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NR 283 / NR283: Pathophysiology Exam 1 Study Guide (Latest 2021 / 2022) Chamberlain, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Nursing

NR 283 / NR283: Pathophysiology Exam 1 Study Guide (Latest 2021 / 2022) Chamberlain College of Nursing

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Available from 12/16/2021

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Download NR 283 / NR283: Pathophysiology Exam 1 Study Guide (Latest 2021 / 2022) Chamberlain and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

NR283: IPathophysiology IExam I1Study I Guide

Please Ireview Ithe Ifollowing Itopics Ias Ifollows:

Anatomy Iand IFunction:

o What Isystem Idoes Ithis Ieffect?

o What Iare Ithe Ithree Imost Isignificant Ithings Ithat Ithe Inurse IMUST Iknow?


o Discuss Ithe Ipathology Iof Ithis Itopic Ias Iit Irelates Ito:

▪ Etiology

• Caus es, IContributing IFactors

▪ Signs Iand ISymptoms

▪ Medical Itreatment Imodalities

▪ Nursing Iconsiderations

Nursing ICare:

o Identify Ithe IPRIORITY Inursing Idiagnosis Irelated Ito Ithe Itopic. I(Nursing IDiagnosis)

▪ Identify Ione Ilong Iterm Iand Ione Ishort Iterm Igoal Ifor Ieac h Ipriority Iitem.

▪ Utilize IMaslow’s Ihierarchy Ito Iappropriately Iidentify Ipriorities.

o What Iare Ithe IKEYInursing Iassessments?

▪ Physical Iexamination Iof Ithe Ipatient Ishould Iinclude?

▪ Identify Iexpected I verses Iunexpected. IWhat Idoes Ieach Ifinding Imean Ito

ItheInurs e?

o What Iis Ithe Iplan Iof Icare Ifor Ithis Ipatient?

▪ Review Iboth Iindependent Ias Iwell Ias Icollaborative Iinterventions.

▪ Independent Iinterventions/ INursing IManagement

• Why Iis Ithe Inurse Idoing Ithis?

• How Iwill Ithis Iassist Ithe Ipatient Iin Imeeting Ithe Iestablished Igoal?

• How Iwill Ithe Inurse Ievaluate Ithe Ieffectiveness Iof Ithe Iintervention?

▪ Collaborative Iinterventions

• Medications

o Classification

o Action/ IAdministration

o Side IEffects

o Adverse IEffects

o Nursing IConsiderations

o Patient/ IFamily Ieducation.

• Treatments

o Reas on?

o Review Isteps Iof Ithe Iprocedure.

o Side IEffects

o Adverse IEffects

o Nursing IConsiderations

o Patient/ IFamily IEducation

• Diagnostics

o Reas on?

o Is Ithis Ithe I“gold” Istandard Idiagnostic Ifor Ithis Iissue?

o What Iresults Iare Iexpected Irelated Ito Ithe Ipathology?

o What Iare Ithe Inursing Iconsiderations Iassociated Iwith


o Special Iinstructions?

Testing Istrategies Ito Ireview…

  • Analyze Ithe Isituation Idescribed Iin Ithe Iquestion.
  • Treat Ieach Iquestion Ias Ia INEW Isituation Iunless Ieither Iwise Idirected.
  • Determine Iwhat Ithe Iquestion Iis Iasking.
  • ACCEPT Ithat Iwhat Iis Ithe Icorrect Inursing Iaction/ Ianswer Ifor Ione Iitem IMAY INOT

IbeICORRECT Iin Ianother Iscenario.

  • Select Ithe Ianswer Ithat Irepresents Ithe I safe st Inursi ng Ijudgment.
  • Identify Ithe Itopic Iof Ithe Iquestion.
  • Select Ian Ianswer Iby Ieliminating Ichoices.
  • Do Inot Iuse Ibackground Iinformation Iunless Iabsolutely Inecessary.
  • Do Inot I“read Iinto” Ithe Iquestion.
  • Think Iabout Iwhat Ithe Ianswer Ichoices I really I mean
    • Open Iended Iresponses
    • Nonjudgmental Iresponse
    • ONLY Iuse IYES Ior INo Iquestions Iin Ia Icrisis Isituation.
    • “Why”. IPlaces Ipeople Ion Ithe Idefensive.
  • Delegation/ IAssignment
      • Assess
      • Teach
      • Perform Ia Iskill Ithat Irequires I“clinical Ijudgment ”
    • Are Iyou Ibeing Iasked Ito Iprevent Ior Ipromote Isomething?
    • Does Iit Iaddress Ithe Iproblem?
    • Select IACTUAL Iover IPotential Iproblems
    • What Iis Ithe Isafest Ithing Ito Ido?
    • Address Ithe IMOST Iunstable Iissue Ifirst.

The ICenter Ifor IAcademic ISuccess Ioffers ITESTING IStrategies Iworkshops Iroutinely. IAll Istudents Iare

Irecommended Ito Iattend Iat Ileast Ione Iper Isession. IPlease Ireach Iout Ito Iyour Ifaculty Ior Idirectly Ito Ithe

ICASIstaff Ito Iobt ain Ia Ischedule.

Total INumber Iof IQue stions:

50 Iquestions; I 4 Ipoints Ieach I= I 200 Ipoints

Chapters ICovered:

Chapters I1, I2, I5, I6, I7, I20, I21,

Topics RelatedIResources

Course IObjective(s ) Unit I 1

  1. Cellular IAdaptation—Types A. IAtrophy- Idecrease Iin Ithe Isize Iof Icells Van IMeter, IKarin IC.Iand IRobert IJ. IHubert. I(2014). Gould's 1, I2, I 3

B. Dysplasia- IcellsIvaryIin Isize Iand Ishape,Ilarge Inuclei IareIfrequentlyIpresent,IandIthe Irate Iof Imitosis Iis Iincreased C. Hyperplasia I(physiologic- Iresulting Iin Ian Ienlarged Itissue Imass,IcompensatoryImechanismIto ImeetIincreased Idemands,Ipathologic- Ia Ihormonal Iimbalance I)- Iincreased I# Iof Icells. D. Hypertrophy- Iincrease Iin Ithe Isize Iof Iindividual Icells E. Metaplasia- I whenIone Imature Icell Itype IisIreplaced Iby IaIdifferent Imature Icell Itype. Apoptosis I– Ipathologic- Iprogrammed Icell Ideath, Inormal Iin Ibody.may Iincrease Iwhen Icell Idevelopment Iis Iabnormal, Icell InumbersIare Iexcessive, IorIcellsIare IinjuredIorIaged.ICellsIself- Idestruct, Iappearing Ito Idigest Ithemselves Ienzymatically, Iand Ithen Idisintegrate Iinto Ifragments

  1. CellularIResponses A. IResponse ItoIInjuriesI(acute/chronic) i. Physical- I thermal I(heat) Ior Imechanical Ipressures, IRadiationIexposure ii. Chemical- IExogenous-IOutside Ithe Ibody
    • IEndogenous-IInside Ithe Ibody B. IResponse ItoINutritional IAlterations i. Fluids I& IElectrolytes I(dehydration- Iinsufficient Ibody Ifluid IresultingIfrom Iinadequate Iintake IorIexcessive IlossIof IfluidsIor IaIcombination Iof Ithe Itwo., Iedema- Iexcessive Iamount Iof Ifluid Iin Ithe Iinterstitial Icompartment, Ihydrocephalus, Iosmosis-the Iprocesses Iof Ifiltration I, Ietc) ii. Oxygenation I(Effects Iof Ihypoxia-reduced Ioxygen Iin Ithe Itissue, Iischemia- Ireduced Iblood Isupply Ito Ithe Itissue, IandIcellular accumulations- I)
  2. Cell IDeath A. Apoptosis I(programmed)-Iprogrammed Icell Ideath B. Necrosis- Igroup Iof Icells Idie I(causes- I Liquefaction-

I( brain)Idead I cells Ili quefy I under I the Ii nfl uence Iof I certai n

Icell I enzy mes. I Coagulative- I (Kidney) Icell Iproteins Iare Ialtered IorIdenatured, Iand Ithe Icells Iretain Isome Iform Ifor Ia Itime Iafter Ideath. I Fat - I( I Mese nte ry : I Eso pha gus, I GI ) fatty

Iti ss ue I is I broken I down I Ii nto I Ifatty I I aci ds I Ii n I I the I I pres ence I

Iof Ii nfecti on I I or I Icertai n I I enzy mes. I I Infarct ion - I I dead I

Icells I from Il ack Iof I oxy gen I and Itypes Iof Inecrosis I-gangrene- Inecrotic Itissue Ithat Ihas Ibeen Iinvaded Iby Ibacteria)

  1. Cellular Iresponse Ito Iaging
  2. GeneticIinfluences A. Patterns Iof Iheredity, Ichromosomal Iabnormalities I&Idiagnostic Itests, ITerratogens B. Transmission Iof Idisease C. Gene Imapping IandIgenomics
  3. Cancer Pathophysiology IforIthe IHealth IProfessions. I (5th Ied.). ISt. ILouis, IMissouri: IElsevier.

A. ITumors: IBenign/Malignant, IClassification Iand IStaging

B. Genetics, Iinflammation I& Iinflammatory Iresponses, IimmuneIsystem, Iand development Iof Icancer, Iimpact Iof Ienvironment C. Metastasis D. WarningISignsIand IComplications Iof ICancer E. Acid-base IImbalance I(acidosis- Ian Iincrease Iin Ihydrogen Iions Ior Ia Idecrease Iin Iserum IpH, Ialkalosis- Iincrease Iin Iserum IpH Ior Idecreased Ihydrogen Iions) Unit I 2

  1. Physiologic IDefense IMechanisms A. IImmunity, Iimmune Isystem Istructures, Iand IImmuneIResponse i. Innate,Iadaptive, Inatural, Iartificial, IacquiredIandIspecific ii. SecretoryIimmune Iresponse iii. HypersensitivityIReactions I(typesIand Idifferences),Ivasoconstriction/vasodilation iv. Immunodeficiency I and Iopportunistic Iinfections, Iconsequences B. IInflammatoryIProcess i. Chemical Imediators ia. IBiochemical IandIcellularIresponses ii. Acute Ivs.IChronicIinflammation C. IInfectious IProcess i. Pathogens ii. Innate IandIadaptive Idefenses D. IEnvironmental IInfluencesIonIlinesIof Idefense i. Internal Iinfluences ii. External Iinfluences E. IOrgan IDonation, Icomplications, Iimmunosuppressive Idrugs F. IDefense IMechanisms IandIaging I-ICachexia Van IMeter, IKarin IC.Iand IRobert IJ. IHubert. I(2014). Gould's IPathophysiology IforIthe IHealth IProfessions. I(5th Ied.). ISt. ILouis, IMissouri: IElsevier. 1, I2, I 3