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NFPA 10 Test 2024-2025 Edition. Real Questions and Correct, Verified Answers. Graded A+
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10 lb ABC extinguishers have a 5-20 foot discharge stream and a discharge time of 2 minutes - ANSFalse 110 lbs to 315 lbs ABC wheeled fire extinguishers have a 15-45 foot discharge range and a 30-60 second discharge time. - ANSTrue 2 1/2 gallon water extinguisher have a horizontal stream range of 30-40 feet and an approximate discharge time of 1 minute - ANSTrue 5 lb CO2 extinguisher have a 3-8 foot horizontal stream range and a 8-30 second discharge time. - ANSTrue A condemned cylinder/fire extinguisher can only be destroyed by its owner or at the owners direction. - ANSTrue A cylinder containing fire extinguishing agent, nitrogen, compressed air, or other compressed gasses at a service pressure of 500 psig or lower is: - ANSLow pressure cylinder A fire extinguisher inspection is: - ANSA monthly quick check A fire extinguisher maintenance is: - ANSAn annual inspection. A fire extinguisher shall be inspected every _____ after it has been placed into service - ANS30 days A stored pressure extinguisher stores the expellant gas in a separate container from the extinguishing agent. - ANSFalse A stored pressure water fire extinguisher rated 2A will protect an area of ____ in an ordinary occupancy. - ANS3000 sq. Ft. Acceptable means of identifying extinguisher locations may include: - ANSArrows, lights, signs, coding on walls/columns. (All of the above) AFFF and FFFP fire extingulshers can be protected against temperatures below 40° F by adding an antifreeze charge. - ANSFalse
After hydrostatic testing, all extinguishers (except water types) shall have all traces of water removed - ANSTrue Agent in solid charge AFFF shall be replaced every year - ANSFalse Agent in solid charge AFFF shall be replaced every year. - ANSFalse Alkalimetal salt, used as an antifreeze medium, is used in what kind of fire extinguisher agent. - ANSLoaded stream All dry chemical and dry powder types of fire extinguishers must have what? - ANSAll traces of powder removed before filling with water. All extinguisher hose assemblies equipped with a shutoff nozzle shall be hydrostatically tested - ANSTrue All other extinguisher types may be installed where temperatures range between -30° to 125° - ANSTrue All wheeled fire extinguishers equipped with a shut off nozzle at the end of the hose must have: - ANSA special adapter to test and recharge. Aluminum shell/cylinder extinguisher must be removed from service and hydrostatic tested if exposed to temperatures exceeding 350° - ANSTrue An inspection of a fire extinguisher is a quick check and is required to be done at least monthly. - ANSTrue At the time of annual maintenance the tamper seal on the rechargeable fire extinguisher shall be removed by operating pull pin or locking device. - ANSTrue Bromochlorodiflouromethane is Halon 1301. - ANSFalse Burning metals - ANSKnown as class D fires and may react violently to water and significantly increase hazards associated with burning metals. Calcium Chloride solutions shall not be used in stainless steel extinguishers - ANSTrue Can you use loaded stream on Class B fires? - ANSNo Carbon Dioxide extinguishers having a specification of ICC3 shall be tested at 3000 psi.
Carbon Dioxide hose assemblies have a continuous metal braid that connects to both couplings to minimize the static shock hazard. - ANSTrue Cartridge operated water extinguishers shall not be removed from service - ANSFalse Cartridge or cylinder operated fire extinguishers use a separate container for the expellant gas from the storage container. - ANSTrue Cartridges not exceeding 2 inches in outside diameter and having a length less than 24 inches are exempt from hydrostatic testing. - ANSTrue Class A fire extinguishers should be identified by a triangle containing the letter "A" and if the triangle is colored it shall be green. - ANSTrue Class B fire extinguishers should be identified by a square containing the letter "B" and if the square is colored it shall be red. - ANSTrue Class B rated extinguishers involving cooking grease must have what type of chemicals? - ANSSodium Bicarbonate and Potassium Bicarbonate. Class C fire extinguishers should be identified by a circle containing the letter "C" and if the circle is colored it shall be blue - ANSTrue Class D fire extinguishers should be identified by a five pointed star containing the letter "D" and if the star is colored it shall be purple - ANSFalse (yellow) CO2 fire extinguisher with capacities from 2.5lbs to 20lbs will have a rating from 1B:C to 10B:C - ANSTrue CO2 hose assemblies require hydrostatic test shall be tested to 3000 psi. - ANSFalse (1250 PSI) CO2 hose assemblies that have passed a conductivity test shall have test information recorded on a metallic label and shall include the following information. - ANSDate of test, name and license number of tester and company. CO2 hose conductivity test shall be performed every: - ANSYear D.O.T. stands for the US Department of Transportation and has jurisdiction over all cylinders and cartridges containing 400 psig or more internal pressure. - ANSTrue Define Class A Fire - ANSOrdinary Combustibles eg. wood, paper, cloth, (leave ash) Define Class B Fire - ANSFlammable Liquids and Gas Define Class C Fire - ANSElectrical
Define Class D Fire - ANSCombustible Metals Define recharging - ANSRefill extinguisher with proper agent. Dry chemical hose assemblies requiring hydrostatic test shall be tested to 300 psi or at extinguisher service pressure, whichever is greater. - ANSTrue Dry chemical is designed for Class A and Class B fires and is also a non conductor of electricity and may be used on energized electrical equipment. - ANSTrue. During hydrostatic testing all fire extinguishers and hose assemblies that require hydrostatic testing must be placed in a protective cage. - ANSTrue Each floor level must be looked at as a separate hazard. - ANSTrue Factory Test Pressure is the pressure at which the shell was tested at the time of the manufacture and is shown on the extinguisher nameplate. - ANSTrue Fire extinguishers for protecting Class A hazards shall be selected from the following types. - ANSWater, multipurpose dry chemicals, halogenated types, all of the above. Fire extinguishers for protecting class C hazards shall be selected from the following types - ANSCO2 and dry chemical Fire extinguishers removed for 6-year maintenance or hydrostatic testing shall be emptied. - ANSTrue Fire extinguishers shall be installed in such a way that the fire extinguisher operating instructions facing outward - ANSTrue Fire extinguishers shall be located along normal paths of travel, including exits from areas. - ANSTrue Fire extinguishers suitable for more than one class of fire should be identified by multiple symbols placed in a vertical sequence. - ANSFalse Fire extinguishers weighing less than 40lbs shall be installed so that the top of the extinguishers is not more than 6 feet from the floor. - ANSFalse Fire extinguishers weighing more than 40lbs shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is no more than 3.5 feet from the floor. - ANSTrue First 4 principles of selecting fire extinguishers: - ANSEase of use, physical ability of people, effectiveness of extinguisher, hazards in area.
For an extra hazard Class B fire and 80b rate fire extinguisher the maximum travel distance to the extinguisher is - ANS50 feet For payment of the fee, checks are made payable to: - ANSTreasurer- state of Ohio For the purposes in NFPA 10, High pressure cylinders are those containing nitrogen, compressed air, CO2, or other gases at pressures higher than 500psig - ANSTrue Halon Extinguisher Recharge- if the extinguisher valve is removed for service, what is the recommended? - ANSPurge extinguisher with nitrogen High pressure cylinders and cartridges including nitrogen cylinders and cartridges used as an expellant for wheeled fire extinguisher shall not be hydrostatically tested every 5 years. - ANSFalse How much is the individual certification fee - ANS50$ How much is the individual renewal application fee? - ANS40$ How often must the following fire extinguishers be hydrostatic tested? (Years) - ANSCarbon Dioxide (5), Dry Chemical (12) Water Type (5), Halon 1211 (12), Cartridge type dry chemicals (2). Hydrotest labels should be printed in black with a light blue background - ANSFalse If a building is properly protected by uniformly spaced 1 1/2 inch fire hose station, for use by the occupants up to 1/4 of the compliment of fire extinguishers can be omitted from building protection. - ANSFalse If heat is used to remove water from a cylinder/fire extinguisher, the temperature within the shell must not exceed - ANS150° In NFPA "shall" is used as a recommendation and is not a requirement. - ANSFalse In NFPA "should" indicates a mandatory requirement. - ANS In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor be less than 4 inches. - ANSFalse In what year did the amendments to the protocol call for a worldwide cessation of production of Halon 1211? - ANS Industrial Grade nitrogen with a few point of -60° or lower shall be sued to pressurize stored pressure dry chemical and Halon fire extinguishers. - ANSTrue
It is ok for hand held portable fire extinguishers to be left sitting on the floor as long as it is properly marked with location signs. - ANSFalse Items that affect distribution of portable fire extinguishers are: - ANSAll of the above. Labels that specifically relate to operation, classification, or warning information shall not be permitted on the front of the extinguisher. - ANSFalse Liquid charge in AFFF and FFFP extinguishers shall be replaced every: - ANS3-years List 2 types of extinguishers suitable for use on delicate electronic equipment - ANSCO2, Halon 1211 List 3 examples of extra high hazards - ANSWarehouses with combustibles, woodworking facility, vehicle repair shop List 3 examples of light hazards - ANSOffice building, churches, schools List 3 examples of ordinary hazards - ANSParking garages, car showroom, dining area. List 4 reasons why you might recommend a wheeled fire extinguisher - ANSMore capacity, more flow, more time of spray, more range. List an example of a self expelling fire extinguisher - ANSCarbon dioxide, CO List the 6 things that must appear on the label of the fire extinguisher. - ANSClass type, instructions, capacity, date, manufacture, testing indications. Maintenance of a fire extinguisher is a thorough examination and shall be done at least every 6-years. - ANSTrue Multipurpose dry chemical may be mixed as long as it is only Alkaline-based dry chemicals - ANSFalse Only Sodium Bicarbonate or Potassium Chloride dry chemical may be used on cooking grease fires. - ANSFalse Placement of portable fire extinguishers containing Halon 1211 shall conform to the maximum volume limitation warning contained on the fire extinguisher nameplates. - ANSTrue Portable extinguishers are intended as the first line defense for limited size fires and are not required if the building is protected by a sprinkler system. - ANSFalse Portable fire extinguisher shall not be installed as a sole protection for flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth with surface areas exceeding 10 sq.ft. - ANSTrue
Rechargeable extinguishers are marked recharged immediately after any use. - ANSTrue Replacement pressure gauges shall be checked for: - ANSProper service pressure, compatibility with extinguisher agent, compatibility with extinguisher valve material. (All of the above) Required building protection shall not be provided by the fire extinguishers for Class A fires. - ANSFalse Requirements of NFPA 10 are - ANSMinimum Service pressure is the pressure that is indicated on the gauge and nameplate of a fire extinguisher. - ANSTrue Servicing includes one or more of the following: (1) maintenance (2) recharging (3) hydrostatic testing. - ANSTrue Some fire extinguishers marked non refillable may be recharged by competent fire equipment dealers. - ANSFalse Stored pressure and self-expelling fire extinguishers shall be _______ after recharging.
______ (Class A and B only) that indicates the relative extinguishing effectiveness. - ANSLetter, Number The intended position for operating instructions is usually located: - ANSOn the front of the extinguisher The interstate commerce commission had jurisdiction over high-pressure cylinders and cartridges prior to 1967. - ANSTrue The material protocol was signed on: - ANSSeptember 16, 1987 The principle advantage of CO2 fire extinguisher is: - ANSLeaves no residue The provisions of NFPA 10 apply to the selection, installation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable extinguishing equipment. - ANSTrue The term approved means acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. - ANSTrue The use of a Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher - ANSShould not be used in confined spaces This is a hard test - ANSTrue To protect a flammable liquid hazard of appreciable depth that is 6' x 10' you would need a _____ rated fire extinguisher - ANS120B Two or more lesser rated B fire extinguishers shall not be combined to meet the basic minimum rating requirements. - ANSTrue Water extinguisher may only be installed where temperatures range between 40° and 120° - ANSTrue Water extinguisher may only be installed where temperatures range between 40°-120° - ANSTrue What Chemical is in a Multipurpose Dry Chemical Extinguisher? - ANSAmmonium Phosphate. What chemical may be used in a Dry Chemical extinguisher primarily intended for use on Class B and Class C fires? - ANSSodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate Urea Base, Potassium Chloride Base, Bicarbonate Urea Base. (All of the above) What class is a water extinguisher? - ANSClass A
What do AFFF and FFFP extinguishers do to Class A fires? - ANSFilm on fuel, no more oxygen, cooling to prevent reignition. What does AHJ stand for? What does it mean? - ANSAuthority having jurisdiction, Fire Marshal/Property owner. What does ANSI do? - ANSOfficial standards making/setting organization of the USA. What does Bromochlorodiflouromethane stand for? - ANSHalon 1211 What does NFPA stand for? - ANSNational Fire Protection Association What does T.C. stand for? - ANSTransport Canada What is a Class D fire? - ANSCombustible Metals What is a portable extinguisher? - ANSPortable device carried on wheels or by hand that has agent under pressure to extinguisher What is a stored pressure? - ANSBoth agent and pressure are in the same cylinder What is ANSI? - ANSAmerican National Standards Institute What is Bromotriflouromethane? - ANSHalon 1301 What is CGA C-1 - ANSPressure testing guide, compressed gas association C- What is the basic maximum travel distance to Class B Extinguishers? - ANS50 feet What is the best agent for use on pressurized flammable liquids and pressurized gas fires? - ANSDry chemical What is the maximum floor area per extinguisher - ANS11, What is the maximum floor area per unit of A - ANS3000 sq. Ft What is the maximum travel distance - ANS75 feet What is the minimum rated extinguisher for light hazard occupancy - ANS2A What is the purpose of NFPA 10 - ANSFor use and guidance of persons selecting, purchasing, installing, approving, listing, designing and maintaining portables. What type of extinguisher is primarily intended for use on Class B and Class C fires? - ANSCarbon Dioxide CO
What type of fire involves Class B materials in motion, such as pouring, running, or dripping, flammable liquids. Generally includes vertical as well as one or more horizontal surfaces - ANS3 dimensional class B fires When can a Class A or Class B rated fire extinguisher be used safely on Class C Fires?