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NFDN 1001 Midterm 1-6 Review Questions With Correct Detailed Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

NFDN 1001 Midterm 1-6 Review Questions With Correct Detailed Answers

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NFDN 1001 Midterm 1-6 Review Questions

With Correct Detailed Answers

What are the two main approaches to developing critical thinking? a. use of evidence and planning b. internal and external processes c. clinical judgment and use of the nursing process d. reflection and assessment - ANSWER- b Which are types of data? a. primary and secondary b. Internal and external c. objective and subjective d. inferences and cues - ANSWER- c What created the following: Sparked a shift to embracing family. Nursing respected as a career choice. a. Post war b. ww c. wwII d. War of 1812 - ANSWER- c What is defined as a "Set of ideas used to describe, explain or predict the physical and social worlds" a. Assumption b. Cue c. Nursing Theory d. Metaparadigm - ANSWER- c What level of critical thinking are you in when you assume responsibility for your choices? a. Basic b. Complex c. Commitment - ANSWER- c What are the three historical approaches to health? a. Person, Community and Environment

b. Internal, Eternal and Holistic c. Mental, Physical and Emotional d. Medical, Behavioral and Soci- Environmental - ANSWER- d Which of the following defines: A general idea or though about something that represents some aspect of our experiences and our world? a. Concept b. Hypothesis c. Assumption d. Theory - ANSWER- a Select the Term that corresponds with the following description: A beginning step toward understanding that there is a difference between cultures. a. Cultural Sensitivity b. Cultural awareness c. Culture d. Cultural Competence - ANSWER- b The Medicine Wheel used by 0/ FNMI (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) peoples is an example of what type of approach to health? a. Shaman b. Alternative c. Spiritual d. Holistic - ANSWER- d What part of the nursing process "helps the nurse systematically and deliberately collect data to determine a client's current and past health and functional status and to determine the client's present and past coping patterns"? a. Assessment b. Planning c. Evaluation d. Interventions - ANSWER- a Which is a part of the Risk Nursing diagnosis a. Actual problem label (Nanda-| label) b. Etiology (Risk factors)

c. Medical diagnosis d. Defining characteristics (Evidence) - ANSWER- b According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs what is not included in "self-actualization" a. Recognition and realization of potential b. Recognition and realization of growth c. Recognition and realization of health d. Recognition and realization of autonomy e. Recognition and realization of self-worth - ANSWER- e Define: a subjective experience of loss of health a. Diesase b. Illness c. Health disparity d. Sickness - ANSWER- b Which historical approach to 1/1 health is a combination of medical and behavioral approach; health is tied to the social structure (poverty, air pollution) a. Medical b. Behavioral c. Social-Environmental d. Nursing - ANSWER- c Which of the following is correct with ages according to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development a. Trust vs Mistrust (birth-1) b. Trust vs Mistrust (1-3) c. Trust vs Mistrust (3-6) d. trust vs Mistrust (6-11) - ANSWER- a What does inductive reasoning lead to? a. Assumptions b. theories c. Broad ideas d. Specific ideas - ANSWER- c

Which is not a part of an Actual Nursing diagnosis a. Medical diagnosis b. Actual problem label (NANDA-| label) c. Defining characteristics d. Etiology (Related factors) - ANSWER- a According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs what is not included in "love and belonging" a. Affection b. Sex c. Intimacy d. Support e. Reassurance - ANSWER- b Which of the following people respected aboriginal people for their knowledge and health practices (home remedies)? a. Marguerite d'Youville b. Marie Rollet Hebert c. Mary Agnes Snively d. Florence Nightingale - ANSWER- b Which of the following are core 5/5 concepts of the nursing metaparadigm? Check all that apply a. Environment b. Social Justice c. Health d. Person e. Nursing f. Holistic - ANSWER- a,b,c,d,e Which of the following was the 1/1 founder of Sisters of Charity of Montreal, which later became known as the Grey Nuns? a. Marguerite d'Youville b. Marie Rollet Hebert c. Mary Agnes Snively d. Florence Nightingale - ANSWER- a What does deductive reasoning lead to? a. Assumptions

b. Theories c. Broad ideas d. Specific ideas - ANSWER- d Select the Term that corresponds with the following description: Alerts nurses to legitimacy of difference between cultures. Beginning to explore within self and understand impacts on others. a. Cultural Sensitivity b. Cultural awareness c. Culture d. Cultural Competence - ANSWER- a What is the term used to define1/ "the application of information based on critical thinking and reflection"? a. Intervention b. The Nursing process c. Clinical Judgement d. Planning - ANSWER- c What do you call the type of data that includes patients' verbal descriptions of their health concerns? a. objective data b. primary data c. secondary data c. subjective data - ANSWER- c Select which of the following 0/1 sources of data and descriptor is not correct? a. Secondary (family member) b. Secondary (nurses experience) c. Tertiary (research literature) d. Primary (the client) - ANSWER- b Which of the following people 1/1 is considered the founder of modern nursing and proved that a clean environment led to reduced disease and wound infection? a. Marguerite d'Youville b. Marie Rollet Hebert c. Mary Agnes Snively d. Florence Nightingale - ANSWER- d To critically think a nurse must:

a. recognizing that an issue exists b. evaluate information and draw conclusions d. analyzing information e. All of the above - ANSWER- e What category of needs must 1/1 be met first so that one can progress upwards on Maslow's Hierarchy? a. Safety and security b. Self-esteem c. Love and belonging d. Physiological needs e. Self-actualization - ANSWER- d What caused a loss of culture, 1/1 knowledge, traditions for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples? a. Disease b. Colonialism c. Oral storytelling d. Determinants of health - ANSWER- b Define Nursing Ethics: a. A strong personal belief and an ideal that has merit b. Manual skill, ability to connect with patients, ability to critically think c. Knowledge from personal experiences d. Moral-ethical reasoning in nursing v - ANSWER- d What term is used to define the1/1 following: Decisions about practice include the best available evidence from clinical research, patient preferences, expert opinion, resource availability and contextual information. a. Competent Care b. Evidence Informed Practice c. Research Based Nursing d. Prioritization of Care - ANSWER- b What level of critical thinking 1/1 are you in when you trust an expert? a. Basic

b. Complex d. Commitment - ANSWER- a Which of the following are methods of data collection? Select all that apply: a. Observation b. Collaboration c. Physical examination d. Laboratory reports e. Interviews - ANSWER- a,b,c,d,e Who was the first nursing superintendent of Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing and helped nursing become recognized as a unique profession? a. Marguerite d'Youville b. Marie Rollet Hebert c. Mary Agnes Snively d. Florence Nightingale - ANSWER- c What created the following: Shift for nurses back to deprofessionalization to compliant handmaiden a. Post war b. WWI c. WWII d. War of 1812 - ANSWER- a Which of the following is not a type of Nursing diagnosis? a. Wellness/Health promotion b. Risk c. Actual d. Etiology - ANSWER- d Who defines whether or not 0/ the care provided achieved cultural safety? a. The provider b. The recipient c. The transcultural assessment model d. All of the above - ANSWER- b What was the first hospital toopen in Canada? a. Edmonton General Hospital

b. Hotel-Dieu de Quebec c. Ville Marie d. The Nightingale Hospital - ANSWER- b Which of the following is correct with ages according to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development? a. Initiative vs Guilt (6-11) b. Industry vs Inferiority (6-11) c. Identity vs Role Confusion (6-11) d. Intimacy vs Isolation (6-11) - ANSWER- b Which of the following is defined as: An objective state of health, that can be detected by medical science? a. Health disparity b. Sickness c. Disease d. Illness - ANSWER- c Which of the following is an alternative therapy? a. Massage b. Chemotherapy c. Immunization d. Assessment - ANSWER- a Select the correct definition of 1/ "Artful Nursing": a. A strong personal belief and an ideal that has merit b. Manual skill, ability to connect © with patients, ability to critically think c. Knowledge from personal experiences d. Moral-ethical reasoning in nursing - ANSWER- b What term is used to define the0/ following: Care that focuses on the physical, mental and social well-being (person as a whole)? a. Metaparadigm b. Nursing process c. Maslow's Hierarchy d. Holistic - ANSWER- d

Which of the following defines: Several concepts used to explain a phenomenon that can be tested. a. Concept b. Hypothesis c. Assumption d. Theory - ANSWER- d What is the term used to define one's judgement or interpretation of cues from the client? a. Inferences b. Judgments c. Findings d. Nursing knowledge - ANSWER- a Which historical approach to 1/1 health focuses on treatment of disease; fixing the problem? a. Medical b. Behavioral c. Social-Environmental d. Nursing - ANSWER- a What is information that you obtain through use of the senses? a. Inferences b. Cues c. Signs d. Hints - ANSWER- b Which historical approach to 1/1 health promotes individual responsibility for health a. Medical b. Behavioral c. Social-Environmental d. Nursing - ANSWER- b What term is used to define the following: A set of concepts or ideas that are important to the discipline of nursing? a. Metaparadigm b. Nursing Process c. Maslow's Hierarchy d. Holistic - ANSWER- a

What is the term for observations or measurements of a patient's health status? a. subjective data b. secondary data c. objective data d. primary data - ANSWER- c What led to:

  1. The perception of nurses who were working on the front lines as self-sacrificing and
  2. the need for more trained nurses? a. Post war b. wwI c. wwII d. War of 1812 - ANSWER- b Define Personal Knowing: a. A strong personal belief and an ideal that has merit b. Manual skill, ability to connect with patients, ability to critically think c. Knowledge from personal experiences d. Moral-ethical reasoning in nursing - ANSWER- c Which of the following defines a value? a. A strong personal belief and an ideal that has merit b. Manual skill, ability to connect with patients, ability to critically think c. Knowledge from personal experiences d. Moral-ethical reasoning in nursing - ANSWER- a Which of the following people respected aboriginal people for their knowledge and health practices (home remedies)? a. Marguerite d'Youville b. Marie Rollet Hebert c. Mary Agnes Snively d. Florence Nightingale - ANSWER- b What term is used to define the0/ following: Care that focuses on the physical, mental and social well-being (person as a whole)?

a. Metaparadigm b. Nursing process c. Maslow's Hierarchy d. Holistic - ANSWER- d What level of critical thinking 1/1 are you in when you do things step by step? a. Basic b. Complex c. Commitment - ANSWER- a Which of the following defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"? a. WHo b. Labonte c. CLPNA d. CNA - ANSWER- a What term is used to define "a 1/1 person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services, and to use these resources to promote one's health and wellness"? a. Information Adaption b. Personal Resilience c. Health Literacy d. Wellness Promotion - ANSWER- c Select the term that corresponds with the following description: Being able to appraise and understand clients' cultural beliefs, values and practices; developing a more critical understanding of the contexts that shape experiences of culture. a. Cultural Sensitivity b. Cultural awareness c. Culture d. Cultural Competence - ANSWER- d Select the term that corresponds with the following description: The values, beliefs and practices common or inherent to a group of people? a. Cultural Sensitivity

b. Cultural awareness c. Culture d. Cultural Competence - ANSWER- a What is the term used to define "the economic and social conditions that shape the health of individuals, communities and jurisdictions as a whole"? a. Social Determinants of Health b. Social Awareness c. Socialism d. Social Justice - ANSWER- a According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which of the following is not included in "self-esteem"? a. Sense of self-respect b. Sense of independence c. Sense of dignity d. Sense of intimacy e. Sense of self-worth - ANSWER- d Miya is a 4 year old who is attending pre-school. When her preschool teacher praises Miya for sharing toys with another child, the teacher is encouraging prosocial skills. Prosocial skills are a necessary task in in which of Erikson's Theory of Eight Stages of Life? a. Trust vs Mistrust b. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt c. Initiative vs Guilt d. Industry vs Inferiority - ANSWER- c The metaparadigm considers the following concepts: a. Social justice, people, wellness, environment, and nursing competencies b. Ethics, person, justice, nursing process, and client-centered care c. Sociopolitical issues, environmental hazards, nursing responsibilities, and ethics. d. Nursing, person, health, environment, and social justice - ANSWER- d Janine is 72 years-old, active in exercise classes, and participating in her bridge club. She has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. When considering the metaparadigm concept of health, what additional factors must be included in the nurse's assessment with Janine? a. Janine's health status and diagnosis b. Janine's values, beliefs, and current health practices

c. Janine's partner's health status and his diagnoses d. Family support and resources - ANSWER- b Beth brings her 4 year old daughter Nicole to the clinic for a health check up. In sharing Nicole's history with the nurse, Beth shares that they have been doing "ear candling" due to Nicole's recent ear pain. What aspect of the metaparadigm needs to be considered? a. Health b. Environment c. Social Justice d. Nursing e. Client - ANSWER- e Mario, an 81 year old man is admitted to hospital with an infection. He is alert, oriented to 4 spheres and generally cooperative. What stage of development would Mario be experiencing according to Erickson's Theory of Eight Stages of Life? a. Generativity versus Stagnation b. Intimacy versus Isolation c. Industry versus Inferiority d. Integrity versus Despair - ANSWER- d Zach is 15 years old and finishing grade 9. He is active on his sports team, but finds himself fighting with his parents over his curfew. Zach is in which stage of life according to Erikson's 8 stages of life? a. Identity versus role confusion b. Intimacy versus isolation c. Sensiomotor versus precognition d. Integrity versus despair - ANSWER- a Michael, aged 20, lives alone off campus. He attends classes and returns to his apartment off campus between classes. His family live 4 hours away, so it is hard to visit them on weekends. Michael is having more and more trouble with motivation to get out of bed and go to his classes each day. He is very shy and has trouble meeting new people. He went to see the health nurse, as he recognized feelings of depression in himself. Based on the information in the scenario above, what other aspect of the metaparadigm might be considered by the nurse when assessing Michael? a. Social justice b. Health c. Person d. Environment

e. Nursing - ANSWER- d

  1. According to Erikson, a 7 year old who is developing a sense of his own capabilities by participating in recreational activities is in which life stage? a. Generativity vs Stagnation b. Industry vs Inferiority c. Identity vs Role Confusion d. Autonomy vs Isolation - ANSWER- b Mary is bedridden in hospital with a wound on her coccyx requiring complex dressing changes. She is worried her wound will get infected. What is an actual nursing diagnosis for Mary? a. Wound infection related to open wound on coccyx as evidenced by patient stating she is worried about infection b. Risk for infection related to open wound on coccyx c. Impaired skin integrity related to open wound on coccyx as evidenced by patient stating I am worried about getting an infection d. impaired skin integrity related to pressure sore as evidenced by open wound on coccyx - ANSWER- d What is the third step of the nursing process? a. Assessment b. Planning c. Nursing diagnosis d. Evaluation - ANSWER- b Which expected outcome using SMART criteria is appropriately written a. The client will have a BP within normal range (110-140/60-90) over the next 2 weeks b. The client will not have any falls while at the facility c. The client will express the need for more information over the next 8 hours d. The client will rate his pain on a scale of 1-10 today. - ANSWER- a After determining the priorities of the nursing diagnoses with the client, what is the next step that should occur? a. Select nursing interventions with client b. Review of data analysis for errors ADPIE c. Coordination of collaborative goals d. Determine expected outcomes - ANSWER- a,d

Which of the following might help a nurse determine a nursing diagnosis is urgent? (select all that apply) a. Critical thinking and clinical judgment b. Anticipation of future need c. Type of treatment required d. Assessment data e. Doctor's orders d. Skill proficiency and supplies - ANSWER- a,d Evidence informed practice is necessary in nursing because: a. It allows critical evaluation of evidence into clinical judgement b. It provides nurses with the ability to locate, understand, and critically evaluate research for application in practice. c. It is used to prescribe, explain, and predict best client outcomes d. It improves work processes to improve patient outcomes and efficiency - ANSWER- a Put the 5 steps of evidence-informed practice into the correct order from 1st to last. a. Ask question, gather relevant evidence, critically consider evidence, integrate into care, evaluate outcome b. Examine sources, gather additional evidence, critique evidence, implement practice change, evaluate outcome c. Gather evidence, examine sources, critique evidence, make a clinical decision, evaluate Outcome d. Seek appropriate sources, critically analyze sources and evidence, seek additional perspectives, consider patient values, implement practice change - ANSWER- a Quantitative research investigates phenomenon that can be measured through the use of numerical data and statistical analysis. a. True b. False - ANSWER- a Identify reliable non-research evidence sources available (select all that apply): a. Chart reviews b. Infection control data c. Incident reports d. Medication error data e. All of the above - ANSWER- e

Where can you find appropriate sources of evidence (select all that apply)? a. Practice guidelines on CLPNA b. Academic journals c. Nursing Interest Magazines d. Canadian Nurses Association website e. Editorials - ANSWER- a,b,d Quantitative research includes narrative inquiry and phenomenology. a. True b. False - ANSWER- b The research ethics board considers the following in approving research studies (select all that apply). a. Informed consent b. Respect for human dignity c. Respect for persons d. Respect for privacy and confidentiality e. Applies principles of justice - ANSWER- a,b,c,d,e NorQuest College has its own designated research ethics board. a. True b. False - ANSWER- a What is a priority nursing intervention for a patient who has been living in a continuing care facility for the past 3 months, stays in her room all the time and refuses to get out and meet new people. a. Discuss moving the client to another facility b. Establish a therapeutic nurse-client relationship c. Teach the client appropriate infection control measures d. Refer client to therapist - ANSWER- b An expected outcome provides a focus for evaluating the skill and proficiency of the nurse. a. True b. False - ANSWER- a Which of the following nursing interventions is correctly written? a. Monitor blood glucose frequently b. Apply lotion daily

c. Assist client to walk in hallway using 4-wheeled walker d. Give 120mL of prune juice everyday at 8am e. Flush catheter with normal saline daily - ANSWER- d At the conclusion of evaluation, the nurse and client should determine if the care plan should be continued, revised, or terminated. a. True b. False - ANSWER- b The implementation step of the nursing process does NOT include: a. assessment of the client b. reviewing and revising the care plan c. physician approval of interventions d. identifying assistance required ) e. consideration of client tolerance d. anticipation of complications - ANSWER- c Define the metaparadigm of nursing - ANSWER- refers to the primary or central phenomena that are of interest to a particular discipline Person, Environment, Health, Nursing Health literacy is correlation to morbidity rates. a. True b. False - ANSWER- a Birth to 1 year - ANSWER- trust vs mistrust Age 1-3 - ANSWER- autonomy vs shame and doubt Age 3-6 - ANSWER- initiative vs guilt Age: 6-11 - ANSWER- industry vs inferiority Age 12-17 - ANSWER- Identity vs. Role confusion Age 18-26 - ANSWER-