Erikson's: - Precise Answer ✔✔Ego integrity stage When it comes to displaying aggression, girls more often engage in

aggression than boys. - Precise Answer ✔✔Relational All of the following are physical characteristics of Down Syndrome EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔Large hands and feet Which of the following statements is true when considering cultural and familial influences on self-esteem? - Precise Answer ✔✔An authoritative parenting style usually allows children to have especially high self- esteem Research on gay and lesbian couples - Precise Answer ✔✔They are as dedicated to and as effective at child rearing as are heterosexual parents.

In the Stanford prison study, what caused the guards to treat the prisoners harshly? - Precise Answer ✔✔It was the social context that determined the behaviors of both the guards and the prisoners. In the Stanford prison study, the setting was so realistic that the participants became guards and prisoners. Their personal identities were masked by the context of being in a prison as either a guard or a prisoner In the original studies, Milgram and his colleagues found that people were more likely to disobey under all of the following circumstances EXCEPT when __________. - Precise Answer ✔✔the victim was in an adjoining room so the "teacher" heard every sound the victim made In the Stanford prison simulation, male college students agreed to participate in an experiment to discover what would happen when they took on the roles of prisoners and guards. The researchers found that __________. - Precise Answer ✔✔The individuals who played one role or another really took on their role. It did not matter how the guards treated them or acted toward them, the fact that they became like "real" prisoners was the key finding. Individuals who played guards took on behaviors of "real" guards; and individuals who played prisoners took on behaviors of "real" prisoners.

In what ways do stereotypes distort reality? - Precise Answer ✔✔Stereotypes distort one's ideas about how one group is so different from another group. In reality, the differences between groups are not as extreme as stereotypes make them out to be. Jennifer has to choose between spending the evening at home with her parents or spending the evening babysitting her younger sister. Jennifer does not like either of these choices. This situation describes an: - Precise Answer ✔✔Since Jennifer doesn't like either of the choices, this would be an avoidance-avoidance conflict. It is simply picking between the lesser of two evils. Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client's point of view. This counselor is taking the _________ perspective - Precise Answer ✔✔Emic (this view considers that culture matters) Working with individuals from different cultures requires that the counselor: - Precise Answer ✔✔Have sensitivity and knowledge about other cultures.

A high standard of counseling practice when working with diverse populations involves all of the following EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔Treating all clients the same way When working with individuals from different cultures, the effective counselor may NOT: - Precise Answer ✔✔Maintain good eye contact at all times. Murray is a bright student, but he procrastinates. He puts off writing term papers and gets incompletes, which eventually become Fs. Murray's therapist helps him establish small, specific goals rather than vague, long-range goals. The therapist also asks Murray to keep a diary of how he is spending his time when he is avoiding his studies. The method used to help Murray deal with his problem is __________ therapy. - Precise Answer ✔✔Behavioral The social learning perspective is to the psychodynamic perspective as ____________________ are to ________________________ - Precise Answer ✔✔Environmental conditions, unconscious dynamics The process of saying freely whatever comes to mind in connection with dreams, fantasies, or memories in the course of a psychodynamic

therapy session, is referred to as _____________________________ - Precise Answer ✔✔Free association

  1. Which of the following is not a behavioral therapy? - Precise Answer ✔✔Unconditional positive regard
  2. The primary goal of __________ therapy is to find meaning in life - Precise Answer ✔✔Existential
  3. Which of the following pairings of problem and the most successful therapy for that problem is INCORRECT? - Precise Answer ✔✔Childhood behavior problems and existential therapy
  4. The bond of confidence and mutual understanding established between therapist and client is called the _______. - Precise Answer ✔✔Therapeutic alliance
  5. An apparent treatment success that is due to the patient's expectation or hopes rather than the treatment itself is called ____________. - Precise Answer ✔✔the placebo effect
  6. In _________ therapy, the therapist uses logical arguments to challenge a client's unrealistic beliefs or expectations. - Precise Answer ✔✔REBT

Systematic desensizitation and flooding are ___________ techniques - Precise Answer ✔✔Behavioral Which of the following types of therapists would be most likely to use free association and transference? - Precise Answer ✔✔Psychodynamic therapists

  1. _________ is a humanist approach that emphasizes the tragic aspects of life, the burden of responsibility, and the need to face the inevitability of death. - Precise Answer ✔✔Existentialism According to Carl Rogers, __________ is love and support given to another with no strings attached. - Precise Answer ✔✔Unconditional positive regard Which of the following pairs of personality theorists and perspectives is INCORRECT? - Precise Answer ✔✔Carl Jung; genetic Which of the following terms is associated with transactional analysis? - Precise Answer ✔✔Complementary transactions Which one of the following does NOT belong with the other three? - Precise Answer ✔✔Glasser

The withdrawal of reinforcement until the conditioned response no longer occurs is known as: - Precise Answer ✔✔Extinction Freud is to ego, id, and superego as ___________ is to parent, adult, and child. - Precise Answer ✔✔Berne Developed by Luft and Ingham, ______________ asserts that there are four parts to the personality: the public self, the blind self, the private self, and the unknown self. - Precise Answer ✔✔The Johari Window In which is the focus on the meaning of life and the relevance of the individual experience? - Precise Answer ✔✔Existential counseling Popular techniques of this approach are role playing, "empty chair," and "making the rounds." - Precise Answer ✔✔Gestalt Popular techniques of this approach are examination of client's memories, "spitting in the client's soup," and "catching oneself." - Precise Answer ✔✔Adlerian

In this therapeutic approach, the counselor's emphasis is on being authentic while concentrating on verbal and nonverbal messages. - Precise Answer ✔✔Existential Paradoxical intention, implosive therapy, and thought stopping are all techniques used by _____________ counselors. - Precise Answer ✔✔Psychoanalytic Stress inoculation is a concept introduced by: - Precise Answer ✔✔Donald Meichenbaum According to Freud, _____________________ is the most important defense mechanism. An example of this defense mechanism is when a woman who has been physically abused by her spouse doesn't remember ever being hurt by him. - Precise Answer ✔✔Repression A dog that has been trained to stop and stand at attention when she hears a duck call does not stop and stand at attention when she hears a goose call. This is an example of: - Precise Answer ✔✔Stimulus discrimination

The disadvantage of closed-ended questions is that the client usually fails to: - Precise Answer ✔✔disclose personal information and continue to dialogue with the counselor Rational-emotive behavior therapy follows a five-step system using ABCDE, where D stands for: - Precise Answer ✔✔Disputing the irrational belief The goals of this type of therapy include gaining knowledge about the self and recognizing and integrating the self. - Precise Answer ✔✔Jungian In order to elicit a conditioned response, the neutral stimulus that will become the conditioned stimulus must _________________ the unconditioned stimulus. - Precise Answer ✔✔Precede In contrast to feeling sorry for the client, the counselor needs to demonstrate ___________ toward the client. - Precise Answer ✔✔Empathy In order to facilitate growth in a client, the counselor uses all of the following strategies EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔Abandonment

A(n) _____________ schedule of reinforcement is the most difficult to extinguish. - Precise Answer ✔✔Intermittent The primary distinction between reinforcement and punishment is that reinforcement ___________ the likelihood of the behavior to occur again, while punishment _________________ the likelihood of the behavior to occur again. - Precise Answer ✔✔Increases; decreases

  1. Negative reinforcement _______________ the behavior by ________________ a reinforcer; positive reinforcement ______________ the behavior by ____________ a reinforcer. - Precise Answer ✔✔increases, taking away; increases, adding There are long silences, several members of the group are acting out, and it seems like all the group members are expressing frustrations with both the structure of the group and the way the group leader is functioning. Most likely this group is in the ___________ state of the group process. - Precise Answer ✔✔Transition From this perspective the group goals are to enable members to pay close attention to

their here-and-now experiences so they can recognize and integrate disowned aspects of themselves. - Precise Answer ✔✔Gestalt Which of the following is NOT an advantage of group counseling? - Precise Answer ✔✔Focus on individual needs As a leader of a group, Barb is very structured. She sets and directs all of the group's goals and activities and hardly ever asks the participants for input. Most likely, Barb has a(n) ________ style of leadership. - Precise Answer ✔✔Authoritarian What is likely to happen in a group when the leader is authoritarian? - Precise Answer ✔✔Members become dependent on the leader All of the following are characteristics of an open group EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔There is good cohesion In contrast to a homogeneous group, a heterogeneous group: - Precise Answer ✔✔Has members with greater awareness of themselves and others All of the following are assumptions of groups EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔The leader is a member of the group

During the working stage of the group, the leader's role is to: - Precise Answer ✔✔provide reinforcement, link themes, support risks, and encouraging translating insight into action. The emphasis for this type of group is on prevention and development of healthy behaviors. - Precise Answer ✔✔Primary There is a distinction between group content and group process. An example of group process would be: - Precise Answer ✔✔Sarah monopolizes the conversation and doesn't allow others to contribute, and Joe rolls his eyes every time Sarah says something (these are behaviors that go beyond just words) Greg seems to make light of everything that goes on in the group. If someone is late, for example, he makes a humorous remark about calling for a search party. Greg would be described as the __________ of the group. - Precise Answer ✔✔Joker A counselor is conducting the initial screening of individuals who may be included in a bereavement group. An appropriate candidate for the group would be one who: - Precise Answer ✔✔Is free from the use of alcohol or other drugs

A group has co-leaders. That is, there are two trained counselors who are facilitating the group together. All of the following are advantages of co-leadership groups EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔There is less time spent observing participants The group leader points out defenses, resistances, and transferences as they occur in this type of group. - Precise Answer ✔✔Psychoanalytic Premature termination of participation in a group usually occurs when an individual is: - Precise Answer ✔✔Not very motivated Career-oriented, successful ethnic minority women: - Precise Answer ✔✔Often display unusually high self-efficacy The group that is most affected by the "glass ceiling phenomenon" consists of: - Precise Answer ✔✔Women who are in careers most often populated by men Which group of students would be least likely to seek out career counseling? - Precise Answer ✔✔None In dual-career families, the woman typically: - Precise Answer ✔✔has an established career before having children

Compared with high school students who enter the workforce right after graduation, students who go to college can expect to: - Precise Answer ✔✔Earn about $10,000 more per year Leisure activities are those activities that a professional career counselor:

  • Precise Answer ✔✔May also refer to as avocations Dual-career families engage in leisure time: - Precise Answer ✔✔Less often than families with one wage earner The role of the professional career counselor involves all of the following EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔None of the above Career choices as expressions of one's personality are to ______________ as career choices as influenced by genetic endowment, environmental factors, and previous learning experiences are to _________________. - Precise Answer ✔✔Holland; Krumboltz One of the main premises of ____________ theory is that individuals choose occupations that will permit them to use their competencies. - Precise Answer ✔✔Super's

Super describes four stages of career development, beginning in adolescence with the _________ stage, in which a person fantasizes and role-plays in order to clarify the emerging self-concept. In the ____________ stage the self-concept adjusts to fit the stabilized career choice and the person tries out various options. - Precise Answer ✔✔Exploratory; establishment All of the following are assumptions of John Holland's theory of career choice EXCEPT: - Precise Answer ✔✔Environment has very little to do with career choices A career counselor who adheres to Holland's theory of career choice may have his clients take the ______________ to help determine personality types. - Precise Answer ✔✔SDS (self-directed search) Which of the following are postulates of Hoppock's theory? - Precise Answer ✔✔Hoppock's theory of career choice suggests that people choose careers that meet some personal needs. As part of this theory, Hoppock postulates that everyone has personal needs and that an individual reacts to these needs when making career choices. Making career choices involves self-awareness and understanding

Which pair seems to go together? - Precise Answer ✔✔Roe and Hoppock (both believe early development is important to a person's career) According to Roe, career choice is influenced by: - Precise Answer ✔✔Genetics, parent-child interactions, and unconscious motivators Gender bias would be aroused by which of the following? - Precise Answer ✔✔A woman entering a male-dominated field, or a man entering a female-dominated field You are a career counselor who is interested in keeping up with trends in the job market so that you can better assist your clients. One of the best ways to keep up with the trends in the job market is to consult the: - Precise Answer ✔✔The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) A 42-year-old woman returns to her career as an HR manager after her children start to attend school all day. This is an example of: - Precise Answer ✔✔A re- entry woman A receptionist at a dental office is not allowed to sing or hum at the office, but when she

gets home, she turns on the radio and sings her favorite songs as loudly as she can. This is an example of: - Precise Answer ✔✔The compensatory effect The 20th percentile represents: - Precise Answer ✔✔The score at or below which 20% of scores in the distribution fall A test is considered "standardized" if it includes: - Precise Answer ✔✔standard procedures for administering, scoring and interpreting the test, and norms to compare an examinee to. Which of the following sources of information about tests would probably provide the best information about sources and trends in testing and assessment? - Precise Answer ✔✔Test critiques and manuals, and journal articles Which of the following best describes norms? - Precise Answer ✔✔The main purpose of norms is to provide meaning to test scores Which of the following best describes a "good" test? - Precise Answer ✔✔A "good" test is reliable, valid and has norms If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are: - Precise Answer ✔✔positively correlated (not that one causes the other)

A researcher who observes a strong negative correlation between income and mental illness would conclude that: - Precise Answer ✔✔Those with lower incomes tend to suffer from higher rates of mental illness and those with higher incomes tend to suffer from lower rates of mental illness A test producing the same results from one time to another is to a test measuring what it is supposed to as _______ is to ________. - Precise Answer ✔✔reliability; validity Which of the following are measures of central tendency? - Precise Answer ✔✔Median and mode (measures of central tendency describe "average" scores) Which of the following pairs correctly describes forms of reliability? - Precise Answer ✔✔Equivalence and internal consistency Which of the following is TRUE of testing people with disabilities? - Precise Answer ✔✔ Which of the following is the best approach to minimizing or eliminating test bias? - Precise Answer ✔✔Creating separate norm groups for different groups against whom the test is thought to be biased.

Multiple-choice items like those found on the NCE tap skills primarily of: - Precise Answer ✔✔Recognition An intelligence quotient (IQ) is based on: - Precise Answer ✔✔Mental age/chronological age X 100 Which of the following is NOT an intelligence test? - Precise Answer ✔✔MMPI-II MMPI-A and CPI are to _________________ as Rorschach and TAT are to __________________. - Precise Answer ✔✔Objective tests; subjective tests The Rorschach, TAT, and Rotters Incomplete Sentences are all: - Precise Answer ✔✔Projective tests One of the major criticisms of projective tests is that they: - Precise Answer ✔✔Are too subjective A counselor may decide to administer a number of personality tests in order to: - Precise Answer ✔✔Understand the client more fully, predict his future performance, or evaluate treatment outcomes The key difference between ipsative scales and normative scales is that ipsative scales: - Precise Answer ✔✔Provide information about an individual client

Jennifer, a Brandon High School graduating senior, took the Geneva Advanced Placement test in mathematics and earned 177 points out of a total of 200 points. This score means that Jennifer did as well or better than: - Precise Answer ✔✔89% of the graduating seniors at Glenbrook High School Terry's average score per basketball game is 27 points. This places him sixth among all the forwards in the Midwest basketball league. The level of measurement described in this example is: - Precise Answer ✔✔Ordinal (these involve ranking according to attributes) A researcher reports a correlation coefficient of -.43 between the amount of television viewing by children and the number of times these children are on the honor roll at school. This means: - Precise Answer ✔✔There is a moderately negative relationship between how much television a child watches and how often her or his grades are high enough to earn a position on the honor roll. (There is no cause and effect when a correlation coefficient is present) A counselor wants to make sure that the test she is using provides the same scores for

people when they retake the test a month later. What should the counselor look for when reviewing the test manual? - Precise Answer ✔✔Test-retest reliability When applying to graduate school, the admissions committee compares the candidate's scores on the GRE with the candidate's grade point average reported on the college transcripts. This is an example of: - Precise Answer ✔✔criterion-related validity Only _________ permits a researcher to identify cause and effect. - Precise Answer ✔✔An experiment A hypothesis is: - Precise Answer ✔✔A testable prediction An experiment in which neither the subjects nor the individuals running the study know which subjects are in the control group and which are in the experimental group until after the results are tallied is called a _______________ study. a. single-blind - Precise Answer ✔✔Double-blind A researcher wants to conduct a study looking at the effects of systematic

desensitization on agoraphobia. In this case, the independent variable is _________________ and the dependent variable is ____________________. - Precise Answer ✔✔Systematic desensitization; agoraphobia (if the question begins with "the effects of," that is going to be the independent variable. The dependent variable is going to have the word "on" close to it.) A researcher reports that p < .05 in his study. This means: - Precise Answer ✔✔There is a greater than 95% chance that the results obtained are accurate. (With a p < .05, if the researcher were to replicate his experiment 100 times he would get the same results at least 95% of the time.) If a researcher wants to rule out any chances of error, a statistical level of significance needed would be: - Precise Answer ✔✔p < .001 (If a researcher wants to rule out any chances of error, she is going to want to have a very small p value.) A Type I error is to __________________ as a Type II error is to ______________________. - Precise Answer ✔✔rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true; accepting the null hypothesis when it is false. One way to reduce Type I and Type II errors is to: - Precise Answer ✔✔increase sample size

If a researcher who found a negative correlation between the amount of TV viewing done by children and academic performance were to graph her results, she would use a: - Precise Answer ✔✔scatterplot A t-score has a mean of ____________ and a standard deviation of ______________. - Precise Answer ✔✔50; 10 A person received a t-score of 40. This means: - Precise Answer ✔✔Her score fell one standard deviation below the mean. A confounded study is one in which: - Precise Answer ✔✔there are undesirable variables as part of the experiment Behavior changing as a result of just being part of an experiment is to the _____________________ as believing that someone with an extensive vocabulary is better at communicating is to the ________________________. - Precise Answer ✔✔Hawthorne effect; halo effect (The Hawthorne effect is the tendency for participants to change their behavior just because they are participants in a research study; The halo effect is the tendency to generalize about a person based on one trait)