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An in-depth analysis of the performance limitations of amplifiers, focusing on the concept of noise figure and the different types of noise, including shot noise, thermal noise, and flicker noise. It covers the mathematical derivation of noise spectral densities, the impact of noise on signal-to-noise ratio, and methods for calculating noise power.
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1 / 24
Noise determines the minimum signal power (minimum detectable signal or MDS) at the input of the system required to obtain a signal to noise ratio of 1. A S/N = 1 is usually considered to be the lower acceptable limit except in systems where signal averaging or processing gain is used. Noise figure is a figure of merit used to describe the amount of degradation in S/N ratio that the system introduces as the signal passes through.
(^1) [ ()] 0 1 1
= lim ∫ =
t T t
n T
t P
t P
[ ] 2
= lim^1 ∫ () = σ
t T t
n T
= lim ∫ − = σ →∞
Corner frequency
We are generally interested in the noise power in other bandwidths than 1 Hz. It’s easy to calculate: P = kTB where kT = -174 dBm To convert bandwidth in Hertz to dB: 10 log B
EX: Suppose your B = 1000 Hz. P = kTB. In dBm, P = -174 + 10 log (1000) = -174 + 30 = -144 dBm
Can a resistor produce infinite noise voltage? Vn^2 = 4 kTBR
Equivalent circuit for noisy resistor. Always some shunt capacitance.
total noise power is independent of R
Low Pass
log 10 Vno
C^ Vno
An amplifier or filter has a nonideal frequency response. Noise power transmitted through is determined by the bandwidth.
Noise power ∝ V^2 (mean square voltage) – white noise
vi^2 A f ( )^2 = vo^2 / Hz in a 1 Hz interval
Summation over entire frequency band
We choose an equivalent BW, B, with rectangular profile whose area is the same.
This is the definition of bandwidth that we will assume in subsequent calculations.
A f ( )^2
B^ f
vi^2 A f ( ) vo^2
Several definitions SNR = (^) PPS N
= (^) NS generally use available power
N and^
N or^ SINAD^ are alternate definitions. Why is S/N important? Affects the error rate when receiving information.
Pav = VS
2 4 R
rms voltage VS
S^ +-
Ref: S. Haykin,Communication Systems, 4th ed., Wiley, 2001
Noise Factor, F :
is a measure of how much noise is added by a component such as an amplifier.
F = (^) SSi^ /^ Ni o /^ No
because S/N at input will always be greater than S/N at output, F > 1. Noise factor represents the extent that S/N is degraded by the system.
F = (^) noise power available at output due to source @ 290total noise power available at output k
= (^) N Navo avi ⋅^ Gav
Gav = SS^ avo avi
Noise Figure: NF = 10 log 10 F
Si , Ni Ga So , No
source at 290 K
The higher the noise factor (or noise figure), the larger the degradation of S/N by the amplifier.
Gav = 10 dB NF = 3 dB B = 10 6 Hz
amplifier specification
signal available power
signal av. pwr. = Savi = vs
2 4 RS^ =^
(^15) N ⇒ − 113 dBm
noise av. pwr. = N (^) avi = kTB = − 174 + 60 = − 114 dBm Since noise power increases with B 10 log 10 B = 60 dB (in this example)
10 log (^) NSavo avo
⎠⎟ =^ 10 log^
Savi Navi
= 1 dB − 3 dB = − 2 dB (not very good)
How can S (^) o / No be improved?
Gav RL
( S (^) o / N (^) o ) = Si^ F /^ N^ i
say B = 105 Navi = − 174 + 50 = − 124 dBm Savi N (^) avi^ =^11 dB^ and^
Savo Navo^ =^8 dB
Ex. Noise Floor of Spectrum Analyzer typical NF ≅ 25 dB for SA. NAVO = NAVI ⋅ F ⋅ GAV
NF = 25 dB
1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz etc.
− 119 dBm − 109 − 99
We will see later how this can be improved.
resolution bandwidth (RBW)
The excess noise added by an active circuit such as an amplifier can also be modeled by an extra resistor at an effective input noise temperature, Te.
is equivalent to:
In terms of noise factor:
F = noise out due to DUT + noise out due to sourceNoise out due to source
= kTe^ BGkT^ +^ kTo^ BG o BG^
= 1 + TTe o
(where F is a number, not dB )
noisy amp
Pav = kTo B
G POUT =^ k T (^ o +^ Te ) B^ ⋅^ G Pav kTe B
(useful when To ≠ 290 k )
Significance of Te : excess noise.
N (^) avo ( total ) = kBG ( T (^) o + Te )
Example: NF = 1 dB ⇒ F = 1. = 1 + Te To = 1 + Te 290 so Te = 75 K total output noise ⇒ 290 + 75 = 365 K equivalent source temp So what? Not major increase in noise power. Further reduction in F may not be justified.
But, for space application: To = 20 K is possible. Then T = To + Te = 20 + 75 = 95 K major degradation in noise temp. F or NF at room temperature doesn’t reveal this so clearly.
F = 1 + 75/20 = 4.5 (NF = 7 dB)
due to source resistor
due to amplifier
Noise Figure of Cascaded Stages. Use Available gain. Why available gain? Noise power defined as available power. Cascading of noise is more convenient when GA is used. Second Stage Noise Contribution
No 1 = k T ( (^) o + T 1 ) BG 1 N (^) o 2 = k T ( (^) o + T 1 ) BG 1 G 2 + kT 2 BG 2 To get total input referred noise power: No 2 G 1 G 2 =^ Ni^ (equivalent)^ =^ k T (^ o^ +^ T^1 ) B^ +^ kT^2 B^ /^ G^1 excess noise at input: kT 1 B + kT 2 B / G 1
Recall that F = 1 + TTe o Te = T 1 + T 2 G 1 FTOTAL = 1 + T T^1 o F 1
o G 1 F 2 − 1 G 1
Third Stage:
Ni = kTo B (^) No 1 No 2
T 1 = eff. noise temp @ input
Noise Figure of Cascaded Stages
Fi = Noise Factor G (^) i = Available Gain
not in dB
= Input Total Noise Factor
(^ S N ) IN ( S N ) OUT^ =^ FTOTAL
Or: ( S N ) OUT dB = ( S N ) IN dB − NFTOTAL
( S N ) IN (^) F 1
( S N ) OUT
Additional stages in the cascade treated the same way. Total available gain of cascade = Ga 1 Ga 2 Ga 3 ...
This will require a large enough G 1 to diminish the noise contribution of the second stage.
PMDS = − 174 dBm Hz / + 10log B + NF dB ( )
ex. attenuator filter matching network No active components. Only resistors and reactances.
no excess noise is generated by network Savo Savi^ =^ Gav so, ( S N ) i = (^) kTPS o B ( S N ) o = GkT^ ⋅^ PS o B F = (( S NS N^ )) i o
= (^) G^1 Noise factor is just the inverse of gain.
ex. 10 dB attenuator Gav = − 10 dB NF = 10 dB
passive network Gav F
Navi = kTo B Navo = kTo B
Method #1: Use the spectrum analyzer as a noise receiver.
B = 106 Hz G 1 = 10 dB F 1 = 2 dB
B very wide F 2 = 30 dB
completely dominated by second stage.
Now add preamp ahead of SA.
( )
1 1
10 2
G dB F dB
( )
2 2
30 1
G dB F dB
= = F 3 (^) = 30 dB
( ) ( )( ) ( )
1.26 (^1 ) 1.58 1. 10 10 1000
− = + + =
With preamp, SA noise contribution can be kept small enough that front end noise figure can be determined with accuracy. Otherwise, rather hopeless.
Spect. Analyzer
Pre Amp
Spect. Analyzer
Measuring NF. Method #2 Use a calibrated signal source, matched correctly to amp under test.
can measure Vrms across known RL
P 1 = output noise power from chain ← measurement 1 = FkTo At B 2
total F transducer gain = (^) Power available from sourcePower delivered to load
2 8 RS
available power from generator in excess of kTB
P 2 = FkTo At B 2 + PS At ← measurement 2 Eliminate At : F^ =^ P^1 2 P 1 −^1
⋅ (^) kTPS o B 2 Y ≡ P P^2 1
Power PS Meter F 1 , G 1 , B 1^ B^2
Method #3: HOT-COLD NF You can also use a calibrated noise source for measuring NF.
Bn >> B 1 (^) < B 2 The advantage here is that we don’t need to know noise equivalent BW accurately. Noise source has very wide BW compared with system under test. PH = noise power with source on = kTH B TH = effective noise temp. of source Po = kTo B = noise power with source off. To = 290 k Excess Noise Ratio = ENR = PH^ P −^ Po o
Y factor for noise source:
YS = PPH o
noise source
Power Meter
DUT preamp
So, we can use the noise source instead of the signal generator.
total noise factor transducer gain
Divide: P P^2 1
again, the transducer gain cancels, and now B cancels too. We can solve for F from the measured P 2 P 1. F = (^) YY − S 1 Noise factor – numerical ratios, not dB. and
The tunable noise figure meter is a receiver. The mixer block upconverts the input noise
Thus, by choosing the local oscillator frequency fLO, we measure the noise power within the bandwidth of the IF filter. The noise figure meter also applies a square wave to turn the noise source on and off, obtaining the HOT/COLD input noise condition needed to determine F. As an added bonus, the meter also measures the gain of the device under test.