Download nightingale college anatomy week4 quiz. and more Exams Anatomy in PDF only on Docsity! nightingale college anatomy week4 quiz The basic determinant of skin color is - melanin The connective tissue membranes that line the spaces between bones and joints are called _____ membranes. - synovial Which of the following is the most superficial layer of the epidermis? - stratum corneum Stratified squamous (keratinized) epithelial cells are found in the - epidermis Adipose tissue is - a storage tissue. The structure that lies deep to the dermis and forms a connection between the skin and the underlying structures of the body is the - hypodermis Which of the following is not a principal type of tissue? - cardiac A lubricating substance produced by goblet cells is called - mucus All glands in the body can be classified as either - exocrine or endocrine. 1 | P a g e The conducting unit of the nerve tissue is the - neuron Which of the following is not a primary germ layer? - epiderm Which of the following contains intercalated disks? - cardiac muscle The fluid environment that fills the spaces between the cells of the body is called - extracellular matrix. The skin glands include three kinds of microscopic glands. They are the __________ glands. - sweat, sebaceous, and ceruminous The union of basal and fibroreticular laminae forms the - basement membrane. Which type of tissue has cube-shaped cells and can be found lining the kidney tubules? - simple cuboidal epithelium The mixed secretions of sebaceous and ceruminous glands form a brown waxy substance called the - cerumen The two main layers that compose the skin are the dermis and - epidermis. Around the sixth month of pregnancy, the developing fetus is almost entirely covered by a fine soft hair coat called the - lanugo 2 | P a g e