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NDFS 100 BYU Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

NDFS 100 BYU Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 Atherosclerosis - Correct Answer-characterized by plaques along the inner walls of the arteries/hardening of the arteries Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis - Correct Answer-- age -male -genetic -High LDL - Low HDL -Triglycerides -diabetes -obesity -physical inactivity -cigarette smoking atherogenic diet - Correct Answer--a diet high in saturated fats and trans fats and l

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Available from 06/20/2024

professoraxel 🇺🇸



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Download NDFS 100 BYU Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! NDFS 100 BYU Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Updated 2024 Atherosclerosis - Correct Answer-characterized by plaques along the inner walls of the arteries/hardening of the arteries Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis - Correct Answer-- age -male -genetic -High LDL - Low HDL -Triglycerides -diabetes -obesity -physical inactivity -cigarette smoking atherogenic diet - Correct Answer--a diet high in saturated fats and trans fats and low in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains pg. 1 professoraxel Total Blood Cholesterol Ranges - Correct Answer-Unhealthy >240 Borderline 200-239 Healthy <200 LDL Cholesterol Ranges - Correct Answer-Unhealthy 160-189 Borderline 130-159 Healthy <100 HDL Cholesterol Ranges - Correct Answer-Unhealthy <40 Borderline 59-40 Healthy >60 Triglycerides Ranges - Correct Answer-Unhealthy 200-499 Borderline 150-199 Healthy <150 BMI Ranges - Correct Answer-Underweight <18.5 Normal 18.5-24.9 pg. 2 professoraxel 3.Metastasis— spreading of cancer cells via blood and lymph increase risk of cancer - Correct Answer--obesity -Grilled MEATS releases HCAs(hedaro cycle AMins) which are carcinogens. -Nitrites and Nitrates (used to preserve cured meats) can be converted to Nitrosamine (a carcinogen) reduce risk of cancer - Correct Answer-Phytochemicals— variety of color in foods Antioxidants—reduce free radicals vitamnins E,C Selinium Nutrigenomics: - Correct Answer-How nutrition affects your genome and regulates gene expression (remember example of fat yellow mice) Diet affects expression of gene pg. 5 professoraxel Nutrigenetics - Correct Answer-(your response) How your genetics determine how you react to certain nutrients (some genes promote increase of HDL due to polyunsaturated fat intake). gene determine the effects of diet complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) - Correct Answer-Complementary -combine meds with alternative done by yoursslf Integrative—combine meds with alternative given by DR. Alternative— anything not main stream acupuncture, herbs, essential oils herbal remedies - Correct Answer-i. Not tested for safety ii. Not drug, but drug-like effect iii. 550 primary herbs, 1800 names iv. 30% modern drugs from plants v. still has side effects Supplements - Correct Answer--Be informed -Natural does not equal safe (side effects) pg. 6 professoraxel -Drugs can interact with "natural" ingredients in unfavorable ways -Contaminations can occur (not really any regulation of supplements) -Tell your health provider if you're using any alternative medicines genetic testing - Correct Answer--Currently Genetic testing for nutrition is unreliable Food Borne Organisms - Correct Answer-Salmonella: Poultry and Eggs Campylobacter: poultry, unpasteurized milk, water E-Coli: Ground beef ( can be cooked out with heat) veggies Hepatitis A: get from people (a cut) Staphylococcus: bacteria,cuts pimples Botulism: live in no oxygen environment, canned foods. Needs to be killed in processing. botox Foods that pose Danger - Correct Answer-Meat, fish, poultry, and eggs that are undercooked Melons- Wash and keep cool pg. 7 professoraxel freezer - Correct Answer-<32F 0 F 3 days w/o power 2,2, and 4 rule - Correct Answer-= Don't keep food in the danger zone (room Temp) for more than 2 hours. Keep in a shallow dish of 2 inches or less. Eat within 4 days - Pasteurization- - - Correct Answer-heating process used to kill bacteria Ultrahigh temperature treatment: - - Correct Answer-Heated more than pasteurization to make it shelf stable (usually done with milk) Irradiation- - Correct Answer-food is exposed to radiation and the radiation kills the bacteria. It's expensive and takes time. Also controls mold and insects. (used on most spices and toothbrushes) Canning - Correct Answer-use heat to kill bacteria no oxygen for things to grow may lose some nutrients pg. 10 professoraxel Freezing - Correct Answer-Balance in boiling water 30sec lose least ammount Pesticide- - Correct Answer-kills bugs, increases potential yield Kills pollinators, polutes water soil and air Animal drugs- - Correct Answer-contain arsenic antibiotics rbst hormone in milk Environmental contaminants- - Correct Answer-Mercury ; minimata disease tile fish, sword, king mackeral, freshtuna steaks Organic- - Correct Answer-no pesticide, no growth hormone in 12 months GMOs- - Correct Answer-No radiation, no synthetic (genetic modified) pg. 11 professoraxel purposes and safety of food additives - Correct Answer--FDA determines if additives are safe (GRAS list [Generally Recognized As Safe List]) -In order for it to make it to the GRAS list, benefits must outweigh the risks Specific food Additives - Correct Answer-- Nitrites: Prevent bact. growth - Sulfites: Prevent oxidation of food - MSG: flavor enhancer (must contain statement on the food) - Artificial sweeteners: Like aspartame, saccharin, and sugar alcohols - Fat replacers: self explanatory Nutrient of concern for pregnant women - Correct Answer-- Energy-- extra 300 calories for first trimester - Protein-- extra 15g of protein - Folate(leafy greens, oranges, enriched grains) -- you need a lot. Get this in a pill! Folate is related to cell division. If you do not get enough folate you can have Neural pg. 12 professoraxel - - Correct Answer-Psychological- bonding with mother and baby - Nutritional - Maternal Health- promotes bone mineralization, decrease risk of postpartum depression - Infant Health- decrease risk of allergies, ear infections, sterile - Economic- formula is expensive. less likely to have baby become obese adults, less likely to have type 2 diabetes - Environmental- no packaging to throw away Those who Shouldn't Breastfeed - Correct Answer-Those addicted to drugs, alcohol, or if there are environmental pollutants. HIV infected (unless in developing countries). You CAN keep breast feeding if you have the flu or a cold. indicators that an infant is ready for solid foods - Correct Answer-...Tongue Thrust diminishes Can sit upright 0-6 months - Correct Answer-...breast milk (Has tongue thrust) 4-6months - Correct Answer-add solids, purees one at a time pg. 15 professoraxel 6-8months - Correct Answer-grasps, hold cups, cereals, fruits, veggies, 100% fruit juice 4-6oz 8-10 months - Correct Answer-- pastas and bread, yogurt hold bottles, sit up hold head Supplements for babies - Correct Answer--Vitamin D for breast feeding babies, Iron around 6 months (usually from cereals), fluoride after 6 months if water is not fluoridated -Add one food at a time in small portions to determine allergies. -At one year they can eat most things. child Obesity - Correct Answer->95th% overwieght >85th-95th associated with Type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, high BP, sleep apnea, and hip and knee problems Prevention's of Obesity - Correct Answer-Do all as a family: pg. 16 professoraxel - Eat breakfast every day - Eat more fruits and vegetables - Limit sugar-sweetened drinks - Limit frequency of meals outside of home - Be active 60 minutes a day - No more than 2 hours screen time daily - have family meals 5-6 times a week - get enough sleep, but not too much - parent model good behaviors - make changes as a family Toddlers and Children (1-3 yrs of age): - Correct Answer-...- Diet advances quickly - Portion size should not be the same as adults (1 tablespoon of each food for each year of child) - Use utensils that are easier to hold. Have plastic plates (unless you like broken ones) - Have chairs that prop your child up to the table properly Meal time and snacking - Correct Answer-... (every 3-4 hours) - Juice is BAD (lots of calories and easy to fill up on) pg. 17 professoraxel - don't need as much Vitamin A - Calcium needed -Zinc deficiencies - Dehydration risk - Don't need as much iron because levels improve Predictors of Malnutrition in the Elderly (DETERMINE) - Correct Answer-- Disease - Eating poorly - Tooth loss or mouth pain - Economic hardship - Reduced social contact - Multiple Medications - Involuntary weight loss or gain pg. 20 professoraxel - Needs assistance - Elderly person - They still need Physical Activity (150 min/week or as much as they can do) Predictors of Malnutrition in the Elderly the benefits of family meals - Correct Answer-...• Better intake of fruits, veggies, grains and milk products • Better intake of protein, calcium, iron, folate, fiber, and vitamins ACE and B6 • Teens in families who eat dinner together are less likely to skip breakfast • Better quality of food and awareness of what is being eaten -Awareness of ingredients can influences choices -Greater awareness of portion pg. 21 professoraxel food security - Correct Answer-1.Supply of nutritionally and safe food. 2. stability in food supply throughout the year, all years. 3. Reliable access to sufficient food to meet needs of all paradox of food poverty and obesity - Correct Answer-- Food deserts- inner city doesn't have close grocery stores. - Calories are Cheap - Might not have the knowledge to prep. good food - Uncertainty factor: Eat when they can as much as they can because they don't know when they'll be able to eat next. food poverty - Correct Answer-- lack money for necessities - Made worse by - alcohol and drug abuse - mental and physical illness (depression) - Unaware of or lack access to programs - reluctance to accept "handouts" or "charity" - Inadequate neighborhood supermarkets - loss of food-producing land - water shortage/supply pg. 22 professoraxel