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NR I507 IFINAL IEXAM ISTUDY IGUIDE ENDOCRINE • Endocrine, Inervous Iand Iimmune Isystems Iwork Itogether Ito Iregulate Iresponses Ito Iinternal Iand Iexternal Ienvironment • Hormone Irelease Iis Iregulated Iby: o Chemical Ifactors I(BGL, ICa Ilevels) o Endocrine Ifactors I(cortisol) o Neural Icontrol- IANS Istimulates • Negative Ifeedback- IMOST ICOMMON, Ioccurs Iwhen Ia Ichanging Ichemical, Ineural Ior Iendocrine Iresponse IDECREASES Isynthesis Iand Isecretion Iof Ihormone • Positive Ifeedback Ioccurs Iwhen Ia Ineural, Ichemical, Ior Iendocrine Iresponse IINCREASES Isynthesis Iand Isecretion Iof Ihormone. o Also Ioccurs Iwhen Iincreased Ihormone Ilevel Ifurther Iincreases Isynthesis Iand Isecretion Iof Ithat Isame Ihormone o Ex- Icyclic Irise Iof Iestradiol Ilevels • Hormone Ireceptors Iof Itarget Icells Ihave I2 Ifunctions o Recognize Iand Ibind Iwith Ihigh Iaffinity Ito Itheir Iparticular Ihormones o Initiate Isignal Ito Iappropriate Iintracellular Ieffectors o The Isensitivity Ior Iaffinity Iof Ithe Itarget Icell Ito Ia Iparticular Ihormone Iis Ir/t Ithe Iconcentration Iof Ireceptors Ifor Icell- Imore Ireceptors= Imore Isensitive Ito Istimulating Ieffects Iof Ihormone • High Iconcentrations Iof Ihormone Idecrease Ithe Inumber Ior Iaffinity Iof Ireceptors Iper Icell= IDOWNREGULATION o The Icell Ican Iadjust Iits Isensitivity Ito Ithe Iconcentration Iof Isignaling Ihormone o Receptors Ion Iplasma Imembrane Iare Icontinuously Isynthesized Iand Idegraded Iso Ichanges Iin Ireceptor Iconcentration Imay Ioccur Iwithin Ihours Thyrotoxicosis • Condition Ithat Iresults Ifrom Iany Icause Iof Ian Iincreased Iamt Iof ITH Ilevels • HYPERthyroidsm= Iform Iof Ithyrotoxicosis Iwhich Iexcess Iamts Iof ITH Iare Isecreted • Thyrotoxicosis Iand Ihyperthyroidism Iused Iinterchangeably • More Iprevalent Iin Iwomen Iand Iiodine-deficient Igeographical Iareas • Diseases Ithat Icause Iprimary Ihyperthyroidism= IGraves’ Idisease, Itoxic Imultinodular Igoiter, Itoxic Iadenoma • Secondary- Iless Icommon Iand Icaused Iby ITSH-secreting Ipituitary Iadenomas • S/S Iare Iattributable Ito Imetabolic Ieffects Iof Iincreased Icirculating Ilevels Iof ITH o Increased Imetabolic Irate Iwith Iheat IINTOLERANCE o Thin Ihair, Iexophthalmos, Inormal Ior Ienlarged Ithyroid I(goiter), Itachycardia I(HF), Iwt Iloss, Idiarrhea, IN/V, Iwarm Iskin, Isweaty Ipalms, Ihyperreflexia, Ipretibial Imyxedema, Irestlessness, Iinsomnia, Ifatigue, Itremor • Treatment= Iantithyroid Idrug Itherapy, Iradioactive Iiodine, Isurgery. IMajor Icomplication Iof Ihyperthyroidism Itx= Ihypothyroidism Thyrotoxic Icrisis I(Thyroid IStorm) • Rare Ibut Idangerous Iworsening Iof Ithyrotoxic Istate • Death Ican Ioccur Iin I48 Ihrs Iwithout Itreatment • Spontaneous, Ioccurs Iin Iindividuals Iwho Ihave Iundiagnosed Ior Ipartially Itreated Isevere Ihyperthyroidism Iand Iare Isubjected Ito Iexcessive Istress Ifrom Iother Icauses I(infection, Ipulm & ICV Idisease, Itrauma, Iburns, Iseizures, Isurgery, IOB Icomplications, Iemotional Idistress, Idialysis) • S/S Icaused Iby Isudden Irelease Iof IT4 Iand IT3 Iexceeding Imetabolic Idemands • S/S= Ihyperthermia, Itachycardia Iesp. Iatrial Idysrhythmias, Ihigh-output IHF, Iagitation, Idelirium, IN/V/D • Tx= Idrugs Ithat Iblock ITH Isynthesis, Ibetablockers Ifor ICV Isymptoms, Icorticosteroids, Iiodine Hypothyroidism • Results Ifrom Ideficient Iproduction Iof ITH- Imost Icommon Id/o Iof Ithyroid Ifn • More Icommon Iin Iwomen Iand Ielderly- Iprimary I=99% Iof Iall Icases • S/S= Ilow Ibasal Imetabolic Irate- Icold Iintolerance, Ilethargy, Itiredness, Ilow Ibody Itemp, Ibradycardia, Idiastolic IHTN. IDecrease Iin ITH Ican Ilead Ito Iexcessive ITSH Iproduction I Igoiter • Diagnosis Iis Imade Iby Imeasurement Iof Iincreased ITSH Iand Idecreased ITH • Hormone Ireplacement Iwith Ilevothyroxine Iis Itreatment Hypoparathyroidism • Abnormally Ilow IPTH Ilevels • Most Icommonly Icaused Iby Idamage Ito Ior Iremoval Iof Iparathyroid Iglands Iduring Ithyroid Isurgery • Occurs Ibecause Iof Ithe Ianatomic Iproximity Iof Iparathyroid Iglands Ito Ithe Ithyroid • Also Iassoc. Iwith Igenetic Isyndromes, Iincluding Ifamilial Ihypoparathyroidism Iand IDiGeorge Isyndrome • Pathophys- Ia Ilack Iof Icirculating IPTH Icauses Idepressed Iserum ICa Ilevels Iand Iincreased Iphosphate Ilevels o In Iabsence Iof IPTH, Ireabsorption Iof ICa Ifrom Ibone Iand Iregulation Iof ICa Ireabsorption Iby Irenal Itubules Iis Iincreased Icausing Idecreased Irenal Iphosphate Iexcretion I Ihyperphosphatemia • S/S= Iperioral Inumbness, Iparesthesia, Itingling, Itetany, Ihyperreflexia, Itonic-clonic Iseizures Cushing’s ISyndrome • Disorder Iof Iadrenal Icortex • Syndrome Irefers Ito Iclinical Imanifestations Iresulting Ifrom Ichronic Iexposure Ito Iexcess Iendogenous Icortisol, Imore Icommon Iin Iwomen • Disease Irefers Ito Iexcess Iendogenous Isecretion Iof IACTH I(Corticotropin) • ACTH-dependent Ihypercortisolism Iresults Ifrom Ioverproduction Iof Ipituitary IACTH Iby Ipituitary Iadenoma • Cushing-like Isyndrome Imay Idevelop Ias Ia Iside Ieffect Iof Ilong-term Iuse Iof Iglucocorticoids • Pathophys- Iexcess IACTH Istimulates Iexcess Iproduction Iof Icortisol I Iloss Iof Ifeedback Icontrol Iof IACTH Isecretion Isotonic • Same Iconcentration Iof Iparticles Ias Ithe IICF I& IECF • Ex- ID5 Iin IH20 I&NS Fluid Icompartments Iin Ithe Ibody • ICF- Ifluid Iin Ithe Icell • EF- Ifluid Ioutside Ithe Icell o Intravascular I(IV)- Iblood Iplasma o Interstitial I(IF)- Ifluid Ibetween Icells Iand Ioutside Ivessels o Other= I3rd Ispace Ilocations- Ilymph, Isynovial, ICSF, Iintestinal, Isweat, Iurine, Iocular, Ibody Icavity Ifluids Principle Iof ICapillary IOncotic IPressure • Plasma Iproteins Icannot Icross Icapillary Imembrane, Iso Ithey Icreate Iplasma Ioncotic Ipressure • Albumin Iis Iplasma Iprotein Ithat Iis Iresponsible Ifor Iplasma Ioncotic Ipressure Ibecause Iit Ihas Ihighest Iconcentration • 4 Iforces Idetermine Iif Ifluid Imoves Iout Iof Ithe Icapillary Iand Iinto Ithe Iinterstitial Ispace I(filtration) Ior Iif Ifluid Imoves Iback Iinto Ithe Icapillary Ifrom Iinterstitial Ispace I(reabsorption) • Capillary Ioncotic Ipressure Iosmotically Iattracts IH20 Ifrom Ithe Iinterstitial Ispace Iback Iinto Ithe Icapillary I(reabsorption) Dependent Iedema • Fluid Iaccumulates Iin Igravity-dependent Iareas Iof Ithe Ibody I(feet Iand Ilegs Iwhen Istanding, Isacral Iand Ibuttocks Iwhen Isupine) • Identified Iby Iusing Ithe Ifingers Ito Ipress Iaway Iedematous Ifluid Iin Itissues Ioverlying Ibony Iprominences I(pitting Iedema) Osmoreceptors Ithat Istimulate Ithirst Iand Irelease Iof IADH • H20 Ibalance Iis Iregulated Iby Iosmoreceptors, IADH Iand Ikidney • ADH Iis Isecreted Iwhen Iplasma Iosmolality Iincreases Ior Iblood Ivolume Idecreases Iand IBP Idrops • Increased Iplasma Iosmolality Ioccurs Iwith Ia IH20 Ideficit Ior INa Iexcess • Increased Iosmolality Istimulates Ihypothalamic Iosmoreceptors I Ithirst Iand IH20 Idrinking Isignal Iposterior Ipituitary Ito Irelease IADH Ito Iincrease Ithe Ipermeability Iof Idistal Irenal Itubular Icells Ito Iwater, Iincreasing IH20 Ireabsorption Iand Irestoring Iplasma Ivolume Iand BP • After Irestoration, IADH Isecretion Iis Iinhibited Effects Iof Iincreased Ialdosterone • Retention Iof INa Iand IH20, IHTN, IHypokalemia PULMONARY Most Ieffective Imeasure Ito Iprevent IPE • Risk Ifactor Irecognition Iand Ieliminating Ipredisposing Ifactors • Bed Iexercises, Ifrequent Iposition Ichanges, Iambulation, ISCDs Tactile Ifremitus • Tactile Ifremitus Iis Iheard Iover Imainstem Ibronchi Inear Ithe Iclavicles Iin Ifront Ior Iscapulae Iin Iback • Increased Iin Ipneumonia Id/t Ifluid Iin Ilungs, Iatelectasis, Ilung ICA • Decreased Iin Ipneumothorax, Iemphysema, Ihemothorax, Ipleural Ieffusion, Iobesity Cause Iof Iacute Iairway Iobstruction Iin Ichronic Ibronchitis • bronchial Iinflammation, Ihypersecretion Iof Imucus • unable Ito Ibe Icleared Idue Ito Idamaged Icilia Loss Iof Ialpha-1-antitrypsin Iin Iemphysema • Primary Iemphysema- Iinherited Imutation Ithat Iresults Iin Idevelopment Iof ICOPD Iat Ian Iearly Iage I(< I40 Iyrs Iold) Iin Inon-smokers • most Icommon Iis Ipanacinar Iemphysema- Iinvolving Ialveolar Iand Irespiratory Ibronchiolar Iwalls I Iglobal Iair Ispace Iexpansion Iwith Idamage Imore Irandomly Idistributed Iand Iinvolving Ilower Ilobes • produces Ilarge Iair Ispaces Iwithin Ibullae Iand Iair Ispaces Iadjacent Ito Ipleurae Cheyne-Stokes IRespirations • Alternating Iperiods Iof Ideep Iand Ishallow Ibreathing • Apnea Ilasting I15-60 Iseconds Ifollowed Iby Iventilation Ithat Iincreases Iin Ivolume Iuntil Ia Ipeak Iis Ireaches Ithen Idecreases Ito Iapnea Iagain • Result Ifrom Islowed Ifrom Ito Ibrainstem Types Iof IPneumothorax • Primary I(spontaneous)- Iunexpected Ihealthy Iindividuals I(men I20-40)- Ispontaneous Irupture Iof Iblebs Ion Ithe Ivisceral Ipleura. ISmoking Iis Irisk Ifactor o Most Ihave Ifamily Ihistory Ior Imutation Iin Ifolliculin Igene- Iinfluences Icell-cell Iadhesion • Secondary(traumatic)- Icaused Iby Ichest Itrauma- Irib Ifx, Istab/bullet, Isurgery, Imechanical Iventilation • Open Ipneumo • Tension Ipneumo- Iair Ienters Ion Iinspiration Ibut Iprevents Iescape Iby Iclosing Iduring Iexpiration- Itracheal Ideviation Iaway Ifrom Iaffected Ilung The Iresult Iof Iloss Iof Isurfactant Iin IARDS • Acute Ionset Iof IB/L Iinfiltrates Inot Ir/t IHF Ior IFO Iand Ilow Iratio Iof Ipartial Ipressure Iof Iarterial IO2 • Surfactant Iis Iinactivated Iand Iits Iproduction Iis Iimpaired Ias Ialveoli Iand Irespiratory Ibronchioles Ifill Iwith Ifluid Ior Icollapse • Intraalveolar Ihemorrhagic Iexudate Ibecomes Ia Icellular Igranulation Itissue Iappearing Ias Ihyaline Imembranes Iand Iprogressive Ihypoxemia • Lungs Ibecome Iless Icompliant, IWOB Iincreases, Iventilation Iof Ialveoli Idecreases I hypercapnia HEMATOLOGY Physiological Iresponse Ito Ihypoxia Iin Ianemia • Dilation I of I arterioles, I capillaries, I veins I Idecreased I vascular I resistance I and I increased Iflow • Increased Iperipheral Iblood Iflow Iand Iaccelerated Ivenous Ireturn I Iincrease IHR Iand ISV Ito Imeet Inormal IO2 Idemand Iand Iprevent Icardiopulm. Icongestion • Rate Iand Idepth Iof Ibreathing Iincreases Iin Iincrease IO2 Iavailability Populations Iat Ihighest Irisk Ifor Ifolate Ideficiency Ianemia • Megaloblastic Ianemia • Pregnant Iand Ilactating Ifemales Ineed Ihigh Iamounts, IETOH, Ichronic Imalnourishment Causes Iof Iiron Ideficiency Ianemia • Most Icommon Itype Iof Inutritional Idx Iworldwide. • IRON IIS IEFFECTIVE IIN IBINDING I02. IVit IC Iimportant Ito Ikeep Iiron Iin IF2+ Iform. • Insufficient IFe Ilevels Ior Iinability Ifor Imitochondria Ito Iutilize IFe I Idecrease IHb Isynthesis Ismaller, Ipaler Icells • Causes Iof IIDA Iinclude: o Dietary Ideficiency o Impaired Iabsorption o Increased Irequirement o Chronic Iblood Iloss I(2-4 ImL Iblood/day= I1-2 Img IFe) o NSAIDS o Gastric Ibypass o PICA • Expected Ilab Iresults Iin Ilong Istanding Iiron Ianemia- Ilow IH/H, IHigh Iiron-binding Icapacity, Ilow Iferritin Iand Itransferrin, Inormal IB12 Iand Ifolate Causes Iof Iaplastic Ianemia • Radiation Ior Ichem. IExposure, Iviral Iinduced, Itumors, IABX, Icongenital Idefects o Agent Idestroys Ired Imarrow I Ireplaced Iby Ifatty Iyellow Imarrow I Ipancytopenia Pathophysiologic Imechanisms Ileading Ito Iautoimmune Ihemolytic Ianemia • Caused Iby Iautoantibodies Ion Ired Icells Iagainst Iantigens Inormally Ion Ithe Isurface Iof Ierythrocytes • Premature Idestruction Iof IRBC Ir/t Ienzymes/toxins Iproduced Iby Iinfectious Iagent • Drugs Iself-destruct Ito Iform IH20 I Icauses Iiron Ito Ioxidize Ito Iform IFE I+3, Ithis Iform Ican’t Ibind IO2 Ias Iwell Sickle ICell IAnemia • High Irisk Ifor ICV Idisease Defects Iin Ithe Inormal Isecretion Iof Inatriuretic Ihormones Iand Ithe Iimpact Ion Irenal Isystem • Normally Ivasodilators Iand Iregulators Iof Isodium Iand Iwater Iexcretion • Defects Iaffect Irenal Ireabsorption Iof Isodium Effects Iof Iincreased Isympathetic Inervous Isystem Iactivity Idue Ito Iprimary Ihypertension • Results Ifrom Iincreased Iproduction Iof Icatecholamines ICauses Iperipheral Ivasoconstriction, Iincrease IHR Iraise IBP Complications Iof Iunstable Iplaque Iin Ithe Icoronary Iarteries • Unstable- Iprone Ito Irupture • Causes Iclotting, Iplatelet Iadhesion, Iinfarction, Iischemia Forms Iof Idyslipidemia Iassoc Iwith Ithe Idevelopment Iof Ithe Ifatty Istreak Iin Iatherosclerosis • High ILDL- ILDL Iadheres Ito Iendothelium Iand Iis Ioxidized Iby Imacrophages Ito Iform Ifatty Istreak Events Ithat Iinitiate Ithe Iprocess Iof Iatherosclerosis • Endothelial Iinjury Iand Irelease Iof Icytokines S/S Iof Iincreased Ileft Iatrial Iand Ipulmonary Ivenous Ipressures Iin Ileft Isided IHF • Dyspnea, Iorthopnea, Icough Iof Ifrothy Isputum, Ifatigue, Idecreased IUO, Iedema IDifferences Ibetween Ileft Iand Iright Isided Iheart Ifailure LEFT IHF(CHF) • HF Iwith Ireduced IEF I(systolic IHF) Ior Ipreserved IEF I(diastolic IHF) • HF Iw. Ireduced IEF o An IEF Iof I<40% Iand Iinability Iof Iheart Ito Igenerate Ian Iadequate Icardiac Ioutput Ito Iperfuse Ivital Itissues o Causes= Isystemic IHTN, ILV IMI, ILV Ihypertrophy, Iaortic ISLV Ior Imitral Ivalve Idamage Ir/t IR IHF o S/S= Idyspnea, Iorthopnea, Icough Iof Ifrothy Isputum, Ifatigue, Idecreased IUO, Iedema o Management Iof Ichronic IL Iheart Ifailure Irelies Ion Iincreasing Icontractility Iand Ireducing Ipreload Iand Iafterload o ACE Iand IBB Iare Iindicated Ito Ireduce Imortality • HF Iw. Ipreserved IEF o Occur Isingly Ior Iwith Isystolic IHF o Isolated Idiastolic IHF= Ipulm Icongestion Idespite Inormal Istroke Ivol. Iand Icard. IOutput o 50% Iof Iall IHF. IWomen I> Imen o Causes= IHTN Iinduced Ihypertrophy, IMI Iwith Iventricular Iremodeling, Iaortic Iand Imitral Ivalve Idisease, IDM o 2 Ipathophysiologic Ichanges ▪ Decreased Icompliance Iof IL Iventricle- Ichanges Iin Imyocardial Istructure ▪ Abnormal Idiastolic Irelaxation I(lusitropy)- Icaused Iby Ichanges Iin ICa Itransport Ifrom Imonocytes ▪ The Inoncompliant Iand Ipoorly Ilusitropic Iventricle Ican’t Iaccept Ifilling Iw Iblood Iw/o Isignificant Iresistance Iand Ian Iincrease Iin Iwall Itension ▪ The Iincrease Iin IL Iatrial Ipressure Iresults Iin Ipulm Iedema Iworsens Iwhen Ivent. Ifilling Iis Irapid I Isymptoms Iworsen Iwith Itachycardia I(w Iexercise) ▪ S/S= Idyspnea Ion Iexertion Iand Ifatigue ▪ Management Iaimed Iat Iimproving Iventricular Irelaxation Iand Iprolonging Idiastolic Ifilling Itimes Ito Ireduce Idiastolic Ipressure RIGHT IHF I(Cor IPulmonale) • Inability Iof IR Iventricle Ito Iprovide Iadequate Iblood Iflow Iinto Ipulm. ICirculation Iat Ia Inormal Icentral Ivenous Ipressure I(CVP) • Results Ifrom Isevere IL IHF Iwhen Ithe Iincreased IL Iventricular Ifilling Ipressure Iis Ireflected Iback Iinto Ithe Ipulm Icirculation • As Ipressure Iin Ipulm Icirculation Irises, Iresistance Ito IR Iventricular Iemptying Iincreases Ihypertrophy Id/t Iincreased Iworkload Iand Iwill Iundergo Isystolic Iand Idiastolic Ideterioration I Idilate Iand Ifail • Pressure Iwill Irise Iin Isystemic Ivenous Icirculation I IJVD, Iperipheral Iedema, Ihepatosplenomegaly • Tx Irelies Ion Imanagement Iof IL Ivent. Idysfn • When IR IHF Ioccurs Iwithout IL IHF, Iusually Idue Ito ICOPD, ICF • Can Iresult Ifrom IR Ivent IMI, Icardiomyopathies Iand Ipulmonic Ivalvular Idisease, Isecondary Ito IL IHF • Management Irelies Ion Itreating Iunderlying Icondition, Imanaging Iintravascular Ivol, Iassisting IR Ivent Icontractility Infective Iendocarditis • Swelling Iof Ivalve Ileaflets Iwith Ierosion. ISmall Iclumps Iof Ivegetation Iare Ideposited Ion Ieroded Itissue. IValves Ilose Itheir Ielasticity • Can Ionly Ihappen Ias Ia Isequel Ito Igroup IA Ibeta-hemolytic Istrep IPharyngeal Iinfections • Cardiomegaly Iand IL. IHF Ioccur Iif Iuntreated NEUROLOGICAL Dermatomes • Specific Iarea Iof Iskin Iinnervation Iat Ispinal Icord Isegments • Each Idermatome Iis Iassoc Iw Ia Isingle Ispinal Inerve • Radiculopathy- Icompression Ior Iinflammation Ior Iboth Iof Ispinal Inerve • Shingles- Irash Ialong Idermatomes Substance Irelease Iat Ithe Isynapse • Neurotransmitters-stored Iin Isynaptic Ivessels- I65 Itypes • Have Ispecific Ienzymes Ithat Idestroy Ithem Ionce Ireleased Iinto Isynaptic Icleft Spondylolysis • Structural Idefect Iin Ithe Ipars Iinterarticularis Iof Ithe Ivertebral Iarch • L5 Imost Ioften Iaffected, Ican Ibe Ihereditary • Low Iback Iand Ilow Ilimb Ipain Location Iof Ithe Imotor Iand Isensory Iareas Iof Ithe Ibrain • Primary Imotor Iarea= IBroadmann Iarea I4- Ielectrical Istimulation Iof Ilower Ilimbs Iand Ifoot • Broca Iarea- Ispeech Iand Ilanguage Iprocessing • Parietal Ilobe- Isomatic Isensory Iinput Pathophysiology Iof Icerebral Iinfarction Iand Iexcitotoxins • Area Iof Ibrain Iloses Iblood Isupply Ibecause Iof Ivascular Iocclusion • Causes= Iabrupt Ivascular Iocclusion, Igradual Ivessel Iocclusion, Ivessel Istenosis • Release Iof Iexcitotoxins Iaspartate Iand Iglutamate- Inormal Ineurotransmitters Ithat Iare Ireleased Iin Itoxic Iamounts Iduring Ibrain Iinjury Agnosia • Defect Iof Ipattern Irecognition- Ifailure Ito Irecognize Ithe Iform Iand Inature Iof Iobjects • Produced Iby Idysfunction Iin Ithe Iprimary Isensory Iarea Iof Icerebral Icortex • Most Icommonly Iassoc. Iw ICVA Accumulation Iof Iblood Iin Ia Isubarachnoid Ihemorrhage • Escape Iof Iblood Ifrom Ia Idefective Ior Iinjured Ivasculature Iinto Ithe Isubarachnoid Ispace • At Irisk= Iintracranial Ianeurysm, Iintracranial IAVM, IHTN, Ifam Ihx ISAH, Ihead Iinjuries • SAH Ioften Ireoccur Ifrom Iruptured Iintracranial Ianeurysm Most Icommon Icause Iof Imeningitis • Neisseria Imeningitidis Iand Istreptococcus Ipneumoniae Imost Icommon- Ibacterial SHOCK Causes Iof Ihypovolemic Ishock • Caused Iby Iloss Iof Iwhole Iblood, Iplasma, Iinterstitial Ifluid Iin Ilarge Iamounts • Hemorrhage, Iburns, Idiaphoresis, IDM, IDI, Iemesis, Idiuresis IHow Ithe Ibody Imaintains Iglucose Ilevels Iduring Ishock • Cells Ishift Ito Iglycogenolysis, Igluconeogenesis, Iand Ilipolysis Ito Igenerate Ifuel Ifor Isurvival • Gene Inormally Iencodes Ia Itumor Isuppressor • Expression Ican Ivary Ifrom Ia Ifew Iharmless Icafé-au-lait Ispots Ito Imalignant Itumors, Iscoliosis, Iseizures, IHTN, Ineuromas, Ilearning Idisability REPRODUCTIVE Endometrial Icycle Iand Ithe Ioccurrence Iof Iovulation • Cycle Istarts Iw Ifollicular Iphase- Irelease Iof IFSH Iby Ipituitary Igland Istimulate Iovarian Ifollicles Ito Idevelop Iand Igrow Isecreting Iincreased Iestrogen • Mature Ifollicle Idevelops Iestrogen Iincreasing Itriggers IFSH Idiscontinuation Iand IFSH Isurge Ito Itrigger Iovulation • Release Iof Iovum Ifrom Imature Ifollicle Imarks Ibeginning Iof Iluteal/secretory Iphase IUterine Iprolapse • Descent Iof Icervix Ior Ientire Iuterus Iinto Ivaginal Icanal • Grade I1- Iminimal Iand Irarely Irequires Icorrection • Grade I2- Imoderate Isymptoms • Grade I3- Isevere, Iuterus Iso Ilow Ithat Icervix Iprotrudes Ifrom Ivag • Trauma Iis Imost Icommon Irisk Ifactor IPolycystic Iovarian Isyndrome • Most Icommon Icause Iof Ianovulation Iand Iovulatory Idysfunction Iin Iwomen • Irregular Iovulation, Ielevated Ilevels Iof Iandrogens, Iappearance Iof IPCO Ion IUS I(need I2 Iof I3) • Assoc Iw Idyslipidemia, Iinsulin Iresistance, Iobesity • Low IFSH Ihigh ILH • Appears Iw/I I2 Iyears Iof Ipuberty • Tx= Ireverse IS/S Iof Iandrogen Iexcess, Icyclic Imenstruation, Irestore Ifertility, Icombined IOC ISymptoms Ithat Irequire Ievaluation Ifor Ibreast Icancer • Painless Ilump, Inipple Iretraction, Ipalpable Inodes Iin Iaxilla, Ilump Iin Ibreast, Idimpling Iof Iskin, Inipple Idischarge Signs Iof Ipremenstrual Idysphoric Idisorder • Depression, Ianger, Iirritability, Ifatigue • Breast Itenderness, Iabd Ibloating, Iheadache, Iswelling Iof Iextremities IDysfunctional Iuterine Ibleeding • Abnormal Iin Iduration, Ivolume, Ifrequency Iand Iregularity, Ihas Ibeen Ipresent Ifor Imajority Iof Iprevious I6 Imonths • May Ibe Iacute Ior Ichronic • Due Ito Ilack Iof Iovulation HPV Iand Ithe Idevelopment Iof Icervical Icancer • Infection Iwith Ihigh Irisk Itypes Iof IHPV Inecessary Ito Idevelop Icervical ICA I(strains I16 I& I18) • If Iprecancerous Idysplasia Iis Idetected Iearly, Itx Ican Iprevent Iinvasive ICA • Most IHPV Iinfections Iasymptomatic Iand Iresolve Ispontaneously • HPV Icommonly Ifound Iwith Ichlamydia Iand Igonorrhea • HPV Ivaccine, IPAP Itest Testicular Icancer Iand Iconditions Ithat Iincrease Irisk • Highly Itreatable, Icurable • Young/middle Iaged Imen • Brothers, Iidentical Itwins, Imale Irelatives • Hx Iof Icryptorchidism, Iabnormal Itesticular Idevelopment, IHIV/AIDS, IKlinefelter Isyndrome, Ihx Itest. Ica Pathophysiology Iof Iprostate Icancer • Normal Iepithelium I Iproliferative Iinflammatory Iatrophy I Iprostatic Iintraepithelial Ineoplasia I Ilocalized Iprostate ICA