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NR 507 Final exam questions with complete solutions, Exams of Nursing

NR 507 Final exam questions with complete solutions

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Download NR 507 Final exam questions with complete solutions and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NR 507 Final exam questions with complete solutions 2024 Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jtrue jregarding ja jcomplicated jurinary jtract jinfection? j- jANS✓✓-Can jbe jcaused jby ja jstructural jurinary jtract jdisorder Which jof jthe jfollowing jis ja jrisk jfactor jfor jthe jdevelopment jof ja jurinary jtract jinfection j(UTI)? j- jANS✓✓-Pregnancy A jsymptom jof ja jlower jurinary jtract jinfection jincludes: j- jANS✓✓-urgency Women jare jat ja jhigher jrisk jfor jthe jdevelopment jof ja jUTI jbecause jof jhaving ja jshorter jurethra. j- jANS✓✓- true Which jof jthe jfollowing jcan jhelp jto jprevent ja jUTI? j- jANS✓✓-Increase jwater jconsumption Uncomplicated jUTI j- jANS✓✓-Occurs jin jthe jnormal jurinary jtract Responds jwell jto jshort jcourse jof jantibiotic jtherapy Simple jcystitis jin jnon-pregnant jwomen jwithout jany jurologic jabnormalities Complicated jUTI j- jANS✓✓-UTI jextends jbeyond jthe jbladder Caused jby jstructural jor jfunctional jurinary jtract jabnormalities jor juntreated jUTI Infants jand jolder jadults jaffected j Associated jwith: jindwelling jcatheters, jrenal jcalculi, jdiabetes, jpregnancy A j25 jyear- jold jfemale jpresents jto jthe jprimary jcare joffice jwith jurinary jburning jand jfrequency jfor jthe jlast j3 jdays. jShe jdenies jany jfever, jchills, jback jpain. jHer jgynecological jhistory jis jnegative jand jreports jno jvaginal jdischarge. jThe jonly jnew jinformation jreported jis jthat jshe jrecently jhad jsexual jintercourse jwith ja jnew jmale jpartner. The jNP jobtains ja jurinalysis jand jdetermines jthat jthe jurine jcontains jleukocytes, jRBCs, jnitrites, jand jWBCs. jNo jcasts jare jidentified. jBased jon jsymptom jpresentation jand jUA jresults, jthe jpatient jcan jbe jdiagnosed jwith: j- jANS✓✓-cystitis J.S. jis jan j80 j-year-old jpatient jwho jresides jin ja jlocal jnursing jhome. jHe jrecently jbecame jconfused jand jthen jfell jwhile jambulating jto jthe jbathroom jthree jdays jago. jBecause jof jhis jconfusion jand jfall, jhe jwas jtransferred jto jthe jacute jcare jfacility jfor jevaluation jand jtreatment. jLab jwork jrevealed jthat jthe jpatient jwas jvery jdehydrated jwith jhypernatremia jidentified jand jappropriate jintravenous jfluids jstarted. jCystitis jwas jalso jidentified jfrom jthe jurinalysis. jHe jwas jalso jnoted jto jhave jred jand jexcoriated jskin jbetween jthe jbuttocks jand jinner jthighs jdue jto jurinary jfrequency jand jdribbling. jTo jhelp jwith jskin jhealing jand jto jprevent jfurther jurine jleakage, jan jindwelling jcatheter jwas jinserted. jTwo jdays jafter jthe jcatheter jwas jplaced, jthe jpatient jspiked ja jfever jof j102 jdegrees jFahrenheit jassociated jwith jshaking jchills. jAn jintense, jfoul jodor jwas jnoted jin jthe jurine. jOn jexamination jof jthe jflank jarea, jthe jpatient jyelled jout jwhen jtouched. jA jurine jc j- jANS✓✓-pyelonephritis Renal jcalculi jare jtypically jconfined jto jthe jbladder. j- jANS✓✓-false The jmost jcommon jtype jof jstone jis: j- jANS✓✓-calcium jstone The jgold jstandard jfor jdiagnosing ja jrenal jstone jis ja jurinalysis. j- jANS✓✓-false j(ct jscan) A j45-year-old jmale jpresents jto jthe jprimary jcare joffice jwith jright jflank jpain jthat jhe jdescribes jas junremitting; jhe jalso jreports jnausea jand jvomiting. jThe jNP jperforms jan jexam jand jobserves jhim jwrithing jin jpain jon jthe jexam jtable jwith jthe jinability jto jfind ja jcomfortable jposition. jHe jis jafebrile, jBP j156/88 jmmHg jand jHR j106/min. jRight jflank jis jmildly jtender jon jpalpation. jAbdominal jexam jis jnegative jfor jany jabnormality. jA jurinalysis jwas jperformed jand jrevealed j1+ jblood. jUrine jmicroscopy jalso jrevealed j10-20 jRBCs jper jhigh-power jfield j(hpf). jA jkidney jstone jis jsuspected. jThe jpatient jreports jno jprior jhistory jof ja jkidney jstone. jAfter jproviding jthe jpatient jan janalgesic, jwhere jthe jpatient jreported jmild jrelief, jthe jNP jhad jthe jpatient jtransferred jto jthe jemergency jroom jfor jintravenous jfluids, jpain jmanagement jand jfurther jwork-up jfor jthe jkidney jstone. jUpon jfollow-up jin jthe joffice ja jweek jlater, jthe jpatient jreported jthat jhe jwas jdiagnosed jwith j- jANS✓✓-adequate jhydration balanced jdiet Lithotripsy jis jan jinvasive jprocedure jused jto jbreak jup jthe jstone j- jANS✓✓-false The jmost jcommon jstone jfound jin jthe jpatient jwith jgout jis: j- jANS✓✓-uric jacid jstone Hematuria jcan jbe jseen jwith jkidney jstones jbecause: j- jANS✓✓-The jstone jinjures jthe jurinary jstructures jas jit jpasses jthrough jthem. Renal jcolic jis jcaused jby jthe jpassing jof jthe jstone jthrough jthe jureter. j- jANS✓✓-true At jleast jhalf jof jindividuals jwith jrenal jstones jwill jhave ja jreoccurrence jwithin j10 jyears jof jthe jprior jstone. j- jANS✓✓-true Which jof jthe jfollowing jactions jwill jrelax jthe jdetrusor jmuscle jof jthe jbladder? j- jANS✓✓-Activation jof jBeta-2 jreceptors jby jthe jsympathetic jnervous jsystem. The jrelay jstation jin jthe jbrain jthat jplays ja jmajor jrole jin jregulating jmicturition jis: j- jANS✓✓-Pontine jmicturition jcenter. The jlocation jof jthe jinternal jsphincter jis junder jthe jurogenital jdiaphragm. j- jANS✓✓-false j(located jin jthe jbladder) When jthe jbladder jis jempty, jthe jdetrusor jmuscle jrelaxes, jand jthe jinternal jand jexternal jsphincters jconstrict. j- jANS✓✓-true The jlevator jani jmuscle jplays ja jmajor jrole jin jconstriction jof jthe jexternal jsphincter. j- jANS✓✓-true stress jincontinence j- jANS✓✓-leakage jof jurine jwith jactivity Increased jintra-abdominal jpressure jcauses jleaking jbecause jthere jis jno jresistance jto jcounteract jthe jintra-abdominal jpressure urge jincontinence j- jANS✓✓-leakage jof jurine jwith jsensation jof jneed jto jurinate j Detrusor jmuscle jhyperactivity jleads jto jurine jleakage neurogenic jincontinence j- jANS✓✓-unimpeded jurine jleakage Neurological jlesions jalter jnervous jsystem jimpulses jthat jinnervate jthe jdetrusor jmuscle. jThe jresult jis jdecreased jbladder jcompliance jand jdecreased jsphincter jtone overflow jincontinence j- jANS✓✓-leakage jof jurine jis jassociated jwith jurgency, jfrequency, jdribbling, jand jhesitancy Leakage jis jdue jto jretained jurine jin jthe jbladder jthat jleads jto jover-distention A j54-year-old jfemale jreports jto jthe jprimary jcare joffice jwith jcomplaints jof jfrequent jurination. jShe jreports jthat jshe jis j"leaking" jurine jseveral jtimes ja jday, jespecially jwhen jshe jcoughs, jsneezes, jor jlifts ja jheavy jobject. jShe jindicates jthat jshe jhas jnot jexperienced jany jdysuria jor jany jurgency. jThe jNP jlooked jat jthe jpatient's jprevious jurine jculture jobtained japproximately j1 jmonth jago jand jdetermined jthat jit jwas jnegative. jOther jthan jher jurinary jcomplaints, jshe jis jin jotherwise jgood jhealth. jBP j128/76; jHR j78 jbpm; jT j98.6; jHt. j5'4"; jWt: j180lbs.; jBMI j30.9. jThe jNP jperforms ja jphysical jexam jand jall jfindings jare jnormal. jThe jurinalysis jobtained jwas jnegative jas jwell. Based jon jpatient's jsymptoms jand jnegative jphysical jexam, jshe jhas ja jtypical j 1. jblank. j jThe jleaking joccurs jwhen jthe jabdominal jpressure jincreases jduring jcoughing, jsneezing, jand jlifting. jWe jcan jrule jout jurge jincontinence jbecause jthe jdenied jurgency jwith jher jurination. jWe jcould jnot j- jANS✓✓-1. jstress jincontinence 2. jstress jincontinence Stage jIII jkidney jdisease jis jsignified jwhen jthe jGFR jdrops jbelow j60. j- jANS✓✓-true Which jof jthe jfollowing jis ja jcomplication jof jdecreased jGFR? j- jANS✓✓-anemia The janemia jseen jin jrenal jfailure jis jdue jto jthe jlack jor jiron. j- jANS✓✓-false j(Anemia joccurs jbecause jthere jis ja jreduced jproduction jof jerythropoietin jwhich jis jresponsible jfor jtriggering jthe jproduction jof jRBCs jrather jthan jthe jlack jof jiron jor ja jdecrease jin jthe jRBCs) stage j1 j- jANS✓✓-There jis jkidney jdamage jwith jnormal jor jelevated jGFR j(90-120) Stage j2 j- jANS✓✓-There jis jkidney jdamage jwith jmild jdecrease jin jGFR j(60-89) stage j3 j- jANS✓✓-There jis ja jmoderate jdecrease jin jGFR j(30-59) stage j4 j- jANS✓✓-There jis ja jsevere jdecrease jin jGFR j(15-29) stage j5 j- jANS✓✓-Kidney jfailure- jEnd-stage jrenal jdisease j(<15 jdialysis) Need jdialysis jwith jthese jsymptoms j- jANS✓✓- Metabolic jacidosis. Hyperkalemia: jHyperkalemia jin jthe jpresence jof jEKG jchanges j(peaked jT-waves) jis jan jindication jfor jdialysis. jHyperkalemia jby jitself jis jnot jan jindication jfor jdialysis. Drug jtoxicity: jDrug jtoxicity jdue jto jthe jfollowing jdrugs jis jan jindication jfor jdialysis jand jinclude jsalicylates, jLithium, jIsopropanol, jMethanol jand jEthylene jglycol). Fluid jvolume joverload jthat jis jnot jresponsive jto jdiuretics. Uremic jsymptoms jdue jto jnitrogenous jwastes jin jthe jblood jstream. The jdecision jto jbegin jdialysis jis jguided jby jthe jpatient's jsymptoms jrather jthan jGFR. j- jANS✓✓-true Diuretic jtherapy jis jused jin jStage jIV jkidney jfailures jto jstimulate jkidney jfunction. j- jANS✓✓-false j(diuretics jused jfor jstages j1-111 jand jdialysis jfor j4 jand j5) The jmajor jacid/base jdisturbance jin jrenal jfailure jis: j- jANS✓✓-metabolic jacidosis Dietary jmanagement jof ja jpatient jwith jCKD jincludes: j- jANS✓✓-low jpotassium, jlow jsodium, jand jlow jphosphate The jMonoamine jDeficiency jTheory jstates jthat jthe junderlying jbasis jof jdepression jis jlow jlevels jof jserotonin, jnorepinephrine jand jdopamine. j- jANS✓✓- true Dysthymia jis ja jpersistent jdepressive jdisorder jused jto jdescribe jmilder jsymptoms jof jdepression jthat jhappen jover jlonger jperiods jof jtime. j- jANS✓✓-true Despite jthe jdifferent jclassifications, jall jantidepressant jmedications jare jequally jeffective jin jreducing jthe jmajor jsymptoms jof jmajor jdepressive jdisorder. j- jANS✓✓-true Selective jSerotonin jReuptake jInhibitors jare jthe jmost jcommon jantidepressants jprescribed. j- jANS✓✓-true Electroconvulsive jTherapy j(ECT) jis jno jlonger jused jas ja jtreatment jof jmajor jdepressive jdisorder j(MDD). j- jANS✓✓-false j(Still jused) Post-partum jdepression j- jANS✓✓-after jchildbirth, ja jmother's jdepressed jmood j(hormonal jchange jaccompanies) atypical jdepression j- jANS✓✓-improved jmood jwhen jexposed jto jpleasurable jor jpositive jevents A j42-year-old jfemale jpresents jto jthe jprimary jcare jclinic jwith ja jthree- jmonth jhistory jof j"feeling jlow", jpoor jenergy, jinability jto jconcentrate jand jirritability. jShe jis jconcerned jabout jher jloss jof jinterest jin jher jusual jsocial jactivities jof jwalking jwith jher jfriends jand jparticipating jin jher jsewing jgroup. jShe jis jespecially jconcerned jabout jher jrecent j15-pound jweight jgain. jOther jreported jsymptoms jare jfrequent jheadaches, jdifficulty jgetting jout jof jbed jin jthe jmorning, jand jfeeling jworthless. jShe jdenies jsuicide jideation. jShe jreports ja jfamily jhistory jof jdepression j(mother jand jsister) jand jdenies jany jconsumption jof jdrugs jand jalcohol. jShe jis jdivorced jand jhas ja jgrown json jwho jlives japproximately jone jhour jaway jbut jrarely jsees jbecause jof jhis jwork jschedule. jThe jpatient jis jinterested jin jknowing jif jher jsymptoms jare jrelated jto jdepression. Upon jinitial jevaluation, jthe jNP jconsiders jif jthe jpatient jmeets jthe jcriteria jfor jMDD jby jconsulting jthe jDS j- jANS✓✓-Depressed jmood Fatigue/loss jof jenergy Loss jof jinterest/Anhedonia Feeling jworthless jor jhaving jexcessive jguilt Insomnia jor jhypersomnia Poor jconcentration Recurrent jthoughts jof jdeath, jsuicide, ja jsuicide jplan jor jattempt Psychomotor jagitation jor jretardation A jstrong jsocial jnetwork jhas jbeen jproven jto jlead jto ja jbetter joutcome jfor jindividuals jwith jMDD. j- jANS✓✓- true In ja jmixed jepisode, jthe jindividual jexperiences jsymptoms jof jdepression jand jmania jsimultaneously. j- jANS✓✓-true In jrapid jcycling, jthe jindividual jhas j4 jor jmore jepisodes jof jdepression jand jmania jwithin jone jyear. j- jANS✓✓-true Lithium jis jbest jat jtreating jboth jmanic jand jdepressive jepisodes. j- jANS✓✓-false j(only jmanic) Talk jtherapy jand jcognitive jbehavioral jtherapy jare jnot jhelpful jin jtreating jthe jmanic jepisodes jof jbipolar jdisorder. j- jANS✓✓-true Major jdepression jis jrequired jto jbe jpresent jin jorder jto jdiagnose jBipolar j1 jand jBipolar j2 jdisorder. j- jANS✓✓- false j(Major jdepression jmay jbe jpresent jin jboth jbut jnot jrequired jfor jdiagnosis) Benzodiazepines jare jdrugs jthat jreduce jdepression jassociated jwith jthe jindividual's janxiety. j- jANS✓✓- false j(psychoactive jdrugs jthat jreduce janxiety jby jproviding jcalming jeffect jon jindividual) Generalized jAnxiety jDisorder j(GAD) jis jepisodic jin jnature jthat jis jbrought jon jby jstressful jsituation j- jANS✓✓-false j(GAD jis jcharacterized jby jexcessive, jpersistent, junreasonable janxiety jabout jeveryday jsituations) Psychotherapy jhelps jthe jindividual jto jthink jand jact jin jdifferent jways jto jdeal jwith jstressful jsituation j- jANS✓✓-true Cognitive jbehavioral jtherapy jhas jmajor jadvantages jover jmedications jin jthe jlong-term jtreatment jof janxiety j- jANS✓✓-true Physical jmanifestations jcan jalso jbe jassociated jwith jGeneralized jAnxiety jDisorder j- jANS✓✓-true B. jR. jis ja j20-year-old jcollege jstudent jwho jreports jfeeling janxious j"about jeverything", jrestlessness jand jirritability. jShe jreports jno jsignificant jpast jmedical jor jmental jhealth jhistory. jShe jstates jthat jher janxiety jstarted jabout j6 jmonths jago jwhen jshe jdecided jto jchange jher jmajor jto jpre-med jand jcomplete jan japplication jto jparticipate jin ja jsummer jpre-med jpreparation jprogram. jDuring jan jopen jhouse jmeeting jwith jthe jmedical jschool jacademic jadvisors jattended jby jall jstudents japplying jfor jthe jsummer jprogram, jshe jlearned jthat jonly j50 jstudents jwould jbe jselected jout jof j450 japplications jto jparticipate jin jthe jsummer jprogram. jDespite jwanting jto jenter jthe jsummer jprogram, jshe jfelt jthat jshe jwould jbe junable jto jcope jwith jthe jpressure jassociated jwith ja jshort jsummer jprogram jor jthe jrejection jif jshe jwas jnot jselected. jShe jtold jthe jNP jthat jshe jdid jnot jfeel j"good jenough" jto jbe jselected jas jshe jcompared jherself jto jthe jother japplicants. jShe jsaid jthat j- jANS✓✓-Generalized janxiety jdisorder J.J. jis ja j44-year-old jmale jwho jworks jas ja jdepartment jhead jfor ja jFortune-500 jcompany jthat jis jdown-sizing jdue jto jeconomic jreasons. jTop jlevel jmanagement jhas jannounced jthat jthere jwill jbe jrestructuring jof jthe jcompany jwhere jmany jof jthe jmanagement jroles jwill jbe jconsolidated. jSome jdepartment jhead jpositions jwill jbe jeliminated jaltogether. jEach jdepartment jhead jhas jbeen jgiven jthe jtask jof jdeveloping ja jpresentation jto jprovide jan joverview jof jtheir jdepartment jspecifically jsharing jdata jto jdemonstrate jproductivity jand jthe jmeeting jof jcompany jinitiatives. jFrom jthe jmoment jJ.J. jread jthe jemail joutlining jthe jpresentation jrequirements, jhe jstarted jto jfeel jfearful jof jthe jpossibility jof jlosing jhis jjob. jOn jthe jday jof jdelivering jthe jpresentation, jall jdepartment jheads jwere jpresent jwith jtop-level jmanagement. jAs jhe jlistened jto jthe jother jdepartment jheads jdeliver jtheir jpresentations, jhe jbegan jto jfeel jnausea. jHe jeven jnoticed jhis jheart jpounding. jWhen jit j- jANS✓✓-Panic jattack R.D. jis ja j34-year-old jfemale jwho jis jengaged jto jbe jmarried jin jone jmonth. jThis jwill jbe jher jsecond jmarriage. jShe jhas jbeen jdivorced jfor jthree jyears. jHer jfiancé, jwho jhas jnever jbeen jmarried, jhas jinvited jhis jparents jto jtown jto jmeet jtheir jsoon- jto j- jbe jdaughter- in-law. jR.D. jlearns jthat jher jfuture jin-laws jhave jvery jtraditional jthoughts jon jmarriage, jspecifically, junfavorable jthoughts jabout jdivorce. jOn jthe jday jof jthe jparent's jarrival, jR.D.'s jfiancé jasks jher jto jpick jthem jup jfrom jthe jairport. jR.D. jagrees, jbut jstarts jto jfeel juneasy jabout jit. jShe jis jconcerned jthat jthey jwill jnot jaccept jher jbecause jof jher jprevious jdivorce, jalthough jshe jhas jspoken jto jthem jon jthe jphone jand jthey jwere jvery jgracious jand jaccepting jof jtheir json's jrelationship jwith jher. jThe jcloser jshe jgot jto jthe jairport, jthe jmore juneasy jshe jfelt jto jthe jpoint jof jdisorientation. jJust jbefore jentering jthe jairport jterminal, jshe jturned jaround jand jcalled jher jfiancé jto jinform jhim jth j- jANS✓✓-social janxiety A jpanic jattack jinvolves ja jvery jstressful jsituation jwhere jthe jindividual jdevelops jan jintense jfear jthat jsomething jbad jwill jhappen. j- jANS✓✓-true Serotonin jSelective jReuptake jInhibitors j(SSRIs) jare jcommonly jprescribed jto jcreate ja jrelaxing jeffect jin jthe janxious jindividual. j- jANS✓✓-true Which jof jthe jfollowing jis ja jsituation jwhere jthe jindividual jmay jexperience jsocial janxiety? j- jANS✓✓- Making jsmall jtalk j(think jof jadult jinteraction)