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NREMT 68w Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Management Accounting

A comprehensive overview of the key topics and concepts covered in the nremt 68w exam, which is the national registry of emergency medical technicians (nremt) exam for emergency medical technicians (emts) in the united states. A wide range of topics, including the 911 system, quality improvement, medical direction, protocols, infection control, stress management, and more. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner, with answers provided for each question. This document could be a valuable resource for emt students and professionals preparing for the nremt 68w exam, as it provides a detailed review of the essential knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. Additionally, the information covered in this document could be relevant for university-level courses in emergency medical services, public health, and related fields.

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Available from 09/24/2024

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Download NREMT 68w Exam Questions and Answers and more Exams Management Accounting in PDF only on Docsity! NREMT 68w exam questions with answers 911 system - ANSWERS✔✔ A system for telephone access to report emergincies. quality improvement - ANSWERS✔✔ a process of continuous self review with the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that require improvement. Medical Director - ANSWERS✔✔ a physician who assumes ultimate responsibility for the patient-care aspects of the ems system. Medical direction - ANSWERS✔✔ oversight of the patient-care aspects of an EMS system by the medical Director. Protocols - ANSWERS✔✔ lists of step, such as assesments and interventions, to be taken in diffrent situations. Protocols are developed by Medical director of an EMS system. designated agent - ANSWERS✔✔ an emt or other person authorized by a medical director to give medications and provide emergency care. standings orders - ANSWERS✔✔ a policy or protocol issued by a medical director that authorizes emts and other personnel to preform particular skills off-line medical direction - ANSWERS✔✔ standing orders issued by the medical director that allow emts to give certain medications or preform certain procedures with out speaking to the medical director or another physician on line medical direction - ANSWERS✔✔ orders given by the on duty physician to an emt in the field patient outcomes - ANSWERS✔✔ the long term survival of patients evidence-based - ANSWERS✔✔ description of medical techniques or practices that are supported by scientific evidence pathogens - ANSWERS✔✔ the organisms that cause infections such as viruses and bacteria standard precautions - ANSWERS✔✔ a strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluids are infected personal protective equipment - ANSWERS✔✔ equipment that protects the ems worker from infection contamination - ANSWERS✔✔ the introduction of dangerous chemicals, diseases, or infectious materials stress - ANSWERS✔✔ a state of physical and/or psychological arousal to a stimulus multiple casualty incident (MCI) - ANSWERS✔✔ an emergency involving multiple patients critical incident stress management (CISM) - ANSWERS✔✔ a comprehensive system that includes education and resources to both prevent stress and to deal with stress appropriately when it occurs standard precautions - ANSWERS✔✔ a strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluid is infectious Personal Protective equipment (PPE) - ANSWERS✔✔ equipment that protects EMS worker from infection and/or exposure to dangers of rescue operations contamination - ANSWERS✔✔ the introduction of dangerous chemicals, diseases, or infectious materials what personal protective gear should you always wear? - ANSWERS✔✔ Gloves, non latex Number one to reduce spread of infection/diseases - ANSWERS✔✔ washing hand with soap and water or alcohol based hand cleaner When do you wear a HEPA mask? - ANSWERS✔✔ tuberculosis When do you wear a gown? - ANSWERS✔✔ splashing, spurting of blood hepatitis - ANSWERS✔✔ an infection of the liver Hepatitis A - ANSWERS✔✔ is acquired primarily through contact with food, water or stool Hepatitis B - ANSWERS✔✔ can be deadly, acquired through blood, hepatitis b has vaccine Hepatitis c - ANSWERS✔✔ acquired through blood, deadly, no vaccine tuberculosis (TB) - ANSWERS✔✔ is an infection that sometimes settles in the lungs and that in some cases can be fatal AIDS - ANSWERS✔✔ is a set of conditions that results when the immune system has been attacked by hiv and rendered unable to combat certain infections infection control and law - ANSWERS✔✔ In particular, the occupational safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the u.s. Department of labor and the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) of the u.s department of health and human services have issued standards and guidelines for the protection of workers whose jobs may expose them to infectious diseases. Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens - ANSWERS✔✔ 1.Infection exposure control plan 2.Adequate education and training 3.Hepatitis B vaccination 4.personal protective equipment 5.methods of control 6.housekeeping 7.labeling 8. post-exposure evaluation and follow up Ryan White CARE Act - ANSWERS✔✔ right to know infectious diseases airborne disease exposure- you will be notified by your designated officer when you have been exposed to an airborne disease. Bloodborne or other infectious diseases exposure- you may submit a request for a determination as to whether or not you were exposed to bloodborne or other infectious disease Immunization, main two - ANSWERS✔✔ Hepatitis B and PPD, PPD is yearly for emt Stress - ANSWERS✔✔ a state of physical and/or psychological arousal to a stimulus Acute stress reaction - ANSWERS✔✔ Linked to catastrophes delayed stress reaction - ANSWERS✔✔ (ptsd) Cumulative Stress Reaction - ANSWERS✔✔ Burn out, sustained, recurring low-level stressors causes of stress - ANSWERS✔✔ 1. multiple casualty incidents 2. calls involving infants and children 3. severe injuries 4. abuse and neglect 5. death of a coworker Eustress - ANSWERS✔✔ is a positive form of stress that helps people work under pressure and respond effectively. Distress - ANSWERS✔✔ is negative it can happen when the stress of a scene becomes overwhelming. Dealing with stress - ANSWERS✔✔ 1.Develop more healthful and positive dietary habits 2.exercise