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NJ CORE Applicator Test 2024: Real Questions & Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers for the nj core applicator test, covering topics such as pesticide application, regulations, safety, and toxicity. It is a valuable resource for individuals preparing for the certification exam.

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Available from 12/08/2024

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Download NJ CORE Applicator Test 2024: Real Questions & Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!




Applicators of all pesticides or their supervisors must have state certification.T/F - ANSWER>>True Pesticide applicators may be classified as private applicators if they apply pesticides a) only on their own propertyb)to produce agricultural commodities primarily on the property of other people c) to produce agricultural commodities on their own property d) on the property of others for hire and their own property - ANSWER>>c) to produceagricultural commodities on their own property

Pesticides in the restricted use category can be used by the general public withoutcertification if recommended by the state agency.

T/F - ANSWER>>False If a commercial applicator wishes to apply for the control of pests in agricultural crops andpests in public health, he must obtain a certification in each of the appropriate categories.

T/F - ANSWER>>True The Term "Under the direct supervision of" means the supervisor - a)b) must be on the job while any restricted use pesticide is being appliedcan be in his office when the operator is applying a restricted use pesticides if available when needed c)can be available at night following the morning the restricted use pesticides were applied

d) can be any distance away provided he can be. reached within 48 hours after the restricteduse pesticide was applied - ANSWER>>b) can be in his office when the operator is applying a restricted use pesticides if available when needed Pesticide products used in. New Jersey must be registered a)b) only with the US Environmental Protection Agencyonly. with the. State. of New Jersey. c) with both the US environmental Protection Agency and state of New Jersey - ANSWER>>c)with both the US environmental Protection Agency and state of New Jersey

In New Jersey, restricted use pesticides can only be purchased from a licensed pesticide a)b) dealer business.operator business. c) applicator business - ANSWER>>a) dealer business. Someone who uses any pesticides to raise agricultural product must be certified and registredas. a

a) pesticide operator. b)c) commercial pesticide applicatorprivate pesticide applicator - ANSWER>>c) private pesticide applicator

Anyone applying pesticides as a service must be certified and registered as a a) pesticide operator. b)c) commercial pesticide applicatorprivate pesticide applicator - ANSWER>>b) commercial pesticide applicator

Part of. the certification of commercial pesticide applicators. Involves passing a) core and a category exam b)c) a dealer examan operator exam - ANSWER>>a) core and a category exam

Companies which contract out their services for compensation must be registered as a a)b) pesticide operationpesticide applicator business c) pesticide dealer - ANSWER>>b) pesticide applicator business What is required before any commercial applications of pesticides are made for householdpest control?

a) notification of persons b) a detailed bill c) none of the above - ANSWER>>a) notification of persons Persons applying pesticides under the direct supervision of a Commercial Pesticide Applicatorwho is not physically present on the application site must be registered as a pesticide

a) dealer b)c) operatortechnician - ANSWER>>b) operator

Records of application must be kept for a minimum of a) 5 years for termite and 3 years for other Commercial Applicators b)4 years c) 1 Year - ANSWER>>a) 5 years for termite and 3 years for other Commercial Applicators An inventory list of pesticides likely to be in storage must be. a) kept in a. storage. area b)c) updated every 2 yearsforwarded to the local fire department - ANSWER>>c) forwarded to the local fire department

What is the full name and acronym. of the federal agency mandated to regulate pesticides? -ANSWER>>Environmental Protection Agency - EPA

What is the full name and acronym for the law EPA uses to manage pesticides? -ANSWER>>Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act - FIFRA

What are regulations? - ANSWER>>Regulations are interpretations of the law and have theforce of law.

Define Reentry Time - ANSWER>>Reentry Time is the time immediately following applicationof a pesticide to a treated area when unprotected workers may not enter

Which federal agency sets food tolerances. for pesticides? Which federal agency enforcesthese tolerances? - ANSWER>>EPA Sets food Tolerances; FDA enforces food tolerances

FIFRA allows states to establish standards. What kind of standards? - ANSWER>>More strict What is the purpose of the tolerance program? - ANSWER>>The Tolerance program is toensure that US consumers are not exposed to unsafe food pesticide residue levels.

The regulations interpreting the Transportation Safety Act are contained 49 CF. What dothese regulations do? - ANSWER>>Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) of the Department of th Interior Who ultimately bears the responsibility of protecting endangered species from pesticides? -ANSWER>>You, the applicator

The inherent ability of a pesticide. to cause. injury or poison organisms is called a) danger b)c) toxicityhazard d) risk - ANSWER>>b) toxicity In an LD50 equal to 60 mg/kg the 69 milligrams refers to the

a)b) pesticidesoil sample c) test. organism d) food sample - ANSWER>>a) pesticide The. oral LD60 level which represents a highly toxic pesticide is a) 640 ng/kg b) 5800 mg/kg c)d) 46 mg/kg380 mg/kg - ANSWER>>c) 46 mg/kg

The probability of a pesticide causing adverse effects. to an organism is called a)b) warningtoxicity c) hazard d) risk - ANSWER>>d) risk It is best. to avoid use. of. those pesticides which can accumulate and cause undesirableeffects in the bodies. of the desirable organisms T/F - ANSWER>>True All pesticides can pass through the skin to enter the blood and significantly affect the nervoussystem of man T/F - ANSWER>>False

The kind of toxicity that results from small, repeated exposures to a pesticide over a period oftime is called

a)b) low toxicityacute toxicity c) high toxicity d) chronic toxicity - ANSWER>>d) chronic toxicity The signal word on a pesticide label indicates the pesticide's

a)b) effectivenesstoxicity c)d) compatibilityformulation - ANSWER>>b) toxicity

Low toxicity is indicated by low LD50T/F - ANSWER>>False

acute toxicity is a measure of how harmful or poisonous a pesticide is to an animal (or a man)from single exposure T/F - ANSWER>>True

The hazard of a pesticide is a) the same as its toxicity b)c) its inherent dangerindicated by the signal word on the label - ANSWER>>b) its inherent danger

The symptoms of pesticide poisoning are greatly different. from. those other types ofpoisoning and/or illnesses T/F - ANSWER>>False

After an acute, dermal exposure to an moderately or highly toxic pesticide, the first thing todo is

a) remove the contaminated clothing and shower b)c) drink. plenty of watervomit if possible d) finish spraying and go immediately to the house - ANSWER>>a) remove the contaminatedclothing and shower

General symptoms of pesticide poisoning can be a) headache and dizziness b)c) nausea and diarrheaexcessive perspiration and trembling

d) all the above - ANSWER>>d) all of the above There is no need to supply medical doctors with more information about the symptoms andtreatment of pesticide T/F - ANSWER>>False

It is good plan to keep your doctor informed about the kinds of pesticides you are using so a) he can plan to be close to his office when you can an accident b)he has the proper equipment to make blood tests when he suspects pesticide poisoning c)d) he can better diagnose your problem and use the proper treatmenthe can advise concerning the effectiveness of the pesticide - ANSWER>>c) he can better diagnose your problem and use the proper treatment Applicators working. with highly toxic organophosphate or carbanmate insects should havetheir cholinesterase level checked

a) before spray season starts c)at the end of the seasonb)^ at mid season d) all the above - ANSWER>>d) all of the above If you are in doubt weather pesticide poisoning has occured a) go to bed b)c) see your doctortaxe a laxative d) empty the stomach by vomiting - ANSWER>>B) see your doctor Poisoning which occurs as a result of repeated, small, nonlethal pesticide exposures over along period of time is called

a) chronic poisoning b) mild poisoning c)d) acute poisoningsevere poisoning - ANSWER>>a) chronic poisoning

In accidents with pesticides, an. applicator can often avoid severe poisoning by practicingproper first aid reduce exposure T/F - ANSWER>>True

In case of an accident, always save the pesticide container with the label for the doctor toobtain more information - T/F - ANSWER>>True

A supply of clean water, soap, and a basin can be a great first aid help in a) oral pesticide exposure b)c) dermal pesticide exposureinhalation pesticide exposure - ANSWER>>b) dermal pesticide exposure

For severe dermal exposure to pesticides a) remove contaminated clothing b)c) drench exposed body areas with waterdry and wrap in a blanket d) all of the above - ANSWER>>d) all of the above Alcohol and barbiturates should be included in the first aid supplies of certified pesticidesapplicators T/F - ANSWER>>False

Artificial respiration may be needed if pesticide poisoning is severe. T/F - ANSWER>>True If. an applicator has an accident applying pesticide in an enclosed space he may need to getthe outside for adequate supply of fresh air T/F - ANSWER>>true

In a pesticide poisoning emergency think of using water immediately to a)b) inactivate the pesticidebreak down the pesticide c) remove the pesticide from the blood stream d) dilute the pesticide and wash it away - ANSWER>>d) dilute the pesticide and wash it away

Of the following materials, the one which would be most helpful to have on hand when ahighly toxic pesticide is spilled on the legs of an applicator is

a)b) asprinsoap and water c) vinegar d) milk - ANSWER>>b) soap and water The antidote, atropine, can be helpful in first aid treatment of pesticide poisoning if usedaccording to the directions of a medical doctor T/F - ANSWER>>True

Most accidents with pesticides happen from careless practices and misuse T/F - ANSWER>>True the most common cause of pesticide poisoning for applicators is their exposure a)by swallowing the pesticide b) through the lugs c) through the skin - ANSWER>>c) through the skin Dangerous exposure to pesticide by the applicator can occur during measuring and mixing aswell as application t/F - ANSWER>>True

Storing pesticide inside the car or truck by the applicator can occur during measuring mixingas well as application T/F - ANSWER>>False

If Highly toxic pesticide is spilled on your skin it is safest to wash the exposed area with soapand water

a) immediately b)c) anytime within 2 hours after exposureanytime during the day of exposure d) at the usual bathing time - ANSWER>>a) immediately Some gloves offer no protection to pesticide expsoure, and can even be more hazardous thanworking with bare hands. Which of these materials should never be used

a)b) rubberneoprene c) leather - ANSWER>>c)leather For information concerning the protective clothing to wear when using a given pesticide it isbest to

a)b) check with your dealerread the label c) ask your doctor - ANSWER>>b) read the label An applicator with a heavy head of hair need not wear a hat to protect from pesticideexposure T/F - ANSWER>>False

Protective safety equipment listed on the labor for the use of the applicator is not neededduring the measuring, weighing and mixing T/F - ANSWER>>False

Respirators protect from pesticide exposure by a) repelling the pesticideb)absorbing the pesticide c) breaking down the pesticide d) neutralizing the pesticide - ANSWER>>b)absorbing the pesticide Overdosing usually results in better pest control T/F - ANSWER>>False Applicators using the buddy system (working in pairs) in applying highly toxic pesticides usethis safety procedure for the purpose of

A) having help to weigh and mix pesticides b)c) having assistance in case of a accidental exposurecleaning the equipment d) supervising the work - ANSWER>>b) having assistance in case of a accidental exposure All pesticides have antidotes listed on the label T/F - ANSWER>>False

Pesticides labeling now provides detailed safety precautions for the protection of certifiedpesticide applicators T/F - ANSWER>>True

That piece of safety equipment usually not needed when using pesticides with the signalword CAUTION, is

A) rubber gloves B) hat C) coveralls D) Respirator - ANSWER>>D) Respirator Coveralls and other clothing contaminated with pesticides should be laundered with suitabledetergent

a)b) after each useafter they get wet with spray C) after six days of use D) when they have a strong odor like the pesticide - ANSWER>>a) after each use Applicator exposure to pesticide is most likely to occur A) by inhalation during spraying B) By Eating food with excess residues C) Through dermal (skin) exposure - ANSWER>>C) Through dermal (skin) exposure New Pesticide labeling indicates what the applicator can do to protect his body from pesticideexposure T/F - ANSWER>>True

It is not necessary from an applicator to wash his hands and face frequently when handlingand applying moderate to low dermawltoxcity pesticides T/F - ANSWER>>False

Cartrides in a respirator worn by a pesticide applicator should be changed after A) each season

B)C) six to eight hours of useOne week of use - ANSWER>>B) six to eight hours of use

There is no need to have blood test when a pesticide applicator is experiencing pesticidepoisoning symptoms T/F - ANSWER>>False

Your respirators working properly if the air you exhale is going through the cartridges T/F -ANSWER>>False

Cholinest erase testing of the blood gives an indication of A) how much pesticide has been applied B)C) whether a transfusion is necessaryThe resistance of the applicator D) the pesticide's effect on the applicators body - ANSWER>>D) the pesticide's effect on theapplicators body

A good place to store where it is to store a respirator a) on the sprayer where it is handy to useB) in a tightly closed plastic bag after it is washed and dried C)in the pesticide storage shed - ANSWER>>B) in a tightly closed plastic bag after it is washedand dried

Small amounts of some pesticides are allowed in harvested crops T/F - ANSWER>>True A tolerance status of pesticide must be established for those uses involving A) a migrant worker B) Household pests C)D) food cropscertified applicators - ANSWER>>C) food crops

The maximum safe amount of pesticide allowed on a crop is called its

A)residueB) deposit C) Tolerance - ANSWER>>A)residue Persistent pesticides may be undesirable if they last longer than is needed and result inexcess residues and/or injury T/F - ANSWER>>True

If a pesticide residue exceeds the tolerance, the crop A) can be washed to get rid of the pesticide B)C) is subject to condemnation and seizuremay be fed to live stock - ANSWER>>B) is subject to condemnation and seizure

Registration of a pesticide by EPA will be granted if A) the pesticide will control the target pest B)C) the pesticide does not have an adverse environment impactthe pesticide does not pose public health hazard D) all of the above - ANSWER>>D) all of the above Tolerances for pesticides are states as A)B) mg/kgppm C) lbs/A - ANSWER>>B) ppm In the regulations of pesticide use to protect man and the environment, the termenvironment means

A) all organisms B) air, soil, water, and the other physical elements C)D) the interrelationships of organismsall of the above - ANSWER>>D) all of the above

Modern pesticides are formulated in such a manner that there is little chance of pollutingwater with their use T/F - ANSWER>>False

Food and feed can be produced efficiently and economically without excess pesticidesresidues T/F - ANSWER>>True

Overdoses of pesticides which remain in the soil for long period of time may be harmful tofuture crops T/F - ANSWER>>True

Airborne pesticides can be harmful to man and other organisms T/F - ANSWER>>True. Some pesticides can reduce crop production by killing pollinating insects T/F - ANSWER>>True A pesticide off target is not a pollutant if desirable organisms are unaffected T/F - ANSWER>>False Food chain is a way of describing how organisms eat each other T/F - ANSWER>>True High pesticide residues are most likely to be found in the plant eaters at the bottom of thefood chain T/F - ANSWER>>False

Pesticides that can build up in the bodies of organisms are called A) additives B)C) accumulativepersistent - ANSWER>>B) accumulative

A pesticide is any chemical used by man to control pests T/F - ANSWER>>True Fungicides are used to prevent - ANSWER>>Weeds Acarcides are used to control - ANSWER>>Mites A pesticide that is absorbed in one part of a plant or animal and transported to another partwhere it kills a pest is called a

A)B) contact pesticidevolatile pesticide C)D) residual pesticidesystemic pesticide - ANSWER>>D) systemic pesticide

After the crop has been planted, which type of herbicide application should be made tocontrol there weeds before they appear?

A) replanting B)reemergence c) postenergence - ANSWER>>B) reemergence If an insecticide is effective against a wide variety of insects, it is broad spectrum insecticideT/F - ANSWER>>True

Most fungicide applications are made as A) protectants B)C) eradicantsdesiccants - ANSWER>>A) protectants

It is almost impossible to spray a crop with a herbicide to kill the weddings without injuringthe crop T/F - ANSWER>>False

Insecticides kill insects and herbicides kill weeds. The kind of pesticide that kills snails andslugs are called

A) snailicide B)slugicide C) molluscicide - ANSWER>>C) molluscicide Preemergence, post emergence, and selective terms used in describing the use of A) miticides

B)C) herbicidesfungicides D) insecticides - ANSWER>>B) herbicides A rodenticide use used to controlA)mice but not rats B)C) rats but not miceboth rats and mice - ANSWER>>C) both rats and mice

It is usually best to use a residual pesticide lasting more than one season when makingapplications to the soil

A) for the control of termites near the foundation of the house B)C) for the control of weeds in a corn fieldfor the control of cabbage maggots in a cabbage field - ANSWER>>A) for the control of termites near the foundation of the house According to the pesticide regulations, the materials which should not be included in thegroup of chemicals called pesticides are fertilizers T/F - ANSWER>>True

To achieve the most efficient pest control, the first thing to do out before making anapplication of a pesticide is

A) the quantity of pesticide needed B) if the weather is OK to apply a pesticide C)D) the identity of the pesthow much pest damage can be tolerated - ANSWER>>C) the identity of the pest

The pesticide chosen fore the control of pest should A) have a low LD B)C) be solublebreakdown rapidly D) be efficient - ANSWER>>D) be efficient

Integrated pest control means using two or more pesticides mixed together to control all thepests in one application T/F - ANSWER>>False

Satisfactory alternatives to the use of pesticides are available for the control of most pests ifwe could afford expense T/F - ANSWER>>False

Most formulations of pesticides work in any sprayer T/F - ANSWER>>FalseThe pesticide formulation to choose for use in a 50 gallon high pressure sprayer is

A) 6F B)C) 5G3D - ANSWER>>A) 6F

To double check your choice of pesticide for the pest control job at hand A) Refer to the yellow pages B)C) Check with the news medialook at your application records of past years D) read the label - ANSWER>>D) read the label The label or labeling of pesticide is an official and legal document approved as printed by EPAT/F - ANSWER>>True

The label on the container may not have all the registered uses and the complete directionsfor proper and safe use of a pesticide formulation T/F - ANSWER>>True

The best applicator reference for directions on how to use a given pesticide is his records ofpast years use T/F - ANSWER>>False

Three names of a pesticide sometimes appears on the labeling the trade name, the chemicalname, and the common name. Of these three names for a pesticide, the name that is most frequently missing is the A)B) Trade namechemical name

C) common name - ANSWER>>C) common name The name of the pesticide that most accurately identifies the active ingredient is the A) trade name B) chemical name C) common name - ANSWER>>B) Chemical name The name of the pesticide that most accurately identifies the formulation is theA) trade name B) chemical name C) common name - ANSWER>>A) trade name If the label states that the pesticide may be mixed with other pesticides and/or fertilizer it issaid to

A)be a broad spectrum pesticide B) be compatible C) have a synergistic action D) be additive - ANSWER>>B) be compatible This signal word(s) for moderately toxic pesticide is A) danger, poison B) warning C)D) CautionKeep out of the reach of children - ANSWER>>B) warning

The information on the pesticide label A)B) gives the date of the manufacturer and/or packagingis good for as long was the container lasts C) Gives the necessary, special storage instructions for the pesticide formation - ANSWER>>C) Gives the necessary, special storage instructions for the pesticide formation

The directions on the pesticide labeling states A)B) How much pesticide to buythe dosage rate to use C) The storage life of the chemical - ANSWER>>B) the dosage rate to use The number of toxicity categories used on pesticide labeling is A)B) threeFour

1 gallon of water weighs about - ANSWER>>8.3 poundsC)^ Six - ANSWER>>a)three 100 Gallons of water weighs about 830 pounds - ANSWER>> 1 Pound = 16 ounces =? Grams - ANSWER>>453.6 grams 1 pint = 16 ounces =? Milliliters =? Liters - ANSWER>>946 milliliters and .946 liters 1 pound wettable power per 100 gallons =? Tablespoon per gallon - ANSWER>> The kind of equipment which is most useful too spray shade trees on a private property is B) Speed Sprayer C)D) Mist BlowerLow Pressure Boom Sprayer F) High pressure sprayer with hand gun - ANSWER>>F) High pressure sprayer with hand gun The kind of equipment which is most useful to present pest control operator doing cockroachcontrol work is

C) Mist Blower D) Low Pressure Boom Sprayer

G) Hand operated, 3Ft - ANSWER>>E) 1 Gal, pump sprayerE)^ 1 Gal, pump sprayer The kind of equipment which is most useful to the commercial vegetable grower is A) ULV applicator D) Low Pressure Boom SprayerB)^ Speed Sprayer F) High pressure sprayer with hand gun - ANSWER>>D) Low Pressure Boom Sprayer That kind of equipment which is most useful to the custom applicator doing pest control workon small home lawns is

C) Mist Blower E) 1 Gal, pump sprayer G)H) Hand operated, 3FtGround Fogger on a truck swath, granular application - ANSWER>>G) Hand operated, 3Ft

Some fertilizer spreader can be used to apply granular pesticide formulations T/F -ANSWER>>True

The pesticide application equipment which generates aerosol particles and/or droplets iscalled a

A)B) smokerFogger C) mist blower - ANSWER>>B) Fogger The pesticide equipment which uses air as a medium to transport pesticides tot he target is a A)B) High pressure sprayermist blower C) Low pressure sprayer with boom - ANSWER>>B) Mist blower

The pesticide application equipment used to apply a dilute spray off pesticide is a A) ULV applicator B)C) mist blowerhigh pressure sprayer - ANSWER>>C) High pressure sprayer

The pesticide application equipment which uses water as a medium to transport pesticideparticles to the target is

A)B) an aerosol generatorMist blower C) a low pressure, boom sprayer - ANSWER>>C) a low pressure, boom sprayer The pesticide application equipment the operation of which is least subject to drift is called A) fogger B)C) mist blowerrow-crop, arblast sprayer

The gallonage output of a sprayer can be decreased byD)^ Hydraulic Sprayer - ANSWER>>D) Hydraulic Sprayer A) decreasing the RPM's of the sprayer motor B) decreasing the speed of travel - ANSWER>>A) decreasing the RPM's of the sprayer motor The dosage applied by the sprayer (like a mist blower or row crop sprayer) can be increasedby

A)B) decreasing the size of pennies in the nozzlesdecreasing the speed of travel - ANSWER>>B) decreasing the speed of travel

The dosage applied by a sprayer (like in No.3) can be decreased by A) increasing the number of nozzles B) increasing the speed of travel - ANSWER>>B) increasing the speed of travel

An increase in pressure causes a decrease in spray droplet size T/F - ANSWER>>False There is no need for the certified applicator to calibrate granular pesticide applicationequipment since this is done at the factory before shipment T/F - ANSWER>>False

The rate of application with a hand operated, granular applicator can be increased by walkingslower and decreased by walking faster T/F - ANSWER>>True

The right spray mixture plus the correct rate of application equals an accurate dosage appliedT/F - ANSWER>>True

A rectangular field 440 feet by 250 feet wide is approximately A) 2.5 Acres c) 4.5 acres - ANSWER>>A) 2.5 AcresB)^ 3.5 Acres The most frequent use of applying to much spray to little spray during a days spraying withlow pressure, boom sprayer is

A)B) changes in pressurechanges in the size of nozzle openings C) changes speed of travel - ANSWER>>C)changes speed of travel Traveling at the rate of 540 feet per minute is approximately A) 2 MPH B)C) 4 MPH6 MPH D) 8 MPH - ANSWER>>C) 6 MPH Weighing, measuring, mixing and filling are usually consider to be more hazardous to theapplicator when spraying because

A)B) The wind blows the pesticide away faster in sprayingThe applicator wears a respirator, gloves, and other safety equipment while spraying C) there is less exposure time in spraying D) in measuring, mixing, and filling the applicator may come in contact with moreconcentrated pesticide - ANSWER>>D) in measuring, mixing, and filling the applicator may come in contact with more concentrated pesticide To mix the pesticide with water and fill the tank the night before spraying is a good idea soads to be ready to begin the work early when the weather conditions are best T/F - ANSWER>>True When mixing to pesticides together, wearable powders me form lumps or the liquids meseparate into layers; the most likely reason for this is

A) not enough agitation B)C) too fast of mixingMix too slow D) incompatibility - ANSWER>>D) incompatibility Adjuvants or chemicals that are added to a pesticide mixture or to a pesticide spray to A)B) Aid with mixing with waterincrease adhesiveness of the spray to a surface C) Help the spray spread evenly over a treated surface A piece of pesticide application equipment should be attended at all times during the mixingD)^ all of the above - ANSWER>>D) all of the above and filling operation T/F - ANSWER>>True Adjuvants are included in many pesticide formulations by the manufacture and or can beadded by the applicator T/F - ANSWER>>True

There is a little danger from the applicator adding too much adjuvant to the spray becauseadjuvants are chemicals of low toxicity T/F - ANSWER>>False

To avoid incompatibility between two pesticides mixed together it is usually best to mix awearable powder with

A)B) emulsifiable concentratesdusts C)D) wettable powderssoluble concentrates - ANSWER>>C) wettable powders

It is usually bad procedure to store unused spray mixture in the sprayer for a day or two untilthe weather becomes more favorable for spraying T/F - ANSWER>>True

Mixing and filling for spraying can be done next to a stream or body of water without dangerof pollution if supervised by certified applicator T/F - ANSWER>>False

The kind of weather has a little effect on the pesticide reaching the target on the applicator isusing a sprayer

A) to control weeds along the highway B)C) To control cockroaches in a restaurantTo control lite blight in a potato field - ANSWER>>B) To control cockroaches in a restaurant

When spraying plants with insecticides and funk decides it is the best to avoid making anapplication if rainfall is expected immediately following the spray T/F - ANSWER>>True

The rule of thumb about spraying the foliage of plants when rain is expected soon after theapplication is

A)getting wet it is OK to spray ahead of the rain if the applicator can get back to the shed without B)before it rains it is OK to spray ahead of rain if the spray has enough time to get completely dry C)before it rains - ANSWER>>B) it is OK to spray ahead of rain if the spray has enough time to It is OK to spray ahead of rain if the spray has at least 12 hours of good drying weather get completely dry before it rains Spraying and high temperatures can be hazardous to both the applicator and the crop orplants. The temperature at which it is wise to stop spraying the foliage of crops and other desirable plants is

A)B) 75°85°

C) 95° - ANSWER>>B) 85°

In the application of some pesticides to the soil proper soil temperature and adequate soilmoisture are necessary to achieve optimal results. The type of pesticides apply to the soil which has the most critical limitations in soil temperature and soil moisture A) insecticide B)C) fungicidenematiciede - ANSWER>>B) fungicide

Early morning and in the evening or good time spray spray pesticides because A)B) The applicator is less susceptible to toxic pesticides at these timesThe pests eat more at these times of the day C) The weather is more desirable for spraying at these times of the day D) The pesticide is less effective when applied in bright sunlight - ANSWER>>C) The weather ismore desirable for spraying at these times of the day

It is wise to open windows and provide good ventilation when spraying pesticides in room to A) Provide adequate oxygen need it to make the pesticide work and for the applicator tobreathe B) avoid excessive applicator exposure to the pesticide C) increase penetration of the pesticide for better kill - ANSWER>>B) avoid excessiveapplicator exposure to the pesticide The pesticide chemical almost always has to comebinedwith dilutents , solvents, weddingagents and stickers to make a usable form T/F - ANSWER>>True

The formulation of the pesticide, Methoxychlor 50W, is A) 50%B)methoxchlor 50%