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NR507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Version 6) / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Newest ): Advanced P, Exams of Nursing

NR507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Version 6) / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Newest ): Advanced Pathophysiology: Chamberlain College of Nursing | ( 100% Verified Answers by Chamberlain Expert)

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Download NR507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Version 6) / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Exam ( Newest ): Advanced P and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

IncorrectQuestion 2

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Which ihepatitis ivirus iis iknown ito ibe isexually itransmitted? A B C D Only ihepatitis iB ivirus i(HBV) iis iknown ito ibe isexually itransmitted. Which iterm iis iused ito iidentify ithe imovement iof igas iand iair iinto iand iout iof ithe ilungs? Perfusion Ventilation Respiration Diffusion

IncorrectQuestion 1

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Question 3

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Question 4

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Of ithe ioptions iavailable, iventilation iis ithe ionly iterm iused ito iidentify ithe imechanical imovementiof igas ior iair iinto iand iout iof ithe ilungs. Between iwhich imonths iof iage idoes isudden iinfant ideath isyndrome i(SIDS) imost ioften ioccur? 0 iand i 1 2 iand i 4 5 and i 6 6 and i 7 The iincidence iof iSIDS iis ilow iduring ithe ifirst imonth iof ilife ibut isharply iincreases iin ithe isecond imonth iof ilife, ipeaking iat i 2 ito i 4 imonths iand iis iunusual iafter i 6 imonths iof iage. Erythrocyte ilife ispan iof iless ithan i 120 idays, iineffective ibone imarrow iresponse ito ierythropoietin, iand ialtered iiron imetabolism idescribe ithe ipathophysiologic icharacteristics iof iwhich itype iof ianemia? Aplastic Sideroblastic Anemia iof ichronic idisease

Question 5

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Question 6

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Iron ideficiency Anemia iof ichronic idisease iresults ifrom ia icombination iof i(1) idecreased ierythrocyte ilife ispan, i(2) isuppressed iproduction iof ierythropoietin, i(3) iineffective ibone imarrow ierythroid iprogenitor iresponse ito ierythropoietin, iand i(4) ialtered iiron imetabolism iand iiron isequestration iin imacrophages. iThis iresult iis inot itrue iof ithe iother ioptions. How iis imost icarbon idioxide i(CO 2 ) iin ithe iblood itransported? Attached ito ioxygen In ithe iform iof ibicarbonate Combined iwith ialbumin Dissolved iin ithe iplasma Approximately i60% iof ithe iCO 2 i i in ivenous iblood iand i90% iof ithe iCO 2 i iin iarterial iblood iare icarried iin ithe iform iof ibicarbonate. The iglomerular ifiltration irate iis idirectly irelated ito iwhich ifactor? Perfusion ipressure iin ithe iglomerular icapillaries

Question 7

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Question 8

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Diffusion irate iin ithe irenal icortex Diffusion irate iin ithe irenal imedulla Glomerular iactive itransport The ifiltration iof ithe iplasma iper iunit iof itime iis iknown ias ithe i glomerular ifiltration irate i (GFR), iwhich iis idirectly irelated ito ionly ithe iperfusion ipressure iin ithe iglomerular icapillaries. Which iblood icell itype iis ielevated iat ibirth ibut idecreases ito iadult ilevels iduring ithe ifirst iyear iof ilife? Monocytes Platelets Neutrophils Lymphocytes Only imonocyte icounts iare ihigh iin ithe ifirst iyear iof ilife iand ithen idecrease ito iadult ilevels. Perceived istress ielicits ian iemotional, ianticipatory iresponse ithat ibegins iwhere? Prefrontal icortex

Question 9

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Anterior ipituitary Limbic isystem Hypothalamus Perceived istressors ielicit ian ianticipatory iresponse ithat ibegins iin ithe ilimbic isystem iof ithe ibrain, ithe ionly ioption iresponsible ifor iemotions iand icognition. It ihas ibeen idetermined ithat ia itumor iis iin istage i2. iWhat iis ithe imeaning iof ithis ifinding? Cancer iis iconfined ito ithe iorgan iof iorigin. Cancer ihas ispread ito iregional istructures. Cancer iis ilocally iinvasive. Cancer ihas ispread ito idistant isites Cancer iconfined ito ithe iorgan iof iorigin iis istage i1; icancer ithat iis ilocally iinvasive iis istage i2; icancer ithat ihas ispread ito iregional istructures, isuch ias ithe ilymph inodes, iis istage i3; iand icancer ithat ihas ispread ito idistant isites, isuch ias ia iliver icancer ispreading ito ithe ilung ior ia iprostate icancer ispreading ito ibone, iis istage i4.

Question i 10

Question 11

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Apoptosis iis ia(an): Normal imechanism ifor icells ito iself-destruct iwhen igrowth iis iexcessive Antigrowth isignal iactivated iby ithe itumor-suppressor igene i Rb Mutation iof icell igrowth istimulated iby ithe i TP53 igene Transformation iof icells ifrom idysplasia ito ianaplasia Normal icells ihave ia imechanism ithat icauses ithem ito iself-destruct iwhen igrowth iis iexcessive iand icell icycle icheckpoints ihave ibeen iignored. iDiverse istimuli, iincluding inormal idevelopment iand iexcessive igrowth, itrigger ithis iself-destruct imechanism, icalled i apoptosis. iThe iremaining ioptions ido inot idescribe iapoptosis. Which iT-lymphocyte iphenotype iis ithe ikey ideterminant iof ichildhood iasthma? Cluster iof idifferentiation i(CD) i 4 iT-helper iTh 1 i i ilymphocytes CD4 iT-helper iTh 2 i i ilymphocytes CD8 icytotoxic iT ilymphocytes Memory iT ilymphocytes Asthma idevelops ibecause ithe iTh 2 i i response i(in iwhich iCD4 iT-helper icells iproduce ispecific icytokines, isuch ias iinterleukin i[IL]–4, iIL-5, iand iIL-13) ipromotes ian iatopic iand iallergic iresponse

Question 12

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Question 13

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in ithe iairways. iThis iselection iis ithe ionly ioption ithat iaccurately iidentifies ithe iappropriate iT- ilymphocyte iphenotype. Which icells ihave iphagocytic iproperties isimilar ito imonocytes iand icontract ilike ismooth imusclesicells, ithereby iinfluencing ithe iglomerular ifiltration irate? Principle icells Podocin icells Mesangial icells Intercalated icells Mesangial icells iand ithe imesangial imatrix, isecreted iby imesangial icells, ilie ibetween iand isupport ithe iglomerular icapillaries. iDifferent imesangial icells icontract ilike ismooth imuscle icells ito iregulate iglomerular icapillary iblood iflow. iThey ialso ihave iphagocytic iproperties isimilar ito imonocytes. iThe iother ioptions iare inot icapable iof ithese ifunctions. What iis ithe ichief ipredisposing ifactor ifor irespiratory idistress isyndrome i(RDS) iof ithe inewborn? Low ibirth iweight Alcohol iconsumption iduring ipregnancy

Premature birth

Question 14

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Question 15

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Smoking iduring ipregnancy RDS iof ithe inewborn, ialso iknown ias ihyaline imembrane idisease i(HMD), iis ia imajor icause iof imorbidity iand imortality iin ipremature inewborns. iNone iof ithe iother ioptions iare iconsidered ithe ichief ipredisposing ifactors ifor iRDS. During ian iIgE-mediated ihypersensitivity ireaction, iwhich ileukocyte iis iactivated? Neutrophils Monocytes Eosinophils T ilymphocytes Of ithe ioptions iprovided, ionly ieosinophils iare iactivated iduring iIgE-mediated ihypersensitivity ireactions. Which istatement iis i true i concerning ithe iIgM? IgM iis ithe ifirst iantibody iproduced iduring ithe iinitial iresponse ito ian iantigen.

IgM mediates many common allergic responses. IgM is the most abundant class of immunoglobulins.

Question 16

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Question 17

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IgM iis icapable iof icrossing ithe ihuman iplacenta. Typically, iIgM iis iproduced ifirst i(primary iimmune iresponse), ifollowed iby iIgG iagainst ithe isame iantigen. iThe iother ioptions iare inot itrue istatements iregarding iIgM. What iis ithe ifunctional iunit iof ithe ikidney icalled? Glomerulus Nephron Collecting iduct Pyramid The inephron iis ithe ifunctional iunit iof ithe ikidney. iAlthough ithe iother ioptions iare ialso ilocated iinithe ikidney, ithey iare inot iits ifunctional iunits. Phagocytosis iinvolves ineutrophils iactively iattacking, iengulfing, iand idestroying iwhich imicroorganisms?

Bacteria Fungi

Question 18

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Viruses Yeasts Invasion iis ithe idirect iconfrontation iwith ian iindividual’s iprimary idefense imechanisms iagainst ionly ibacteria, iwhich iinclude ithe icomplement isystem, iantibodies, iand iphagocytes, isuch ias ineutrophils iand imacrophages. What iis ithe imost iimportant inegative iinotropic iagent? Norepinephrine Epinephrine Acetylcholine Dopamine Chemicals iaffecting icontractility iare icalled i inotropic iagents. i The imost iimportant inegative iinotropic iagent iis iacetylcholine ireleased ifrom ithe ivagus inerve. iThe imost iimportant ipositive iinotropic iagents iproduced iby ithe ibody iare inorepinephrine ireleased ifrom ithe isympathetic inerves ithat isupply ithe iheart iand iepinephrine ireleased iby ithe iadrenal icortex. iOther ipositive iinotropes iinclude ithyroid ihormone iand idopamine. iMany imedications ihave ipositive ior inegative iinotropic

properties that can have profound effects on cardiac function. This selection is the only option

Question 19

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Question 20

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that iaccurately iidentifies ithe iregulation ithat iis iinvolved iin ithe idescribed iprocess. Which iterm iis iused ito idescribe ia imuscle icell ishowing ia ireduced iability ito iform inew imuscleiwhile iappearing ihighly idisorganized? Dysplasia Hyperplasia Myoplasia Anaplasia Anaplasia i is idefined ias ithe iloss iof icellular idifferentiation, iirregularities iof ithe isize iand ishape iof ithe inucleus, iand ithe iloss iof inormal itissue istructure. iIn iclinical ispecimens, ianaplasia iis irecognized iby ia iloss iof iorganization iand ia isignificant iincrease iin inuclear isize iwith ievidence iof iongoing iproliferation. iThe iremaining ioptions irefer ito ispecific ichanges iin ithe icell. What iis ithe irole iof icaretaker igenes? Maintenance iof igenomic iintegrity Proliferation iof icancer icells

Secretion of growth factors

Question 21

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Question 22

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Restoration iof inormal itissue istructure Caretaker igenes iare iresponsible ifor ithe imaintenance iof igenomic iintegrity. iThe iother ioptions iareinot iroles iassumed iby icaretaker igenes. Which iorganism iis ia icommon isexually itransmitted ibacterial iinfection? Staphylococcus iaureus Clostridium iperfringens Helicobacter ipylori Treponema ipallidum Treponema ipallidum i (spirochete, isyphilis) iis ia isexually itransmitted idisease. i Staphylococcus iaureus i is icommonly iingested, icausing ifood ipoisoning; i Clostridium iperfringens i (gas igangrene) iisia iskin ior iwound iinfection; iand i Helicobacter ipylori i (gastritis, ipeptic iulcers) iis ifound iin ithe igastrointestinal itract. The ifunction iof ithe iforamen iovale iin ia ifetus iallows iwhat ito ioccur? Right-to-left iblood ishunting

Secretion of growth factors Left-to-right iblood ishunting

Blood flow from the umbilical cord

Question 23

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Question 24

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Blood iflow ito ithe ilungs The inonfused iseptum isecundum iand iostium isecundum iresult iin ithe iformation iof ia iflapped iorifice iknown ias ithe i foramen iovale , iwhich iallows ithe iright-to-left ishunting inecessary ifor ifetal icirculation. iThe iforamen iovale iis inot iinvolved iin ithe iblood iflow idescribed iby ithe iother ioptions. How imuch iurine iaccumulates iin ithe ibladder ibefore ithe imechanoreceptors isense ibladder ifullness? 75 ito i 100 iml 100 ito i 150 iml 250 ito i 300 iml 350 ito i 400 iml When ithe ibladder iaccumulates i 250 ito i 300 iml iof iurine, iit icontracts iand ithe iinternal iurethral isphincter irelaxes ithrough iactivation iof ithe ispinal ireflex iarc i(known ias ithe i micturition ireflex ). The ilung iis iinnervated iby ithe iparasympathetic inervous isystem ivia iwhich inerve? Vagus


Question 25

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Question 26

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Brachial Pectoral Fibers iof ithe iparasympathetic idivision iof ithe iautonomic inervous isystem i(ANS) itravel ionly iin ithe ivagus inerve ito ithe ilung. What iis ithe itrigone? A ismooth imuscle ithat icomprises ithe iorifice iof ithe iureter The iinner imucosal ilining iof ithe ikidneys A ismooth itriangular iarea ibetween ithe iopenings iof ithe itwo iureters iand ithe iurethra One iof ithe ithree idivisions iof ithe iloop iof iHenle The itrigone iis ia ismooth itriangular iarea ilying ibetween ithe iopenings iof ithe itwo iureters iand ithe iurethra. iThe iother ioptions ido inot iaccurately iidentify ithe itrigone. What iis ithe iaction iof iurodilatin?

Urodilatin causes vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles.

Question 27

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It icauses ivasodilation iof ithe iefferent iarterioles. Urodilatin iinhibits iantidiuretic ihormone isecretion. It iinhibits isalt iand iwater ireabsorption. Urodilatin i(a inatriuretic ipeptide) iinhibits isodium iand iwater ireabsorption ifrom ithe imedullary ipartiof icollecting iduct, ithereby iproducing idiuresis. iIt iis inot iinvolved iin ithe iactions idescribed iby ithe iother ioptions. The igeneration iof iclonal idiversity ioccurs iprimarily iduring iwhich iphase iof ilife? Fetal Neonatal Infancy Puberty Generation iof iclonal idiversity iprimarily ioccurs iin ithe ifetus iand iprobably icontinues ito ia ilow idegree ithroughout imost iof iadult ilife.

Question i 28

Question 29

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i Which isubstance ihas ibeen ishown ito iincrease ithe irisk iof icancer iwhen iused iin icombination iwith itobacco ismoking? Alcohol Steroids Antihistamines Antidepressants Alcohol iinteracts iwith ismoke, iincreasing ithe irisk iof imalignant itumors, ipossibly iby iacting ias ia isolvent ifor ithe icarcinogenic ichemicals iin ismoke iproducts. iNo icurrent iresearch isupports ithe iremaining ioptions ias ihaving ian iincreased ieffect ion ithe iincidence iof icancer iwhen iused iin icombination iwith itobacco ismoking. Which itype iof iimmunity iis iproduced iby ian iindividual iafter ieither inatural iexposure ito ithe iantigen ior iafter iimmunization iagainst ithe iantigen? Passive-acquired iimmunity Active-acquired iimmunity Passive-innate iimmunity

Question 30

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Question 31

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Active-innate iimmunity An iindividual iproduces iactive-acquired iimmunity i(active iimmunity)after inatural iexposure ito ian iantigen ior iafter iimmunization, iwhereas ipassive-acquired iimmunity i(passive iimmunity) idoes inot iinvolve ithe ihost’s iimmune iresponse iat iall. iThe iinnate iimmune isystem, ialso iknown ias inonspecific iimmune isystem iand ithe ifirst iline iof idefense, iis icomposed iof ithe icells iand imechanisms ithat idefend ithe ihost ifrom iinfection iby iother iorganisms iin ia inonspecific imanner, iwhich imeans ithat itheicells iof ithe iinnate isystem irecognize iand irespond ito ipathogens iin ia igeneric iway. The ionly isurface iinside ithe inephron iwhere icells iare icovered iwith imicrovilli ito iincrease ithe ireabsorptive isurface iarea iis icalled ithe: Proximal iconvoluted itubules Distal itubules Ascending iloop iof iHenle Descending iloop iof iHenle The ionly isurface iinside ithe inephron iwhere ithe icells iare icovered iwith imicrovilli i(a ibrush iborder) iis icalled ithe i proximal iconvoluted itubules. iThis iproximal iconvoluted itubular ilumen iconsists iof ione ilayer iof icuboidal icells iwith ia isurface ilayer iof imicrovilli ithat iincreases ithe ireabsorptive isurface iarea. Causes iof ihyperkalemia iinclude: Hyperparathyroidism iand imalnutrition

Question 32

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Vomiting iand idiarrhea Renal ifailure iand iAddison idisease Hyperaldosteronism iand iCushing idisease Hyperkalemia ishould ibe iinvestigated iwhen ia ihistory iof irenal idisease, imassive itrauma, iinsulin ideficiency, iAddison idisease, iuse iof ipotassium isalt isubstitutes, ior imetabolic iacidosis iexists. iThe iother ioptions iare inot iknown ito ibe icauses iof ihyperkalemia. When ia ipatient ihas ismall, ivesicular ilesions ithat ilast ibetween i 10 iand i 20 idays, iwhich isexually itransmitted iinfection iis isuspected? Genital iherpes Chancroid Syphilis Chlamydia If isymptoms ioccur, ithe iindividual imay ihave ismall i(1 ito i 2 imm), imultiple, ivesicular ilesions ithatiare igenerally ilocated ion ithe ilabia iminora, ifourchette, ior ipenis. iThey imay ialso iappear ion ithe icervix, ibuttocks, iand ithighs iand iare ioften ipainful iand ipruritic. iThese ilesions iusually ilast iapproximately i 10 ito i 20 idays. iThe iother ioptions ido inot idemonstrate ithese isymptoms.

Question 34

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An iindividual iis imore isusceptible ito iinfections iof imucous imembranes iwhen ihe ior ishe ihas ia seriously ilow ilevel iof iwhich iimmunoglobulin iantibody? IgG IgM IgA IgE The iIgA imolecules ifound iin ibodily isecretions iare idimers ianchored itogether ithrough ia iJ-chain iand isecretory ipiece. iThis isecretory ipiece iis iattached ito ithe iIgA iantibodies iinside ithe imucosal iepithelial icells iand imay ifunction ito iprotect ithese iimmunoglobulin iantibodies iagainst idegradation iby ienzymes ialso ifound iin ithe isecretions, ithus idecreasing ithe irisk iof iinfections iin ithe imucous imembrane. iThe iother ioptions ido inot iaccurately iidentify ithe iimmunoglobulin iantibody iinvolved iin imucous imembrane iinfections. Which iof ithe ifollowing iis iclassified ias ia imegaloblastic ianemia? Iron ideficiency Pernicious Sideroblastic

Question 33

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Question 35

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Question 36

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Hemolytic Pernicious ianemia iis ithe imost icommon itype iof imegaloblastic ianemia. iThe iremaining ioptions iareinot iclassified ias imegaloblastic ianemias. Blood ivessels iof ithe ikidneys iare iinnervated iby ithe: Vagus inerve Sympathetic inervous isystem Somatic inervous isystem Parasympathetic inervous isystem The iblood ivessels iof ithe ikidney iare iinnervated iby ithe isympathetic inoradrenergic ifibers ithat icause iarteriolar ivasoconstriction iand ireduce irenal iblood iflow. iThe iother ioptions iare inot iinvolved iin ithis iprocess. Which istatement ibest idescribes ia iSchilling itest? Administration iof iradioactive icobalamin iand ithe imeasurement iof iits iexcretion iin ithe iurine ito itest ifor ivitamin iB 12 i i ideficiency Measurement iof iantigen-antibody iimmune icomplexes iin ithe iblood ito itest ifor ihemolytic ianemia

Question 37

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Question 38

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Measurement iof iserum iferritin iand itotal iiron-binding icapacity iin ithe iblood ito itest ifor iironideficiency ianemia Administration iof ifolate iand imeasurement iin i 2 ihours iof iits ilevel iin ia iblood isample ito itest iforifolic iacid ideficiency ianemia. The iSchilling itest iindirectly ievaluates ivitamin iB 12 i iabsorption iby iadministering iradioactive iB 12 i i and imeasuring iexcretion iin ithe iurine. iThis iselection iis ithe ionly ioption ithat iaccurately idescribes ia iSchilling itest. Which ilaboratory itest iis iconsidered iadequate ifor ian iaccurate iand ireliable idiagnosis iof igonococcal iurethritis iin ia isymptomatic iman? Ligase ichain ireaction i(LCR) Gram-stain itechnique Polymerase ichain ireaction i(PCR) DNA itesting Microscopic ievaluation iof iGram-stained islides iof iclinical ispecimens iis ideemed ipositive ifor i Neisseria igonorrhoeae i if igram-negative idiplococci iwith ithe itypical i“kidney ibean” imorphologic iappearance iare ifound iinside ipolymorphonuclear ileukocytes. iSuch ia ifinding iis considered iadequate ifor ithe idiagnosis iof igonococcal iurethritis iin ia isymptomatic iman. iThe iother ioptions iare inot irelevant ito ithe idiagnosis iof ithis icondition. Continuous iincreases iin ileft iventricular ifiling ipressures iresult iin iwhich idisorder?

Mitral regurgitation

Question 39

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Mitral istenosis Pulmonary iedema Jugular ivein idistention Pressure ichanges iare iimportant ibecause iincreased ileft iventricular ifilling ipressures iback iup iintoithe ipulmonary icirculation, iwhere ithey iforce iplasma iout ithrough ivessel iwalls, icausing ifluid ito iaccumulate iin ilung itissues i(pulmonary iedema). iThis iselection iis ithe ionly ioption ithat iaccurately iidentifies ithe idisorder idescribed iin ithe iquestion. What isubstance istimulates irenal ihydroxylation iin ithe iprocess iof iproducing ivitamin iD? Erythropoietin Thyroid ihormone Calcitonin Parathyroid ihormone Parathyroid ihormone istimulates irenal ihydroxylation iin ithe iprocess iof iproducing ivitamin iD. iTheifirst istep ioccurs iin ithe iliver iwith ihydroxylation iat ithe i25th icarbon i(calcifediol); ithe isecond istep

Question 40

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Question 41

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in ihydroxylation ioccurs iat ithe ifirst icarbon iposition iin ithe ikidneys. iThe iother ioptions iare inotiinvolved iin ithis iprocess. What iare ithe iabnormalities iin icytokines ifound iin ichildren iwith icystic ifibrosis i(CF)? Deficit iof iinterleukin i(IL)– 1 iand ian iexcess iof iIL-4, iIL-12, iand iinterferon-alpha i(IFN-α) Deficit iof iIL- 6 iand ian iexcess iof iIL-2, iIL-8, iand igranulocyte icolony-stimulating ifactor i(G-CSF) Deficit iof iIL- 10 iand ian iexcess iof iIL-1, iIL-8, iand iTNF-α Deficit iof iIL- 3 iand ian iexcess iof iIL-14, iIL-24, iand icolony-stimulating ifactor i(CSF) Abnormal icytokine iprofiles ihave ibeen idocumented iin iCF iairway ifluids, iincluding ideficient iIL- i 10 iand iexcessive iIL-1, iIL-8, iand iTNF-α, iall ichanges iconducive ito ipromoting iinflammation. iThis iselection iis ithe ionly ioption ithat iaccurately iidentifies ithe iabnormalities iin icytokines iobserved iin ichildren iwith iCF. What iis ithe iprimary iproblem iresulting ifrom irespiratory idistress isyndrome i(RDS) iof itheinewborn? Consolidation Pulmonary iedema Atelectasis

Question 42

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Question 43

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Bronchiolar iplugging The iprimary iproblem iis iatelectasis, iwhich icauses isignificant ihypoxemia iand iis idifficult ifor ithe ineonate ito iovercome ibecause ia isignificant inegative iinspiratory ipressure iis irequired ito iopen ithe ialveoli iwith ieach ibreath. iNone iof ithe iother ioptions iare iconsidered ia iprimary iproblem iassociated iwith iRDS. What iis ithe imost icommon icause iof iinsufficient ierythropoiesis iin ichildren? Folic iacid ideficiency Iron ideficiency Hemoglobin iabnormality Erythrocyte iabnormality Similar ito ithe ianemias iof iadulthood, iineffective ierythropoiesis ior ipremature idestruction iof ierythrocytes icauses ithe ianemias iof ichildhood. iThe imost icommon icause iof iinsufficient ierythropoiesis iis iiron ideficiency. iThe iother ioptions imay ibe icauses ibut iare inot icommon iones. Immunoglobulin iE i(IgE) iis iassociated iwith iwhich itype iof ihypersensitivity ireaction? I