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NCLEX Maternal Newborn Questions with 100% Correct Answers, Exams of Nursing

NCLEX Maternal Newborn Questions with 100% Correct Answers

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Available from 09/19/2024

kelvin-kay 🇬🇧

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Download NCLEX Maternal Newborn Questions with 100% Correct Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NCLEX Maternal Newborn Questions with 100% Correct Answers What is the average weight gained during pregnancy - Correct answer 25- 35 lbs What are presumptive signs of pregnancy - Correct answer amenorrhea Fatigue N/V Urinary frequency Breast changes - darkened areola, enlarged montgomery's glands Quickening What is quickening when should it occur - Correct answer fluttering movements by the fetus, usually occurs 16- 20 weeks gestation What are probable signs of pregnancy - Correct answer cervical changes Hegars sign - softening of lower uterus Chadwicks sign - bluish color of vagina Goodells sign - softening of cervical tip Ballottment - rebound of unengaged fetus Braxton hicks - painless, irregular, usually relieved by walking Positive pregnancy test Positive signs of pregnancy - Correct answer fetal heart tones Visualization of fetus via ultrasound Fetal movement How many days does it take for Hcg to be detected in the blood and urine after conception - Correct answer blood - 6-11 days Urine - 26 days What is nageles rule - Correct answer to calculate the estimated date of birth, subtract 3 months and add 7 days to the first day of last period What is mcdonalds rule - Correct answer measure fundal height in cm. Between weeks 18-32 fundal height should approximate gestational age. What is the most widely used test for evaluating fetal well being - Correct answer non stress test Non stress test results - reactive vs non reactive - Correct answer reactive NST (normal) 2+ fetal accelerations in 20 mins Nonreactive NST (abnormal) less than 2 accelerations in 20 mins Describe an acceleration - Correct answer increase in FHR by 15 above baseline and last for 15 seconds. Contraction stress test results - negative and positive - Correct answer negative - normal at least 3 uterine contractions in 10 mins with no late deceleration. Positive - late deceleration occur with 50% or more of contratcions, suggestive of uteroplacental insufficiency What does a Biophysical profile assess - Correct answer ultra sound to visualize physiological characteristics of fetus. Assesses - Fetal breathing movements Gross body movements Fetal heart rate Nonstress test Amniotic fluid volume Scoring 8-10 normal 6 borderline 0-4 abnormal What is amniocentesis used for in early pregnancy - Correct answer genetic work up for fetal anomalies Ex - down syndrome, trisomy 18 & 13 Done at 14-16 weeks Abdominal pain Frequent urination Flushed dry skin Fruity breath Explain the 1 hour Glucose tolerance test - Correct answer at 24-28 weeks gestation: 50 g of oral glucose given. 1 hour later plasma glucose is taken. Do not need to fast Positive test is 140 or greater (70-110 normal) will then have 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Explain the 3 hour Glucose tolerance test - Correct answer overnight fasting prior, no caffeine or smoking 12 hours prior Fasting blood glucose is obtained, 100 g glucose given, blood glucose taken at 1, 2, 3 hours following glucose ingestion. 140 is positive for gestational diabetes What are the insulin needs during each trimester - Correct answer 1st - need less insulin 2nd and 3rd - need more insulin Hyperemesis Gravidarum diet teaching - Correct answer eat small frequent meals. Dry food like crackers may help nausea. Increase fluid intake when not feeling nauseated. Seltzer, ginger ale and sparkling waters may be helpful. Causes of abruptio placentae - Correct answer trauma Preeclampsia Multi parity Cocaine use S/S - abruptio placentae - Correct answer dark red PAINFUL bleeding Board like abdomen Immediate C-section S/S - placenta previa - Correct answer painless bright red bleeding Can be treated with bed rest Hydatidifrom Mole / molar pregnancy - Correct answer grapelike clusters of brown vaginal bleeding, rapid uterine growth Have persistently high hcg levels Need elective expulsion Should avoid becoming pregnant for 1 year or until hcg levels return to normal How do you determine frequency of contractions - Correct answer beginning of one contraction to beginning of another. How do you monitor intensity of contractions - Correct answer can only be accurately measured with an internal uterine pressure catheter (IUPC) What are stations? - Correct answer negative station is above the ischial spine 0 station is at the ischial spine or engaged Positive station are below ischial spine S/S of false labor - Correct answer contractions - Braxton hicks, irregular, do not increase in frequency or intensity, felt in lower back or abdomen above belly button. Decrease with walking or position changes. S/S of true labor - Correct answer regular in frequency, become stronger and last longer, walking increases intensity, continue despite comfort measures. Felt in lower back radiating to abdomen. Bloody show present What occurs in the 1st stage of labor - Correct answer cervix dilates from 0-10 cm Latent phase 0-3 cm Frequency of contractions 5- 30 mins Active stage 4-7 cm Frequency of contractions 3-5 mins Transition phase 8-10 cm Frequency of contractions 2-3 mins What occurs in the 2nd stage of labor - Correct answer pushing stage: complete dilation through delivery of baby. Assess FHR every 15 mins What occurs in the 3rd stage of labor - Correct answer delivery of bay until delivery of placenta What occurs in the 4th stage of labor - Correct answer 1-2 hours after delivery of placenta Asses vitals, fundus and lochia every 15 minutes x4 and every 30 minutes x2 and every 60 minutes x1. Hemorrhage is a priority concern. Explain the 3 categories of FHR - Correct answer category 1 Baseline FHR 110-160 Moderate variability Can have accelerations and early deceleration but no variable or late deceleration Category 2 Anything that is not cat 1 or 3 Category 3 Sinusoidal pattern Recurrent variable or late deceleration Bradycardia What is classified as an acceleration - Correct answer baseline up 15 beats a min lasting 15 seconds Types of deceleration's - Correct answer VEAL CHOP Variable - cord compression - move client Early - head compression Acceleration - okay! Late - placental insufficiency - actions needed ASAP Focused assessment of mom post partum - Correct answer BUBBLE HERV : B-breasts U - uterus (fundal height, uterine placement, consistency) B - bowel and Gi function B - bladder L - lochia (color, consistency, odor, amount) E - episiotomy (REEDA) H - hemorrhoids E- emotions R- rubella (no pregnancy 1 month after receiving ) V- vaccines (influenza, pneumonia, tdap) Where is the fundus located after delivery - Correct answer umbilicus Which blood type will recieve rho gam - Correct answer a Rh - mom with Rh+ baby with negative maternal coombs Umbilical cord vessels - Correct answer 2 arteries 1 vein What is included in the APGAR when is it done & scoring - Correct answer APGAR done at 1 & 5 minutes Heart rate - greater or less than 100 Respiratory effort - weak or good cry Muscle tone - poor or good flexion of extremities Reflex irritability - grimace or cry Color - blue extremities or all pink Rating: 7-10 normal 4-6 moderately distressed 0-3 severely distressed Scored 0-2 in each category. Newborn vitals - Correct answer HR - 110- 160 RR- 40- 60 Temp - axillary 97.7 -99. 1 ...dont take rectal temp! BP - 60-80 over 40-50 When do the fontanels close - Correct answer anterior - 18 months Posterior - 8- 12 weeks When is meconium passed - Correct answer within 48 hours after delivery When using a bulb suction what do you do first nose or mouth? - Correct answer M BEFORE N Mouth before nose How many wet diapers should a newborn have a day - Correct answer 6-8 When does pathologic jaundice occur - Correct answer appears before 24 hours or is persistent after day 7 Indicates underlying disease, usually Rh incompatibility or infection When does physiologic jaundice occur - Correct answer appears after 24 hours of age Caused by breakdown of RBC, excessive bruising and immature liver Where is the best place to assess for jaundice - Correct answer blanching skin on sternum or cheek Feeding for jaundice - Correct answer feed every 3-4 hours to prevent dehydration and promote bilirubin excretion through stool What is kernicterus - Correct answer bilirubin levels 25+ Can lead to anemia and brain damage. Will receive exchange transfusion What is the most common organism in yeast infections - Correct answer candida albicans What is responsible for most cases of cervical cancer - Correct answer HPV What is the Ca 125 blood test used to detect - Correct answer ovarian cancer. More than 35 is considered abnormal What are factors contributing to breast cancer - Correct answer first degree relative Early menarche (before 12) and late menopause (after 51) Nulligravida Early or prolonged use of oral contraceptives Long term use of hormone replacement therapy Overweight, sedentary, excessive alcohol intake When and how often should you get a mammogram - Correct answer 40+ should get mammograms every 1-2 years Get clinical breast exam annually When should you do a breast self exam - Correct answer monthly 1 week after period Mastectomy post op care: - Correct answer HOB at 30 degrees, arm on pillow No injections, blood draws or pressures on affected side Sling on affected side when walking Hematologic condition that coexists with severe preeclampsia involving hepatic dysfunction - Correct answer HELLP syndrome Why do newborns receive erythromycin ointment in their eyes within 1 hour after birth - Correct answer preventative treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea HIV and pregnancy - Correct answer no breast feeding Elective C section at 38 weeks When is the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) given to girls - Correct answer given as 3 injections over a 6 month period Given between ages of 11- 26 girls Boys get it at 11-12