Download NFPA 24 Test (TFM10) Well Answered Questions! and more Exams Physics in PDF only on Docsity! NFPA 24 Test (TFM10) Well Answered Questions! 1) This standard shall apply to ______ intended to carry water for fire service mains - ✓✓✓Combined Service Mains 2) Working plans shall be submitted for approval to the _____ before any equipment is installed or remodeled. - ✓✓✓AHJ 3) ____ shall not be used - ✓✓✓Pressure-Regulating devices 4) ______ shall not be installed in the piping from the fire department connection to the fire service main - ✓✓✓Control Valves 5) _____ shall be permitted in the system downstream of the fire department connection - ✓✓✓Control Valves 6) When more than one water supply exists, a ___________ shall be installed in each connection - ✓✓✓Check Valve 7) All check valves shall have a ________ installed upstream and downstream of the check valve. - ✓✓✓Control Valve 8) A post indicator valve installed not less than____ from the building - ✓✓✓40 ft 9) Where post indicator valves are used, they shall be set so that the top of each post is _______ above final grade - ✓✓✓32-40 inches 10)Supervision of underground gate valves with roadway boxes shall ____________ - ✓✓✓not be required 11)The connection from the hydrant to the main shall ___________ - ✓✓✓not be less than 6 inches 12)Hydrants shall be located _________ from the buildings to be protected - ✓✓✓not less than 40 ft 13)Hydrants shall be installed on __________ - ✓✓✓flat stones, concrete slabs, or other approved material 14)The center of a hose outlet shall not be ____________ above final grade - ✓✓✓less than 18 inches 15)The center of a hose outlet shall not be _______ above final grade - ✓✓✓more than 36 inches 16)All piping used in private fire service mains shall be rated for the maximum system working pressure to which the piping is exposed to but shall not be rated at _______________ - ✓✓✓less than 150 psi 17)All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with _______________ after installation - ✓✓✓asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material 18)In locations where freezing is not a factor, the depth of cover shall __________________ below grade to prevent mechanical damage. - ✓✓✓not be less than 30 inches 19)Private fire service mains installed under driveways or roadways shall be buried at a ______________ - ✓✓✓minimum depth of 36 inches