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NR 150 Final Exam Questions With Complete Solutions, Exams of Nursing

NR 150 Final Exam Questions With Complete Solutions

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Download NR 150 Final Exam Questions With Complete Solutions and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NR 150 Final Exam _____ is a keystone species in the Antarcticfood web. Correct Answers krill ______ are generally soft-bodied animals thatlacka a rigid skeleton for the attachment ofmuscles, but many possess some sort ofhard, protective outer covering. Correct Answers invertebrate A galaxy is... Correct Answers A huge rotating aggregation ofstars, gas, and other debrisheld together by gravity A marine scientist who studies themovements of the seafloor at mid-oceanridges and subduction zones is a _________ Correct Answers Marine geologist A P wave exhibits ______ motion, whereasan S wave displays ______ motion. Correct Answers Compressional; shear A system of four currents completing a flowcircuit around the periphery of an ocean basinis collectively called: Correct Answers A gyre A wave with a wavelength of 200 meters is______ in a water depth of 50 meters? Correct Answers Transitional wave All of the following is true about continentalshelves except: Correct Answers They are made of basalt All of the following statements are true aboutan Ekman Spiral, EXCEPT: Correct Answers Ekman spiral is not influencedby the Coriolis Effect(this question can be tricky,but remember it is asking forwhat is FALSE about Ekmanspirals) All zooplankton are: Correct Answers heterotrophs An ______ is a multicellular organism unableto synthesize its own food and often capableof movement Correct Answers animal As air rises in the atmosphere it ____ and_____ Correct Answers Expands;cools As carbon dioxide enters the ocean it: Correct Answers forms carbonic acid As mountains erode, how will isostatic forces cause Earth's crust beneath the mountain to behave? Correct Answers Rise Charles Darwin suggested that a driving forceof evolution was ______ Correct Answers small genetic variation Copepods belong to which group? Correct Answers zooplankton Coral reefs have the highest resilience: Correct Answers All of the above (if Reed diversity is high, ifthere is a high cover of corals in a reef, ifthere is a large variety in coral sizes) growth. What kind ofmarine scientist is she? Correct Answers chemical oceanographer Light does not reach the bottom of the ocean,yet certain species live there. Which best explains how species on the bottom of the ocean get energy to live? Correct Answers Primary producers at hydrothermal vents produce energy through chemosynthesis. Mangroves are truly marine plants and haveall of the following EXCEPT: Correct Answers They have toxic root systems that supportonly a limited amount of organisms More than half of the animal-species, marineand terrestrial, are not considered free-living Correct Answers True - most are involved in close symbioticrelationships with other organisms Multibeam echo sounders radiate multiplebeams of sound pulses to give a largercoverage pattern on ocean floors comparedto the original single echo sounders. Correct Answers true Name two uses for bioluminescence Correct Answers a.Finding foodb.Finding a matec.Protecting against predatorsi."Alarm bell": when ananimal is beingattacked, it may light itsluminescence in thehopes of drawing alarger predator toattack the first predator. Nautiluses, octopuses, and squid belong towhich class? Correct Answers cephalopods Organisms such as diatoms or copepods thatspend their entire life cycle as plankton arecalled: Correct Answers holoplankton Petroleum products would be classified aswhich resource type? Correct Answers non-renewable physical resource Photosynthetic and chemosyntheticorganisms can either be called primaryproducers or heterotrophs because theymake their own food. Correct Answers False:Heterotrophs are organisms that get foodfrom other organisms Polychaetes are the most successful of theworm phyla, being found in terrestrial aquatic,and marine environments Correct Answers false San Francisco's characteristic cold and foggyweather is caused by a: Correct Answers Cold Eastern BoundaryCurrent Satellites can measure the height of the seasurface from 835 miles above earth. Correct Answers true Scientists have found strange new life-formscalled "tubeworms" thriving aroundhydrothermal vents. Which most likelyprovides energy for the tubeworms? Correct Answers Endosymbiotic bacteria Seawater density increases with increasingsalinity and decreasing pressure Correct Answers False: seawater's density increaseswith increasing salinity,increasing pressure, anddecreasing temperature Since there is no photosynthesis athydrothermal vents, what is the processcalled that allows these organisms to getfood? Correct Answers Chemosynthesis The ___ of water allows individual watermolecules to stick together. Correct Answers hydrogen bonding The "feature" protruding from the sedimentsin the Madeira abyssal plain is most likely a(there is a picture of flat land with a sharp,jutting form sticking out in the middle): Correct Answers seamount The centers of gyres tend to be ______ Correct Answers Calm and support little life The concentration of plastic is highest in the______ of the North Pacific gyre Correct Answers center The concept of a single world oceanemphasizes the interdependence of oceanand land, life and water, atmosphere andoceanic circulation, and natural andman-made environments. Correct Answers true The Coriolis Effect deflects moving objects tothe left in the southern hemisphere. Correct Answers true The density of water will decrease: Correct Answers When the temperature increases The end of Earth's life cycle will occur as aresult of the sun's ________ phase Correct Answers Red Giant What are bonds that are formed by thesharing of paired electrons? Correct Answers covalent bonds What can be caused by ENSO events in theEastern Pacific? Correct Answers Upwelling water isnutrient-depleted, causing lossof productivity What changes are caused by the southernoscillation in the pacific ocean? Correct Answers Trade winds blow from West toEast What characteristics of a tsunami allows it topass unnoticed beneath ships at sea? Correct Answers Lack of steepness What classification describes a group ofanimals that share similar architecture, levelof complexity, and evolutionary history? Correct Answers Phylum (plural form is phyla) What did Alvin discover in 1977? Correct Answers Alvin is a submarine that can dive up to15,000 feet. It discovered deep sea hotsprings and vents that spew water which is sofull of nutrients, it is black. What dissolved gases are required by nearlyall marine organisms? Correct Answers Carbon dioxide and oxygen What do most deep water consumers dependupon for survival? Correct Answers The productivity if the water column above - With the exception of rift communities,consumers at great depths must depend onthe productivity of the water column above What do satellites measure that provides datafor seafloor topographical mapping? Correct Answers Sea surface height What do squids use as a decoy defensemechanism? Correct Answers coagulate What does a food web illustrate? Correct Answers trophic relationships What influences the velocity of a tidal crest? Correct Answers ocean depth What is a heterotroph? Correct Answers An organism that consumes food from other organisms What is another name for the cavity of a tube worm? Correct Answers trophosome What is fetch? Correct Answers The uninterrupted distance over which windblows without a change in direction What is one of the important inorganicmolecules used for energy production athydrothermal vents? Correct Answers Hydrogen Sulfide What is responsible for the Coriolis Effect? Correct Answers Earth's rotation What is the cool, rigid outer layer of earth thatis comprised of continental and oceaniccrusts and the uppermost mantle? Correct Answers lithosphere What is the main avenue that water takeswhile moving from ocean to air?What is themain avenue that water takes while movingfrom ocean to air? Correct Answers evaporation from the ocean What is the most likely rock to be found in adrill core of a continental margin? Correct Answers Granite (continental crust) What is the name for tides that are caused byboth inertia and gravitational force of both thesun and the moon? Correct Answers astronomical tides What is the only substance to have a higherheat capacity than liquid water? Correct Answers Ammonia What is the primary cause of oxygen depletion in the disphotic zone? Correct Answers Heterotrophic respiration What is the significance of the Loihi Seamount? Correct Answers It is an active volcano on a hotspot about 20miles away from the Hawaiian Islands whichis steadily growing up towards the water andwill eventually break the surface and keepgrowing. This process told scientists how theHawaiian Islands were created, anddemonstrates the movement of the entireocean floor. are two graphs, one of a gently sloping ridge, A, and one of a more ragged mountain range, B) Correct Answers B Which relationship is an example of mutualism? Correct Answers Sea anemones and anemone fish Which scientist proposed that all Earth's landhad once been joined into a singlesupercontinent surrounded by an ocean? Correct Answers Wegener Which sequence correctly describes thesteps in the life cycle of a star? Correct Answers Protostar, nuclear fusion,stability, red giant, supernova Which spreading ridge is less steep? TheMid-Atlantic ridge, or the East Pacific Ridge?(Hint: driving across Kansas) Correct Answers East Pacific Ridge (so flat, compared todriving across Kansas) Which statement is not correct? Correct Answers Guyots are pointed seamounts Which taxonomic group do whales belong to? Correct Answers Cetacea Who is responsible for the first accuratemeasurement of the circumference of theEarth? Correct Answers Eratosthenes of Cyrene Who led the expedition with the goal todisprove the theory that earth was hollow andcould be entered through huge holes at eitherpole? Correct Answers Charles Wilkes Who showed that the Arctic is not alandmass? Correct Answers Nansen Why are tan colored plastic fragments beingeaten by seabirds and fish? Correct Answers Tan colored plastic resembleskrill, an important food sourcefor both fish and birds Why does the moon have more of an impacton the tides than the sun? Correct Answers the moon is closer Why is a storm surge not considered aprogressive wave? Correct Answers It is only a crest, not a whole wave:wavelength and period cannot be assigned toit Why is humid air less dense than dry air? Correct Answers Molecules of water vapor have less massthan the displaced nitrogen and oxygenmolecules Why is the seafloor considered the "FinalFrontier"? Correct Answers Only 1% of the seafloor has been discovered