Download NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers and more Exams Career Counseling in PDF only on Docsity! NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Over ___% of marriages are dual-earner marriages. - correct answer 54 (Around 60% when looking at marriages with children. In 1950, it was 20.4%.) Studies suggest how many workers snare a job based on chance factors? - correct answer 1 in 5 What ____% of all college students have career difficulties? - correct answer 50 (of all college students) What are 're-entry women'? - correct answer Women who have made the transition from homemaker to jobs outside the home. Displaced homemaker - correct answer A woman with children who was a homemaker but is currently in need of work to support her family. What is meant by the term 'glass ceiling'? - correct answer Suggests women are limited in terms of how far they can advance in the workforce; is a form of NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers occupational gender role stereotyping that can limit a woman's careers. Women now compromise _____% of the workforce; approximately ____ ______ workers. - correct answer 46%, 69 million John O. Crites - correct answer Feels the need for career counseling exceeds the need for therapy. Victor Vroom's Motivation and Management Expectancy Theory - correct answer suggests employee performance is influenced by: valance (rewards such as money, promotion, or satisfaction), expectancy (what am I capable of doing?), and instrumentality (will management come through with promised rewards?) Vocational guidance - correct answer A developmental and educational process within a school system. Career counseling - correct answer A therapeutic service for adults with NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Differential validity - correct answer a test is valid for one group, but less or totally invalid for another Trait-and-factor theory - correct answer Assumes through testing, one's personality can be matched to an occupation geared toward those traits. -Considered 1st major and most durable theory of career choice. (Computer-based career programs often adhere to this model.) Profile matching - correct answer A job candidate's personality or skills are matched to that of successful workers. Elementary school counselors - correct answer The only organized profession to work with individuals from a preventative and developmental viewpoint. Trait-and-factor model - correct answer Matches worker and work environment (job factors), and has the viewpoint there is one 'best' NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers career for a person. (Also known as actuarial or matching approach. Classified as structural or grounded in 'differential psychology' (i.e., study of individual differences). Edmund Griffith Williamson - correct answer Chief spokesperson for Minnesota Viewpoint, a group that expanded upon Parson's model of career counseling, and which transcended vocational issues. Purportedly used the Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales. What population are the most popular career theories based on? - correct answer Middle-class or upper middle-class white males who are heterosexual and not disabled. Parsons, Williamson, and Patterson - correct answer Three big names in trait-and-factor theory. Assumed a person's traits can be measured so accurately that the choice of occupation need only be a one-time process. Actuarial approach (also trait-and-factor model) - correct answer Asserts testing is an important part of the NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers process, and a counselor can match the person with the appropriate job. Fails to take into account an individual's changes through their lifespan. Parson's 3 steps to implement trait-and-factor model - correct answer Knowledge of self, aptitudes, and interests Knowledge of jobs, including advantages/disadvantages Matching the individual with the work "Choosing a Vocation" - correct answer Landmark book written by Frank Parsons in 1909. Frank Parsons - correct answer The Father of vocational guidance. Developmental approaches (to career counseling) - correct answer delineate stages or specify vocational choice in terms of a process which can change throughout the lifespan. Anne Roe - correct answer suggested a personality approach to NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers (Memory device: Roe begins with R, Rorschach begins with R, TAT is also subjective test) In terms of genetics, Roe's theory asserts - correct answer genetics help determine intelligence and education, therefore influencing career choice. Career choice is influenced by genetics, parent-child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, personal interests, education, and intelligence. Job - correct answer A given position or similar positions within an organization. (most specific) Occupation - correct answer Similar jobs occupied via different people in different settings. (broader than job) Career - correct answer A person's lifetime positions plus leisure. (broadest category) Edwin Bordin - correct answer Analyzed career choice using the unconscious mind. NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers A.A. Brill - correct answer Emphasized sublimation as an ego- defense mechanism in career counseling. John Holland - correct answer His work is today's most popular career choice approach. Developed Self-Directed Search (SDS) instrument to measure 6 personality types Holland's 4 assumptions - correct answer -6 basic personality types -most work environments correspond to 6 personality types -people search out an agreeable environment -the individual's behavior is determined by interaction of personality and environment Holland's 6 personality types - correct answer Artistic Social Realistic Investigative Conventional NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Enterprising (memory device, "AS RICE") Roe, Brill, and Holland - correct answer Classified as personality (or structural) theorists. Holland's 'social' type - correct answer People who prefer to solve problems using interpersonal skills and feelings. Holland's 'enterprising' type - correct answer People who like to sell to others or perform leadership tasks (i.e., Vice Prez of USA) A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fit into Holland's _____ typology? - correct answer Realistic Holland's 'investigative' type - correct answer People who like to think their way through a problem. (i.e., scientist, engineer, mathematician, philosopher) NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Ginzberg and colleagues now believe development of career choice is three things: - correct answer -process continues through life span -career choice decisions continue through life span -career choice is irreversible Ginzberg and associates identified three stages of career development: - correct answer -fantasy (birth to age 11) -tentative (11 to 17) realistic (age 17 to early 20s) Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma - correct answer Developmental career theorists Believed career choice is irreversible and the result of compromises between wishes and realistic possibilities. Most popular developmental career theorists - correct answer Donald Super Super emphasizes ___ ___________. - correct answer the self-concept NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers (i.e., individual chooses career which allows self-concept to be expressed) (Memory: Super and Self begin with S) Donald Super's 5 stages of career development - correct answer Growth (birth to age 14) Exploration (15-24) Establishment (24-44) Maintenance (44-64) Decline (65+) (memory: GEE MD) Developmental career theories (like Super's) emphasize __________ career-related behavior. - correct answer longitudinal Super's theory includes - correct answer the life-career rainbow Comprised or roles a person plays in all areas of life:parent, homemaker, worker, citizen, leisurite, student, child. NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers John Crites - correct answer Researched the phenomenon of "career maturity" or "vocational maturity" Schlossberg's 5 factors of career development - correct answer Behavior as adult primarily due to social factors Behavior a function of one's life stage or age at other times Gender differences more powerful than age or stage difference Adults continually experience transitions requiring adaptation Identity, intimacy, and generativity are recurring themes in adulthood David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara - correct answer Developed a decision-making theory of 2 parts: anticipation and implementation/adjustment. Anticipation phase - person imagines self in given career Implementation/Adjustment phase - person engages in reality testing his expectations NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers In the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), each job is given a ____ digit code. - correct answer 9 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) manual - correct answer Classifies business by the type of activity they engage in (i.e, service or product) (memory: working in industry won't make you sic) Underemployment - correct answer Working in a position below skill level. 3 fastest growing occupations (2008) - correct answer computer support specialist, systems analyst, database admin Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) - correct answer published by Dept. of Labor, groups jobs in 14 interest areas to help job seekers research job interests Self-efficacy career theory is based on the work of - correct answer Behaviorist Albert Bandura NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Believed in chance factors influencing career, or that one's expectation/belief of success in an occupation caused them to gravitate toward a field. SIGI Plus, Choices, and Discover are - correct answer Computer Assisted Career Guidance Systrems (CACG) or Computer-based Career Information Systems (CBCIS) Contrast effect - correct answer The contrast between an individual and others affecting job interviews, performance, etc. Compensatory effect - correct answer Compensating outside of work for things not allowed on the job (i.e., librarian being quiet all day then getting loud/crazy at night) Spillover effect - correct answer Work spilling over into a person's leisure time. American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) - correct answer Prior name for the American Counseling Association (ACA) NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers Lifestyle - correct answer A broad term describing the overall balance of work, leisure, family, and social activities. Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) - correct answer based on John Holland's theory, measures INTERESTS, not activities Assumes person interesting in a given subject will get satisfaction from working in an occupation with others who have similar interests Self-Directed Search (SDS) - correct answer Based on Holland's work, self- administered, self-scored, self-interpreted to match Holland's 6 types, suitable ages 15+, not recommended for uneducated, illiterate, etc. Sedentary job requirement - correct answer max lifting of 10 pounds Light work requirement - correct answer max lifting of 20 pounds Medium work requirement - correct answer max lifting of 50 pounds NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers of - correct answer counselor bias based on gender bias Research suggests a woman who has the same intelligence, skills, and potential as a man will often - correct answer have lower career aspirations than a man. Dislocated worker - correct answer an individual who lost his job because a company downsized or relocated. Midlife career change - correct answer takes place generally between 35-45 System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI) - correct answer career self-assessment aimed at college students The concept of job clubs as promoted by Azrin and his colleages is ______. - correct answer behavioristic Hoppock - correct answer believed accurate career decisions are NCE Exam: Lifestyle and Career Development Questions And Answers made by knowing personal needs and finding an occupation that meets a high % of those needs.