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If you are convicted of drag racing, ____ points will be added to your driver record. - ANSWER 5 If you are convicted of a hit-and-run accident for the first time, you may incur which of the following penalties?
If you are convicted of driving while your license is suspended for DUI, your license will be suspended for an additional ________ at least.
how old must you be to register a vehicle
The first thing alcohol affects is...
To avoid a collision or at least reduce its severity, you have three options to choose from, depending on the situation:
If an animal suddenly runs in front of your vehicle, you should
At an intersection, a steady yellow traffic signal indicates that you must - ANSWER stop before the intersection if it is safe to do so If you are being passed by another vehicle, you should - ANSWER stay in your lane and slow down If it starts to rain on a hot day, use caution because the pavement may be slippery for the first few minutes. This is due to - ANSWER oil in the asphalt When you see a flashing yellow signal at an intersection, you should - ANSWER slow down and proceed with caution If you double your speed on a highway, your braking distance increases by - ANSWER 4 times You are at a stop sign, waiting to turn right. A vehicle approaching from the left has its turn signal on. What should you do? - ANSWER wait until the other vehicle actually starts to turn and then start your turn As you approach a roundabout, you should enter to the _______ of the central island. - ANSWER right You are on a divided highway. You approach a school bus that has stopped with flashing red lights on the opposite side of the highway. Do you have to stop here? - ANSWER no but you must slow down to 10mph as you pass the school bus You are following another vehicle. In New Jersey, what is the recommended following distance? - ANSWER atleast 3 seconds in good driving conditions You drive up to an intersection and you see a stop sign. What should you do? - ANSWER come to a complete stop and yield to traffic before proceeding You arrive at an intersection whose traffic signals are not working; none of the lights are on. What must you do? - ANSWER treat it like an all way stop You are driving on an undivided road. A school bus with flashing red lights is stopped ahead. What must you do? - ANSWER stop at least 25 feet away no matter which direction you are traveling in must not park within __ feet of a stop sign - ANSWER 50 must not park within __ feet of a crosswalk - ANSWER 25 an an all way stop, you must yield to____ - ANSWER vehicles who got to the intersection before you
You have parked your vehicle facing downhill. The vehicle has a manual transmission, so you should shift into - ANSWER reverse You are driving in the right lane of a multilane roadway. An emergency vehicle with its lights flashing is stopped ahead. What must you do? - ANSWER leave an empty lane between you and the emergency vehicle if possible, otherwise slow down What must you do at a flashing red traffic signal? - ANSWER Stop and yield, as you would at a STOP sign When you turn, you should cross ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- unless signs or pavement markings indicate otherwise. - ANSWER as few lanes as possible You spot an emergency vehicle approaching with its flashing lights on. What must you do? - ANSWER pull over no matter which direction the emergency vehicle is traveling in If you are convicted of driving so slowly as to obstruct or impede traffic, ____ points will be added to your driving record. - ANSWER 2 If you are convicted of driving at 15-29 mph over the speed limit - ANSWER 4 points will be added to your driving record If a driver under 21 years of age is convicted of purchasing or consuming alcohol in a business, he or she may be fined ______ and lose his or her license for ____ months. - ANSWER 500, 6 If you are convicted for the second time of driving without liability insurance, you will be sentenced to jail for - ANSWER 14 days During a traffic stop, you must illuminate your vehicle's interior upon the request of a law enforcement officer. If you do not, you will be fined - ANSWER 50 dollars If you are convicted of DUI, you may be sentenced to jail for up to ________ if it was your first offense. - ANSWER 30 days If you accumulate between 12 and 14 points within ________, the MVC will mail you a Notice of Scheduled Suspension. - ANSWER 2 years If you are convicted of a second DUI offense, you will be sentenced to jail for up to - ANSWER 90 days If you are convicted of driving without liability insurance, your license will be suspended for ________ if it was your first offense. - ANSWER one year If you are convicted of a third DUI offense, your license will be suspended for - ANSWER 10 years
By driving on New Jersey's public roads, you imply consent to - ANSWER chemical testing for alcohol or drugs If you are convicted of driving without liability insurance, you will have to pay a fine of up to _______ if it was your first offense. - ANSWER 1000 dollars If you are convicted of a third DUI offense, you will be required to pay a violation surcharge of _______ per year for three years. - ANSWER 1, If you are convicted of DUI, your driver license will be suspended for up to ________ if it was your first offense. - ANSWER 1 year If you are convicted of DUI for the first time, which of the following fees will you be required to pay? - ANSWER 100 to drunk driving fund 75 to safe neighborhood services 100 to alcohol education and rehabilitation fund If you are convicted of driving without liability insurance, you will have to pay a fine of up to _______ if it was your second offense. - ANSWER 5, If you are convicted of driving while possessing drugs, your license will be suspended for - ANSWER 2 years If you are convicted of a second DUI offense, your license will be suspended for - ANSWER 2 years If you are convicted of drinking alcohol while you were driving, you will be fined ______ if it was your first offense. - ANSWER 200 dollars If you are convicted of reckless driving, you may be sentenced to ________ in jail if it was your first offense. - ANSWER 60 days If you successfully complete an approved Driver Improvement Program, as many as ____ points will be removed from your driving record. - ANSWER 3 According to the New Jersey Driver Manual, if a driver has a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15%, he or she is ____ times as likely to cause an accident. - ANSWER 25 times If snow or ice falls off your moving vehicle and causes injury or property damage, you will be fined - ANSWER between 200 and 1000 If you are convicted of driving the wrong way on a one-way street, ____ points will be added to your driving record. - ANSWER 2 points
If you are convicted of refusing to submit to chemical testing, your driver license will be revoked for up to - ANSWER 1 year If you are convicted of refusing to submit to chemical testing, you will be required to pay a violation surcharge of _______ per year for three years. - ANSWER 1000 It is illegal for you to abandon your motor vehicle on a limited-access highway for ________ or longer. - ANSWER 4 hours If your brakes suddenly fail, the first thing you should do is - ANSWER shift to low gear and pump the brakes To avoid a spin while in a skid, you should - ANSWER turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding Any change of address must be reported to the MVC within what period? - ANSWER one week In extreme cases, an aggressive driver may: - ANSWER cause an accident If you come to a multi-stop at the the same time as another motorist, you must - ANSWER yield to the motorist on the right The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted is - ANSWER 25 miles per hour At what age is the holder of a GDL Special Learner Permit eligible to obtain an unrestricted Basic Driver License? - ANSWER at 18, after completion of 1 year of unsupervised driving with probationary restrictions If your wheels drift onto the shoulder of the road and you want to return to the paved road, you should - ANSWER slow down and regain control If you drink beyond a BAC of .05% the risk of causing a motor vehicle accident doubles and at .10% the risk increase to - ANSWER six times as great You must not park how many feet of a stop sign? - ANSWER 50 feet When parking a vehicle facing uphill, the wheels should be: - ANSWER turned away from the curb If under 21, NJ law states that you may be under the influence if your blood alcohol level content is: - ANSWER ANYTHING ABOVE .01 (all of the above) When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection, you should - ANSWER reduce speed and be prepared to stop
How much is the fine for a violation of any of the restrictions of the GDL permit or probationary license? - ANSWER $ If you go into a skid, you should - ANSWER take your foot off the gas pedal During bad weather conditions, a truck takes longer to stop, this can be as much as - ANSWER 25% If your license plates are lost or stolen, you should immediately notify: - ANSWER the police After completing the MVC Driving Improvement Program, you will be on probation for a period of: - ANSWER one year When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights, you must: - ANSWER stop at least 15 feet from the railroad crossing When two or more roads join and there is no signal or regulatory deivce, it is good practice to - ANSWER reduce speed and be ready to stop If you drink and have a BAC of slightly above .05% the risk of you causing a motor vehicle accident is - ANSWER doubled A probationary driver is Probationary for how long? - ANSWER 12 months Which of the following could potentially cause dangerous levels of carbon monoxide accumulate inside a vehicle? - ANSWER Operating a vehicle with a defective exhaust system. Operating a vehicle with a defective emission system or poorly tuned engine. Driving a vehicle with the trunk lid or rear tailgate open. (both a and b) During rain, snow and ice, all drivers must have: - ANSWER Low beam headlights (both a and b) To drive in reverse, you must - ANSWER turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window without the use of mirrors When you move into New Jersey from another state, you must have your vehicle inspected within - ANSWER 14 days after registering it After driving through a deep puddle, you should immediately - ANSWER test your brakes One and one-half ounces of whiskey contains the same amount of alcohol as - ANSWER 12 ounces of beer
If a person gets drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident after leaving your home, you could - ANSWER become involved in a lawsuit When passing a large truck or bus, it is important to remember - ANSWER there are several no-zones (blind spots) in which the motorist cannot see other vehicles Police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, volunteer fire and rescue squad members responding to emergencies use sirens and red or blue lights, When you see this you should: - ANSWER steer to the extreme right of the road way and stop, let them pass A diamond shaped sign is a - ANSWER warning sign The meaning of a hand signal when a drivers hand and arm are straight out is - ANSWER left turn When driving at night be sure that you can stop - ANSWER within the distance you can see ahead During a probationary period a motorist must enroll in a probationary driving school program when: - ANSWER convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling 4 or more points (both a and b) You cannot take your road test in a vehicle with any obstructions or consoles between the driver and the examiner because: - ANSWER it prevents the examiner from reaching the foot or parking brake Getting a drivers license illegally may result in: - ANSWER a fine of $250 to $500 and/or imprisonment of 30-90 days A triangular shaped sign is a - ANSWER yield sign Before entering an intersection and nearing a yellow or amber traffic signal, you should - ANSWER stop A deceleration lane is - ANSWER an extra lane at a highway exit The best way to enter a curve is - ANSWER slow down before entering the curve On a two way road when a school bus is stopped and its red lights are flashing - ANSWER you must stop at least 25 ft away Except new vehicles, your car must be inspected at either a state inspection facility or a state licensed private inspection facility - ANSWER every 2 years
Upon completion of the GDL requirements, 1 year of unsupervised driving, the holder of a probationary license must - ANSWER visit any MVC agency to obtain an unrestricted Basic License Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means: - ANSWER your senses and judgement are impaired by alcohol A motorist should never stop or park in front of a public or private driveway - ANSWER unless directed to do so by a police officer When driving around a curve, your vehicle may tend to: - ANSWER keep going straight The driving hours of a GDL Examination Permit or Probationary License holder (under 21 years of age) are restricted to - ANSWER 5:01 AM to 11:00 PM The holder of a validated GDL permit, 21 years of age or older, is restricted to what driving hours? - ANSWER no restrictions apply Before practicing driving is permitted,the permit holder must pass the MVCs knowledge test and vision exam, have a valid permit and obtain - ANSWER two reflectorized decals, one for each plate It is legal to turn right on red, if you: - ANSWER make a full stop, and check traffic As of May 1, 2010 all GDL drivers holding a special learner permit, examination permit or a Probationary License when operating a vehicle must: - ANSWER display a reflectorized red decal on both the front and rear license plate In city driving, you should: - ANSWER look 12 seconds ahead, drive more slowly, and watch for pedestrians. Excluding dependent, how may passengers is the holder of a Probationary Driver License (under the age of 21) permitted to have in the vehicle? - ANSWER one additional passenger unless accompanied by a parent of guardian To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least - ANSWER three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you The holder of a validated GDL Special Learner permit must not drive between the hours of - ANSWER 11:01 PM and 5:00 AM If a vehicle is passing you, you should - ANSWER slow down to make it easier for the other motorist Which is a telltale sign that a motorist has been drinking? - ANSWER Speeding, Weaving, Slow driving, Jerking motion, Quick stops. (all of the above)
If you have a flat tire blowout, you should - ANSWER slow down gradually and remove the foot from the gas pedal (all of the above) Excluding dependents, how many passengers may accompany the holder of a validated GDL special learner permit in the vehicle? - ANSWER one additional unless accompanied by a parent or a guardian To make a safe right turn you should: - ANSWER approach the intersection as far to the right as possible When sharing the road with large trucks and buses you should - ANSWER give more space to a truck making a wide turn, leave space when stopping behind a truck or bus, stay to the right of the truck. Getting a driver license illegally may result in - ANSWER a fine of $200 to $500 and/or imprisonment of 30-90 days At the time of your road test, you must present: - ANSWER a valid examination permit An accompanying New Jersey licensed driver who is at least age 21 and has had their New Jersey driver's license for at least three years. License plate decals. (all of the above) Which of the following is a possible symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning? - ANSWER headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. (all of the above) The holder of a Probationary Driver License is not permitted to use which of the following while driving - ANSWER GPS, interactive devices (hand held or hand free), wireless communication devices, hand held video games, and phone (all of the above) What is a Habitual Offender? - ANSWER any motorist whose license has been suspended three times in three years A supervising driver for the holder of a validated GDL permit must meet which of the following requirements - ANSWER Must be 21 years or older, Must be a NJ Licensed Driver, Minimum 3 years experience. (all of the above) To safely share the road with large trucks and buses, you must know - ANSWER the limitations of these vehicles regarding visibility, stopping distance and maneuverability If you lose your license for certain motor vehicle violations (which means the liecnese will be taken away) you - ANSWER cannot drive for any reason until the period of suspension ends and your license is restored
A child under the age of 8 and who is less than 57 inches tall must be properly belted and - ANSWER seated in the back seat, unless there is no rear seat then they can sit in the front Altering a driver license, or showing an altered driver license, may result in: - ANSWER May result in the loss of a motorist's driving privilege, a fine up to $1,000 and/or imprisonment.(all of the above) Which of the following actions could lead to distracted driving: - ANSWER Adjusting the radio or CD player, Eating, Using a cellular phone or any other electronic device (all of the above. When the pavement is marked with two center lines, one solid and one broken - ANSWER passing is permitted only on the side with the broken line Headlights must be used - ANSWER between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour after sunrise and anytime during bad weather when visibility is 500 feet or less The order of colors on a traffic signal hung vertically is - ANSWER red, yellow, green IN THAT ORDER In the event of a crash or sudden stop, use of seat belts may - ANSWER keep you from being thrown in the car, keep you from hitting windshield and dashboard, keep you from sliding off seat, and loosing control of car (all of the above) To avoid "highway hypnosis" when driving, it is a good practice to - ANSWER avoid looking at any one thing for more than a few seconds The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol-related accident is to - ANSWER not drive at all after drinking motorist should increase the following distance behind a large vehicle so its driver - ANSWER can see the motorist's vehicle in the rearview mirror The shape of a stop sign is - ANSWER eight-sided In addition to a valid registration and insurance card, a motorist operating a motor vehicle in New Jersey must carry - ANSWER a validated permit, a probationary or basic license pertaining to the vehicle being driven When are road surfaces most slippery - ANSWER during first few minutes of a rainfall The purpose of the road test is to make sure the applicant understands the rules of the road and driving safety. Therefore, the applicant may be tested on: - ANSWER driving through an intersection; backing up, perhaps around a corner; three-point turns; left-
and right-hand turns; and changing lanes. Some states may also test you on your ability to drive on a freeway. (all of the above) After two, three or four drinks, alcohol begins to impair your - ANSWER reaction time, coordination, and balance. (all of the above) Under NJ law, motorists signaling a right turn must yield to which of the following individuals: - ANSWER Inline skaters and skateboarders, Bicyclists, Pedestrians (all of the above) Drugs that may affect driving skills are: - ANSWER cold pills, tranquilizers and some prescription medications (all of the above) You cannot park - ANSWER in front of fire hydrant, bus stop zone, front of a driveway (all of the above) Who is required by the GDL law to wear a seat belt in the vehicle - ANSWER the driver and all passengers. what are some measures a motorist must take in order to secure the safety of all pedestrians? - ANSWER stop behind the line for a traffic signal or sign. yield to the motorist on the right. reduce speed and be ready to stop if any traffic is coming on the right or the left. (all of the above) If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up? - ANSWER time Which of the following is a possible sign of an aggressive driver? - ANSWER running red signs, tailgating, and over speeding (all of the above) Emotions can have a great effect on your driving; if you're angry or excited, you should - ANSWER give yourself time to cool off Three things that must be carried with driver at all times - ANSWER license, registration, insurance Amount of time to report address change - ANSWER 1 week Amount of time to report name change - ANSWER 2 weeks Amount of time to apply for NJ license when they just moved to NJ - ANSWER 60 days CDL - ANSWER commercial driver license GDL - ANSWER graduated driver license DDL - ANSWER digital driver license
Penalty for altering a driver license or showing altered driver license - ANSWER loss of motorist's driving privilege, $1,000 fine, 6 months imprisonment Penalty for getting a driver license illegally - ANSWER loss of motorist's driving privilege, $1,250-$1500 fine, 6 months imprisonment or more Penalty for breaking GDL rules - ANSWER $100 fine Amount of time after failed road test until it can be taken again - ANSWER 2 weeks Child Restraint Law - ANSWER Children up to age 8 or a weight of 80 pounds must ride in a booster seat in the rear seat of the vehicle SRS - ANSWER supplemental restraint system SIR - ANSWER supplemental inflatable restraint Minimum amount of tire tread - ANSWER 1/16 inch Maximum amount of time for car to be in idle - ANSWER 3 minutes Hand positions on the steering wheel - ANSWER 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock ABS - ANSWER anti-lock braking system Threshold braking - ANSWER steady, gentle pressure applied to the brake to bring the vehicle to a controlled stop When turning signals are used - ANSWER turning, changing lanes, stopping or slowing down Distance before turn in which turning signals should be turned on - ANSWER 100 feet Hand signal for stopping or slowing down - ANSWER hand and arm downward, palm facing the rear Hand signal for turning left - ANSWER hand straight out to the left Hand signal for turning right - ANSWER hand and arm upward Distance from the curb when parking - ANSWER 6 inches Direction steering wheel should be turned when parked uphill - ANSWER away from the curb
Direction steering wheel should be turned when parked downhill - ANSWER toward the curb Speed limit for school zones and business or residential districts - ANSWER 25 mph Speed limit for non-posted rural highways - ANSWER 50 mph Speed limit for highways - ANSWER 65 mph Controlled intersection - ANSWER has traffic signals or signs in any direction or is controlled by a police officer Uncontrolled intersection - ANSWER has no traffic signal or regulatory device The vehicle on the left should yield to ____ - ANSWER the vehicle on the right Acceleration lanes - ANSWER extra lanes at highway entrances used by motorists to speed up to join the flow of traffic Deceleration lanes - ANSWER extra lanes at a highway exit used by motorists to slow down and prepare to exit Weave lane - ANSWER both an entrance and an exit for an expressway Stopping distance from a railroad crossing - ANSWER 15 feet Stopping distance from a stopped school bus - ANSWER 25 feet Distance from a signaling emergency vehicle - ANSWER 300 feet Time headlights must be used - ANSWER Between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise and when using windshield wipers Parking distance from a fire hydrant - ANSWER 10 feet Parking distance from a crosswalk or intersection - ANSWER 25 feet Parking distance from a railroad crossing - ANSWER 50 feet Parking distance from a stop sign - ANSWER 50 feet Parking distance from driveway entrance to fire station - ANSWER 20 feet Parking distance from street opposite a fire station entrance - ANSWER 75 feet Collision-prevention formula - ANSWER be alert, be prepared, act in time
Highway hipnosis - ANSWER trance-like state of a motorist when he or she has been behind the wheel for a long time Time snow tires are used - ANSWER November 15 - April 1 When night driving, drive within the range of _____ - ANSWER the vehicle's headlights When skidding, a motorist should _____ - ANSWER take his or her foot of the gas pedal and turn in the direction the rear of the vehicle is skidding, without over steering Probational driving program - ANSWER remedial training In bad weather, trucks can take up to ___ longer to stop - ANSWER 25% Amount of time after moving into NJ that a vehicle must be titled and registered - ANSWER 60 days Registration years - ANSWER First 4 years, and then every year Items needed for registration - ANSWER insurance company name and policy number, proof of ehicle ownership Mandatory age to register a car - ANSWER 17 Report lost or stolen plates to _____ - ANSWER the police Inspection years - ANSWER First 4 years, and then every 2 years FOR NEW CAR Every two years FOR USED CAR Items needed for inspection - ANSWER driver license, registration, insurance Amount of time after moving to NJ to get car inspected - ANSWER 14 days after registering Mandatory insurance - ANSWER liability A lost or stolen license should be reported to ____ - ANSWER the police