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NR601 / NR 601 Midterm Review Week 1, 2, 3, 4 (New, 2022/2023): Chamberlain College Of Nursing
Typology: Study Guides, Projects, Research
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NR I 601 IMidterm IReview IWeeks I 1 - 4 INotes: CGA
▪ Decrease Ivascularity= Iless Isweat, Iodor, Iheat Iloss= Ialtered Itemp Iregulation, Irisk Iof Iheat Istroke, Ichange Iin Ifluid Ineeds ▪ Resp: decreased Ivital Icapacity I= Idecreased Igas Iexchange Iprocesses ▪ Cilia Iatrophy=increase Iinfection Irisk ▪ Decreased Iresp Imuscle Istrength=risk Ifor Iatelectasis o CVD: o GI: ▪ fibrosis Ito Iheart Ivalves= Ireduced ISV, ICO= Idecreased Istress Iresponses ▪ Fibroclastic ISA Inode Ithickens= Islower IHR=increased Iarrhythmias ▪ Decreased Ibaroreceptors Isensitivity=decreased Isense Ito Ibp Ichanges I= Imore Ifalls, Iinjuries o liver Ismaller=decreased Istorage ▪ Decreased Imuscle Itone=altered Imotility ▪ Decreased Imetabolism=need Ifor Iless Icalories Lab Iresults: Inormal Ilevels Ivary Iwith Iage, Isex, Irace I (don’t Iassume Iabn Ilab Iresult Iis Ipart Iof Iaging Iprocesses) o Decreased ICrCl, IGFR: Inephrotoxic Idrugs ▪ Digoxin ▪ H2 Iblockers ▪ Lithium ▪ Water-soluble Iatb- Iceftriaxone, Ipiperacillin, Igentamycin, Ivanco ▪ Review Ipage I 1285 Itable(Dunphy) Atypical IPresentations Acute Iabd Iillness Vague Isx, Iacute Iconfusion, Iconstipation, mild Idiscomfort, Itachypnea, Depression Anorexia, Ivague Iabd Icramps, Inew Iconstipation, Iagitation, Iinsomnia, Ilack Iof sadness Hyperthyroidism Apathetic Ithyrotoxicosis- Ifatigue, Iweak, Iwt Iloss I(not Igain), Ipalpitations, tachycardia, Inew Iafib Ionset, I HF Iif Iundx Hypothyroidism Confusion, Iagitation, Icardiac Imanifestations, Inew Ianorexia, Iwt Iloss, arthralgia Malignancy New/worse Iback Ipain I 2 nd^ Ito Imets Iform Islow Igrowing Ibreast Imasses Ior Isilent Ibowel Imasses Jaundice-GB Idisease MI No Ichest Ipain, Ifatigue, Inausea, Idecreased Ifunction Iand Icognition, Iclassic: Idyspnea, Iepigastric Ipain, Iweakness, Inv, Ihx Iof Icardiac Ifailure Higher Iin Ifemales: Inon-Q-wave IMI Infectious Idisease Low Igrade Ifever Ior Inone, Imalaise, Isepsis: Iw/o Ileukocytosis Ior Ifever Falls, Inew Iconfusion, Ior IAMS
Decreased Ifunction, Ianorexia Peptic Iulcer Dyspepsia, Iearly Isatiety IPainless, Ibloodless Istool INew Iconfusion Tachycardia, Ihypotension Pna Mild Icough Iwithout Icopious Isputum, Ino Ifever Ior Imild, Iconfusion Tachycardia, Itachypnea, Ianorexia, malaise Pulmonary Iedema Lack Iof Iparoxysmal Inocturnal Idyspnea, IInsidious Ionset Iof Idecreased Ifunction, appetite, Ifluids, Iconfusion TB Hepatosplenamegaly, Iabn Iliver Itests, anemia UTI No Ior Imild Ifever, Iworse Icognition, dizziness, Ianorexia, Ifatigue, Iweakness Geriatric ISyndromes- Imultifactorial: Isx Iseen Iin Ielderly Ithat Iare Ir/t Icombo Iof Idiseases o SPICES I(assessment Itool) o Sleep Idisturbance o Problems Ieating Ior Ifeeding o Incontinence o Confusion o Evidence Iof Ifalls o SBD Categories Iof IAging o 65 - 74 = Iyoung Iold o I 75 - 84 = Iold o 85 - older = Ioldest Causes Iof Idelirium o Drugs o Electrolyte Iimbalance o Lack Iof Idrugs I(w/d, Iuncontrolled Ipain) o Infection o Reduced Isensory Iinput I(vision/hearing) o Intracranial I(CVA, ISDH) o Urine Iretention, Iimpaction o Myocardial/pulmonary Iconditions Exercise Iin IOlder IAdults- Irecommended Imoderate- Iintensity Iaerobics I30min Ix5 Idays Ia Iweek, Ior Ivigorous Iintensity Iaerobic I 20 Imin Ix I 3 Idays Ia Iweek( Ican Ibe Iintermittent Ithroughout Ithe Iday) o Barriers Ito Iexercise
o Lack Iof Itime o Perceived Ineed Ifor Iequip o Disability Ior Ifunction Ilimitation o Unsafe Ineighborhood/weather Iconditions o Depression/lack Iof Imotivation/sig Ilife Ievent o High IBMI o Don’t Iknow Iwhat Ito Ido ➢ Facilitators o Social Inetworks o Positive Iself Iworth o Motivation Ito Ido Iit o Good Ihealth o Good Icontact Iwith Iprescriber o Reg, Ischeduled Iprograms] o Happy Iwith Iprogram o Insurance Iincentive o Improved Imobility/health ➢ Contraindications o Unstable Iangina o Uncompensated IHF o Severe Ianemia o Uncontrolled IBG o Unstable Iaortic Ianeurysm o Uncontrolled IHTN/tachycardia o Severe Idehydration Ior Iheat Istroke o Low Io2 Isat Exercises Ifor Isleep o Tai-chi, Iwalking, Iaquatherapy, Ibiking I( Iassess Ibalance Iand Ifall Irisk I 1 st) IExercise Ifor Iflexibility: o To Imaintain Iflexabilty, Iperform Iexercises I 10 Imin Ix I 2 Idays Ia Iweek Exercises Ifor Iother Idx: Review Itable Ion Ipage I 21 I(Kennedy) Screenings Ibefore Iexercise: o Cardiac: Istress Itest Ibefore Ibeginning Ivigorous Iexercises o Parkinsons, Iosteoporosis, Idementia: IAssess Ibalance Iand Irisk Ifor Ifalls o DM: Iproper Ishoe Ifit/insulin Ireduction o Fibromyalgia: Imay Ihave Iincreased Ipain Iinitially Beers ICriteria:
o Immune Isystem: Iincreased Irisk Ifor Iinfections o Bladder Idysfunction: Ilong Iwaits Ifor Ibathroom Istops o Vision/hearing Iimpairments: Iincreased Ifall Iand Isafety Irisks Polypharmacy ➢ Definitions: o Many IRXs o 5 Ior Imore IRXs o Prescribing Ipotentially Iinappropriate Imeds I(Beers Icriteria) ➢ Polypharmacy: Iprimary Ipredictor Ifor IADRs o 10% IER Ivisits, I17% Iadmissions ➢ Causes o Multiple Iproviders o Lack Iof Icommunication Ib/w Iproviders o Clinical Iinertia: Ifailure Ito Iadvance Idose Iof Idrug Ito Ireach Itherapeutic Idose Ilevel o Prescribing Iunnecessary Idrugs o Not Ievaluating Itrue Icause Iof ICC I(as Ipossible IADR Ifrom Iother Idrug) Ibefore Iadding Imore IRX Ileads Ito Icascade Iof Iunavoidable Ievents ➢ Screening Itools Ifor Ipolypharmacy: o STOPP/START Itool o BEERS Icriteria- Ilist Iof Ipotentially Iinappropriate Imeds I(PIM) Ithat Ishould Ibe Iavoided Iin Ielderly I(except Ipalliative Ior Ihospice Icare) o Medication IAppropriateness Iindex Icriteria I(MAI)- Iused Iwith IBeers Ito Idetermine Ibenefit Ivs Irisk Ianalysis ➢ Prevention Istrategies o medication Ireview/reconciliations Iat Ivisits o brown Ibag Itechnique Ifor Ielderly o parasimonious Iprescribing o quick IHFU Ito Iassess Iand Ireview Imedications o thorough Ipatient Ieducation- Iexpired Idrugs, Iside Ieffects, Iadverse Ireactions, Iprovide Inew Imed Ilist Iat Ieach Ivisit Iand Iinstruct Ipt Ito Idestroy Iold Ilist o communicate Iwith Iother Iproviders o slowly Ideprescribe Iinclude Ipatient/family Ipreferences Iwhen Idoing Ithis. o Week I 2 COPD o progressive IObstructive Idisease Inot Ifully Ireversible o due Ito Iairflow Ilimitations=hyperreactivity Iof Iairways o involves Iboth Ilung Iparenchyma I(emphysema) Iand Ibronchioles I(chronic Ibronchiolitis) o Exacerbations Iand Icomorbidities Idetermines Iseverity o Hyperinflation Iof Ilungs
S/Sx o Cardinal Isx= Ichronic/progressive Idyspnea, Ichronic Icough Iwith Ior Iwithout Isputum Iproduction o Other= Iwheezing, Ichest Itightness, Idecreased Iactivity Itolerance I, Ifatigue, Iwt Iloss, Irecurrent Ilower Iresp Iinfections o Increased Ianterioposterior Idiameter Iof Ithorax, Iuse Iof Iaccessory Imuscles, Iprolonged Iexpiration, Ihyperresonance Ion Ipercussion, Idecreased Iheart/lung Isounds, Itachypnea, INVD Iwith Iexpiration, Iruddy Icyanotic Icolor, Iclubbed Inail Ibeds Risk Ifactors o SMOKING o Aging- Ihigh Iin I 65 - 75 Iyr Iold I(usually Idx Ib/w I 40 - 50 Iyr Iold) o Recurrent Iinfections o Repeated Ichemicals/gases/irritants Iexposures o Long Iterm Iasthma o Alpha I 1 Iantitrypsin Ideficiency I(less Ithan I 45 Iyrs Iold Inonsmokers Iw/ Iclinical Iemphysema, Ifamily Ihx Iof ICOPD Iyoung Iage Diagnosis: o GOLD Istandard I – Ispirometry Should Ibe Idone Iin Isymptomatic Ipatients Ionly o DX Icriteria: INot Ifully Ireversible Iif: IFEV1/FVC I – Iless Ithan I0.70 Iand I FEV1- Iless Ithan I 80 % o CXR: Inot Iused Ito Idx ICOPD; Ican Ir/o Iother Idx: ICHF, Ipna, Icardiomegaly, IPF Management Iof ICOPD: o Smoking Icessation o Flu Ivaccine Iannually o PNA I(,PPSV I13, IPPSV I23) Iage I 65 Iand Iolder I(or Ihigh Irisk I 19 - 64 Iyrs)- Ishould Ibe Iadministered Ione Iyear Iapart o Reduce Irisk Ifactor Iexposures o Person-centered Iand Ishared Idecision- Imaking Imanagement Iplan o Pulm Irehab o O2 Iuse- Iincreases Isurvival Iif Iused I 15 Ihours/day I(use Icaution Ito Idecrease Irisk Iof Iwill Ito Ibreathe) o O2 Icriteria: IPaO2 I=55 Ior Ihigher, IO2 Isat I=88% Iwith/without Ihypercapnia I 2 Ix Iin I 3 Iweeks
Medications Igoals: o reduce Isymptoms, o reduce Iexacerbations Irisk Iand Iseverity, o improve Iexercise Iand Ioverall IQOL/health COPD Iexacerbations- Iacute Iworsening Iof Iresp Isx Ithat Irequire Iadded Itx o Usually IOccurs Iafter IURI o Mild: ISABA Ionly o Moderate: ISABA Iand Ioral Icorticosteroids o Severe: IER/hospital I(acute Iresp Ifailure) o COPD Iaction Iplans Iimperative Ito Ireduce Irisks Iof Ifuture Iexacerbations IPharmacological ITx- ICOPD DRUG ICLASS MOA RX SABA- Bronchodilation: Irelaxes Ismooth Albuterol end Iin I “terol” muscles Iin Iairway. Levoalbuterol rescue Imed**** Onset- Irapid pirbuterol Q I 4 - 6 Ihrs LABA End Iin I “terol” IMaintenance Itx Bronchodilation: Irelaxes Ismooth Iresp Imuscles Onset: I 10 - 20 Imin Salmeterol IFormoterol IQ I 12 Ihrs DAILY ILABAs: Iindacaterol I(Arcapta) olodaterol I(Striverdi IRespirmat) Inhaled Ianticholinergics /Iantimuscarinic I “SAMA” Ends Iin I “tropium” IUsed Iin Iacute Iand Imaintenance Caution Iin Iglaucoma Ipt, IBPH, Ibladder Ineck Iobstruction, Iallergy Ito Iatropine IAnticholinergic ISE Cant Isee ICant Ipee ICant Ispit Cant Ishit Blocks Ibronchoconstriction Iof Iacetylcholine Ipratropium IQ I 6 - 8 Ihrs Inhaled Ianticholinergics Prevents Ibronchoconstriction, Tiotropium I(Spiriva) LAMA causes Isome Ibronchodilation Umeclidinium I(Incruse IEllipta) “tropium” Q I 24 Ihours Maintenance Itx
Caution Iin Iglaucoma Ipt, IBPH, Ibladder Ineck Iobstruction, Iallergy Ito Iatropine IAnticholinergic ISE Cant Isee ICant Ipee ICant Ispit Cant Ishit Combo ILABA Iwith IICS ISuffix I “one” Ior I “ide” FEV1 I<60% Best Iin Icombo Iwith bronchodilators Improved Ibronchodilation- Ireduces Iinflammation Budesonide/formoterol I(Symbicort) IFluticasone/salmeterol I(Advair) IVilanterol/fluticasone (Breo IEllipta) Systemic Isteroids Short Iterm Iuse Ifor Iacute Iexacerbations Anti-inflammatory Iactions Prednisone Methylxanthines Risk Ifor Itoxicity IDrug Iinteractions Toxic IADR Oral IBronchodilator theophylline Asthma:
Sx < I 2 Idays Iwk Ior INighttime <2x/month
2 Idys/wk, Inot Idaily Noc- I 3 - 4 Ix month Daily Isx Noc: I1x Iwk, Inot Inightly Sx Ithroughout Iday: Noc: I7x Iweek PRN Iinhaler Iuse
dys/wk I(not Idaily Iand Inot Imore Ithan Ione time Idaily) SABA Idaily SABA: Iseveral Itimes Ia Iday FEV1 I>80% PFT Ivariable: 20%
PFT Ivariable: 20 - 30%
PFT Ivariable:
PFT Ivariable:
30% FEV1/FVC- normal
reduced I5%
reduced I5% Treatment Iplan SABA IPRN Low Idose IICS+ ISABA IPRN Or LTRA I(singulair Ior IXolair) Low Idose IICS+LABA Ior Medium Idose IICS SABA- Ino Imore than I 3 - 4x Iday Medium Idose IICS+LABA Ior Medium Idose IICS I+LTRA SABA- Ino Imore than I4x Iday Interstitial ILung Idisease:
o affects Icell Isurfaces Iof Ialveolar Iwalls, Isatellite Istructures Iof Ilungs, Iand Ibronchioles o inflammation Iand I “fibrosis Iof Ilower Iresp Itract o diffuse Iparenchymal Ilung Idisease o honeycomb Ilung- Iworsened Iopacities Ion ICXR Ias Idisease Iprogresses o CXR: Iground Iglass Ior Ihazy Iappearance Iin Iearly Idisease o Pulmonary Iinfiltrates- o nodular I(granulomatosis Idiseases Iand Ihypersensitive Ipna o , Ireticular I(fibrosis Idiseases), Ior o reticulonodular Sx ▪ dyspnea Ion Iexertion Idue Ito Ino Iother Idx ▪ nonproductive Icough ▪ fatigue Iin Ithe Iabsence Iof Idyspnea ▪ dry Icough Iw/o Iresp Isx ▪ fever, Iwt Iloss, ▪ abn Icxr Iin Iabsence Iof Isx ▪ incidental Iabn IPFTs IPF ▪ alveolitis Ito Iinflammation Ito Ifibrosis Iof Ithe Ilungs ▪ SX: Idyspnea, Icough, Ifatigue, Icrackles I(Velcro), Iclubbing, Itachypnea, Iabn IPFT ▪ Tx: Ino Icurative Imeds Bronchiolitis Iobliterans Iorganizing Ipna I(BOOP) ▪ Masses Iof Igranulation Itissue Iin Ithe Ismall Iairway Ilumens ▪ SX: Icough, Iflu-like Isx, Iinspiratory Icrackles, Iexp Isqueaks, ▪ CXR: Ipatchy Ialveolar Iinfiltrates Iwith Iground-glass Iappearance ▪ TX: Icorticosteroids Systemic ILupus IErythematosus ▪ Chronic, Imultisystem Iinflammation Iof Iconnective Itissue Iof Iskin Ijoints, Ipleura, Ipericardium, Ikidneys, Iheme Isystem, ICNS ▪ Pulm ISX: Ipleuritis Iwith Ior Iw/o Ieffusion, Ipulm IHTN, Ipulm Ithromboembolism ▪ TX: IBenlysta, INSAIDs, Icorticosteroids, Ihydroxychloroquine, Imethotrexate, ICytotoxan RA ▪ Chronic Isystemic Idisease; Irecurrent Iinflammation Iof Idisarthrodial Ijoints ▪ Pulm Isx: Iabn IPFTs Iwith Ireduced Idiffusing Icapacity, Ipulm Inodules, IBOOP, Ipleuritis Iw Ior Iw/o Ieffusion ▪ TX: INSAIDs, ICOX- 2 Iinhibitors, Imethotrexate, ITNF Iantagonists(Remicade, IEnbrel, Ihumira, ICimzia), INon ITNF Iantagonists I(Orencia, IRituxan) Progressive Isystemic Isclerosis I(Schleroderma) ▪ Connective Itissue Idisorder Iof Ifibrotic, Idegenerative Iand Iinflammation Iin Iskin, Ivessels, Iskeletal Imuscle, Iand Iinternal Iorgans
▪ Pulm ISx: Idyspnea, Ibibasilar Icrackles, Ireduced Ilung Icompliance, Iabn IPFT, Irecurrent Iaspiration Ipna ▪ CXR: Ipulm Ifibrosis, Iplueral Ithickening ▪ TX: Iantifibrotic Iagents I(Cuprimine),immunosuppressants I(Imuran, Imethotrexate Lymphamatoid Igranulomatosis ▪ Systemic Idisease Iof Iangiocentric Ilymphoid Igranulomatous Ivasculitis Iin Ilungs, Ikidneys, Iskin ▪ Pulm Isx: Icough, Idyspnea ▪ CXR: Imultiple Ibil Iill Idefined Ior Inodular Idensities ▪ TX: ICytotoxan, Icorticosteroids, Ichemotherapy Allergic IAngiitis Iand Igranulomatosis I(Churg-Stross ISyndrome) ▪ Rare Idisorder; Inecrotizing Iangiitis Iof Ilungs, Iheart, Iskin, ICNS ▪ Pulm Isx: Iallergic Ihx, Iasthma ▪ CXR: Ipatchy Idensities Ito Ilarge Ibilateral Inodular Iinfiltrates Sarcoidosis ▪ Multisystem Isyndrome Iof Iunknown Ietiology, Iaffects Ilungs ▪ Pulm Isx: IPFT-restrictive Ipattern Iand Ismall Ilung Ivolumes ▪ CXR: Ihilar Ilymphadenopathy Hypersensitivity Ipneumonitis ▪ Caused Iby Iinhalation Iof Iorganic Idusts ▪ Pulm Isx: Iresp/systemix Isx Idev I 4 - 6 Ihr Iafter Iexposure I(dyspnea, Icough, Ifever, Ichills, Imalaise) Ithese Isx Iabate Iin I 12 Ihours Ibut Ireappear Iwith Ieach Ire-exposure. IInspiratory Icrackles Ibases ▪ CXR; I, Idiffuse Ialveolar Ifilling Ianda Ivariable Iinterstitial Istreaks, Iabn IPFT
o Substance Iinduced Ianxiety o Acute Istress Ireaction Id/o o PTSD o Panic Idisorder- Iless Icommon Iin Ielders S/SX ▪ Impending Idoom Ifeeling ▪ Trembling ▪ Breathlessness, ▪ Tachycardia ▪ Impaired Imemory Iand Iattention ▪ Older: Iconstipation, Inausea, Isleep Idisturbance, Iworry Iabout Ihealth, Ifinances Risk Ifactors ▪ Poor Iphysical Ihealth ▪ Financial Istressors ▪ Loss Iof Isignificant Iother ▪ Fear Iof Idisability ▪ Sleep Idisturbances ▪ Poor Isocial Isupport Isystems Tx: ▪ Mild: ISSRI I(lexapro, IZoloft, I(caution Iw/ Icitalopram- Iprolonged IQT Iinterval) ▪ Moderate:Buspar Ior Igabapentin Iif ISSRI Ifailed ▪ Severe: ISSRI I+ Ishort Iterm IBenzo ▪ Nonpharm: ICBT, Iexercise, Irelaxation Itraining, Imusic Unipolar IDepression o Pervasive Ifeeling Iof Isadness Ior Ia Ilack Iof Iinterest Ior Ipleasure Iin Ipreviously IEnjoyed Iactivities o Single Ior Irecurrent Iepisodes o Geriatric: IMDD, Ivascular Idepression, Idysthymia, Idepression Ir/t Ito Idementia, Ibipolar, Iexecutive Idysfunction o Not Ipart Iof Iaging Iprocess, Iwomen Imore Ithan Imen o Prevalence: I 3 - 4x Imore Iin Inursing Ihomes o I Community Iliving: I 2 - 4% o I ALF: I 13 - 24% o I LTC: I 12 - 20% Unipolar IDepression ISx: ▪ Affect/Mood o Sadness o Anhedonia o Apathy o Helplessness o Hopelessness o Worthlessness Iand Iloneliness
▪ Cognition o Ambivalence o Uncertainty o Cant Iconcentrate o Confusion o Poor Imemory o Slow Ispeech o Self Icriticism o Poor Iself Iesteem o Psychosis: Ihallucinations, Idelusion, Iillusions ▪ Physiological o Sleep, Iappetite, Ienergy Idisturbance o Wt Ichange o Constipation o Pain, Ih/a o Decreased Ilibido o Sexual Inonresponsiveness o Exaggerated Iconcerns Iover Ibody Ifunction ▪ Behavior o Psychomotor Iretardation o Agitation o Poor Ipersonal Ihygiene o Tearful o Social Iw/d IRisk IFactors o Family Ior Iother Ilosses, Iautonomy, Iprivacy, Isocial Inetwork, Imove Ito INH o Illness: IDM, Icancer, Iparkinsons, IAD, ICVA, IOSA, ICOPD, Ianemia, ICVD o Alcohol/substance Iabuse, Ifamily Ihx, Igenetics o Prevalence Iof Idepression Iis I 3 - 4x Imore Iin Inursing Ihome Iresidents o May Ipresent Iwith Ic/o Ipain Idue Ito Iconcerns Iof Isocial Istigma o CBT o Medications: Ianxiolytics, Isedatives, Iantipsychotics, Ibeta Iblockers, IH2 Iblockers, Inarcotic Ipain Imeds, Isteroids Unipolar IDiagnostic Icriteria IDSM- 5 ➢ Sustained Idisruptive Iand Ipervasive Idepressed Imood Ior Iloss Iof Iinterest Iwith I 5 Ior Imore Ifor Iat Ileast I 4 Iweeks o Depressed Imood Ireported o Obsessive Iworry o Appetite Iand Isig Iwt Ichange o Sleep Ipattern Ichange- Iinsomnia, Iwaking Iearlier, Iinability Ito Ifall Iback Ito Isleep) o Psychomotor Iagitation o Fatigue Ior Ino Ienergy o Hopelessness
o Feeling Iof Iworthlessness/excessive Iguilt o Diminished Iconcentration, Iindecisiveness o SI ➢ Older Iadults Iinclude: o Lack Iof Iemotions o Excessive Iconcern Iover Ibody Ifunctions o Seeking Ireassurance Iand Isupport o Isolation Ior Iw/d o Decline Iin IADLs o Irritable, Ifearless, Iagitation, Ianxiety ➢ Labs: ICBC, ITSH, IB- 12 ➢ Assessments o PHQ- 9 o BDI o GDS Medication: ➢ Review Imedications Iand Ieliminate Ipossible Icontributing Ito Idepression ➢ 1 st^ Iline Imed Itx: ISSRI I(start Ilow, Igo Islow) Bipolar IDepression ➢ BP I1: Iat Ileast Ione Imanic Iepisode ➢ BP III: Iat Ileast Ione Iprevious Iepisode Iof Imajor Idepression Iand Iat Ileast Ione Ihypomanic Iepisode ➢ Cyclothymic: Imilder Imood Ialteration Iover Ia Iperiod Iof Itime ➢ Unspecified: Isx Icause Iclinical Iimpairment Ibut I don’t Imeet Idx Icriteria Ifor Iany Iof Ithe Iabove I 3 Sx: o Elevated Imood Iof Ieuphoria Ior Iirritability o Dysphoria I(depression Iand/or Iirritability) o Rapid Imood Icycling Bipolar IDepression IDSM- 5 - I must Ihave Iincreased Ienergy Iwith Ithese Isx: I DIGFAST o Distractibility o Insomnia o Grandiosity o Flight Iof Iideas o Activities I(hyperactive) o Speech I(rapid) o Thoughtlessness I(impulsive) Diagnostic Icriteria: o MDQ I(useful Ibut Inot Ispecific Ifor Ielders) o GDS o CBC, ICMP, ITSH, IRPR, IHIV, IEKG, Itox Iscreen, IUDS o MMSE
Medication: I 1 st^ Iline I(lowest Idose)
Difficulty Ifalling Iasleep Ior Istaying Iasleep I25% Igeriatrics Prevalence Iin Ielderly: I50% Iage I 65 Ior Iolder I, Irespiratory Iconditions Iincrease Irisk
➢ Sx Iand Istructural Iremodeling Iof Iarticular Icartilage Iwith Iinflammation Iof Isynovitis Iand Iligament ➢ Unknow Ietiology ➢ Age Irelated Ichanges Iin Icartilage Ileads Ito Iremodeling Iresponse Iof Imatrix ➢ Common Iover I45, Iwomen Imore Ithan Imen Factors: ▪ Age ▪ Obesity ▪ Previous Ijoint Iinjury ▪ Prior Isurgeries ▪ Occupation ▪ Prolonged Isports Ithat Iinvolve Iwt Ibearing Ijoints ▪ Low Ibone Idensity ▪ Family Ihx ▪ Uric Iacid Iacromegaly- Igout, Ipseudogout Sx:
o I osteophytosis I(bone Ispurs) ➢ MRI o Detect Icartilage, Iligament, Itendon Idamage I(spinal Istenosis) ➢ Arthrocentesis o Completed Iwith Ijoint Ieffusions o r/o Iinfection Iand Icrystalline Idisease I(gout Iand Icalcium Ipyrophosphate Icrystals) o normal Iresult- Iclear Iviscous Ifluid Iwith I<2000 Iwbc Tx: Iaimed Iat Icontrolling Ipain, Imaximizing Ifunction, Iminimize Idisability ➢ 1 st^ Iline: I nonpharmacological: Iexercise/ Itherapy ➢ Pharmacological: IAcetaminophen Medication Imanagement ➢ Hand: o Topical Icapsaicin o Topical INSAIDs o Oral INSAIDs I(not Iin I 75 Ior Iover) o Tramadol ➢ Knee: o Tylenol o Oral INSAIDs o Topical INSAIDs o Tramadol o Corticosteroid Iinjections ➢ Hip: o Obesity Imanagement o Oral INSAIDs o PT o Intra-articular Isteroid Iinjections o Assess/tx Ifor Idepression, Ianxiety, Ietc ➢ Other Imeds: o Gabapentin o SSRI o TCA ➢ Ortho Ior Ipain Ispecialist Ireferral RA Ivs IOA:
Generalized Iskeletal Idisorder Icaused Iby Ibone Imineralization Iand Ilow Ibone Imass Idensity, IincreasingIrisk Ifor Ifx I(usually Iat Ihip Ior Ivertebra) Risk IFactors:
o Ibanodronate I(Bonvia)- Imonthly o Zoledronic Iacid I(Reclast)- IIV Iannually o Forteo- Iinjection Iannually o Denosumab I(Prolia) Iinjection Ievery I 6 Imonths ▪ Calcium I 500 - 1200mg Idaily ▪ Vit ID I 800 - 1000 Iunits Idaily RA Chronic Iprogressive Isystemic Iinflammatory Idisease Iaffecting Isynovial IjointsIWomen Imore Ithan Imen Symmetrical Ipolyarthritis Sx: ➢ Subjective: o Malaise o General Idiffuse Iarthritis o Wt Iloss, Ianorexia o Low Igrade Ifever o Morning Ijoint Istiffness Iand Iswelling Ithat Iimproves Ias Iday Iprogresses(>60MIN) o Progressive Idisease: Irecurrent Ipain, Iswelling Iin Ismall Iand Ilarge Iperipheral Ijoints Ilead Ito Ilow Iactivity, Iworsening Ipain Iand Iimmobility ➢ Objective: o Symmetrical Iperipheral Ipolyarthritis Iand Imorning Istiffness o PIP, IMCP Ijoints Iof Ihands Iand Iwrists Ipainful Ito Ipalpation, Iedematous, Ilimited IROM o ULNAR IDEVIATION o Advanced Idisease: IBoutinneire Ideformity Iof Ifingers I (PIP Inonreducible Iflexion I hyperextension Iof I DIP) o Advanced: Iswan Ineck Ideformity(PIP Ihyperextended Iand IDIP Iconstant Iflexion) o Severe: Iarthritis Imutilans- Icomplete Iloss Iof Ijoint Ispace,shortening Iand Imalpositioning Iof Ifingers, Ialmost Icomplete ISYMMETRICAL Iloss Iof Ifunction Diagnostics ➢ Anti-CCP- Ihigher Isensitivity Iand Ispecificity ➢ RF ➢ ESR ➢ CRP ➢ Xrays: Inecessary Ito Icheck Ifor Iearly Isx Iof Ierosions Iindicating Ia Ineed Ifor Iaggressive Itx o Soft I I I I I I I I I I I tissue I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iswelling I o I Symmetrical Ijoint Ispace InarrowingI o I Joint Isubluxations ➢ CBC: o normochromic, Inormocytic Ianemia, o mild Ileukocytosis o thrombocytosis Tx IGOAL: IDECREASE IINFLAMMATION
➢ 1 st^ Iline Itx: Nonpharmacological o Therapies IPT/OT o Heat/cold Icompresses o Exercise I(isometric) I(low Iresistant Iaerobics) o Rest o Assistive Idevices, Icanes, Iwalker, Isplint o Meditation o Wt Iloss ➢ Drugs: o Tylenol Ior Icapsaicin Igel o NSAIDS- IASA I(if Iliver, Iplatelet, Irenal, Iand Ihgb Iok), Itake Iwith I8oz Imilk Ior Iwater o 6Corticosteroids- Iprednisone I(short Iterm Iless Ithan I 6 Imonths) o DMARDS- Istart Iwithin I 3 Imonths Iof Idisease Ionset ▪ Hydroxychloroquine I(Plaquenil ▪ Cyclosporine- Ionly Iused Iif Imethotrexate Ifailed ▪ Methotrexate I(Rheumatrex)- ▪ Adalimumab I(Humira)- Imod Ito Isevere IRA I( Ican Ibe Igiven Iwith Imethotrexate) ▪ Etanercept I(Enbrel) ▪ Infliximab I(Remicade)- Imust Ibe Igiven Iwith Imethotrexate o Review Ipage I 1007 Iin IDunphy
Intermittent Mild Ipersistent Moderate Ipersistent Severe Ipersistent Sx < I 2 Idays Ia Iweek Ior INighttime I- <2x/month
2 Idays/week, Inot Idaily Noc- I 3 - 4 Ix Imonth Daily Isx, Ibut Inot Icontinual Noc: I> I1x Iweek, Inot Inightly Affects Isleep I& Iactivity Sx Ithroughout Iday, IContinuous. Noc: I7x Iweek Ifrequently IAffects IActivity PRN inhaler Iuse
days/week I(not Idaily Iand Inot Imore Ithan 3 - 4 Itimes Idaily) SABA Idaily (no Imore Ithan I 3 - 4 Itimes Ia Iday) SABA: Iseveral Itimes Ia Iday (no Imore Ithan I 3 - 4 Itimes Ia Iday) FEV1 I>80% PFT Ivariable: I20% INormal IPeak IExpiratory Iflow Ibetween exacerbations
PFT Ivariable: I 20 - 30%
PFT Ivariable: I>30%
PFT Ivariable:
30% FEV1/FVC-normal FEV1/FVC- normal FEV1/FVC- Ireduced I5% FEV1/FVC- Ireduced 5%
Treatment Iplan
No Idaily Imeds Step Iup Iif Inot Icontrolled. IStep Idown Iif Icontrolled Ifor I 3 Imonths Low Idose IICS+ ISABA IPRN Or LTRA I(singulair Ior IXolair) Low Idose IICS+LABA IOR Medium Idose IICS ISABA- Ino Imore Ithan I 3 - I4x Iday Medium Idose IICS+LABA OR Medium Idose IICS +LTRA SABA- Ino Imore Ithan I4x Iday