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Non CDL IL Practice Test Questions and 100% Verified Solutions 2024, Exams of Automobile Engineering

Non CDL IL Practice Test Questions and 100% Verified Solutions 2024

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Non CDL IL Practice Test Questions

and 100% Verified Solutions 2024

Class C Any motor vehicle with a GVWR of more than 16,000 lbs but less than 26,001 lbs or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 lbs. 6 months How are often are safety inspections required? In vehicle, on driver, or person in control of vehicle Where should registration ID cards for second division vehicles, except pole trailers or semitrailers be held? 42 feet What is the longest length a vehicle can be for a non cdl class C license holder operate? height = 13 feet, 6 inches. width = 8 feet What is the max height and width of all vehicles on all highways? 16,000 lbs All vehicles weighing _______ or more gross weight must stop at any official weighing station. 70 mph and 55 mphs What is the max speed limit on interstate highways in Illinois? What is the max speed limit on most other highways? 70 mph What is the max speed limit for vehicles with a gross weight of 8,000 lbs or more? school bus drivers, any second division vehicle carrying passengers, any second division vehicles carrying hazardous materials What non CDL class C drivers must stop at railroad crossings? display flags, flares, or approved warning device Second division vehicles or vehicles towing another vehicle may break down on the road. What has to be displayed if this happens? 10 feet, 100 feet, 200 feet Second division vehicles must display warning devices, flares, or display flags when broken down on the side of the road. On divided highways - one must be placed _____ from disabled vehicle on the traffic

side in the direction of the nearest approaching traffic. A second one must be placed _____ from the disabled vehicle in the center of the lane or on the shoulder in the direction of the approaching traffic. A third must be placed _____ from disabled vehicle in the center of the lane or on the shoulder in the direction of approaching traffic. They make you think you are awake when you really are not. Why are amphetamines and other drugs taken to keep you awake dangerous? Front wheel skid In a ___________, the front end tends to go in a straight line regardless of how much you turn the steering wheel. Make sure that the fire does not spread. Turn off engine asap. Do not open hood. Shoot extinguishers through the louvers or radiator or from the underside of the vehicle If there is an engine fire, what should you do? Medical examiner's certificate, file containing written test verification, road test verification, and other records What must operators of a second division vehicle with a gross motor weight of 10,001 lbs or more carry with them? two yellow or amber lights on the front of the vehicle, one light must be on each upper-front corner and be visible for 500 feet What must special equipment have on it? red or orange slow-moving vehicle emblem in the rear What must slow moving vehicles display? 4 to 12 feet above the road surface and in the rear and must meet IDOT specifications Where must a slow-moving emblem be placed? a rear light - flashing amber signal, 500 feet For slow-moving vehicles, ___________ must be mounted as high as possible to the base of the vehicle and be visible for _______ in normal sunlight. right hand lane Where must slow moving vehicles drive?