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NR511 Davis Edge- Musculoskeletal Disorders Week 5, Exams of Biology

NR511 Davis Edge- Musculoskeletal Disorders Week 5

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Available from 04/06/2022

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Davis iEdge- iMusculoskeletal iDisorders iWeek i 5 Mr. iMcKinsey, iage i69, iwas irecently igiven ia idiagnosis iof idegenerative ijoint idisease. iWhich iassessment ishould ithe inurse ipractitioner iuse ito icheck ifor ieffusion iof ithe ipatient’s iknee? a. Thomas itest b. Tinel iTest ic. i Bulge itest d. i Phalen itest A inurse ipractitioner iis idriving ihome ifrom iwork iand istops iat ithe iscene iof ia imotorcycle iaccidentithat imust ihave ijust ioccurred, ias ithere iare ino irescue ivehicles ipresent. iThe idriver iis ilying iunconscious iat ithe iside iof ithe iroad iwith ian iobvious iopen ifracture iof ihis ifemur. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iactions ishould itake ipriority? a. Stopping ithe ibleeding ifrom ithe iwound. b. Determining iif ithere ihas ibeen ia icervical ifracture. ic. i Establishing ian iairway. d. i Palpating ithe iperipheral ipulses. The ivalgus istress itest, ivarus istress itest, iLachman itest, iand ithumb isign iare iall iconsidered istandard itests ito icheck ithe iintegrity iof ithe iligaments iof ithe iknee. iWhich itest iwould ithe inurse ipractitioner ichoose ito iassess ithe ianterior icruciate iligament i(ACL), iwhich iis ithe imost icommonly iinvolved istructure iin isevere iknee iinjury? a. Valgus istress itest. b. Varus istress itest. ic. i Lachman itest. d. i Thumb isign. You iare iassessing iJamal, iage i16, iafter ia ifootball iinjury ito ihis iright iknee. iYou ielicit ia ipositive ianterior/posterior idrawer isign. iThis itest iindicates ian iinjury ito ithe: a. i Lateral imeniscus. ib. i Cruciate iligament. c. Medial imeniscus. d. Collateral iligament. Cass, iage i67, itells ithe inurse ipractitioner i(NP) ithat ishe ihas ibeen idiagnosed iwith ia icondition ithat icauses isudden iflares iof ipain, iswelling, iand iredness iof ithe ijoints iin iher itoes. iShe icannot iremember ithe iname iof ithe idiagnosis, ibut ishe iknows iit iis icaused iby iurate icrystals ithat i“get istuck iin ithe ijoint iand icause ipain.” iShe iis ion ihydrochlorothiazide i(HCTZ) ifor imanagement iof iher ihypertension. iThe iNP ishould isuspect ia idiagnosis iof: A. Septic iarthritis. B. Gout.

C. Rheumatoid iarthritis. D. Charcot ineuro-osteoarthropathy. Ethan, iage i10, ijumped ioff ia i 2 - foot iwall, itwisting ihis ifoot iand iankle iupon ilanding. iHis iankle ix-ray idemonstrates ia ifracture iof ithe idistal itibia, iover ithe iarticular isurface, ithrough ithe iepiphysis iand iphysis. iBased ion ithe iSalter-Harris iclassification iof igrowth iplate iinjuries, iyou iknow ithis iis ia: a. Salter-Harris iII ifracture. ib. i Salter-Harris iIII ifracture. c. Salter-Harris iIV ifracture. d. Salter-Harris iV ifracture. Mrs. iKelly, iage i80, ihas ia icurvature iof ithe ispine. iThis iis ilikely ito iindicate iwhich iage-relatedichange? a. Lordosis. b. Dorsal ikyphosis. c. Scoliosis. d. Kyphoscoliosis. Upon iassessment, ithe inurse ipractitioner inotes iunilateral iback ipain iof iacute ionset ithat iincreases iwhen istanding iand ibending. iA istraight ileg iraise itest iis inegative. iThe imost ilikely idiagnosis iis: a. iHerniated inucleus ipulposus.ib. i Muscle istrain. c. Osteoarthritis. d. Spondylolisthesis. Joyce, iage i87, ibroke iher iwrist iafter ifalling ioff ia icurb. iShe ijust ihad ia iplaster icast iapplied ito iheriwrist. iIn iinstructing iJoyce iand iher ifamily ion iallowing ithe icast ito idry iproperly, itell ithem ito: a. i Continuously ielevate iJoyce’s iarm ion ia ipillow. ib. i Change ithe iposition iof iJoyce’s iarm ievery ihour. c. Position ia ifan inear iJoyce iduring ithe inight ito iensure ieven idrying iof ithe icast. d. Put ia iblanket iover ithe icast ito iabsorb ithe idampness. Anne, iage i67, isustained ia ifall ion ian ioutstretched ihand. iShe ipresents iholding iher iarm iagainst iher ichest iwith iher ielbow iflexed. iBased ion ithe ispecific ilocation iof iher ipain, iyou isuspect ia iradialihead ifracture. iThe ibest iinitial istrategy ito iassess ifor ia iradial ihead ifracture iwould ibe: a. To ipalpate ifor itenderness, iswelling, iand icrepitus ijust idistal ito ithe ilateral iepicondyle. b. To ipalpate ifor itenderness, iswelling, iand icrepitus ialong ithe iradial iwrist. c. To ipalpate ifor itenderness iin ithe i“anatomical isnuffbox.”

d. To iorder ian ix-ray iof ithe iwrist. Lillian, iage i70, iwas itold ithat ishe ihas iosteoporosis. iWhen ishe iasks iyou iwhat ithis iis, iyou irespondithat iosteoporosis: a. Develops iwhen iloss iof ibone ioccurs imore irapidly ithan inew ibone igrowth. b. Is ia idegenerative ijoint idisease icharacterized iby iloss iof icartilage iin icertain ijoints. c. Is ia ichronic iinflammatory idisorder ithat iaffects imultiple ijoints. d. Is ia ibone idisorder ithat ihas ito ido iwith iinadequate imineralization iof ithe ibones. Jeffrey, iage i16, iwas iinvolved iin ia imotor ivehicle iaccident. iHe iwalks iin ito ithe ioffice iwith ian iobvious ifacial ifracture iand ithen icollapses. iWhat ishould ithe ifirst iaction iof ithe inurse ipractitioneribe? a. iCalling ihis iparents ifor ipermission ito itreat.ib. iAssessing ifor ian iadequate iairway. c. Obtaining ia ihead iand imaxillofacial icomputed itomography i(CT). d. Assessing ifor ia iseptal ihematoma. Marsha, iage i34, ipresents iwith isymptoms iresembling iboth ifibromyalgia iand ichronic ifatigue isyndrome, iwhich ihave imany isimilarities. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iis imore icharacteristic iof ifibromyalgia ithan iof ichronic ifatigue isyndrome? a. Musculoskeletal ipain. b. Difficulty isleeping. c. Depression. d. Fatigue. The inurse ipractitioner i(NP) iis iassessing iMaya, ia i 69 - year-old iAsian iwoman, ifor ithe ifirst itime.iWhen itrying ito idifferentiate ibetween iscoliosis iand ikyphosis, ithe iNP irecalls ithat ikyphosis iinvolves: a. Asymmetry iof ithe ishoulders, iscapulae, iand iwaist icreases. b. A ilateral icurvature iand ivertebral irotation ion iposteroanterior ix-rays. c. One ileg iappearing ishorter ithan ithe iother. id. i A iposterior irounding iat ithe ithoracic ilevel. Alexander, iage i12, isprained ihis iankle iplaying iice ihockey. iHe iis iconfused ias ito iwhether ihe ishould iapply iheat ior icold. iWhat ishould ithe inurse ipractitioner itell ihim? a. “Use icontinuous iheat ifor ithe ifirst i 12 ihours iand ithen iuse iheat ior icold ito iyour iown ipreference.” b. “Use icontinuous icold ifor ithe ifirst i 12 ihours iand ithen iuse iheat ior icold ito iyour iown ipreference.”

c. “Apply icold ifor i 20 iminutes, ithen iremove iit ifor i 30 ito i 45 iminutes; irepeat ithis ifor ithe ifirst i 24 ito i 48 ihours iwhile iawake.” d. “Alternate ibetween icold iand iheat ifor i 20 iminutes ieach ifor ithe ifirst i 24 ito i 48 ihours.” The inurse ipractitioner i(NP) isuspects ia iherniated idisk iin ia i 72 - year-old ipatient. iThe iNP ielevates ithe ipatient’s iaffected ileg iwhen ishe iis iin ithe isupine iposition, iand iit ielicits iback iand isciatic inerve ipain, iwhich iindicates ia ipositive itest. iThis iis iknown ias iwhich itest ior isign? a. Femoral istretch itest. b. Crossed istraight ileg iraise itest. c. Doorbell isign. d. Straight ileg iraise itest. June, iage i67, ipresents iwith iback ipain iwith ino iprecipitating ievent. iThe ipain iis ilocated iover iher ilower iback imuscles iand ispine, iwithout isciatica, iand iit iis iaggravated iby isitting, istanding, iand icertain imovements. iIt iis ialleviated iwith irest. iPalpation ilocalizes ithe ipain, iand imuscle ispasms iare ifelt. iThere iwas ian iinsidious ionset iwith iprogressive iimprovement. iWhat iis ithe imost ilikely idiagnosis? a. i Ankylosing ispondylitis. ib. i Musculoskeletal istrain. c. Spondylolisthesis. d. Herniated idisk. Hilda, iage i73, ipresents iwith ia icomplaint iof ilow iback ipain. iRed iflags iin iher ihistory iof ia iminor ifall, iosteopenia, iand iprolonged isteroid iuse ifor isystemic ilupus ierythematosus isuggest ithe ipossibilityiof iwhich iof ithe ifollowing iserious iunderlying iconditions ias ithe icause iof iher ilow iback ipain? a. Cancer. b. Cauda iequina isyndrome. c. Neurologic icompromise. id. i Spinal ifracture. Mickey, iage i18, iis ion ia ichemotherapeutic iantibiotic ifor ia imusculoskeletal ineoplasm. iWhich idrugido iyou ithink ihe iis itaking? a. iCyclophosphamide i(Cytoxan). ib. iDoxorubicin i(Adriamycin). c. Methotrexate i(Rheumatrex). d. Cisplatin i(Platinol). A inurse ipractitioner iis itrying ito idistinguish ibetween ian iarticular iand ia inonarticular imusculoskeletal icomplaint iin ia i 26 - year-old ipatient icomplaining iof ipain iin ithe ielbow iarea.iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iwould icharacterize inonarticular ibursitis? a. Deep ior idiffuse ipain.

b. Limited irange iof imotion i(ROM) ion iactive iand ipassive imovement. ic. i Point ior ifocal itenderness. d. i Swelling iand iinstability. The inurse ipractitioner isuspects iadolescent iidiopathic iscoliosis iin iVictoria, iage i15, iwho iis iin iher i“growth ispurt.” iAn iAdams iforward ibend itest iis iperformed, iand iit iis inoted ithat ithe ipatient ihas ia iright-sided irib ihump. iWhat iis ithis iindicative iof? a. Right ilumbar ishifting. b. Right ithoracic icurvature. c. Right itruncal ishift. d. Spondylolysis Paul ihas ia imalignant ifibrosarcoma iof ithe ifemur. iHe irecently ihad isurgery iand iis inow ion iradiation itherapy. iYou iwant ito iorder ia itest ito idetermine ithe iextent iof ithe itumor iinvasion iof ithe isurrounding itissues iand ithe iresponse iof ithe ibone itumor ito ithe iradiation. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing itests ishould iyou iorder? A. An ix-ray. B. A imagnetic iresonance iimaging i(MRI) iscan. C. A icomputed itomography i(CT) iscan. D. A ineedle ibiopsy. When iteaching iAlice, iage i77, ito iuse ia icane ibecause iof iosteoarthritis iof iher ileft iknee, ianiimportant ipoint ito istress iis: a. Carrying ithe icane iin ithe iipsilateral ihand. ib. i Advancing ithe icane iwith ithe iipsilateral ileg. c. Making isure ithe icane ilength iequals ithe iheight iof ithe iiliac icrest. d. Using ithe icane ito iaid iin ijoint iprotection iand isafety. Anne iMarie istates ishe ihas ia imaternal ihistory iof irheumatoid idisease, ibut ishe ihas inever ibeen iaffected. iToday ishe ipresents iwith icomplaints iof idryness iof ithe ieyes iand imouth. iWhat iis ithe imost ilikely idiagnosis? a. Rheumatoid iarthritis i(RA). b. Systemic ilupus ierythematosus i(SLE). ic. i Sjögren isyndrome. d. i Rosacea. Greg, iage i26, iruns imarathons iand ifrequently icomplains iof ipainful icontractions iof ihis icalfimuscles iafter irunning. iYou iattribute ithis ito: a. i Hypercalcemia. ib. iHyponatremia.

c. Heat iexhaustion. d. Dehydration. The inurse ipractitioner iis iconsidering ia idiagnosis iof icalcium ipyrophosphate ideposition idisease i(CPPD), ior ipseudogout, iin ia i 72 - year-old iman iwho ipresents iwith icomplaints iof ipain iand istiffnessiin ihis iwrists iand iknees. iThe imost iuseful idiagnostic itests ito iassist iin iconfirming ithis idiagnosis iwould ibe: A. Synovial ifluid ianalysis iand ix-ray. B. Bacterial icultures. C. Bone iscan iand imagnetic iresonance iimaging i(MRI). D. Anticitrullinated iprotein iantibodies i(ACPA) iand irheumatoid ifactor i(RF). Matthew, iage i52, iis ia ichef iwho ijust isevered i 2 iof ihis ifingers iwith ia imeat icutter. iYou iwould irecommend ithat ihe: a. Wrap ithe isevered ifingers itightly iin ia idry itowel ifor itransport ito ithe iemergency idepartment iwith ihim. b. Leave ithe isevered ifingers iat ithe iscene ibecause ifingers icannot ibe ireattached. c. Immediately ifreeze ithe isevered ifingers ifor ireattachment iin ithe inear ifuture. d. Wrap ithe ifingers iin ia iclean, idamp icloth; iseal ithem iin ia iplastic ibag; iand iplace ithe ibag iin ian iice iwater ibath. Sean, ia ifactory iline iworker, ihas iosteoarthritis i(OA) iof ithe iright ihand. iAccording ito ithe iAmerican iCollege iof iRheumatology i(ACR), ithe iguidelines ifor ipharmacologic itreatment iinclude: a. Acetaminophen, itramadol, iand iintra-articular icorticosteroid iinjections. b. Oral inonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrugs i(NSAIDs), itramadol, iand iarticular icorticosteroid iinjections. c. Acetaminophen, itopical icapsaicin, iand itopical inonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrugs i(NSAIDs). d. Topical icapsaicin, itopical inonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrugs i(NSAIDs), iand ioral iNSAIDs. The inurse ipractitioner iis iconsidering ia idiagnosis iof icalcium ipyrophosphate ideposition idisease i(CPPD), ior ipseudogout, iin ia i 72 - year-old iman iwho ipresents iwith icomplaints iof ipain iand istiffnessiin ihis iwrists iand iknees. iThe imost iuseful idiagnostic itests ito iassist iin iconfirming ithis idiagnosis iwould ibe: a. Synovial ifluid ianalysis iand ix-ray. b. Bacterial icultures. c. Bone iscan iand imagnetic iresonance iimaging i(MRI). d. Anticitrullinated iprotein iantibodies i(ACPA) iand irheumatoid ifactor i(RF).

For ian iadult ipatient iwith ia iknee iinjury, ithe inurse ipractitioner iorders ia inonsteroidal ianti- iinflammatory idrug i(NSAID) ito ibe itaken ion ia iroutine ibasis ifor ithe inext i 2 iweeks. iPatient iteaching ishould iinclude iwhich iof ithe ifollowing? a. “You imay itake ithis imedication ion ian iempty istomach ias ilong ias iyou ieat iwithin itwo ito ithree ihours iof itaking iit.” b. “If ione ipill idoes inot iseem ito ihelp, iyou ican idouble ithe idose ifor isubsequent idoses.” c. “If iyou inotice inausea, ivomiting, ior iblack ior ibloody istools, itake ithe inext idose iwith ia iglassiof imilk ior ia ifull imeal.” d. “If iyou ihave iadditional ipain, ian ioccasional iacetaminophen i(Tylenol) iis ipermitted iin ibetween ithe iusual idoses iof ithe iNSAID.” A i 13 - year-old iobese i(body imass iindex i[BMI] iabove ithe i95th ipercentile) iboy ireports ilow-grade ileft iknee ipain ifor ithe ipast i 2 imonths. iHe idenies iantecedent itrauma ibut iadmits ito ifrequent i“horseplay” iwith ihis ifriends. iThe ipain ihas iprogressively iworsened, iand ihe iis inow iunable ito ibear iweight iat iall ion ihis ileft ileg. iHis icurrent icomplaints iinclude ileft igroin, ithigh, iand imedial iknee ipain iand itenderness. iHis iexamination idemonstrates inegative idrawer, iLachman, iand iMcMurray itests; ileft ihip iwith idecreased iinternal irotation iand iabduction; iand iexternal ihip irotation iwith iknee iflexion. iBased ion ithe iabove iscenario, ithe inurse ipractitioner ishould isuspect: A. A ileft imeniscal itear. B. A ileft ianterior icruciate iligament i(ACL) itear. iC. i A islipped icapital ifemoral iepiphysis i(SCFE). D. i Osgood-Schlatter idisease. During iassessment iof ia iclient’s ifoot, ithe inurse ipractitioner inotes ithat ithe ifoot iis iin ialignment iwith ithe ilong iaxis iof ithe ilower ileg iand ithat iweight-bearing ifalls ion ithe imiddle iof ithe ifoot ifrom ithe iheel, ialong ithe imidfoot, ito ibetween ithe isecond iand ithird itoes. iThese ifindings ibest idescribe: a. A inormal ifoot. b. Hallux ivalgus. c. Talipes iequinovarus. d. Hammertoes. Sam, iage i50, ipresents iwith iPaget idisease ithat ihas ibeen istable ifor iseveral iyears. iRecently, ihis iserum ialkaline iphosphatase ilevel ihas ibeen isteadily irising. iThe inurse ipractitioner idetermines ithat iit iis itime ito istart ihim ion ipharmacologic imanagement. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing ishould ishe iinitially iprescribe? A. Nonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrugs i(NSAIDs). B. Corticosteroids. C. Bisphosphonates. D. Calcitonin.

You iare icaring ifor ia ipatient iwho ihas ia ihistory iof ipsoriasis iand iis inow ishowing isigns iof ijoint iinvolvement. iSeropositivity iprovides ia idefinitive idiagnosis iof ipsoriatic iarthritis i(PsA). iThe iinitial itreatment ichoice ifor imanagement iof ithe ipatient iis: a. Disease-modifying iantirheumatic idrugs i(DMARDs). ib. i Nonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrugs i(NSAIDs). c. Tumor inecrosis ifactor-alpha i(TNF-α) iinhibitors. d. Uricosuric imedications. A i 55 - year-old ipatient ipresents iwith icomplaints iof iparesthesias iin ithe ilower ilateral iarm, ithumb,iand imiddle ifinger. iThe inerve iroots imost icommonly irelated ito ithese isymptoms iare iC6 iand iC7. iThe imost ilikely idiagnosis iwould ibe: a. iBrachial iplexus ineuritis. ib. i Cervical iradiculopathy c. Peripheral ipolyneuropathy. d. Thoracic ioutlet isyndrome. June, iage i67, ipresents iwith iback ipain iwith ino iprecipitating ievent. iThe ipain iis ilocated iover iher ilower iback imuscles iand ispine, iwithout isciatica, iand iit iis iaggravated iby isitting, istanding, iand icertain imovements. iIt iis ialleviated iwith irest. iPalpation ilocalizes ithe ipain, iand imuscle ispasms iare ifelt. iThere iwas ian iinsidious ionset iwith iprogressive iimprovement. iWhat iis ithe imost ilikely idiagnosis? a. i Ankylosing ispondylitis. ib. i Musculoskeletal istrain. c. Spondylolisthesis. d. Herniated idisk. Sandra, ia icomputer iprogrammer, ihas ijust ibeen igiven ia inew idiagnosis iof icarpal itunnelisyndrome. iThe inurse ipractitioner’s inext istep iis ito: a. Refer iher ito ia ihand isurgeon. b. Take ia imore icomplete ihistory. c. Try ineutral iposition iwrist isplinting iand iorder ian ioral inonsteroidal ianti-inflammatory idrug i(NSAID). d. Order inerve iconduction istudies iand ielectromyography i(EMG). Janine, iage i69, ihas iclass iIII irheumatoid iarthritis. iAccording ito ithe iAmerican iRheumatism iAssociation, iwhich iof ithe ifollowing idescribes iher iability ito ifunction? a. Adequate ifor inormal iactivities idespite ia ihandicap iof idiscomfort ior ilimited imotion iof ioneior imore ijoints. b. Largely ior iwholly iincapacitated, ibedridden, ior iconfined ito ia iwheelchair, ipermitting ilittleior ino iself-care. c. Completely iable ito icarry iout iall iusual iduties iwithout ihandicap. d. Adequate ito iperform ionly ia ifew ior inone iof ithe iduties iof iusual ioccupation ior iself-care.

James, iage i17, ihas ibeen icomplaining iof ia ipainful iknob ibelow ihis iright iknee ithat ihas ipreventedihim ifrom iactively iparticipating iin isports. iHe ihas irecently ibeen igiven ia idiagnosis iof iOsgood- iSchlatter idisease iand iasks iyou iabout ihis itreatment ioptions. iThe inurse ipractitioner ishould itell ihim ithat ithe iinitial itreatment iis: a. Relative irest; ihe icould ibenefit ifrom ihamstring, iheel icord, iand iquadriceps istretching iexercises. b. Immobilization; ia ilong-leg iknee iimmobilizer iis irecommended. c. Surgical iintervention; iremoval iof ithe ibony ifragments iis inecessary. d. Bed irest ifor i 1 iweek. Daniel, iage i45, iis iof iNorthern iEuropean iancestry iand ihas ia idysfunctional iand idisfiguring icondition iaffecting ithe ipalmar itissue iunder ithe iskin iof ithe idistal ipalm iand ifourth iand ififthifingers. iWhat ido iyou isuspect? a. Hallux ivalgus. b. De iQuervain itenosynovitis. ic. i Dupuytren icontracture. d. i Hallux irigidus. 5, iage i49, icomes iin iwith ilow iback ipain. iAn ix-ray iof ithe ilumbosacral ispine iis iwithin inormal ilimits. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing idiagnoses ido iyou iexplore ifurther? a. Scoliosis. b. Osteoarthritis. c. Spinal istenosis. d. Herniated inucleus ipulposus. Jill, iage i49, ihas irecently ibegun ia irigorous iweightlifting iregimen. iShe ipresents ito ithe iprimary icare ioffice iwith ia ishoulder idislocation. iWhich iof ithe ifollowing iclinical imanifestations ileads ithe inurse ipractitioner ito isuspect ian ianterior ishoulder idislocation iover ia iposterior idislocation? A. Inability ito ishrug ithe ishoulder. B. Absence iof ipain. C. Inability ito irotate ithe ishoulder iexternally. D. Shortening iof ithe iarm. In iassessing ia ipatient, iyou iplace ithe itips iof iyour ifirst i 2 ifingers iin ifront iof ieach iear iand iask ithe ipatient ito iopen iand iclose ihis imouth. iThen iyou idrop iyour ifingers iinto ithe idepressed iarea iover ithe ijoint iand iassess ifor ismooth imotion iof ithe imandible. iWith ithis iaction, iyou iare ichecking ifor: a. Maxillomandibular iintegrity. b. Well-positioned ipermanent iteeth ior iwell-fitting identures. ic. i Temporomandibular ijoint isyndrome.

Mastoid iinflammation. Hilda, iage i73, ipresents iwith ia icomplaint iof ilow iback ipain. iRed iflags iin iher ihistory iof ia iminor ifall, iosteopenia, iand iprolonged isteroid iuse ifor isystemic ilupus ierythematosus isuggest ithe ipossibilityiof iwhich iof ithe ifollowing iserious iunderlying iconditions ias ithe icause iof iher ilow iback ipain? a. Cancer. b. Cauda iequina isyndrome. c. Neurologic icompromise. id. i Spinal ifracture. Karen, iwho iis ipostmenopausal, iis itaking i 1200 img iof icalcium idaily ibut idoes inot iunderstand iwhy ishe ialso ineeds ito itake ivitamin iD. iYou itell iher ithat: a. A ideficiency iof ivitamin iD iresults iin iinadequate imineralization iof ibone imatrix. b. All ivitamins ineed ito ibe isupplemented. c. Vitamin iD iincreases iintestinal iabsorption iof idietary icalcium iand imobilizes icalcium ifrom ithe ibone. d. Vitamin iD ibinds iwith icalcium ito iallow iactive itransport iinto ithe icells. Alexander, iage i12, isprained ihis iankle iplaying iice ihockey. iHe iis iconfused ias ito iwhether ihe ishould iapply iheat ior icold. iWhat ishould ithe inurse ipractitioner itell ihim? a. “Use icontinuous iheat ifor ithe ifirst i 12 ihours iand ithen iuse iheat ior icold ito iyour iown ipreference.” b. “Use icontinuous icold ifor ithe ifirst i 12 ihours iand ithen iuse iheat ior icold ito iyour iown ipreference.” c. “Apply icold ifor i 20 iminutes, ithen iremove iit ifor i 30 ito i 45 iminutes; irepeat ithis ifor ithe ifirst i 24 ito i 48 ihours iwhile iawake.” d. “Alternate ibetween icold iand iheat ifor i 20 iminutes ieach ifor ithe ifirst i 24 ito i 48 ihours.” Sandy, iage i49, ipresents iwith iloss iof ianal isphincter itone, iimpaired imicturition, iincontinence, iand iprogressive iloss iof istrength iin ithe ilegs. iYou isuspect icauda iequina isyndrome. iWhat iis iyour inext iaction? a. Ordering iphysical itherapy. b. Ordering ia ilumbosacral ix-ray. c. Ordering iextensive ilab iwork. id. i Referring ito ia ineurosurgeon. Lois, iage i52, iwho ihas ijust ibeen igiven ia idiagnosis iof isarcoidosis, ihas ijoint isymptoms, iincluding iarthralgias iand iarthritis. iYour inext iplan iof iaction iwould ibe ito: a. Order ia ibone iscan. b. Obtain ia itissue ibiopsy.

c. Begin ia icourse iof iglucocorticoids. d. Order idaily idoses iof ivitamin iB. A i 55 - year-old ipatient iis iable ito icomplete irange iof imotion i(ROM) iagainst igravity iwith isome iresistance. iThe inurse ipractitioner iwould iassign iwhich iof ithe ifollowing inumerical igrades ito ithis imanual imuscle itesting idescription? a. i5. ib. i 4. c. 3. d. 2. Week i 5 iQuestion i 1 islipped icapital ifemoral iepiphysis i iwDiIQ& iRwNcdSeSlrFKvzkJqVhTi2hhjr_IomDgJWQoz5ZY Week i 5 iquestion i 2 isupination ivs ipronation i igRPPQ5Gbfy24E3c773LRFGG0c2akTkhBjMe5nS7KTlCMkzQ week i 5 iquestion i 3 i--- ihas ito ido iwith iGOUT, iwhich iis inot iin ithis iweeks ireading. "urate icrystals iget istuck iin ijoint" ishould icause iyou ito ithink iof ithe icorrect ianswer---gout...... but iif iyou iwant isome iinfo ion igout ihere iis ia igood ivideo i iv=bznoU5bke4U& iRwNcdSeSlrFKvzkJqVhTi2hhjr_IomDgJWQoz5ZY week i 5 iquestion i 4 ---- iagain inot icovered iin ithe ireading---but ifirst iaid ibasics istates ithat ia isevered ibody ipart iis iwrapped iin idamp igauze isealed iin iplastic iand iplaced ion iice. i ilf5sfw_0Zt6tad1eDcWF2v3B2oHGcaisIlMKzYg1ivMSvR0NACo week i 5 iquestion i 5 -- iagain inot iin iweek i 5 ireading--here iis iwhat ii ifound iin ithe ibook-- iThere iappears i to ibe i significant i overlap i between i CFS i and ifibromyalgia isyndrome i (FMS), i another i controversial i chronic i pain i syndrome. i Most i patients iwith iCFS imeet icriteria ifor iFMS, iand iat ileast i70% iof ipatients iwith iFMS imeet icriteria ifor iCFS. iMoreover, iboth idisorders ihave ibeen iwidely irecognized iin ipersons iwith icomorbid ipsychiatric iillness, ibecause inearly itwo-thirds iof iCFS ipatients iand ione-third iof iFMS ipatients imeet icriteria ifor idepression, ior ianxiety idisorders. For ia idiagnosis iof iFMS ito ibe imade, ithe ipatient imust ihave iwidespread imuscular ipain ithat ihas ibeen ipresent ifor iat ileast i 3 imonths. iThe ipain ishould ibe ipresent iin iat ileast i 11 iof i 18 itender ipoints ion idigital ipalpation iwith ian iapplied ipressure Week i 5 iQuestion i 6 iLordosis, ikyphosis i& iscoliosis iv=DOi24AH5yiE& iBuS6PB0mMhR9QxGITDb4aFbd_iCxI77WY