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The correct answers to the nfpa 24 exam test (tfm10) for the year 2024. Nfpa 24 is the standard that applies to private fire service mains and their appurtenances, including the installation of underground piping for private fire service mains and their connections to public water supplies or to pumps supplying water for fire protection. Various aspects of private fire service mains, such as the application of the standard, working plans, pressure-regulating devices, control valves, check valves, post indicator valves, hydrant installation, piping requirements, thrust blocks, and testing procedures. Likely to be useful for individuals preparing for the nfpa 24 exam, such as fire protection engineers, fire inspectors, or contractors working on private fire service main installations. It could serve as study notes, lecture notes, or a summary for exam preparation.
Typology: Exams
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Combined Service Mains - Correct Answer-This standard shall apply to ______ intended to carry water for fire service mains AHJ - Correct Answer-Working plans shall be submitted for approval to the _____ before any equipment is installed or remodeled. Pressure-Regulating devices - Correct Answer-____ shall not be used Control Valves - Correct Answer-______ shall not be installed in the piping from the fire department connection to the fire service main Control Valves - Correct Answer-_____ shall be permitted in the system downstream of the fire department connection Check Valve - Correct Answer-When more than one water supply exists, a ___________ shall be installed in each connection Control Valve - Correct Answer-All check valves shall have a ________ installed upstream and downstream of the check valve. 40 ft - Correct Answer-A post indicator valve installed not less than____ from the building 32-40 inches - Correct Answer-Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be set so that the top of each post is _______ above final grade not be required - Correct Answer-Supervision of underground gate valves with roadway boxes shall ____________ not be less than 6 inches - Correct Answer-The connection from the hydrant to the main shall ___________ not less than 40 ft - Correct Answer-Hydrants shall be located _________ from the buildings to be protected flat stones, concrete slabs, or other approved material - Correct Answer-Hydrants shall be installed on __________ less than 18 inches - Correct Answer-The center of a hose outlet shall not be ____________ above final grade
more than 36 inches - Correct Answer-The center of a hose outlet shall not be _______ above final grade less than 150 psi - Correct Answer-All piping used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the piping is exposed to but shall not be rated at _______________ asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material - Correct Answer-All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with _______________ after installation not be less than 30 inches - Correct Answer-In locations where freezing is not a factor, the depth of cover shall __________________ below grade to prevent mechanical damage. minimum depth of 36 inches - Correct Answer-Private fire service mains installed under driveways or roadways shall be buried at a ______________ run in a covered trench - Correct Answer-Where private fire mains extend more than 10 ft into the building, they shall be ___________ 1 part cement, 2 1/2 parts sand, and 5 parts stone - Correct Answer-Thrust blocks shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than ______________ not less than 5/8 in diameter - Correct Answer-Rods shall be _____________ shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with a bituminous or other acceptable corrosion- retarding material - Correct Answer-After installation, rods, nuts, bolts, washers, clamps, and other restraining devices _____________________ restrained at the bottom of a hill and at any lateral or vertical turns - Correct Answer- Pipe shall be _____________________ facing uphill - Correct Answer-Bell ends shall be __________ clear of debris - Correct Answer-The flushing operation shall continue until water flow is verified to be ___________ completing and signing the contractors material and test certificates - Correct Answer- The installing contractor shall be responsible for _______________________ gauge pressure of 200 psi or 50 psi above working pressure for 2 hours - Correct Answer-All piping shall be hydrostatically tested at ____________________________ 10 ft/sec - Correct Answer-Flow required to produce velocity of __________ in pipes
control valves - Correct Answer-______________ do not include drain valves, check valves, or relief valves