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NFHS Rules football Questions with Answers 2024, Exams of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

NFHS Rules football Questions with Answers 2024

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Available from 05/22/2024

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NFHS Rules football Questions with

Answers 2024

What is the object of the game? โœ” One team to carry or pass the ball across the opponents goal line or to kick the ball through the opponents goal by place kick or drop kick. Game is won by team that accumulates the most points (1-1-1) What are the dimensions of the playing field? โœ” 360 by 160 feet (1-1-2) How many players are needed to start a game? โœ” 11 for each team (however the team may continue with fewer) Forfeit if not enough players 1-0 is the score, offended team wins. (1-1-3) When must officials take authority for the contests? โœ” 30 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. (or as soon as they are able to be present (1-1-7) Who's decisions are final in all matters pertaining to the game? โœ” referee (1-1-6) When does a game offiicials' authority end? โœ” Through the duration of the 4th period and any overtimes, as well as up to completion of any reports. (states may intercede as well) (1-1-8) Can Officials use instant replay or other monitoring equipment? โœ” NO. (1-1-9) Can a forfeit be declared by the Umpire? โœ” NO. Referee only, and it is final (1-1-10) Can a team protest NFHS rules? โœ” NO. They are not recognized (1-1-11) Where can sideline markers be placed (soft pliable on the ground)? โœ” No closer than 5 yards to from the sidelines (1-2-2) How often is a CONTINUOUS yard line marking be used on the field? โœ” Every 5 yards (however it will end 4 inches from the sideline, except the goal line and end line) (1-2-3a and b) How wide are Line markings, hash marks, sidelines and restraining lines (minimum)?

โœ” 4 inches (1-2-3a,b,c,d,e) How long are hash marks? โœ” 24 inches (1-2-3e) What are "9-yard" marks? โœ” The markings on the field 9 yards from the sideline. If numbers are used as the 9 yard mark, the TOP of the number is measured to 9 yards (1-2-3f) Where is the team box? โœ” Between the 25 yard lines on the teams sidelines, BEHIND the 2 yard belt, however it may be 20-45 yard lines if both teams are using the same sideline. (1-2-3g) Can decorative markings be placed in the end-zone? โœ” yes, as long as they are no closer than 2 feet from the boundary or goal lines (1-2- 3h) Is the goal line considered part of the field or the endzone? โœ” End-zone to that the vertical plane of the edge of the line toward the field of play is the actual goal (1-2-3j) What is the distance of the centered line, on each end of the field used typically for the try, from the goal line? โœ” 3 yards. Also it is 4 inches wide and 24 inches long (1-2-3k) What are the dimensions of the pylon? โœ” 4 inch x 4 inch and 18 inches tall (1-2-4) What color can the pylon be? โœ” Red, Orange or Yellow (ROY) 1-2- Pylons placed at the goal line when properly placed are - in or out of bounds? โœ” OUT of bounds (1-2-4) What is the distance from the base of the upright to the top vertical crossbar? โœ” 10 feet (1-2-5b) What is the width of the Cross bar (and the width of the goal posts)? โœ” 23 feet 4 inches (1-2-5c,d What is the MINIMUM height of the goal posts? โœ” 10 feet (1-2-5e) The goal post must be covered in a padded resilient, shock absorbing material. What is the height of the material on the post? โœ” 6 feet (1-2-5f)

Wind Directional streamers maybe placed on the goal posts. What colors can be used? โœ” Red, Orange or yellow (ROY) (1-2-5g) What color can the goal posts be painted? โœ” Silver, White or yellow (1-2-5g) What color must a football be to be legal? โœ” Tan (1-3-1a) How many laces on a legal football? โœ” 8 or 12 (1-3-1b) What is the approved weight of a football? โœ” 14-15 ounces (1-3-1e) What is the approved PSI of a Football? โœ” 12 1/2 to 13 1/2 PSI (1-3-1f) How many game balls must a team provide to the referee as the officials assume authority of the contest? โœ” 1 minimum (1-3-2) Who approves footballs for play in the game? โœ” referee only (1-3-3) How tall may a legal kicking tee be? โœ” no more than 2 inches (1-3-4) What is the length of the chain used for the line-to-gain equipment? โœ” 10 yards to the inner edge of the forward rod (1-3-5) Where should the official line-to-gain equipment be kept during play? (where should the crew work?) โœ” On the visitor sideline, 2 yards from the sideline. (1-3-5b) Who approves the clock operators? โœ” Referee. (1-3-6) Which players can communicate with game officials during the contest? โœ” Captains only. (1-4-1) What are the legal numbers for football? โœ” 1-99 Inclusive (1-4-3) What is the label all helmets must have to be legal?

โœ” NOCSAE (1-5-1a) How many fasteners must a legal helmet have for the chin strap? โœ” 4 (1-5-1a2) What color jersey is the visiting team supposed to wear? โœ” White (1-5-2) Which pad is NOT required to be worn? Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Thigh, Tailbone or forearm โœ” Forearm is not required, all others are required to be worn under the pants. (1-5-3d) What color can the mouth protector NOT be? โœ” Completely white or clear (1-5-3d) Do the pants have to cover the knees? โœ” YES! And the knee pad must cover the knee as well (1-5-3e) What colors are limited for gloves? โœ” Ball colored What is the limit of the number of rounds of tape that can be used when securing an injury without approval? โœ” 3 (1-5-2c exception) Who is in charge of inspecting equipment before and during the game for approval? โœ” Umpire (1-5-2) Can knee Braces be worn OVER the pant? โœ” No. (1-5-3 b3) What color can a towel be? โœ” Any solid color other than flag or ball colored (1-5-3) Can a back pad be UNCOVERED from a jersey? โœ” No. (1-5-3) Can eye shade be worn? โœ” Yes, in a SINGLE stroke only. (1-5-3c) Who verifies with the Referee at the beginning of the game that all players are legally and properly equipped? โœ” Head Coach (1-5-5) Can coaches use cell phones, land lines, film, or any other communication devices to communicate with players and coaches on the sideline?

โœ” Yes. Players may not be on the field of play unless Can a drum be used for the offense? โœ” Yes. For players or teams with hearing disabilities Table 1- What is a Dead Ball? โœ” a Ball not in play (rule 2) How does a dead ball become live? โœ” Legal Snap or free kick (rule 2) A ball becomes loose in 3 ways, what are they? โœ” Pass, Fumble or Kick. (rule 2) Intentionally striking the ball with the arm or hand is called? โœ” Batting (rule 2) What are the 2 techniques for blocking with the hands? โœ” Closed or Cupped hand, and the Open Hand Technique (Rule 2) Obstruction of an opponent by contacting him with any part of a Blockers Body is called? โœ” A Block (rule 2) Can a block be initiated above the shoulders? โœ” NO. Nor can the elbow or forearm move faster than the blockers shoulders (2-2-3) What is blocking below the waist? โœ” making INITIAL contact below the waist from the FRONT or SIDE against an opponent OTHER than the runner. This only applies when the opponent has one or both feet on the ground (2-3-7) What is a chop block? โœ” A Combination block by two or more teammates against an opponent other than the runner with or without delay. (one at knee or below, other above the knees) (2-3-8) What is a catch? โœ” Establishing Player Possession of a live ball in flight (must touch ground or have forward progress stopped as well) 2-4- What precedes Catching? โœ” Touching (2-4-2) What is simultaneous Catch or Recovery? โœ” Joint catch or recovery inbounds by opponents (2-4-3)

What is Clipping? โœ” Blocking when initial contact is from behind at or below the waist (not a runner) 2-5- What is Block in the Back? โœ” Blocking where initial contact is in the back of the opponent, inside the shoulders, below the helmet and above the waist (not a runner) 2-5- If the official is unsure of the initial contact of a block in the back or clipping, what should the ruling be? โœ” Clipping 2-5- If the official is unsure if the initial contact of the block to be in the back, what should the ruling be, Legal or Illegal? โœ” Legal 2-5- What are the 2 authorized types of TEAM conferences? โœ” Outside 9 yard mark - 1 or more team players and 1 or more coaches directly in front of team box with in 9 yards Inside 9 yard mark - 1 coach and NO more than 11 players in huddle between hash marks. 2-6- Where does a referee confer with a coach? โœ” At sideline in front of team box IN THE FIELD OF PLAY 2-6- When does a down start? โœ” With a legal snap, or kicked on a free kick 2-7- When does a down end? โœ” When the ball next becomes dead 2-7- For encroachment purposes, when is a substitute considered to be a player? โœ” When he is on his side of the line of scrimmage 2- What is the penalty for a player NOT inside of the 5 yard Free Kick restriction area after the ready for play? โœ” Encroachment 2-8; 6-1- Can a receiver call for a LEGAL fair catch behind the Neutral Zone on a free kick or scrimmage kick? โœ” NO. 2-9- Free kick - IN or BEYOND neutral zone - toward receivers goal line Scrimmage kick - BEYOND the neutral zone - toward receivers goal line. What is a valid fair-catch signal? โœ” Lateral waving of ONE arm at FULL arms length above the head by any R player (2- 9-3)

When is a Fair Catch signal INVALID? โœ” doesn't meet requirements of valid kick touched receiver kick touched ground 2-9- When is a Fair Catch signal ILLEGAL? โœ” any signal by runner AFTER:

  • Kick has been caught
  • Kick has been recovered 2-9- How deep are the endzones (in yards)? โœ” 10 yards each 2-10- Is fighting only dealing with the actual striking of another player by arm, hand, leg or foot? โœ” No. It is the attempt of a player or non player. No contact is needed. 2- Where is the only spot(s) of first touching by K on a FREE KICK? โœ” In field of play, before it crosses R's free-kick line, before it is touched by any R player (any and everytime it is touched in that zone by K, before R is "First Touching") 2-12- Where is the spot(s) of first touching by K on a SCRIMMAGE KICK? โœ” In the field of play, beyond the EXPANDED neutral zone before touched by R or has come to rest 2-12- What are the 5 ways INITIAL Force can be applied to a ball? โœ” Carry, Fumble, Kick, Pass or Snap 2-13- After a Fumble, Kick or Backward pass has been grounded, how can a new force be applied? (3 ways) โœ” bat, illegal kick or a muff 2-13- Force is in connection with the goal line and in how many directions? โœ” ONE. From the field of play into the End Zone (2-13-1) Is Muffing or Batting of a Pass, Kick or Fumble in flight considered a new force? โœ” No. new force can only be added to a Grounded Backward pass, Illegal Kick or Muff (2-13-3) Kick enters into R's end-zone, can force be a factor? โœ” No as it is always a touchback. 2-13-4a

For a legal scrimmage formation, how many players MUST be on A's line at the snap? โœ” 7 minimum 2-14- For a Scrimmage Kick Formation, where must backs be located in relation to the line of scrimmage? โœ” 1 -one back whose knee is on the ground 7 yards from LOS with another 3 yards or Less from "holder" 2- one back 10 yards or MORE behind LOS 2-14-2a Where is the forward progress of an airborne receiver? โœ” Furthest point of advancement after he posses and is contacted by a defender 2-15- 2 What is a dead ball foul? โœ” Foul that occurs during the interval after a down has ended and before the ball is next snapped or free kicked. 2-16-2a What constitutes a Double Foul? โœ” One or more fouls (other than non-player and UC) are committed by EACH team at such time that the penalties off set. 2-16-2b What is a Flagrant foul? โœ” Foul so SEVERE or EXTREME that it places an opponent in danger or serious injury, and or involves violations that are extremely or persistently vulgar or abusive conduct. What is a Live Ball foul? โœ” Foul that occurs DURING a down 2- What is a Multiple Foul? โœ” Two or more live ball fouls (other than non player or UC) are committed during the same down by the same team at such time the offended team is permitted the choice of penalties2-16-2e What is a Non player or Unsportsmanlike foul? โœ” a NON CONTACT (except in 9-4-8) foul while the ball is dead or during the down which is not illegal participation and does not influence the play in progress 2-16-2f What is a player foul? โœ” A foul committed by a player in the game, commonly called a foul. 2-16-2g What are the 5 criteria that must be met for a foul to be PSK? โœ” Foul must be by R, during a Scrimmage Kick (besides ill. participation or substitution): 1 - NOT during Try or Successful field goal

2 - Ball must cross expanded neutral zone 3 - Foul occurs beyond expanded neutral zone 4 - Foul happens before end of the kick 5 - K will not be next to put the ball in play 2-16-2h What does Simultaneous with the snap mean? โœ” an act which becomes a foul when the ball is snapped. 2-16-2i Can a foul cause loss of the ball? โœ” No. 2-16- Can a foul cause a live ball to become dead? โœ” No. 2-16- Some game situations produce results that are similar to penalties are not classified as fouls (3). What are they? โœ” Disqualification of player First touching by K Forfeiture of a game 2-16- What are the dimensions of the Free Blocking Zone? โœ” Rectangular 4yards either side of the spot of the snap 3 yards behind each line of scrimmage 2-17- What players are considered "in the free blocking zone"? โœ” Any player that has ANY part of his body is in the zone at the snap 2-17- Blocking below the waist is only permitted when a few conditions are met, what are they? โœ” 1.Players involved in block are on the line of scrimmage AND in the zone at the snap. 2.Contact is in the zone 2-17- Clipping is permitted in Free Blocking zone as long as a few conditions are met, what are they? โœ” 1. Offensive linemen on the LOS and in the zone at the snap

  1. Against defensive linemen who are on the LOS and in the zone at the snap
  2. Contact is in the zone 2-17-

Blocking in the back is permitted in the Free Blocking zone as long as a few conditions are met, what are they? โœ” 1. Offensive linemen on the LOS and in the zone at the snap

  1. Against Defensive players who are in the zone at the snap.
  2. Contact is in the zone. (think linebackers are ok) 2-17- How long does the free blocking zone exist? โœ” Until Ball leaves the zone. 2-17- Is there a fumble if Player A passes the ball? โœ” NO, a fumble is loss of player possession other than Handing, Passing or kicking the ball. 2- Is tossing the ball from the quarterback to the Running back considered Handing? โœ” No. Handing is transfer of possession from one player to a teammate in a way that BOTH players are still in contact during the transfer. 2-19- What is the unsuccessful handing of a football to your teammate called? โœ” Fumble 2-19- Forward handing is described as the PART or the ENTIRE ball being beyond the yard line from where the runner is positioned? โœ” The ENTIRE ball must be beyond the runner to be considered FORWARD HANDING. 2-19- Backward handing, must all of the ball be BEHIND the runner? โœ” No, Any part of the ball can be ON or BEHIND the yard line where the runner is positioned 2-19- What is Illegal Helmet contact? โœ” Initiating contact with the helmet against an opponent 2-20- Describe Butt Blocking? โœ” ANY player who initiates contact with the helmet against an opponent who is NOT a runner with front of his helmet 2-20-1a

Describe Face Tackling? โœ” DEFENSIVE player who initiates contact against a RUNNER with front of his helmet 2-20-1b Describe Spearing? โœ” ANY player who initiates contact against opponent AT THE SHOULDERS OR BELOW with crown of his helmet 2-20-1c Which players are guilty of Targeting? โœ” ANY player who takes aim and initiates contact against opponent above the shoulder with helmet, forearm, hand, fist, Elbow or shoulder 2-20- How many players are required to be considered a Huddle? โœ” 2 or more of the same team, Before a down 2- Describe Hurdling? โœ” ATTEMPT by player to jump with one or both feet or knees over an opponent who is contacting the ground with only his foot or feet. 2- Is the only way to INTERCEPT a ball be catching a pass? โœ” No. Catching a fumble is also an Interception. 2- What part of the body can legally KICK a ball? โœ” Knee, lower leg or foot 2-24- When does a kick end? โœ” Player gains possession or becomes dead not in player possession 2-24- When are the 4 opportunities to use a free kick? โœ” Kickoff, after a safety, Fair Catch or Awarded Fair Catch 2-24- Are there any players who can be beyond the free kick line? โœ” Kicker and Holder only 2-24- Where can a scrimmage kick happen? โœ” IN or BEHIND the neutral zone. 2-24-

What are the 3 types of scrimmage kicks? โœ” Punt, Drop kick or Place kick (place kick must be controlled on the ground or tee by teammate) 2-24- What are the 2 types of kicks that can be used for a Kickoff? โœ” Drop kick or place kick. 2-24- When are the 3 times a Kickoff is used? โœ” Beginning each half, Successful Field Goal, and Try 2-24- There is ONE kick type that maybe used for scrimmage kicks or kick offs, which? โœ” Drop Kick only 2-24- What action makes a drop kick legal? โœ” When the ball touches the ground (or as it is rising) and is kicked 2-24- Can a kicker place a mat on the field to assist with footing? โœ” NO 2-24- A kick that can be used after a free kick or for a scrimmage kick (not drop kick) is called? โœ” Punt 2-24- Describe Illegal Kick? โœ” INTENTIONAL striking of the ball with the knee or lower leg that does not comply with the description of a LEGAL Kick. Ball retains same status as prior to the illegal kick 2-24- Where is the line of scrimmage for each team? โœ” Vertical Plane through point of the ball nearest the teams goal line 2-25- Where must an offensive player be to be on his line of scrimmage? Defensive player? โœ” Offensive - Must meet requirements of a lineman Defense - within 1 yard of the LOS at the snap 2-25- Boundary lines are sidelines and end lines that are IN or OUT of bounds? โœ” Out of bounds. Anything touching these lines are considered out of bounds as well.


What is the outer limit in each end zone? โœ” End line 2-26- What is the vertical plane that separates the field of play from the end zone? โœ” The Goal Line. 2-26- What is considered "A's goal line", the one they score in, or the one they are defending? โœ” Goal line for A is the line they are defending. 2-26- The line to gain is how far in front of the FOREMOST point of the ball? โœ” 10 yards 2-26- How many coaches can be within the restraining line in front of the team box during a dead ball? โœ” Max of 3 2-25- What is a muff of a loose ball? โœ” Touching of a loose ball in an unsuccessful attempt to secure possession 2- When is the Neutral zone established? โœ” At the ready for play 2- What is distance / space between the two lines for the free kick line (neutral zone)? โœ” 10 yards (and extends into the EZ for free kicks if needed) 2-28- What is the neutral zone for a scrimmage down? โœ” length of the football 2-28- What is the maximum distance a neutral zone can be extended? โœ” 2 yards behind the defensive line of scrimmage 2-28- Can a player accidentally touch another player or game official a still be considered IN BOUNDS? โœ” Yes


If a loose ball bounces in the field of play and touches the head coach that is out of bounds, rebounds to the field of play. Is it Live or Dead? โœ” Dead 2-29- Describe Participation? โœ” Act or action by player or nonplayer that has an influence on a play 2- How is a forward pass determined? โœ” The initial direction is towards the opponents end line. 2-31- When has the ball crossed the neutral zone? โœ” When the ENTIRE ball is beyond the NZ 2-31- When does a forward pass end? โœ” Caught, touches ground or is out of bounds 2-31- How do we determine if a pass is backwards? โœ” the initial direction of the ball is parallel or backwards 2-31- When does a backwards pass end? โœ” Caught, recovered or out of bounds 2-31- How many players may be on the field at one time? โœ” 22 (all entering persons are substitutes) 2-32- Can a back break the plane of the waist of a lineman? โœ” Yes, but only the player under the snapper. ALL others must have NO part of his body breaking the plane of the imaginary plane of the waist of the nearest Teammate who is legally on the line 2-32- How many captains may attend the coin toss from Team A? โœ” 4 in game uniform 2-32-

Who can designate where the ball is positioned on try, kickoff, after safety, fair catch, awarded fair catch, after touchback and start of overtime? โœ” Captain 2-32- Where else can a holder legally place the ball besides a legal kicking tee? โœ” The Ground 2-32- What are the requirements for kicker to no longer be consider be a kicker? โœ” - Reasonable opportunity to regain balance

  • (on free kick) advances 5 yards
  • Kick has touched ground or another player 2-32- Describe a lineman? โœ” - Facing opponents goal line
  • Shoulders (approx.) parallel to goal line
  • Head or foot breaking plane of waist of the snapper when ball is snapped 2-32- Non-players are.... โœ” Coach, trainer, attendants, substitutes that will not touch ball, hinder opponent or replaced player, or influence play 2-32- Can a passer throw an illegal forward pass? โœ” NO. A passer may only throw a legal forward pass. 2-32- What constitutes a passer to no longer be a passer? โœ” When pass ends, or until he moves to participate in the play 2-32- A player in possession (or simulating possession) of a live ball is a .... โœ” Runner 2-32- When is a substitute considered a player? โœ” When he is legally on his side of the neutral zone 2-32- Describe a defenseless player? โœ” Player, because of physical position and focus of concentration, is especially vulnerable to injury 2-32-

Loose ball PLAYs are action during....? โœ” action during

  • free or scrimmage kicks (except for PSK)
  • Legal forward pass
  • Backward pass (including snap), illegal kick or fumble made by A from in or behind Neutral zone prior to change of possession
  • Run or runs which precede legal or illegal pas or kick, backward pass or fumbles 2-33- If a play does NOT include action during:
  • free or scrimmage kicks (except for PSK)
  • Legal forward pass
  • Backward pass (including snap), illegal kick or fumble made by A from in or behind Neutral zone prior to change of possession
  • Run or runs which precede legal or illegal pas or kick, backward pass or fumbles Is a what? โœ” Run play 2-33- Is a live ball always in team possession? โœ” Yes. 2-34- A 25-second count begins with what signal by the referee? โœ” Ready for Play 2- Can a defense shift? โœ” According to the rule ONLY offensive player(s) who after huddle or taking set positions move to a new position before the ensuing snap 2- With the ball on the ground, can it be passed backwards after the ready for play? โœ” yes, backward pass or handing is called a SNAP 2-40- Describe the speed of the snap to be legal? โœ” Quick and continuous 2-40- When does the snap end? โœ” When it touches the ground or another player 2-40- Where are PSK penalty enforcement spots for PSK fouls by R?

โœ” At the end of the kick, or spot foul if the foul by R is behind the PSK spot. 2-41- The spot where the ball was last snapped or free kicked is called? โœ” Previous Spot 2-41- In relation to SPOTS, where does a run end (3)? โœ” - where ball becomes dead in possession

  • where runner loses player possession if run is followed by loose ball
  • spot of catch or recovery when momentum rule is in effect 2-41-9c Using hands, arms, legs or body by defensive player in attempt to hold a runner to bring him to the ground is called? โœ” Tackling 2- What player can be tripped legally? โœ” The runner 2- What is the total running time of a games 4 periods? โœ” 48 minutes divided equally 3-1- Can a game be ended due to a point differential? โœ” Yes, if the state association has one. (SC does not) 3-1- How may games be shortened? โœ” By mutual agreement of the opposing coaches and the referee. 3-1- What is the time gap between quarters? โœ” 1 minute 3- What is the minimum time for 1/2 time? Maximum? โœ” 10 and 20 minutes 3- What is the mandatory warm-up period following intermission? โœ” 3 minutes 3-

What is the amount of time for a charged time-out? โœ” 1 minute 3- After winning the toss prior to the start of the game, the team captain has options to choose from, what are they? โœ” Defer, Kick or Receive, or choose the goal to defend 3- Must teams change goals in between the 1st and 2nd, or 3rd and 4th quarters? โœ” yes. Team possession, number of the next down, relative position of the ball and the line to gain equipment remain unchanged. 3-2- With no game clock available, when should a referee notify the captains and their coaches of the time? โœ” Approximately 4 minutes before each half, the referee notifies the amount of time left. (no notification needed if clock is present) 3-3- Does play end with the mechanical sound of a horn during a live ball? โœ” No, it continues until the ball becomes dead. 3-3- A period can shall be extended if one of the following happens during a play which time expires: โœ” - foul by either team and penalty is accepted (except 3-3-4b) -There is a double foul

  • There is an inadvertent whistle
  • If touchdown is scored, try can be attempted unless the point do no affect the outcome of the game or playoff (score must be tied, or scoring team behind by 2 points are less) 3-3-3d There is no untimed down for several reasons. (6) Six to be exact... name them. โœ” 1. Foul by B during try and A accepts with enforcement being on Succeeding Spot Foul by either team and penalty is accepted for following:
  1. UC foul
  2. non player foul
  3. fouls that specify loss of down
  4. fouls enforced on subsequent KO
  5. Fouls that by rule result in a safety. 3-3- At the end of a period, the referee holds the ball over head to indicate the end of the period, delaying to ensure 4 things have not occurred:

โœ” 1. No foul has occurred

  1. No obvious timing error has occurred
  2. No Coach-referee conference has occurred
  3. No other irregularity has occurred 3-3- After a dead ball foul has occurred at the end of a period, where is the penalty measured from? โœ” The succeeding spot unless its on the try 3-3- When does the clock start on a free-kick? โœ” After touched (other than first touching by K) 3-4- When does the clock start if a snap is being used? โœ” After ball is legally snapped. 3-4- If the clock stopped for the following, when does it restart?
  • Officials timeout (with NO B team awarded first down)
  • No timeout was called by either team
  • Down was not a try or extension of a period
  • Nothing during the down caused the clock to stop
  • inadvertent whistle. โœ” On the Ready! 3-4- What are the clock stoppers that for the next down the clock will start with the snap?(10) โœ” - Ball goes OOB
  • B or R awarded new series
  • Either team gets new series AFTER a legal kick
  • Ball becomes dead behind goal line
  • Legal or Illegal forward pass is incomplete
  • Time out was granted
  • Period ends
  • Team attempts to consume time illegally
  • Delay of game penalty is accepted
  • Fair catch was made 3-4- Does an inadvertent whistle cause the clock to stop? โœ” Yes, 3-4-4i

Does the clock start with first touching by K? โœ” NO. 3-4- When can referee correct OBVIOUS timing errors, unless period has ended? โœ” PRIOR to the 2nd live ball. So if there are multiple dead ball fouls, the clock can still be fixed, just not after the 2nd legal snap or kick 3-4- How many timeouts in a 1/2 per team? โœ” 3 3-5- Can unused timeouts from the 1st half carry over to the second 1/2 or over time from the 2nd half? โœ” NO 3-5- Can a player request a timeout during a live ball? โœ” No, only during dead ball period 3-5- If head coach designates someone to be the "timeout coach", can it change during the normal running of a game? โœ” NO, even if the head coach is ejected, the same person is the TimeOut coach throughout the contest. 3-5-2note When are penalty decisions made, before or after timeouts are granted? โœ” After, as the decision of the captain must be made first. 3-5- Can the neutral zone expand into the end zone during a scrimmage down? โœ” No. Only up to 2 yards IN the field of play during a scrimmage down. 2-28- Is a player out of bounds if his hand touches the sideline while in possession of the ball? โœ” Yes. A player is out of bounds if he touches anything other than another player or official that is outside the sideline or endline. 2-29- When a runner touches the Linesman, who is out of bounds, but the runner remains inbounds, is the ball live or dead? โœ” Live. Touching an official whom is out of bounds is permitted and disregarded. 2-29- 2

If a ball is loose and touches an official or player that is out of bounds, is it inbounds or out of bounds? โœ” OUT. A loose ball touching anything out of bounds, the ball is out. 2-29-3 Define participation... โœ” Participation is any act or action by a player or nonplayer that has an influence on play. 2-30 To be considered a forward pass, can the ball be thrown parrallel? โœ” No. The initial direction MUST be be toward the opponents goal line. 2-31-2 A forward pass is considered beyond the neutral zone when: Part or All of the ball is beyond the neutral zone? โœ” All 2-31-3 When does a forward pass end? โœ” When it is caught, touches the ground or is out of bounds 2-31-4 When does a backward pass end? โœ” When it is caught, recovered or is out of bounds 2-31-6 A pass is considered backwards when it is thrown? โœ” Parrallel or toward teams own goal line. 2-31-6 How many players can be legally on the field during a play at one time? โœ” 22 team members. Entering substitutes replace players during dead ball. 2-32-1 Which player that is a BACK's body can break the imaginary line drawn through the waist of the nearest lineman? โœ” The person in position to receive a Hand-to-hand snap. (quarterback) 2-32-3 How many captains can represent a team at the coin toss? โœ” only 4 in game uniform 2-32-5 Can a Captain that was ejected in the 1st quarter go out for the Overtime Coin toss? โœ” No, they are barred from ALL further participation 2-32-6 Where can the HOLDER place the ball? โœ” Ground or legal tee 2-32-7 When does a player become a kicker? โœ” When he legally kicks the ball. 2-32-8 When is a kicker NOT a kicker? โœ” When he has had a reasonal opportunity to regain his balance, or advanced 5 yards passed his free kick line, or the kick has touched the ground or other player. 2-32-8

What part(s) of a lineman must be breaking the waist of the snapper? โœ” Head or foot must break the waist of the parralel line of the snapper. 2-32-9 Can a player simulate having possession of a live ball? โœ” yes, they are considered a runner as well. 2-32-13 What remains a snapper until when? โœ” He has had a reasonable opportunity to regain balance AND protect himselg ro until he blocks or moves to participate in the play. 2-32-14 Define a defenseless player. โœ” A player who, because of his physical POSITION and focus of CONCENTRATION, is especially vunerable to injury. 2-32-16 For penalty enforcement, there are 4 actions that determine if the play is a loose ball play. What are they? โœ” Action during. 1- Free/scrimmage kick (not psk fouls) 2. Legal Forward pass 3. Backward pass (including snap) illegal kick or fumble by B in or behind neutral zone before change of team possession 4. Run or runs that precede legal/ illegal kick, legal forward/backward pass or fumble. How can a player get possession of a live ball? โœ” Handed, Snapped to him, or caught or recovered by him 2-34-1 Is a live ball in team possession? โœ” Yes, always. 2-34-2 After the ready for play, how long does the team have to put the ball in play? โœ” 25 seconds. 2-35