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Which of the following is NOT a complication of uncontrolledhypertension? a. CVA b. Anemia c. Renal injury d. Cardiac hypertrophy. - ANSWER>> B. Anemia What is the trigger for angina pectoris? a. Myocardial ischemia b. Atherosclerotic lesions c. Hyperlipidemia d. Myocardial necrosis - ANSWER>> A. Myocardial ischemia Reflex control of total cardiac output and total peripheral resistance iscontrolled by what mechanism? a. Parasympathetic stimulation of the heart, arterioles, and veins b. Sympathetic stimulation of the heart, arterioles, and veins c. Autonomic control of the heart only d. Somatic control of the heart, arterioles, and veins - ANSWER>> B.Sympathetic stimulation of the heart, arterioles, and veins Which disorder causes a transitory truncal rash that is nonpruritic andpink with erythematous macules that may fade in the center, making them appear as a ringworm? a. Fat emboli b. Rheumatic fever c. Bacterial endocarditis d. Myocarditis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - ANSWER>> B.Rheumatic fever Amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, or glycogen storage disease usuallycauses which form of cardiomyopathy? a. Infiltrative b. Restrictive c. Septal d. Hypertrophic - ANSWER>> B. Restrictive
An early diastole peak caused by filling of the atrium from peripheral veins is identified by which intracardiac pressure? a. A wave b.V wave c.C wave d. X descent - ANSWER>> V wave What is an expected change in the cardiovascular system that occurswith aging? a. Arterial stiffening b. Decreased left ventricular wall tension c. Decreased aortic wall thickness d. Arteriosclerosis - ANSWER>> Arterial stiffening The risk of developing coronary artery disease is increased up to threefold by which factor? a. Diabetes mellitus b. Hypertension c. Obesity d. High alcohol consumption - ANSWER>> B. Hypertension What term is used to identify when a cell is temporarily deprived ofblood supply? A.Infarction B Ischemia C. Necrosis D. Inflammation - ANSWER>> B. Ischemia Which laboratory test is an indirect measure of atherosclerotic plaque? a. Homocysteine b. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) c. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) d. C-reactive protein (CRP) - ANSWER>> D. C-reactive protein (CRP) What period follows depolarization of the myocardium and representsa period during which no new cardiac potential can be propagated? a. Refractory b. Hyperpolarization c. Threshold d. Sinoatrial (SA) - ANSWER>> Refractory How does angiotensin II increase the workload of the heart after a myocardial infarction (MI)? a. By increasing the peripheral vasoconstriction
b. By causing dysrhythmias as a result of hyperkalemia c. By reducing the contractility of the myocardium d. By stimulating the sympathetic nervous system - ANSWER>> Byincreasing the peripheral vasoconstriction What term is used to identify when a cell is temporarily deprived ofblood supply? a. Infarction b. Ischemia c. Necrosis d. Inflammation - ANSWER>> Ischemia Continuous increases in left ventricular filing pressures result in whichdisorder? a. Mitral regurgitation b.Mitral stenosis c. Pulmonary edema d. Jugular vein distention - ANSWER>> Pulmonary Edema The resting heart rate in a healthy person is primarily under the controlof which nervous system? a. Sympathetic b. Parasympathetic c.Somatic d. Spinal - ANSWER>> Parasympathetic Which factor is responsible for the hypertrophy of the myocardiumassociated with hypertension? a. Adducin. b. Increased norepinephrine c. Angiotensin II - ANSWER>> Angiotensin II In the normal electrocardiogram, what does the PR interval represent? a.Atrial depolarization b. Ventricular depolarization c. Atrial activation to onset of ventricular activity d. Electrical systole of the ventricles - ANSWER>> Atrial activation to onsetof ventricular activity When the volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of diastole increases, the force of the myocardial contraction during the next systole will also increase, which is an example of which law or theoryabout the heart?
a. Laplace's law b.Poiseuille law c. Cross-bridge theory d. Frank-Starling law - ANSWER>> Frank-Starling Law Regarding the heart's valves, what is a function of the papillarymuscles? a. The papillary muscles close the semilunar valve. b. These muscles prevent backward expulsion of the atrioventricular valve. c. They close the atrioventricular valve. d. The papillary muscles open the semilunar valve. - ANSWER>> Thesemuscles prevent backward expulsion of the atrioventricular valve. A patient is diagnosed with pulmonary disease and elevated pulmonaryvascular resistance. Which form of heart failure may result from pulmonary disease and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance? a. Right heart failure b. Left heart failure c. Low-output failure d. High-output failure - ANSWER>> Right heart failure The right lymphatic duct drains into which structure? a.Right subclavian artery b. Right atrium c. Right subclavian vein d. Superior vena cava - ANSWER>> Right subclavian vein What change in a vein supports the development of varicose veins? a.Increase in osmotic pressure b. Damage to the valves in veins c. Damage to the venous endothelium d. Increase in hydrostatic pressure - ANSWER>> Damage to the valves inveins A disproportionate thickening of the interventricular septum is thehallmark of which form of cardiomyopathy? a. Dystrophic b. Hypertrophic c. Restrictive d. Dilated - ANSWER>> Hypertrophic An individual who is demonstrating elevated levels of troponin, creatinekinase-isoenzyme MB (CK-MB), and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) is exhibiting indicators associated with which condition? a. Myocardial ischemia b.Hypertension
c. Myocardial infarction (MI) d. Coronary artery disease (CAD) - ANSWER>> Myocardial infarction (MI) The coronary ostia are located in the: a. Left ventricle b. Aortic valve c. Coronary sinus d. Aorta - ANSWER>> Aorta Which statement best describes Raynaud disease? a. Inflammatory disorder of small- and medium-size arteries in the feetand sometimes in the hands b. Neoplastic disorder of the lining of the arteries and veins of the upperextremities c. Vasospastic disorder of the small arteries and arterioles of the fingersand, less commonly, of the toes d. Autoimmune disorder of the large arteries and veins of the upper andlower extremities - ANSWER>> Vasospastic disorder of the small arteries and arterioles of the fingers and, less commonly, of the toes Nicotine increases atherosclerosis by the release of whichneurotransmitter? a. Histamine b. Nitric oxide c. Angiotensin II d. Epinephrine - ANSWER>> Epinephrine Autocrine stimulation is the ability of cancer cells to: a. Stimulate angiogenesis to create their own blood supply. b. Encouragesecretions that turn off normal growth inhibitors. c. Secrete growth factors that stimulate their own growth. d. Divert nutrients away from normal tissue for their own use. - ANSWER>>Secrete growth factors that stimulate their own growth What information is correct regarding ovarian cancer?Ovarian Cancer: a. Usually has hereditary/genetic cause b. It is the rarest of the female genital cancers c. Has often metastasized before diagnosis d. Is easily detected with PAP smears. - ANSWER>> C. Has oftenmetastasized before diagnosis
Which substance is manufactured by the liver and primarily containscholesterol and protein? a. Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) b.Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) c. High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) d. Triglycerides - ANSWER>> Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) During the cardiac cycle, which structure directly delivers actionpotential to the ventricular myocardium? a. Sinoatrial (SA) node b. Atrioventricular (AV) node c.Purkinje fibers d. Bundle branches - ANSWER>> Purkinje Fibers Within a physiologic range, what does an increase in left ventricularend-diastolic volume (preload) result in? a. Increase in force of contraction b.Decrease in refractory time c. Increase in afterload d. Decrease in repolarization - ANSWER>> Increase in force of contraction Which phase of the normal myocardial cell depolarization andrepolarization correlates with diastole? a. Phase 1 b. Phase 2 c. Phase 3 d. Phase 4 - ANSWER>> Phase 4 When a chromosome lacking 4 Mb is inherited from the mother, thechild is at risk for developing which syndrome? a. Prader-Willi b.Angelman c. Beckwith-Wiedemann d. Russell-Silver - ANSWER>> Angelman What is the belief regarding twins who adopt dramatically different lifestyles? a. They may experience very different aging processes. b.They will retain very similar methylation patterns. c. They will experience identical phenotypes throughout their lifespans. d. They may never demonstrate similar DNA sequences of their somatic cells. - ANSWER>> They may experience very different aging processes. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations increase the risk of which cancer in women? a. Ovarian b.Lung
c. Uterine d. Pancreatic - ANSWER>> Ovarian A man is admitted to the hospital with torsion of the testes. The nurseunderstands that this indicates: a. Blood vessels to the testis are twisted in the spermatic cord b. The testis have not correctly descended. c. Fluid has collected in the tunica vaginalis d. A vein in the spermatic cord is abnormally dilated. - ANSWER>> A.Blood vessels to the testis are twisted in the spermatic cord Benign prostate hypertrophy a. Is caused by cellular hypertrophy b. Produces compression of the spermatic cord. c. Produces obstructive and irratative symptoms d. Is associated with stress incontinence. - ANSWER>> C. Producesobstructive and irratative symptoms A male has impaired spermatogenesis from lack of inhibin B. Whichcells are functioning improperly? a. Leydig b. Sertoli c. Pituitary d. Antisperm - ANSWER>> B. Sertoli The presence of a zygote having one chromosome with the normal complement of genes and one with a missing gene is characteristic ofwhich genetic disorder? a. Cri du chat b. Down syndrome c. Klinefelter syndrome d. Turner syndrome - ANSWER>> Cri du Chat Males, having only one X chromosome (as is expected), are said to be: a.Homozygous b. Heterozygous c. Hemizygous d. Ambizygous - ANSWER>> Hemizygous
Which term is used to describe a muscle cell showing a reduced abilityto form new muscle while appearing highly disorganized? a. Dysplasia b. Hyperplasia c.Myoplasia d. Anaplasia - ANSWER>> Anaplasia What is the second most commonly recognized genetic cause of mentalretardation? a. Down syndrome b. Fragile X syndrome c.Klinefelter syndrome d. Turner syndrome - ANSWER>> Fragile X syndrome What is the major determinant of the resistance that blood encountersas it flows through the systemic circulation? a. Volume of blood in the systemic circulation b.Muscle layer of the metarterioles c. Muscle layer of the arterioles d. Force of ventricular contraction - ANSWER>> Muscle layer of thearterioles What is the effect of epinephrine on β3 receptors on the heart? a.Decreases coronary blood flow. b. Supplements the effects of both β1 and β2 receptors. c. Increases the strength of myocardial contraction. d. Prevents overstimulation of the heart by the sympathetic nervous system - ANSWER>> Prevents overstimulation of the heart by the sympathetic nervous system Which intracardiac pressure is generated by the atrial contraction?a.A wave b. C wave c. Y descent d. X descent - ANSWER>> A wave patient reports sudden onset of severe chest pain that radiates to theback and worsens with respiratory movement and when lying down. These clinical manifestations describe: a. Myocardial infarction (MI) b.Pericardial effusion c. Restrictive pericarditis d. Acute pericarditis - ANSWER>> Acute pericarditis What genetic process is likely responsible for the occurrence of asthmain only one of a pair of identical twins? a. Epigenetic modifications b. Genomic imprinting c. Transgenerational inheritance
d. Methylation - ANSWER>> Epigenetic modifications Carcinoma refers to abnormal cell proliferation originating from whichtissue origin? a. Blood vessels b. Epithelial cells c. Connective tissue d. Glandular tissue - ANSWER>> Epithelial Cells What is the cause of anemia in a patient diagnosed with pancreaticcancer? a. Impaired pancreatic function b. Malnutrition c.Chronic bleeding d. Malabsorption of iron - ANSWER>> Malabsorption of iron Cardiac cells can withstand ischemic conditions and still return to aviable state for how many minutes? a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 - ANSWER>> 20 A man is admitted to the hospital with a urethral stricture. Whichclinical manifestations is typical of this disorder? a. Urgency b. Increased force of urinary stream c. Mucus like discharge d. Double urine stream - ANSWER>> D. Double urine stream Research has shown a link between cancer and which sexuallytransmitted disease? a. Syphilis b. Gonorrhea c. Human papillomavirus d. Pelvic inflammatory disease - ANSWER>> Human papillomavirus Males are more often affected by which type of genetic disease? aSex-linked dominant b. Sex-influenced c.Sex-linked d. Sex-linked recessive - ANSWER>> Sex-linked recessive
Which dietary lifestyle choice has been associated with a decreased risk for developing colon cancer? a. Increased consumption of dairy produces b. Increased consumption of foods containing vitamin C c.Decreased consumption of foods high in fat d. Decreased consumption of artificial food coloring - ANSWER>>Decreased consumption of foods high in fat Which cancers are all associated with chronic inflammation? a.Brain, muscle, and endocrine b. Colon, thyroid gland, and urinary bladder c. Bone, blood cells, and liver d. Eye, tracheal, and kidney - ANSWER>> Colon, thyroid gland, and urinarybladder What effect does atherosclerosis have on the development of ananeurysm? a. Atherosclerosis causes ischemia of the intima. b.It increases nitric oxide. c. Atherosclerosis erodes the vessel wall. d. It obstructs the vessel. - ANSWER>> Atherosclerosis erodes the vesselwall. Superior vena cava syndrome is a result of a progressive increase ofwhich process? a. Inflammation b.Occlusion c. Distention d. Sclerosis - ANSWER>> Occlusion The Bainbridge reflex is thought to be initiated by sensory neurons in which cardiac location? a. Atria b. Aorta c. Sinoatrial (SA) node d. Ventricles - ANSWER>> Atria Which gastrointestinal tract condition can be an outcome of bothchemotherapy and radiation therapy? a. Increased cell turnover
b.Constipation c. Stomatitis d. Bloody stool - ANSWER>> Stomatitis The cardiac electrical impulse normally begins spontaneously in thesinoatrial (SA) node because it: a. Has a superior location in the right atrium. b. Is the only area of the heart capable of spontaneous depolarization. c.Has rich sympathetic innervation via the vagus nerve. d. Depolarizes more rapidly than other automatic cells of the heart. - ANSWER>> Depolarizes more rapidly than other automatic cells of theheart. Which phase of the normal myocardial cell depolarization andrepolarization correlates with diastole? a. Phase 1 b. Phase 2 c. Phase 3 d. Phase 4 - ANSWER>> Phase 4 Which disorder causes a transitory truncal rash that is nonpruritic andpink with erythematous macules that may fade in the center, making them appear as a ringworm? a. Fat emboli b. Rheumatic fever c. Bacterial endocarditis d. Myocarditis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - ANSWER>>Rheumatic fever What is the major effect of a calcium channel blocker such as verapamilon cardiac contractions? a. Increases the rate of cardiac contractions. b. Decreases the strength of cardiac contractions. c.Stabilizes the rhythm of cardiac contractions. d. Stabilizes the vasodilation during cardiac contractions - ANSWER>>Decreases the strength of cardiac contractions. DNA replication requires the enzyme DNA polymerase to: a. Travel along the single DNA strand, adding the correct nucleotide to thenew strand b. Move along the double strand of DNA to unwind the nucleotides of thedouble helix c. Hold the double strand apart while the correct nucleotides are addedto the strand d. Transport the double strand of DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm for protein formation - ANSWER>> Travel along the single DNA strand, adding the correct nucleotide to the new strand
A malfunction in DNA methylation can lead to: a. Hypothyroidism b.Blindness c. Cancer d. Diabetes mellitus - ANSWER>> Cancer An amniocentesis is recommended for pregnant women who: a.Have a history of chronic illness b. Have a family history of genetic disorders c.Have experienced in vitro fertilization d. Had a late menarche - ANSWER>> Have a family history of geneticdisorders What is the most common cardiac disorder associated with acquiredimmunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) a. Cardiomyopathy b.Myocarditis c. Heart Block d. Left heart failure - ANSWER>> L heart Failure Individuals being effectively managed for type 2 diabetes mellitus oftenexperience a healthy decline in blood pressure as a result of what intervention? a. Managed carbohydrate intake b.Appropriate exercise c. Insulin-sensitivity medication therapy d. Introduction of minimal doses of insulin - ANSWER>> Insulin-sensitivitymedication therapy Which predominantly female valvular disorder is thought to have an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, as well as being associatedwith connective tissue disease? a. Mitral valve prolapse b. Tricuspid stenosis c. Tricuspid valve prolapse d. Aortic insufficiency - ANSWER>> Mitral valve prolapse What is the ratio of coronary capillaries to cardiac muscle cells? a.1:1 (one capillary per one muscle cell) b. 1:2 (one capillary per two muscle cells) c. 1:4 (one capillary per four muscle cells) d. 1:10 (one capillary per ten muscle cells) - ANSWER>> 1:1 (one capillaryper one muscle cell) In systolic heart failure, what effect does the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS) have on stroke volume? a. Increases preload and decreases afterload. b.Increases preload and increases afterload.
c. Decreases preload and increases afterload. d. Decreases preload and decreases afterload. - ANSWER>> Increases preload and increases afterload. A woman has secondary amenorrhea, what is the most common causeof this finding? a. PCOS b. Hypothyroidism c. Pregnancy d. Turner Syndrome - ANSWER>> C. Pregnancy PID is: a. Associated with infertility b. Primarily caused by Staph aureus c. Associated with hyperandrogenic state d. Caused by infection of the cervix. - ANSWER>> A. Associated withinfertility. One characteristic of uterine leiolyomas is that they a. Lodge in the endometrium b. Are associated with nulliparity and obesity c. Contain glands, stoma, and blood vessels. d. Require a hysterectomy - ANSWER>> B. Are associated withnulliparity and obesity. The risk of developing coronary artery disease is increased up to threefold by which factor? a. Diabetes mellitus b.Hypertension c. Obesity d. High ETOH consumption - ANSWER>> HTN What physical sign is the result of turbulent blood flow through avessel? a. Increased blood pressure during periods of stress b. Bounding pulse felton palpation c. Cyanosis observed on excretion d. Murmur heard on auscultation - ANSWER>> Murmur heard onauscultation While taking a history from a postmenopausal woman, which finding will place this woman at the greatest risk for breast cancer? a. Pregnancy before the age of 24 years b. Early involution
c. Estrogen Therapy d. Diet low in fat. - ANSWER>> C. Estrogen therapy. Oncogenes are genes that are capable of: a. Undergoing mutation that directs the synthesis of proteins to accelerate the rate of tissue proliferation b. Directing synthesis of proteins to regulate growth and to providenecessary replacement of tissue c. Encoding proteins that negatively regulate the synthesis of proteins to slow or halt the replacement of tissue d. Undergoing mutation that directs malignant tissue toward blood vessels and lymph nodes for metastasis - ANSWER>> Undergoing mutation that directs the synthesis of proteins to accelerate the rate oftissue proliferation Chronic inflammation causes cancer by: a. Increasing vasodilation and permeability that alter cellular response toDNA damage b. Liberating lysosomal enzymes when cells are damaged that initiates mutations c. Releasing compounds such as reactive oxygen species that promotemutations d. Increasing the abundance of leukotrienes that are associated with some cancers - ANSWER>> Releasing compounds such as reactive oxygen species that promote mutations What is the cause of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH)?Diet high in saturated fats a. Increased production of cholesterol by the liver b. Reduction in the number of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors oncell surfaces c. Abnormal function of lipoprotein receptors circulating in the blood - ANSWER>> Reduction in the number of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)receptors on cell surfaces Which genetic disease has been linked to a mutation of the tumor-suppressor gene? a. Hemochromatosis b. Retinoblastoma c. Familial breast cancer d. Hemophilia A - ANSWER>> Retinoblastoma The ras gene converts from a proto-oncogene to an oncogene by: a. Designating a chromosome that has a piece of one chromosome fusedto a piece of another chromosome b. Duplicating a small piece of a chromosome, repeatedly makingnumerous copies c. Altering one or more nucleotide base pairs d. Promoting proliferation of growth signals by impairing tumor- suppressor genes - ANSWER>> Promoting proliferation of growthsignals by impairing tumor-suppressor genes What is the most common cause of Down syndrome? a.Paternal nondisjunction
b. Maternal translocations c. Maternal nondisjunction d. Paternal translocation - ANSWER>> Maternal nondisjunction Nondisjunction during the formation of one of the parent's gametes orduring early embryonic development occurs in approximately 97% of infants born with Down syndrome. In approximately 90% to 95% of infants, the nondisjunction occurs in the formation of the mother's eggcell. The correct option is the only one that accurately describes the most common cause of Down syndrome. When microRNA (miRNA) are methylated their messenger RNA (mRNA) targets are over- expressed, the resulting effect on existing cancer would be: a. Cell death b. Metastasis c.Remission d. Relapse - ANSWER>> Metastasis When a woman has one first-degree relative with breast cancer, herrisk of developing breast cancer is how many times greater? a. 3 b. 6 c. 10 d. 2 - ANSWER>> 2 Which statement does not accurately describe the pericardium? a. The pericardium is a double-walled membranous sac that encloses theheart. b. It is made up of connective tissue and a surface layer of squamous cells. c.The pericardium protects the heart against infection and inflammation from the lungs and pleural space. d. It contains pain and mechanoreceptors that can elicit reflex changes in blood pressure and heart rate. - ANSWER>> It is made up of connective tissue and a surface layer of squamous cells. After the baroreceptor reflex is stimulated, the resulting impulse is transmitted from the carotid artery by which sequence of events? Vagus nerve to the medulla to increase parasympathetic activity and todecrease sympathetic activity a. Glossopharyngeal cranial nerve through the vagus nerve to the medullato increase sympathetic activity and to decrease parasympathetic activity b. Glossopharyngeal cranial nerve through the vagus nerve to the medullato increase parasympathetic activity and to decrease sympathetic activity c. Glossopharyngeal cranial nerve through the vagus nerve to the hypothalamus to increase parasympathetic activity and to decrease sympathetic activity - ANSWER>> Glossopharyngeal
cranial nerve through the vagus nerve to the medulla to increase parasympatheticactivity and to decrease sympathetic activity What is the effect of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) in atherosclerosis? a. LDLs cause smooth muscle proliferation. b. LDLs cause regression of atherosclerotic plaques. c.LDLs increase levels of inflammatory cytokines. d. LDLs direct macrophages to the site in the endothelium. - ANSWER>>LDLs cause smooth muscle proliferation. Which immunoglobulin is contained in breast milk? - ANSWER>> IgA In the 95% of those with delayed puberty, the problem is caused bywhich condition? - ANSWER>> Physiologic hormonal delays The equivalent to the female gonad is the male: - ANSWER>> testes What are typical findings on breast palpation of a woman diagnosed with simple fibroadenoma?
Which term is used to identify the descent of the posterior bladder andtrigone into the vaginal canal? - ANSWER>> Cystocele The release of which chemical mediator causes primary dysmenorrhea? - ANSWER>> Prostaglandins What is the major concern regarding the treatment of gonococciinfections? - ANSWER>> Development of antibiotic resistance How is gonorrhea transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus? - ANSWER>> Predominately through infected cervical and secretions during the birth process What are typical findings on breast palpation of a woman diagnosed with simple fibroadenoma?
Where is the usual site of cervical dysplasia or cancer in situ? - ANSWER>> Columnar epithelium of the cervix meets the squamousepithelium of the vagina Considering the pathophysiologic characteristics of primary amenorrhea, what anatomic structure is involved in compartment IV? - ANSWER>> Hypothalamus The Skene glands are located on either side of which structure? - ANSWER>> Urinary meatus