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NCRA Practice Tests -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025, Exams of Advanced Education

NCRA Practice Tests -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025

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NCRA Practice Tests -with 100% verified

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How often does NCRA offer WKT Four times per year during two week windows around 200 areas of the country Where is the RPR job Analysis available? The NCRA Website and the appendix of the study guide How can you register for WKT Using NCRA's exam registration process Where can I find my testing location? What is your best source for questions and testing? What is GRMS General requirements and minimum standards

What does COPE stand for? Code of Professional Ethics What is CLVS? Certified Legal Video Specialist What is CART Communication Access Realtime T/F Requirements for attaining your state CSR would be included in NCRA'S Code of Professional Ethics False T/F A reporter appears at an office to take a depo and realizes the person is a former relative. She should advise counsel of the relationship and have them decide of she should report the deposition. True NCRA has published position statements before. Ways to earn continuing education credits would be on there. T/F False. This isn't an issues NCRA would need to take a formal position on. A homophone is Two or more words having the same pronunciation but different means, origins, or spellings like knew and new

Which is spelled incorrectly: A)Accomodation B)Accede C)Accelerant D)Accesses A. There are two Cs in accommodation In Return for that is: A. Therefor B. Therefore C. Theirfor D. Theirfore A. Which is correct if you just add ly to the end? A. Automatic B. Basic C. Classic D. Chic Chic for chicly the rest require ally to make it an adverb Which is incorrect: A. Condemn B. Govenor C. Queue D. Amateur


Which Means Zero A. ought B. Aut C. Aught D. Owt C What is an antonym? Word opposite in meaning to another like bad and good What do adverbs modify? verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. What is a noun people, places and things What is an adjective a word or phrase naming an attribute, related to a noun to modify it or describe it What is a conjunction

A word used to connect clauses or sentences to coordinate words in the same clause and, but, if Where can you review grammar? Gregg Reference Manual What is an appositive? It is a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun. Like My attorney, Mr. Anderson has a lot of experience. They both are describing the same person. T/F this sentence is correct: Neither Mary nor Bobby are coming to the party. F It should be Neither Mary nor Bobby is coming to the party. A sentence with two singular subjects needs a singular verb. Species can be used as a plural and singular noun T or F T A surrogate is A. a descendant B. Cohort C. Substitute D. Advocate C. Is a noun of a person or thing that takes the place or function of another. Many people are familiar with the term surrogate mother.

What means to arouse an emotion or provoke and action? A. Pique B. Peek C. Peak D. Peke A. to pique someone's interest What is the antonym of principal? A. Supplemental B. Capital C. Foremost D. Predominant A. would be the opposite which is an adjective describing something that completes or makes an addition. What is a synonym A phrase that is nearly the same as a word What is the synonym of pedestrian? A. Healthy B. Permanence C. Respite D. Unimaginative D. it is an adjective describing that which is lacking in creative ability.

T/F A colloquialism is a word or phrase specific to geographical locations T. Example. Ain't-Am Not Adam's Ale/City Cocktail-Water A Fur piece-Far away T/F Slang is the same as a colloquialism F. Slang is very fluid in nature. It fades in and out of style Examples: Cool Hip Rad Cray T/F and idiom is a figurative phrase. It doesn't literally mean what it says. Like Apple of my eye means one's pride and joy T At logger heads means: A. Bad State of Affairs B. Without payment or penalty C. Engaged in a violent quarrel C. Engaged in a violent quarrel Puts and Calls means:

A. Hypocritical sorrow B. Stock Trading Term C. Be careful B. Stock Trading Term Namby Pamby Means: A. A dangerous machine B. What one deserves C. Lacking in character or substance C. Lacking in character or substance Kettle of Fish means: A. Bad state of affairs, a mess B. Without payment C. Bear the consequence of indulgence A. Bad state of affairs, a mess Fruit salad means: A. Hypocritical sorrow B. Soldier's medals on uniform C. On the whole B. Soldier's medals on uniform Ab means Away from, off ex: abduction

Ad means Toward the direction of ex: adduction Adeno means Relating to the gland ex: adenocarcinoma algesi and algio means pain ex: aglesia algiomotor angio means vessel ex: angioma ante means before ex: ante partum anti means against ex: antibacterial arterio means artery ex: arteriology

auto means self ex: autoimmune blasto means bud, germ ex: blastomere brachio means arm ex: brachiotomy brady means slow ex: bradycardia bronchi means bronchus, air passage to ex: bronchitis carcino means cancer ex: carcinoma carpo means wrist ex: carpopedal

centesis means surgical puncture ex: amniocentesis cephaol means head ex: cephalocaudal cervico means neck or uterine cervix ex: cervicodorsal chiro means hand ex: chiropractor chromo means color ex: chromogen coreo means pupil ex: coreometry costo means rib ex: costogenic cyano means

blue, cyanide ex:cyanopsia cysto means cyst, bladder ex: cystodynia dacryo means tears ex: dacryogenic dento means teeth ex: dentosurgical derma means skin ex: dermabrasion dextro means toward the right ex: dextrocardia dynia means pain ex: cephalodynia dys means bad, difficult ex: dyslexia

ecto means outer on the outside ex: extoderm ectomy means excision ex: tonsillectomy encephalo means brain ex: encephaloma endo means within, inner ex: endocellular entero means intestine ex: enterology erythro means red, redness ex: erythrophil eu means well, good ex: euthyroid

gastro means stomach ex: gastrograph gingivo gums ex: gingivoplasty gluco means sugar ex: glucoprotein glyco sugar ex: glycopenia -gram means a reading, record ex: radiogram hema and hemo means blood ex: hemopathy hemi means half ex: hemisphere

hepat means liver ex: hepatolith histo means tissue ex: histoid hyper means excessive, above normal ex: hypertension hypo means: under ex: hypodermic hyster means uterus or hysteria ex: hysterectomy infra means below ex: infraspinous -ism means condition, disease ex: alcoholism itis means

inflammation ex: dermatitis -lepsy means seizure ex: epilepsy -logy means study of ex: psychology -megaly means enlargement ex: splenomegaly meso means middle, mean ex: mesotarsal morpho means form, shape ex: morphology myo means muscle ex: myotrophy naso means nose ex: nasolabial

necro means death ex: necrosis nephro means kidney ex: nephropathy neuro means nerve ex: neurocyte oligo means few, little ex: oligodontia -oma means tumor ex: lymphoma oophoro means ovary ex: oophoropathy ophthalmo means eye ex: ophthalmoscope

opia means vision ex: hyperopia -ose means sugar ex: glucose ossi and osteo means bone: ex osteoarthritis -otomy means make incision, cut into ex: tracheotomy ox means oxygen ex: oxidize para means abnormal ex: paresthesia patho means disease ex: pathogen -pathy means

disease ex: neuropathy -penia means deficiency ex: leukopenia peri- means around about ex: peripatellar pharayngo means pharynx ex: pharyngoscopy phlebo means vein ex: phlebotomy phren means diaphragm ex: phrenograph -plegia paralysis ex: paraplegia pneumo means lung ex: pneumonia

pod means foot ex: podiatrist post means after/behind ex: postoperative pseudo means false ex: pseudoangina psych means mind ex: psychiatrist pyo means pus ex: pyocle rachio means spinal column ex: rachiometer reno means kidney ex: rachiometer

rhino means nose ex: rhinoplasty -rrhea means flow ex: diarrhea sarco means flesh, muscle ex: sarcoplasm -scope means instrument for viewing ex: microscope -scopy means viewing ex: microscopy sono means sound ex: sonometer -stasis means stopping ex: hemostasis

supra means above ex: supranasal tachy means rapid ex: tachycardia teno means tendon ex: tenositis thermo means heat ex: thermometer thorac means chest ex: thoracic thrombo means blood clot ex: thromboid -tome means instrument for cutting ex: microtome -tomy means

cutting, operation ex: laparotomy trich means hair ex: thrichiasis vaso means duct, blood vessel ex: vasosuction What is a good medical dictionary for term study? Stedman's Medical Dictionary Which is used as a surgical tool for cutting sections for examination? A. Tracheotomy B. Microtome C. Tonsillectomy D. Cystectomy B. tome refers to a cutting instruction, the actual thing that would be used in the procedures described in the other three choices. The term for the membrane that lines the cavity of the abdomen is: A. Perineal B. Perineum C. Periosteum D. Peritoneum


What is the term for the branch of medicine dealing with the kidney? A. Rheology B. Hepatology C. Urology D. Nephrology D. How long is a reporter supposed to keep notes Five years A reporter would use the Merck Manual to research medical terminology Compos mentis means sane John did really good on his math test A. Correct as written B. Really Well C. Real Good D. Real Well B.

To adjudicate is to settle by A. Mutual Consent B. Out of Court C. By statute D. By judicial authority D. Neither the defendant nor his attorneys has been laying down on the job. A. Correct as is B. Have by laying C. Has been lying D. Have been lying D. The Axilla is A. Spinal Column B. Ankle C. Armpit D. First vertebra A. The word inguinal pertains to A. Groin B. Buttocks