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NFHS Exam Set with Correct Answers: A Guide to Rules and Regulations, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to the national federation of state high school associations (nfhs) rules and regulations for soccer. It covers various scenarios and situations that officials may encounter during a game, offering insights into correct rulings and interpretations of the rules. A valuable resource for coaches, players, and officials seeking to understand and apply the nfhs rules effectively.

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Available from 11/15/2024

eric-kariuki 🇺🇸

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Which of the following scenarios is illegal? A player enters the game wearing a: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fitness tracker on the wrist that is covered Player A enters the game with beads in the hair that are secured to the head in a bun. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow play to continue as there is no rule infraction. B7 is injured and is required to leave the field. Team B has no available substitutes and, therefore, must play short. Several minutes later, B7 has recovered from injury, and the coach sends B7 to report in. What should happen next? - CORRECT ANSWERS-B7 may enter the game at the next dead ball after reporting to the officials' area and being beckoned by the referee. The home team has nets that are striped green and white to match its school colors. What should the referee do? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Colored and/or striped nets are legal. Play the game. At the taking of a throw-in near the halfway line, the ball is thrown in but hits the ground before entering the field of play. What decision should the referee make? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award a throw-in to the opposing team. Player A1 takes a corner kick but only moves the ball a few feet into the field of play. Player B1 comes to challenge, but Player A1 touches the ball before any other player. The official shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award an indirect free kick to Team B from the spot of the foul. During a penalty kick taken during the game, all players except the kicker and opposing goalkeeper shall be: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Within the field of play, but outside the penalty area and at least 10 yards from and behind the penalty mark until the ball is kicked. The visiting team arrives at the game wearing solid white jerseys and black shorts. The official shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow the game to be played as this is a legal visiting uniform. A game that must have a winner remains tied after overtime played under the NFHS Sample Tie-Breaking Procedure. The game will now proceed to a

penalty kick tie-breaker. The Team B coach informs the referee of the desire to add a player to the team's roster, a JV team player who has been sitting in the stands during the game. The coach reports that this player is legally and properly equipped. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The referee must allow this addition to the roster. Team A players are wearing electronic performance and tracking clips on their shoes. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Wearable technology is allowed and may be worn on the shoes. Allow the game to proceed as the clips are legal. The goalkeeper for Team A and a player for Team B collide and the ball goes out of play. The referee stops the clock to prevent play from continuing but does not beckon the coach or trainer onto the field for either player. After a moment, the players catch their breath and do not appear to be injured. The referee then directs the play to be restarted. The referee shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow the play to be restarted without requiring either player to leave the field as neither the coach nor the appropriate medical personnel was beckoned onto the field. B10 is apparently injured. The referee has stopped play and summoned the Team B trainer onto the field of play. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Both coaches may give their teams coaching instructions. In the second half of a game, the stadium clock/scoreboard malfunctions and is no longer functioning. How will the time and the score be kept? - CORRECT ANSWERS-The head referee will keep the time and score as no other means are available. The referee observes a foul, but does not penalize it because the referee perceives an advantage; however, the advantage does not develop. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The referee shall immediately stop play and penalize the original foul. The following are duties of the assistant referee during pregame except: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Review specific duties with scorer. When does an official's jurisdiction over a game end? - CORRECT ANSWERS- When the officials leaving the field of play and its immediate surroundings. A player is being replaced. Where can the player exit the field? - CORRECT ANSWERS-On the bench side of the field. If benches are on opposite sides, the player must exit toward their own bench. As play resumes after a goal kick, a fight breaks out on the field next to the visiting bench. The benches from both teams clear and get involved in the melee. Once order is restored, the referee terminates the game. - CORRECT

ANSWERS-The referee has the authority to terminate or suspend the game when elements, spectators or other causes require such action. When a player on Team A commits the team's first foul (accidental tripping) of the game in Team A's offensive end of the field in a careless manner, the referee shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Call the foul and direct the play be restarted with a direct free kick. Goalkeeper A1 blocks a hard shot on goal by deliberately parrying the ball to the ground. As B11 runs toward the ball, the goalkeeper picks the ball up and punts it up field. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Whistle for a foul against the goalkeeper for deliberately parrying the ball and award a free kick to B11's team B14 takes a shot on goal, with goalkeeper A1 out of position. A3, however, extends the arm into the path of the ball, deflecting it to B9. B9 shoots and the ball enters the goal. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The referee should allow the goal and caution A3 for unsporting conduct. Which one of the following considerations are not part of Denying an Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity (DOGSO)? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Serious foul play. Player A2 is running down the field near the touchline uncontested with the ball. After crossing the half-way line, Player B2 approaches A2 just as A moves the ball forward and past B2. The ball moves out of reach of both players and B2 moves between A2 and the ball. The referee shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Rule Player B2 guilty of obstruction and award an indirect free kick to Team A at the spot of the foul. The referee disqualifies a coach for leaving the team area, entering the field of play and arguing a call. - CORRECT ANSWERS-The coach must leave the vicinity of the playing area. Refusal to comply shall result in termination of the game. When a defender commits a foul against an attacker in their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by pulling, pushing or holding, what is the correct decision? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Penalty Kick and disqualify (red card) the defender. Player A touches the ball forward with a portion of the arm above the armpit. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow play to continue. A player on Team B, not the goalkeeper, deliberately handles the ball while trying to stop a shot by Team A and the ball does not go in the goal. The correct ruling is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The player on Team B is disqualified (red card) and Team A is given a penalty kick.

During active play, Substitute/Bench player B12, thinking the ball is out of play, enters the field and receives the ball from a pass from teammate B4. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award Team A a direct free kick from the point of B receiving the ball and caution B A player shall be disqualified, without caution, by the official when the player has completed the following action: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Flagrantly fouls the goalkeeper who is in possession of the ball. A player on Team B, not the goalkeeper, deliberately handles the ball while trying to stop a shot by Team A and the ball still goes in the goal. The correct ruling is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-The player on Team B is cautioned (yellow card) and the goal is allowed to stand. A defender, standing in front of the defender's goal, extends own arm away from the body and prevents the shot from entering the goal. What is the correct decision the referee needs to make? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Penalty Kick and disqualify (red card) the defender for denying an obvious goal- scoring opportunity. A player on Team A is disqualified (red card) for receiving a second yellow card of the game. While this player is walking off of the field, a player from Team B approaches the player and claps in Team A player's face and tells the player to get off the field. The official should: - CORRECT ANSWERS- Disqualify the player from Team B for taunting and not permit a substitute. B7, in the opponent's penalty area, is dribbling the ball toward the goal. A trips B7 while attempting to play the ball, ending a goal-scoring opportunity for B7. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Stop the clock and display the yellow card to A3 and restart with a penalty kick for B7's team. Deliberate play as defined under rule 11 article 5 says the all of the following except: "To deliberately play the ball, the player must have time and space, and sufficient sight of the ball to control the ball with the possibility of" - CORRECT ANSWERS-Player stops or attempts to stop a ball which is going into or very close to the goal A2 is taking a corner kick which goes to his teammate A3 who was standing in an offside position at the time of the kick. A3 heads the ball into the net. - CORRECT ANSWERS-This is a valid goal and the restart is a kickoff During a penalty kick, the ball moves while the kicking player is approaching the ball but before the player has a chance to kick the ball. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Blow the whistle as soon as the ball moves and allow player A8 to reset the ball.

Player B1 approaches the ball during a penalty kick and kicks it backwards to player B2. B2 shoots and misses over the top of the goal. The referee should:

  • CORRECT ANSWERS-Award Team A an indirect free kick from the penalty mark. During a penalty kick taken during the game, all players except the kicker and opposing goalkeeper shall be: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Within the field of play, but outside the penalty area and at least 10 yards from and behind the penalty mark until the ball is kicked. During the taking of a penalty kick, A16 uses a stutter-stepping approach with continuous movement toward the ball and the ball enters the goal. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow the goal and restart with kickoff by the defending team. The referee has awarded Team A a penalty kick. As A20 runs toward the ball to take the kick, A11 enters the area before A20 kicks the ball. The referee should: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow play to continue and award a retake if the penalty kick is scored. Team A is awarded a free kick outside the penalty area in front of its own goal. Player A1 takes the free kick which goes untouched into Team A's own goal. The correct procedure is: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award a corner kick to the opposing team. Player A while taking a corner kick places the ball inside the corner arc and on the touchline. Players from Team B must be: - CORRECT ANSWERS-At least 10 yards away from the corner arc until the ball is kicked. At the taking of a throw-in near the halfway line, the ball is thrown in but hits the ground before entering the field of play. What decision should the referee make? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award a throw-in to the opposing team. Player A1 takes a corner kick but only moves the ball a few feet into the field of play. Player B1 comes to challenge, but Player A1 touches the ball before any other player. The official shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award an indirect free kick to Team B from the spot of the foul. Team B has been awarded an indirect free kick 25 yards from Team A's goal. B6 kicks the ball and it rolls a yard before B4 kicks the ball, which enters the Team A goal without being touched by any other player. - CORRECT ANSWERS-Award a goal. A goal may be scored directly from which of the following: - CORRECT ANSWERS-A goalkeeper's punt into the team's own goal.

The home team has nets that are striped green and white to match its school colors. What should the referee do? - CORRECT ANSWERS-Colored and/or striped nets are legal. Play the game. During play, a goal gets moved back off the goal line away from the field, and the entire ball passes beyond the goal line but not beyond the goal posts. What is the outcome? - CORRECT ANSWERS-This is a good goal. The goal is assumed to be in the proper position. Restart with a kickoff. Who decides whether a field is safe for play to begin? - CORRECT ANSWERS- The home team athletic director decides if the field is playable prior to the game beginning, but the head referee makes the decision once the game begins and until it ends. Prior to the game, an official notices that there are no marked team areas. The official shall: - CORRECT ANSWERS-Allow the game to take place and notify the state association. Student spectators have gathered behind the goal, standing on the ground and cheering their team during penalty kicks. - CORRECT ANSWERS-No one is permitted directly behind the goal, unless they are in bleachers. Home team management should remove the fans from behind the goal.