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NREMT Paramedic Assessment Exam Questions and Answers Latest Update 2025, Exams of Nursing

NREMTParamedic AssessmentExamQuestions and Answers LatestUpdate 2025 What is Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) - Correct AnswersSystemic and Pulmonary circulations are parallel rather than in a series What is Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR) - Correct AnswersCongenital heart defect in which 4 pulmonary veins that carry 02 rich blood back to the heart from the heart from the lungs are not properly attached to the atrium What causes Respiratory Alkalosis - Correct AnswersHyperventilation, anxiety, Pulmonary Embolism, fear, mechanical ventilation What are symptoms of Respiratory Alkalosis - Correct AnswersDeep rapid ventilation, hypokalemia, nausea and vomit, tachycardia, lethargy/confusion, numbness and tingling, low or normal BP, light headed-ness, raised PH level, Lowered PC02 What causes Respiratory Acidosis - Correct AnswersHypoventilation, overdose on sedatives, aspiration, atelectasis, pneumothorax, emphesema

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NREMT Paramedic Assessment Exam Questions and Answers

Latest Update 2025

What is Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) - Correct AnswersSystemic and Pulmonary circulations are parallel rather than in a series What is Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR) - Correct AnswersCongenital heart defect in which 4 pulmonary veins that carry 02 rich blood back to the heart from the heart from the lungs are not properly attached to the atrium What causes Respiratory Alkalosis - Correct AnswersHyperventilation, anxiety, Pulmonary Embolism, fear, mechanical ventilation What are symptoms of Respiratory Alkalosis - Correct AnswersDeep rapid ventilation, hypokalemia, nausea and vomit, tachycardia, lethargy/confusion, numbness and tingling, low or normal BP, light headed-ness, raised PH level, Lowered PC What causes Respiratory Acidosis - Correct AnswersHypoventilation, overdose on sedatives, aspiration, atelectasis, pneumothorax, emphesema What are symptoms of Respiratory Acidosis - Correct Answersmuscle weakness, unconsciousness, headache, drowsiness, palpitations, dizziness, ventricular fibrillation What causes Metabolic Alkalosis - Correct Answerssevere vomiting, excessive suctioning, diuretic use, excessive NaHC What are symptoms of Metabolic Alkalosis - Correct Answersrestless/lethargy, confusion (lowered level of conscious, dizzy, irritable), tachy dysrhythmias, nausea, vomit and diarrhea, tremors, muscle cramps, hypokalemia What causes Metabolic Acidosis - Correct AnswersIncreases (H) acid production, DKA, hypermetabolism, lowered H elimination (renal failure), lowered HC03 production (dehydration, liver failure), raised HC03 elimination (diarrhea)

What are symptoms of Metabolic Acidosis - Correct Answersheadache, muscle twitch, lowered BP, vasodilation (warm, flushed skin), hyperkalemia, nausea/vomit, decreased muscle tone, kussmaul respirations, lowered reflexes Official Name - Correct Answersfollowed by the initials USP or NF, most cases official name is the same as the generic name What is Pharmacokinetics - Correct Answersthe study of how the body handles a drug over a period of time What is Pharmacodynamic - Correct Answersthe study of how drugs act on a living organism Cholinergic Drug - Correct AnswersParasympathomimetic Cholinergic Blocking Drug - Correct AnswersParasympatholytic Adrenic Drug - Correct AnswersSympathomimetic Adrenergic Blocking Drugs - Correct AnswersSympatholytic Parasympathomimetic - Correct Answersmimic the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system Parasympatholytic - Correct Answersblock the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system Sympathomimetic - Correct Answersmimics the actions of the sympathetic nervous system Sympatholytic - Correct Answersblocks the actions of the sympathetic nervous system What are the signs/symptoms of Ruptured Ovarian Cyst - Correct Answerslocalized, one- sided lower abdominal pain.

Onset of pain associated with minimal abdominal trauma, sex or exercise vaginal bleed or late/missed period at time of rupture What are the signs/symptoms of Ovarian Torsion - Correct Answerssudden onset of lower abdomen pain (usually right sided), may radiated to back, pelvis or thigh begins with exercise, sharp/stab pain with nausea or vomit Cystitis - Correct Answers(frequent urge to urinate, with little urine) painful urination, fever, chills, lower abdominal pain, foul smell/blood Endometritis - Correct Answersinflammation of the uterine lining, usually after child birth, or abortion (retained placental tissue) fever purulent vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain Endometriosis - Correct Answersgrowth of endomitrial tissue outside of the uterus painful particularly dysmenorrhea painful defecation suprapubic soreness vaginal spotting of blood before period Position Paper on Trauma Center Designation - Correct AnswersUS Department of Health and Human Services 1980 Newton's Second Law of Motion - Correct AnswersForce= mass x acceleration or deceleration Battle's Sign - Correct Answersbruising over the mastoid process resulting from fracture to the temporal bone Raccoon's Eyes - Correct Answersblack eyes caused from fracture to the base of the sphenoid sinus

Hemotympanum - Correct Answersblood behind the tympanic membrane caused by fractures to the temporal bone Depressed Skull Fracture - Correct Answerscaused by small object strikes head at high speed, commonly associated with scalp lacerations, hematoma and cerebral contusions Open Vault Fractures - Correct Answersopening between a scalp laceration and brain tissue exists c-spine immbilization, vent support, prevent contamination, rapid transport

  • pine - Correct Answerscalcium channel blockers
  • pril - Correct AnswersACE inhibitors
  • amil - Correct Answerscalcium channel blocker
  • caine - Correct Answerslocal anesthetic
  • vir - Correct Answersantivirus
  • micin - Correct Answersantibiotic
  • olol - Correct Answersbeta blocker
  • lam - Correct Answersanti-anxiety agents
  • pam - Correct Answersanti-anxiety agents Sellick's maneuver - Correct Answerscricoid pressure that occludes esophagus Beta 2 Blocker - Correct Answersaffects the lungs

Symptoms of Shock - Correct Answerslow systolic BP, raised pulse, raised respirations Cushing's Triad - Correct Answersraised systolic BP, lowered pulse, lowered respirations Late Signs of Hypoxia - Correct AnswersBradycardia, Extreme restless, Dyspnea Beta 1 Blocker - Correct Answersaffects the heart Nasal Cannula - Correct Answers24- 44 % O 1 - 6 L/min (flow rate) well tolerated Non Rebreather Mask - Correct Answers80-95% O 10 - 15 L/min or higher fit firmly on face reservoir never less than 2/3 full Inferior MI shows which response - Correct Answersparasympathetic (low BP) Anterior MI shows - Correct Answerssympathetic response (normal or high BP) Right Ventricular Heart Failure - Correct Answersresults from left ventricular failure caused by: chronic hypertension, COPD, PE signs: edema, tachycardia, venous distension What is another name for Simple Pneumothorax - Correct AnswersClosed Pneumothorax Simple Pneumothorax - Correct AnswersPresence of air in pleural space partial or total lung collapse

caused by: fracture rib, excessive pressure on chest wall against a closed glottis, rupture or tear in lung with no cause What is another name for Open Pneumothorax - Correct AnswersCommunicating Pneumothorax Open Pneumothorax - Correct Answersdevelops when chest injury exposes pleural space to atmospheric pressure; injured lung can shift to uninjured side symptoms: short of breath, pain, sucking or gurgling sound as air moves Tension Pneumothorax - Correct Answersoccurs when air in thoracic cavity cannot exit pleural space air leaks into pleural space (inspiration) becomes trapped during exhilation Pleural pressure increases, shift in mediastinum, compress uninjured lung and vena cava, tracheal deviation (late sign), hypotension/unexplained shock, subcutaneous emphysema, distended neck veins Hemothorax - Correct Answersaccumulation of blood in pleural space blood loss massive (30-40% or 2000 - 3000 mL) have hypovolemia and hypoxemia signs: tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis, decreased lung sounds, dullness on percussion, hypovolemic shock, narrow pulse pressure, tracheal deviation and pressure vent, re- expand lung needle chest decompression Hemopneumothorax - Correct Answerscollection of air and blood in pleural space management same as hemothorax Pulmonary Contusion - Correct Answerscaused by rapid deceleration forces rupture of aveoli, hemorrhage and swelling of lung

signs: tachypnea, tachycardia, cough, hemoptysis, respiratory distress, dyspnea, evidence of blunt chest trauma, cyanosis pressure vent and restrict fluids SLUDGE Acronym - Correct AnswersSalivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal upset, Emesis Used for poisonings long term damage of alcohol use - Correct AnswersEnd Organ Damage Malnutrition Withdrawl Syndrome Chadwick's Sign - Correct Answerssoftening and blueish discoloration of the cervix Gestational Hypertension - Correct Answersoccurs during pregnancy; resolved after birth early signs of preeclampsia Preeclampsia - Correct Answersvasospasm, endothelial cell injury, increased capillary permeability Eclampsia - Correct Answersoccurances of seizures administer per protocol: magnesium sulfate (calcium gluconate antidote) diazepam or lorazepam Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Correct Answersdiabetes caused by pregnancy management: ABC, glucose testing, management- hyperglycemia insulin, hypoglycemia dextrose TORCH Infections - Correct AnswersToxoplasmosis Other Infections

Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex virus Spontaneous Abortion - Correct Answersnontherapeutic termination of pregnancy from any cause before 20 weeks most frequent cause of vaginal bleeding (coin size or profuse) cramp-like lower back pain ask if tissue passed with blood Ectopic Pregnancy - Correct Answersfertilized ovum implants anywhere other than uterus known as great imitator- ruptured ovarian cyst, pelvic inflam mation disease, appendicitis, abortion Signs/symptoms: abdominal pain (radiates to neck and shoulders, worsens in inspiration), vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea Cephalopelvic Disproportion - Correct Answersnewborn's head is too large or mother's birth canal too small to allow normal birth Breech Presentation - Correct Answerswhen the infant's head is delivered last Frank Breech - Correct Answersbutt first, legs above head (60-65%) Complete Breech - Correct Answersbutt first, legs and hip bent (5%) Incomplete Breech - Correct Answersone or both hips incompletely flexed foot first (25- 30%) Shoulder Dystocia - Correct Answersfetal shoulders wedged against maternal symphysis pubis turtle sign, brachial plexus damage, fractured clavicle, fetal anoxia

deliver anterior shoulder immediately after head Shoulder Presentation (transverse) - Correct Answerswhen fetus lies perpendicular to mother no way to birth normally, rapid transport, c-section, fetal arm/hand presenting part Cord Presentation (prolapsed cord) - Correct Answersoccurs when cord slips down into or out of vagina after amniotic sac ruptured push infant back into vagina, elevate presenting part, rapid transport, cover cord in moist sterile dressing, instruct mother to pant Premature Infant - Correct Answersborn before 37 weeks low birth rate, high risk for hypothermia, cardio-respiratory distress ask mother about tocolytic agents: magnesium sulfate nicardipine nifedipine ritodrine terbutaline indomethacin Premature Rupture of Membranes - Correct Answersrupture of amniotic sac before the onset of labor history of trickle or gush of fluid Amniotic Fluid Embolism - Correct Answersamniotic fluid enters maternal circulation during labor, delivery or immediately after delivery mortality is high

signs/symptoms same as PE Congenital Anomalies - Correct Answersdefects that occur during fetal development Diaphragmatic Hernia - Correct Answersmalformation of the diaphragm during fetal development Omphalocele - Correct Answerstype of hernia- infant's intestines protrude through the umbilicus intact-still in sac non-intact- rutured 3 major changes during birth - Correct Answers1. emptying fluids from lungs and begin ventilating

  1. changing their circulatory pattern
  2. maintaining body temp 5 steps to care for newborns - Correct Answers1. provide warmth
  3. clear airway
  4. stabilize airway
  5. provide tactile stimulation to breathe
  6. further evaluate infant Meconium Staining - Correct AnswersPresence of fetal stool in amniotic fluid slight yellow, mild green, "pea soup" Neonate - Correct Answersfirst 28 days of life Infant - Correct Answers2- 12 months

Toddler - Correct Answers1- 3 years Preschooler - Correct Answers3- 5 years School Age - Correct Answers6- 12 years Adolescent - Correct Answers13- 18 years Croup (laryngotracheo bronchitis) - Correct Answersviral infection of upper airway occurs late fall/winter, history of recent respiratory infection with low fever, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor, barking cough treatment: airway maintenance, cool mist, humidified, nebulized O2, racemic epinephrine Epiglottitis - Correct Answersinflammation of epiglottis caused by bacterial infection of upper airway goes to bed fine, wakes up with sore throat and painful swallowing, fever, muffled voice, drooling, inspiratory stridor with rattle Asthma - Correct Answerschronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that may cause recurrent wheezing, breathless, chest tightness and cough Bronchiolitis - Correct Answersmanifests with tachypnea and wheezing viral infection of lower airway Pneumonia - Correct Answersacute infection of lower airway that involves alveolar walls of alveoli lowered breath sounds in affected area, fever, pain in chest, rales in area, rhonchi, tachypnea Meningitis - Correct Answersinflammation of the fluid containing membranes around the brain and spinal cord

Brudzinski's sign Kernig's sign rash Epistaxis - Correct Answersbleeding from the nose Chemical Name - Correct Answersexact description describes the chemical composition of the drug also describes molecular structure Trade Name - Correct Answersbrand or property name trademark name designated by the drug company that sells the medication proper nouns first, letter capitalized Sepsis - Correct Answersbody temp of 100.4 degrees or 96.8 degrees profuse sweating, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tachycardia, hypotension, elevated white blood cell count, altered mental status Pulmonary Embolism - Correct Answerssudden onset chest pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia, hypotension Cheyne-Stokes Respirations - Correct Answersregular, periodic pattern of breathing with equal intervals of apnea with crescendo-decrescendo sequence represent cortical dysfunction of brain some in sleep Eupnea - Correct AnswersNormal breathing Kussmaul Respirations - Correct AnswersAbnormally deep, very rapid sighing respiratory pattern characteristic of diabetic ketoacidosis or metabolic acidosis Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale - Correct Answersfacial droop, arm drift, speech

Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen - Correct Answersasymmetry in facial smile, grip, arm strength Glucagon - Correct Answersopposite of insulin, raised blood glucose, one is the breakdown of liver glycogen, generation of glucose Hypoglycemia - Correct Answersnervousness, trembling, irritability, combative behavior, weakness and in-coordination, confusion, appearance of intoxication, weak rapid pulse, cold clammy skin, drowsiness, seizures, coma, cardiac arrest Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Correct Answersdiffuse lower abdominal pain, low grade fever, vaginal discharge, dyspareunia (painful sex) Bartholin's Abscess - Correct Answersaccumulation of pus that forms a lump swelling and inflammation, visible lump on one side of the vaginal opening. Activity cases severe pain Coelenterates (Jellyfish, Sea Anemones, Fire Coral) Stings - Correct AnswersRemove visible tentacle fragments with forceps, immediately wash with vinegar or baking soda, instruct pt to take hot shower or submerge in hot water, administer analgesics Echinoderms (Sea Urchins, Starfish, Sea Cucumbers) - Correct Answerscare for puncture wounds, remove spines with forceps (wear protective gloves), submerge in hot water Stingrays - Correct Answerscare directed at life support, alleviation of pain, inactivation of venom, prevention of infection; irrigate with saline, venom apparatus removed, immersed in hot water Pre-incident Phase - Correct Answersprevention of intentional and unintentional trauma deaths Incident Phase - Correct Answersthe trauma event Post-incident Phase - Correct Answersdelivery of emergency care to patients

Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient - Correct AnswersTask Force of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma (III Trauma Center) Newton's First Law of Motion - Correct Answersobject in rest or motion will remain so until acted upon by an outside force Conservation of Energy Law - Correct Answersenergy cannot be created or destroyed, on can change form Kinetic Energy - Correct AnswersKinetic Energy = 1/2 mass x velocity^ Biot Pattern - Correct Answersrespiratory pattern involving irregular respirations varying in depth and interrupted by intervals of apnea usually seen in pts with ICP frequently produces ventilatory failure and lead to apnea Generic Name - Correct AnswersNon-proprietary name, abbreviated form of chemical name Kernig's Sign - Correct Answersinability to straighten the lower legs when the thigh is flexed on the abdomen Brudzinski's Sign - Correct Answersknees automatically brought up toward body when neck is bent forward or pain in the legs when bent Pulmonary Hypoplasia - Correct Answerslungs not developed normally Pyloric Stenosis - Correct Answersnarrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine hx of progressive, forceful vomiting, dehydration, dry mucus membranes, slow cap refill, sunken fonanelles, decreased urine output

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) - Correct Answersheart defect; blood mixes between the pulmonary artery and aorta Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) - Correct Answersheart defect; narrowing or constriction of aorta Left-to-Right Shunt - Correct Answersheart defect; O2 blood is shunted from the left side to the right Pierre Robin Syndrome - Correct Answerscomplex of congenital abnormalities including: small mandible, tongue falls back into airway, cleft palate symptoms: high arched palate, receeding chin, tongue too large for jaw, natal teeth Anticholinergic (Dry) Drugs - Correct Answersantihistamines, atropine, antidepressants, antiparkinsons, antipsychotic, skeletal muscle relaxer Signs/Symptoms of Anticholinergic (dry) Overdose - Correct Answersdelirium, tachycardia, dry/flushed skin, dilated pupils, seizures, dysrhthmias Treatment for Anticholinergic (dry) OD - Correct Answersdiazepam (valium), activated charcoal, physostigmine (antilirium) Cholinergics (Wet) - Correct Answerspesticides, nerve agents (sarin/soman) Signs/Symptoms of Cholinergic OD - Correct Answersheadache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, SLUDGE, bradycardia, wheezing, seizures Treatment for Cholinergic OD - Correct AnswersAtropine, pralidoxime (2 PAM Chloride), diazepam, activated charcoal Antidotes for Organophosphates and Carbamates - Correct Answersatropine, pralidoxime chloride, diazepam, lorazepam

DUMBBELLS Acronym - Correct AnswersDiarrhea/Diaphoresis, Urination, Miosis/Muscle fasciculations, Bronchospasm, Bradycardia, Emesis, Lacrimation, Lethargy, Salivation used for poisonings Traumatic Asphyxia - Correct Answerssevere crushing injury to chest and abdomen; results from increased in intrathoracic pressure signs/symptoms: red/purple discoloration, JVD, swelling and hemorrhage of conjuctiva expect hypotension when pressure released Myocardial Contusion (blunt myocardial injury) - Correct Answersusually caused by vehicle collisions; extent of injury varies: extreme- cardiac rupture- MI signs/symptoms: chest pain, EKG abnormal, new cardiac murmur, pericardial friction rub (late), persistent tachycardia, palpitations treat as MI Beck's Triad - Correct Answerselevated central venous pressure (evident JVD), muffled heart sounds, hypotension What is Pericardial Tamponade - Correct Answerscompression of heart by fluid in pericardial sac increased pressure prevents heart from expanding- decreased stroke volume and cardiac output What are the symptoms or Pericardial Tamponade - Correct Answersperipheral vasoconstriction diastolic BP higher than systolic beck's triad, tachycardia, respiratory distress, narrow pulse pressure, cyanosis of head and neck, pulses paradoxus, electrical alternans (EKG waveform lower with other cardiac cycle)

Moderate DAI - Correct Answersconcussion, most have basilar fracture immediate unconscious, persistent confusion, amnesia and disorient, focal deficit, inability to concentrate, mood swings, smell altered Severe DAI - Correct Answersconcussion, prolonged posturing common other signs of increased ICP HYPOXIA MUST BE PREVENTED Concussion or Mild DA - Correct Answersrapid return to normal, confusion, disorientation, amnesia of event Increased ICP, lower brain/ medulla involved - Correct Answersblown pupil- same side as injury, ataxic respirations, flaccid, labile pulse, QRS S-T and T wave changes, lower BP, not considered survivable Increased ICP, middle brainstem involved - Correct Answerswide pulse pressure, bradycardia, pupils nonreactive or sluggish, central neurogenic hyperventilation (CNH) 5 Classifications of Shock - Correct AnswersHypovolemic, Cardiogenic, Neurogenic, Anaphylactic, Septic 4 Stages of Shock - Correct Answers1. Vasoconstriction 2. Capillary and Venule Opening

  1. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (Refractory) 4. Multiple Organ Failure Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) - Correct Answersfunction of total CO and total peripheral resistance MAP= diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure ex: pt with BP 120/ MAP= 80+([120-80]/3) MAP= 80+(40/3) MAP= 93

MAP of 60 - 65 needed to maintain adequate perfusion Non-STEMI - Correct AnswersMI block in coronary arteries ST segment depression or T wave abnormalities

  • ide - Correct Answersoral hypoglycemics Venturi Mask - Correct Answers24-50% 4 - 8 L/min precise regulation of FiO2, used for COPD patients Afterload - Correct Answerstotal resistance against which blood must be pumped Preload - Correct Answersamount of venous return to ventricle (volume at end of diastole) Cardiac Output - Correct AnswersCO= HRxSV (Cardiac output = heart rate x stroke volume) Cardiogenic Shock - Correct AnswersMOST EXTREME FORM OF PUMP FAILURE Sign/Symptom: acidosis, altered LOC, cool, clammy, cyanotic/ashen skin, hypoxemia, crackles, tachycardia, tachypnea Left Ventricular Failure - Correct Answerscauses back pressure into pulmonary circulation increased end-diastolic blood volume caused by: ischmic, valvular hypertensive heart disease causes of Heart Failure - Correct AnswersMI, Pulmonary Embolism (PE), Enlarged Heart (cardiomegaly) STEMI - Correct AnswersMI coronary vessel occluded for prolonged periods elevated ST segments in multiple leads
  • statin - Correct Answersantihyperlipidemics
  • mide - Correct Answersdiuretics Partial Rebreather Mask - Correct Answers35-60% O2 6 - 10 L/min Fill reservoir before use Cyanide Symptoms - Correct Answerscytotoxic hypoxia, rapid progression of symptoms: dyspnea, paralysis, unconsciousness, death, fatal within minutes, characteristic odor of bitter almonds on breath Cyanide Treatment - Correct AnswersAmyl nitrite by inhalation, Sodium nitrite 300 mg IV, Sodium thiosulfate 12.5 mg Common Benzodiazepines - Correct AnswersDiazepam (Valium), Alprazolam (Xanax), Lorazepam (Ativan) Benzodiazepines Symptoms - Correct Answersexcessive drooling, staggering gait, paradoxal excitability, respiratory depression Benzodiazepine Treatment - Correct AnswersFlumazenil reverses effects Simple Face Mask - Correct Answers35-60% O2 6 - 10 L/min (flow rate) CO2 collects in mask if rate is <6 L/min Basilar Skull Fractures - Correct Answersusually associated with major impact trauma battle's sign, raccoon eyes, hemotympanum, cerebrospinal fluid leakage can result in meningitis Kinematics - Correct Answersprocess of predicting injury patterns Third Trimester Bleeding - Correct Answersresults of abruption placentae, placenta previa, uterine rupture

Hyperemesis Gravidarum - Correct Answerssevere nausea, vomiting, weight loss, electrolyte disturbance, "severe case of morning sickness" Korsakoff's Psychosis - Correct Answersthis is irreversible; often paired with Wernicke's apathy, poor retentive memory, retrograde amnesia (makes stories to fill gaps), dementia (caused by severe alcoholism) Wernicke's Encephalopathy - Correct Answersusually develops suddenly, manifests with: ataxia, nystagmus, speech and gait disturbances, signs of neuropathy, stupor, coma administer thiamine and glucose in pts with altered LOC or coma (caused by severe alcoholism) Wernicke- Korsakoff Syndrome - Correct Answersreduction in intestinal absorption and metabolism of thiamine caused by alcohol 2 stages: Wernicke encephalopathy Korsakoff's psychosis Aortic Dissection/ Rupture - Correct Answersrupture of aorta that's thought to be a result of sheering forces usual damages to distal arch (beyond branching of left subclavian artery and proximal to ligamentum ateriosum) Aortic Dissection/ Rupture Signs and Symptoms - Correct AnswersBP normal or elevated, BP different in each arm, elevated extremity hypertension with lower femoral pulses, harsh systolic murmur Myocardial Rupture - Correct Answersoccurs when heart is compressed with enough force to rupture chamber wall, septum or valve ALMOST ALWAYS IMMEDIATELY FATAL; RAPID TRANSPORT signs/symptoms same as CHF and cardiac tamponade 3 Stages of Shock - Correct AnswersCompensated, Uncompensated and Irreversible

Rouleaux Formation - Correct Answersaggregation of red cells, looks like stack of coins or checkers Angina Pectoris - Correct Answersonset begins after period of activity pain from MI after rest Pediatric Symptoms of Hypoxia - Correct AnswersFeeding difficulties, Inspiratory stridor, Nasal flare, Expiratory grunt, Sternal retractions Early Symptoms of Hypoxia - Correct AnswersRestlessness, Anxiety, Tachycardia/ Tachypnea

  • astine - Correct Answersantihistamine, blocks H1 receptors
  • mycin - Correct Answersantibiotics
  • zide - Correct Answersdiuretics
  • oxacin - Correct Answersbroad spectrum antibiotic
  • nuim - Correct Answersneuromuscular blockers
  • done - Correct Answersopiod analgesics
  • sone - Correct Answerssteroids
  • dine - Correct Answersanti-ulcer agents; H2 histamine blockers Abruptio Placentae - Correct Answerspartial or full detachment of normal implanted placentae at more than 20 weeks

Predisposition factors for Abruptio Placentae - Correct Answersmaternal hypertension, preeclampsia, multiple pregnancies, trauma, previous abruption Presentation of Abruptio Placentae - Correct Answers3rd trimester bleed with pain, tender abdomen, rigid uterus, contractions, absent fetal tones/bradycardia Placenta Previa - Correct Answersplacental implant in lower uterine segment covering cervical opening painless, bright red bleed Placenta Previa Presentation - Correct Answersincreased maternal age, multiple pregnancies, previous C-sections, previous episodes, recent sex Uterine Rupture - Correct Answersspontaneous or traumatic rupture of uterine wall sudden abdominal pain, steady "tearing" pain, active labor, early signs of shock, bleeding, abdominal rigidness Parturition - Correct Answersprocess by which an infant is born Postpartum Hemorrhage - Correct Answersmore than 500 mL of blood loss after delivery of newborn Uterine Atony - Correct Answerslack of uterine tone management: massage uterus, encourage infant to breastfeed, administer oxytocin Choanal Atresia - Correct Answersbony or membrane occlusion that blocks passage between nose and pharynx Tracheosophageal Fistula - Correct Answersabnormal connection between esophagus and trachea commonly occurs with esophageal atresia (incomplete formation of esophagus) Cleft Lip - Correct Answersincomplete closure of infants lip

Cleft Palate - Correct AnswersFissure in the hard palate of roof of mouth that runs along midline Septal Defects - Correct Answers"hole in the heart" Atrial (ASD) hole between atriums ventricular (VSD) hole between ventricles Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) - Correct Answersinvolves 4 heart defects:

  1. Large ventricle septal defect (VSD)
  2. Pulmonary stenosis
  3. Right ventricular hypertrophy
  4. Overriding aorta Glascow Coma Scale - Correct Answersused to assess LOC Eye Opening: Spontaneous 4 Command 3 Pain 2 None 1 Verbal Response: Oriented 5 Confused 4 Inappropriate 3 Incomprehendable 2 None 1 Motor Response: Obey 6

Localizes pain 5 Withdraws 4 Flex 3 Extension 2 None 1 D-fib for pediatric pt dose - Correct Answers2 Jules per kg max dose 4 J/kg burn formula - Correct Answersbody surface area x weight(kg) x 4 mL passive rewarming - Correct Answersremoving out of cold, removing wet clothes, etc active rewarming - Correct Answersapplying heat hyphema - Correct Answersbleeding from eyes veins - Correct Answerscarry blood to heart arteries - Correct Answerscarry blood away from heart cholecystitis - Correct Answersinflammation of the gallbladder Diverticulitis - Correct Answersinflammation of the intestines macro - Correct Answers10 drops= 1 mL micro - Correct Answers60 drops= 1 mL gastritis - Correct Answersinflammation of the stomach

hyperkalemia - Correct Answersraised potassium level in blood hypercalcemia - Correct Answersraised calcium level in blood vesicular breath sound - Correct Answersbreath sounds heard over most of the lung fields: normal breath sounds acute coronary syndrome - Correct AnswersMyocardial Infarction commotion cordis - Correct Answerssudden death that follows a blow to the chest efixiea - Correct Answerscan't breath What ion is responsible for the depolarization of myocardium? - Correct Answerssodium glucagon is indicated for? - Correct Answersesophageal obstruction, beta-blocker overdoses and hypoglycemia how many mEq of calcium chloride are in a 10 mL of a 10% solution? - Correct Answers13.6 mEq Cheyne-Stokes breathing - Correct Answerscrescendo- decrescendo breathing often associated with brain injury or sleep hypoxemia - Correct Answerslow oxygen within the blood what is Isoproterenol deactivated by - Correct Answersalkaline solutions trismus - Correct Answersclenching of the teeth pulsus paradoxus - Correct Answersabnormal drop in systolic BP during inspiration