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NRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden, Exams of Nursing

NRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & A/NRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden University 100 Verified Q & ANRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q

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Download NRNP 6531 Final Exam (7 Versions, 700 Q & A, Latest-2022-2023)NRNP-6531N Final Exam Walden and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 1/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C Orrect /V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 2. Which of the f ol lowing is a potential acquir ed cause of thrombophilia Homocys tinuria Prot ein C deficiency F actor V Leiden Antiphospholipid antibodies Question 3 Phalen's tes t, 90°wrist fle xion for 60 seconds, r eproduces sympt oms of: Ulnar tunnel s yndrome Carpal tunnel s yndrome T ar sal tunnel syndr ome My ofasc ial pain syndrome Question 4 Which patient w ould benefit most fr om screening f or type 2 diabetes? A 30 year old f emale with unintended weigh t loss. A 25 year old male with f amily history of type 1 diabetes An obese f emale with recurr ent vaginitis A 50 year old h yperlipidemic male Question 5 A 72 year old f emale patient r eports a 6 month history of grad ually progr essive swollen and painful dist al int erphalangeal (DIP) joints of one hand . S he has no s ystemic s ymptoms but the erythr ocyte sedimen tation ra te (ESR), antinucle ar antibody (ANA) , and rheumat oid factor ( RF ) are all mi nimally elev ated. What is the most lik ely diagnosis? Rheumat oid arthritis (RA) Ost eoarthritis (OA) Lupus P eripheral neuropat hy Question 6 A 32 year old male patien t complains of urinary frequency and burning on urination for 3 day s. Urinalysis re veals bacteriuria. He denies any pas t history of urinary tr act inf ection. The initial trea tment should be: T rime thoprim-su lfame thox az ole for 3 day s Ciproflo xacin f or 7-10 days T rime thoprim-su lfame thox az ole for 14 da ys Ciproflo xacin f or 3 days A thy mectomy is usually reco mmended in the early treatm ent of which disease? P arkinson's disease Multiple scler osis Mya sthenia gra vis Hun tingto n's chorea 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 2/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 8 The diagnosis of human papilloma virus (HPV) inf ection in males is usually made by Clini cal appear ance Vir al cu lture T z anck smear K OH prep Question 9 The most eff ective in tervention(s) to pre vent str oke is (ar e): 81 mg of aspirin daily Carotid e ndarterectom y for pa tients with high-gr ade carotid lesions R outine screenin g for c arotid artery st enosis with auscultation f or bruits Smoking cessation and trea tment of hypert ension Question 10 What is the most commo n cause of Cushing's syndrome? Ex cessive ACTH production Administr ation of a glucocortic oid or ACTH Pituitary adenoma or a non-pituitary ACTH-pr oducing tumor Autonomous corti so l production from a drenal tissue Question 11 Diagnostic r adiological studies are indic ated for lo w b ack pain: R outinely after 3 w eeks of low back pain symptoms. T o scr een for spondy lolithiasis in patients less than 20 year s of age with 2 weeks of mor e of low back 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 5/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! T r auma tic fr act ur e Ost eoporosis Question 23 A middle-aged f emale presents complaini ng of recent w eight loss. The physical e xam r eveals an enlarged painless cervical lymph node. The differ ential diagnosis for this patien t's problem includes: Inf ection T o xoplasmosis Mononucleosis All of the above None of the above Question 24 An 81-y ear-old f emale is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. When considering drug ther apy for this patien t, the nurse pr actitioner is most concerned with which of the following side eff ects? W eight g ain Fr acture risk Hypog lycem ia W eight loss Question 25 A patien t ha s HIV inf ection and is having a pr oblem with massive diarrhea. Y ou suspect the cause is cryptoco ccosis to xoplasmosis cryp tospori diosis cytomeg alovirus Question 26 Which of the follo wing is the most common causativ e orga nism of nongonococc al urethr i tis? Chlamy dia tra c homatis Ur eaplasma ur ealyticum Myc oplasma hominis T richonomas vaginalis Question 27 The most commo n symptoms of tr ansient ischemic attack (TIA) include Nausea, vomiting, sync ope, incontinence, dizziness, and seizure. W eakness in an extremity , abruptly slurr ed speech, or partial loss of vision, and sudden gait changes. Headache and visual sympt oms such as bright spots or sparkles crossing the visual field. Gr adual onset of at axia, vertigo, g eneraliz ed weakness, or lightheadedness 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 6/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 28 What is the fir st symptom se en in the majority of patients with P arkinson's disease? Rigidity Br adykinesia R est tremor Fle x ed pos tur e Question 29 A 21-y ear-old f emale presents to the office c omplaining of urinary frequency and urinary burning. The nur se pr ac titioner suspects a urinary tract inf ection when the urinalysis rev eals 1-4 red blood cells per high-pow ered field Specific gra vity 1.012 Urobili nogen 10- white blood cells per high-power ed field Question 30 A 26 ye ar old female pr esents with elbow pain tha t is described as aching and burning. Ther e is point tenderness along the lat eral aspect of the elbow and painful passive flexion and e xtension. She reports she has been playing t ennis almost daily f or the past month. The most lik ely diagnosis is: Radial tunnel syndr ome Ulnar collat eral lig ament sprain Olecr anon bur s itis Lat eral epicondylitis: T ennis Elbow Question 31 Maria, age 17, was r aped when she was 13 year old. She is now e xperiencing sleep ing problems, flashbacks, and depr ession. What is your initial diagnosis? Depression P anic diso rder Anxiety P ost - tr aumati c stress disorder Question 32 An elderly man is start ed on lisinopril and hyd rochlorhiazide for h ypertension. Three day s later , he retur ns to the office complaining of le ft great t oe pain. On ex am, the nurse pr actitioner notes an edemat ous, erythematous ten der left gre at toe. The lik ely precipit ant of this patient's pain is: T rauma Tigh t shoes Arthritis flare Hyd rochlo rothi azide 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Recommended for you about:blank Final Exam compliation 6531 ) Document continues below Basic Life Support ExamA Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursirg, 1@ 100% (13) Quizlet HES! Exit! Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 1@ 100% (14) Hesi exit rn exam 2022 v3 real 160 questions and answes 88s Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursirg 1@ 100% (9) ANCC Pmhnp Exam Reported Questions Qbank answered all correctly answered Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 1@ 100% (7) 7212 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 10/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 43 The diagnosis which must be consider ed in a patient who pr esents with a sever e h eadache of sudden onset, with neck stiffness and f ever , is: Migr aine headache Subar achnoi d hemorrhage Glaucoma Meningitis Question 44 What c onditions must be met f or you to bill "incident to" the ph ysician, receiving 100% reimbur sement from Me dicare? Y ou must initiat e the plan of care f or the patient The phy sician must be on-site and engag ed in patient car e Y ou must be employ ed a s an independent contr actor Y ou must be the main health car e p rovider who sees the patien t Question 45 The most commo nly recommended method for prosta te cancer screening in a 55 y ear old ma le is: Digital r ectal ex amination (DRE) plus prost ate specific antigen (PS A) Pros tate specific an tigen (PSA) alone T ransr ectal ultrasound (TRUS) alone Pros tate specific an tigen (PSA) and transr ectal ultrasound (TRUS) Question 46 The primary goals of trea tment for patien ts with alcohol abuse disorder are: R educ tion in withdra wal symptoms and r eduction in desire f or alcohol Ps ychother apeutic and pha rmacological in terventions to decre ase desire f or and effects o f alcohol Abs tinence or reduction in use, relap se p rev ention, and rehabilita tion Marital sa tisfaction, impr ovement in f amily f unctioning, and reduction in psy chiatric impairment Question 47 Y ou are assessing a patien t after a sports injury to his righ t knee. Y ou elicit a positive anterior/pos terior dra wer sign. This test indic ates an injury to the: Lat eral meniscus Cruciat e ligament Medical meniscus Coll ater al lig ament 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 11/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 48 Marsha pr esents with sympt oms resembli ng both fibrom yalgia and chronic f atigue syndr ome, which hav e many similarities. Which of the following is mor e char acteristic of fibrom yalgia? Musc ulosk elet al pain Difficulty sleeping Depression F atigue Question 49 Diff erential diagnosis of pro teinuria includes which of the following? Ortho sta tic pro teinur ia Nephrotic syndrome Inf ection T r auma A and B Question 50 A patien t presenting for an annual ph ysical ex am has a BMI of 25 kg /m2 This pa tient would be classified as: Underweight Nor mal weig ht Overw eight Obese Question 51 R eed- Sternber g B lymphocytes are associa ted with which of the following disorder s: Aplastic a nemia Hodgkin's lymphoma Non Hodgkin's lymphoma Myelody splastic syndr omes Question 53 A 77-y ear-old f emale presents to the office c omplaining a sudden swelling on her right elbow . She denies f ever , chills, tr auma, or pain. The ph ysical e xam re veals a non-tender ar ea of swelling ov er the ex tensor surf ace over the right elbow with evidence of tr auma or irritation . The nurse pr actitioner suspects: Arthritis Ulnar neu ritis Septic arthritis Olecr anon bu rsitis 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 12/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 54 Est ablishment of a definitive diagnosis of ost eomyelitis r equ ires: A known causati ve injury such as a puncture wound, bit e, or decubitus ulcer . Biops y of culture of the pathogen from blood or bone aspir ate. Visualiza tion of purulent material dr aining into soft tissue. Lucent ar eas identified on plain x - ra y . Question 55 The most accur ate measur e of diabet es contr ol is: A voidance of micro- and macro-v ascular complicati ons. Insulin sensitivity . E arly morning glucose levels. HgbA1c Question 56 A patien t ha s been diagnosed with gener alized anxiety disor der ( GAD). Which of the following medications m ay be used to treat g eneraliz ed anxiety disorder? Alpr azolam or diaz epam V enlaf axine or buspir one T raz odone or sertraline V enlaf axine or h ydro xyzine pamoate Question 57 The most commo n presenta tion of thyr oid cancer is: Gener alized enlarg ement of the thyr oid gland. A solitary th yroid nodule. A multinodular goiter . Abnormal thy roid function tests. Question 58 Which of the follo wing accounts f or half of the bladder tumor s among men and one-third in women? Cig arette smok e, both active and passive inhalation Chemicals fr om plastic and rubber Chroni c use of phenacetin-con taining analgesic agents W orking long hours and not voiding often Question 59 Y ou hav e a new patien t that presents with gener alized lymphade nopathy . Y ou know that this is indicative of: 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 15/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Sta te laws and regul ations Certifying bodies Question 70 Which of the follo wing physi cal modalities recommended f or trea tment of rheumatoid arthritis pr ovides the most eff ective long t erm pain relief? Superficial and deep heat Application o f cold T r anscutan eous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) Ex ercise Question 71 A patien t presents with deh ydr ation, hypot ension, and fev er . Labor atory te sting rev eals hyponatr emia, h yperkalemia, and hypogly cemia. T hese imbalances are corr ected, but the patient re turns 6 weeks later with the same s ymptoms of h yperpigmenta tion, weakness, anore xia, fatigu e, and weigh t loss. What action(s) should the nurse pr actitioner tak e? Obt ain a thorough hist ory and phy sical, and check serum cortisol and ACTH levels. Obt ain a diet hist ory and check CBC and FBS. Pro vide nutritional guidance and have the pa tient return in 1 month. Consult home health for in trav enous administra tion of fluids and electrolytes. Question 72 Jack, age 55, comes t o the office with a blood pressur e of 144/98 mm Hg. He sta tes that he did not know if it w as ever eleva ted bef ore. When yo u retak e his blood pressur e at the end of the e xam, it r emains at 144/98 . What should y our next action be? Start him on an ACE Inhibitor Start him on a diure tic Hav e him monitor his blood pressure at ho me T ry nonpharmacological methods and hav e him mon itor his blood pressur e at home Martin is complaining of erectile dy sfunction. He also has a condition that has reduced arter ial blood flow to his penis. The most c ommon cause of this condition is: P arkinson' s disease Epileps y Multipl e sclerosis Diabetes mel l itus Question 74 Which of the follo wing is not a risk factor a ssoc iat ed with the development of s yndrome X and type 2 diabetes m ell itus? 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 16/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Hypertrigly ceridemia and low high-density lipoprot ein (HDL) Gest ational diabetes and polycy stic ovarian s yndrome Hispanic, African-Americ an, Native-Americ an, and P ac ific Islander ethnicity P ostprandial h ypoglycemia Question 75 A 28-y ear-old f emale presents to the office r equesting testing f or diagnosis of hereditary thr ombophilia. Her f ather recen tly had a deep vein thr ombosis and she is concerned about her risk f actor s. The nurse pr actitioner explains that: The patient sho uld start an ticoagulant ther apy immediately . Her edit ary th rombophili a does not alway s require anticoa gulation therapy . W omen of childbearing age cannot tak e antic oagulant therapy . Genetic and risk managemen t counseling are r ecommended. B and D Question 76 The 4 classic f eatures of P arkinson's disease are Mask - lik e facies, dy sarthria, ex cessive saliva tion, and dementia. T remor at r est, rigidity , br adykinesia, and postur al disturbances. Depression, cog nitive impairment, constipa tion a nd shuffling gait. T remor with movement, cogwheeling, repe titive movement, and multi-s ystem atr ophy . Question 77 Which of the follo wing set of symp toms should raise suspicion of a brain tumor? R ecu rre nt, sever e headaches that awak en the patient and ar e accompanied by visual disturbances. V ague, dull headaches that are accompanied by a report ed sense of impending doom. P eriorbital headaches occurring primarily in the evening and acco mpan ied by pupillary dilation and photophobia. Holocr anial headaches present in the morning and accompanied by pr ojective vomiting without nausea. Question 78 The most commo n cause of elevat ed liver function tes ts is: Hepatitis Biliary tr ac t obstru ction Chronic alcohol abuse A drug- induced injury 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 17/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Question 79 The phy siological explanation of s yncope is: Acceler ated venous re turn and increased st rok e volume resulting in deactivation o f the paras ympathetic nervous sy stem. A cycle of inappr opriate vasodi lation, bradyc ardia, and hypotension. A sudden rise in blood pressure due to ov erly efficient v asoconstriction. Emotional str ess resulti ng in hypert ension, tachy cardia, and increased ve nous return. Question 80 A 60 year old male patien t with multiple health problems presents with a c omplaint of erectile dys fu nction (ED). Of the following, which medication is most lik ely to be causing the problem? Thiaz ide diuretic Insulin F amotidi ne (Pepcid) Albuter ol Question 81 The car dinal sign of inf ectious a rthritis is: Aff ected joint is painful at r est, with movement and weig ht bearing Rapid onset that w akes the patien t during the night Long hist or y of severe p ain with associated join t swelling None of the above Question 82 A 75-y ear-old f emale is diagnosed w ith primary hyperpar ath yroidism and asks the nurse pr actitioner what the tre atment for t his disorder is. The nur se practitioner explains: Primary hyp erparath yroidism is treat ed w ith Vitamin D res triction Primary hyperpar athyr oidism is trea ted with par athyr oidectomy Primary hyperpar ath yroidism is treat ed with daily magnesium Primary hyp erparath yroidism is treat ed w ith paren teral par athyr oid hormone (PTH) Question 83 Which of the follo wing is not appropriat e suppression ther apy for chr onic bacterial prost atitis? Do xycycline 100 mg qd Nitr ofu ra ntoin 100 mg qd Bactrim DS qd Erythrom ycin qd Question 84 Who is at a higher risk f or d evel oping nephrolithiasis? 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 20/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Electr oconvulsive ther apy (ECT) A selective ser otonin reupt ake inhibitor ( SSRI) A tricyclic antidepr essant (TCA) Question 94 The initial clinical sign of Dupuytren's con tractur e is: P ain with ulnar deviation P ainless n odule on palmer fascia P ain a nd numbness in the ring finger Inability to passively e xtend finger Question 95 Which of the follo wing is the most common complic ation of the myelodys plastic syndr omes F atigue Car dio my opa thy F alls Bleeding Question 96 What inf ormation should a 42 year old patien t with n ewly diagnosed diabet es receive about ex ercise? Buy good walki ng shoes with support and a flexible sole. Ex ercise at least 5 da ys per week. Snack bef ore ex ercise. Do not ex ercise if y our blood sugar is gr eater than 180 mg /dL Question 97 What is the most commo nly abused substance? Heroin Cocaine Alcohol Mari juana Question 98 Sam, age 67, is a diabetic with wor sening renal function. He has frequent h ypoglycemic episodes, which he believes means tha t his diabetes is ge tting "better ." How do you respon d? "Y ou're righ t; it seems lik e your diabetes is impr oving." "Because your kidne ys are not functioning well, your insulin is not being met abolized and ex crete d as it should, so you need less of it." 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 21/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! "Y ou hav e watched y our diet for all these year s and as a result, your body is using less insulin." "I will hav e to change your or al hypergly cemic agents as it seems your body is making more insulin." Question 99 A child with type 1 dia betes mellitus has exper ienced ex cessive hunger , w eight gain and in creasing h yperglycemia. The Somogyi eff ect is suspected. What st eps should be tak en to diagnose and trea t this condition? Decr ease the evening insulin dose and check capillary blood glucose (CBG) at 2:00 am. Instruc t the child's parents on phy sical activities to help weight loss. Incre ase the evening insulin dose and check CBG at 2:00 am. Re fer the child f or instruction on a strict diabetic diet. Question 100 A t what age is screening most lik ely to det ect scoliosis? 4 to 6 year s 8 to 10 y ears 12 to 14 year s 18 to 20 year s Question 101 The most r eliable indicator(s) of neur ological deficit when assessing a patient with acute low back pain is(are): P atient report of bladder dys function, sa ddle anesthesia, and motor weakness o f limbs. Hist or y of significant tr auma relativ e to the patient's age. Decr ease d refle xes, s trength, and sensation in the lower e xtremities. P atient report of pain with the cr ossed str aight leg raise. A patien t wh o has had a swollen, nont ender scrotu m for one we ek is found to h ave a mass within the tunica va ginalis that tr ansilluminates readily . The famil y nur se practitioner suspects: a.) a h ydrocele. b.) a varic ocele. c.) an indirect inguinal hernia. d.) car cinoma of the testis. a hy drocele. A client had e xcessiv e blood loss and prolonge d hypotension during sur gery . His postoper ative urine output is sharply decreased, and his blood urea nitr ogen (BUN) is elevat ed. The most lik ely cause f or the change is acute: A) Prer enal inflammation B) Bladder outlet obstruction 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 22/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! C) T ubular necrosis D) Intr ar enal neph roto xicit y Bladder outlet obstr uc tion Mr . S. comes to you wi th scrotal pain. The e xaminati ons of his scrotum, penis, and r ectum are normal. Which of the following c onditions outside of the scrotum ma y p resen t as scr otal pain? A. Inguinal herniation and perit onitis B. Renal colic and car diac ischemia C. Pancr eatitis and Crohn ' s disease D . Poly arteritis nodosa and ulcerati ve colitis Inguinal herniation and peritonitis The most commo n type of hernia is a(n): A. indirect inguinal hernia. B. direct inguinal hernia. C. femor al hernia. D . umbilical hernia. indirect inguinal hernia. Max, ag e 70, is obese. He is complaining of a bulg e in his groin that has be en there for months. He st ates that it is not painful, but it is annoying. Y ou note that the origin of swelling is abov e the inguinal ligam ent directly behind and through the ext ernal ring. Y ou diagnose this as a(n): A. indirect inguinal hernia. B. direct inguinal hernia. C. femor al hernia. D . str angul ated h ernia. direct inguinal hernia. A 35 year old se xually active man presents wit h a 1 week hist ory of fe ver and pain over the left scrotu m. It is accomp anied by frequency and dysuri a. The scrotum is edemat ous and tender to t ouch. He denies flank pain, nausea, and vomiting. He reports that eh pain is lessend when he uses scro tal-support briefs. The urinalysis shows 2 + blood and a lar ge number of leukocytes . What is the most lik ely diagnosis? A. Acute urinary tract inf ection B. Acute py eloneph ritis C. Acute orthitis D . Acut e epididy mitis Acute epididymitis Orchitis is cause d by which of the f ollowing? A. Mumps virus 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 25/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Milton, a 72 y ear old unmarried, sexually active white m an presents t o your clinic with complaints of hesitancy , ur gency , and occasional uncon trolled dribbling. Although y ou suspect benign pros tatic h ypertrophy , what else should your diff erential diagnosis include? Ure thral strictur e (may develop as a result of se xually transmi tted d iseases and should be considered in a se xually active individual no matter what the age) Harry has BPH and complains of some incontinence . Y our first s tep in diagnosing overflow inconti nence would be to or der a: P ost void residual urine measur ement Lower urinary tr act sympt oms in males can presen t as a const ellation of stor age or voiding symp toms. Stor age symp toms include: urg ency and nocturia A 63-y ear-old m an presents to y ou with hematuria, hesit ancy , and dribbling. DRE rev eals a moder ately enlarg ed pros tate tha t is smooth. The client's PSA is 1.2. What is the most appr opriate managemen t str ategy f or you to follo w at this time? Prescri be an alpha adrenergi c block er , which will relax bladder and pros tate smooth muscle to impr ove flow and r elieve sympt oms. Accor ding to the AUA guideli ne on the management of BPH, when is ref erral f or inv asive surgery automatic ally warr anted? With the presence of re fracto r y reten tion and blad der stones. What diff erenti ates pros tate cancer s ymptoms from B PH ? Sympt oms of prost ate cancer in gener al tend to pro gress more r apidly than those of BPH. The most commo n gram-neg ative bacteria that ca uses b oth acute and chroni c bacterial pro statitis is A. Staphyloc occus aureus B. Klebsiella C. Escherichia coli D . Ente robac teriace ae Escherichia coli A hist or y of urinary tract inf ections in males is often seen in men with chronic bacterial pr ostatitis. Other signs and symp toms of chronic bacterial pro statitis includes A. irritativ e voiding sympt oms, low back pain, and perineal pain. B. nausea and vomiting, as well as f ever . 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 26/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! C. loss of appetite and weight loss. D . irritativ e voiding sympt oms, inability to ambulat e, and f ever . ir ritativ e voiding symp toms, low back pain, and perineal pain. When perf orming a pros tate e xamination, you no te a tender , warm pr osta te. What do you suspect? A. Benign prosta tic hypertr ophy B. Pros tatic abscess C. Pros tate cancer D . Bact erial pr ost atitis Bacteri al pros tatitis Ger ard is complaining of a scrot al mass; however , the scr otum is so edemat ous th at it is difficult to assess. How do you det ermine if it is a hernia or a hy drocele? Bowel sounds ma y be heard over a hernia. Mr . S comes to you with scr otal pain. The examina tions of his scrotum, penis, and r ectum are normal. Which of the follo wing conditions outside of the scrotum ma y present as scro tal pain? Ingui nal hernia and peritonitis A 17 year old boy r eports feeling somethi ng on his left scrotum. On palpation, soft and mov ab le blood vessels that f eel lik e a "bag of worms" are no ted underneath the scrotal skin. It is not swollen or redden ed. The most lik ely diagnosis is A. Chronic orchiti s B. Chronic epididymitis C. T es ticul ar t or sion D . V aricocele V aricocele What risk f actors con tribute to varic ocele? A. Y ounger age B. Current cig arette smok e r C. Multiple sex partner s D. None of the above None of the above T reatmen t options f or varic ocele repair include all of the following ex cept: A. Open surgery B. Laparoscopic sur gery 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 27/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! C. T re atment with a thrombolytic agent D . Pe rcutaneous emboliz ation T reatmen t with a thrombolytic agent There is a higher risk of balanitis in which of the following conditi ons? A. Renal Insufficiency B. Diabet es Mellitus C. Gr aves' disease D . Asthma Diabe tes Mellitus Balanitis is caused by: A. Staphyloc occus aureus B. Stre ptoco ccus pyog ene s C. Candida albicans D . T ri chomo nads Candi da a lbicans Balanitis is a symp tom of which one of the f ol lowing diseases A. Psoriati c arthritis B. Rea ctive arthritis C. Alkylosing Spondylitis D . Rheumat oid arthritis R eac tive arthritis The a verage Americ an man has an appro ximately % lif etime risk of pros tate cancer and an appro ximately % lik elihood of clinical disease. A. 15, 5 B. 25, 8 C. 40, 10 D . 60 , 15 40 , 10 All of the foll owing can cause an elev ated PSA level e xcep t: A. Current pr ostat e inf ection B. Recent cy stoscopy C. BPH D . Pro sta te ctom y Pros tate ctomy 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 30/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Fe ver What lab r esult w ill be alter ed if a patient has tak en an antibiotic? Urine Culture What is the pr eferr ed method to collec t a urine specimen in children who are not toilet - trained? cathe teriza tion When would you consider a C T scan or renal ultr asound for patients wit h acute py elonephritis? If the patient h as not impro ved after 48-72 hours on an appr opriate antibiotic. What f our reasons would you consi der the inf ection complicat ed until pr oven otherwise? If the patient is a man, an older adult, or child, or has symp toms lasting more than 7 day s What medica tion would you expect not to us e in acute py elonephritis? Do not use nitro furantoi n because poor tissue concentr ations are achie ved in the renal parench yma T o decr ease the production of uric acid stones, the f amily nurse practitioner or ders which medication? A. allopurinol (zyloprim) B. indomethacin (indocin) C. bethanechol (urecholine) D . phenaz opyr idine (pyridium) allopurinol (z ylop rim) Y ou see a 58-y ear-old man diagnosed with a kidney ston e w ho reports pain primarily during urination. Y ou consider all of the fol lowing ex cept: A. improved h ydr ation. B. alpha blocker use. C. prescribing a diuretic. D . analgesia use prescri bing a diuretic . Y our 35-y ear-old patien t is being work ed up for micr oscopic hematuria. All of the following ar e diff erential diagnoses of microsc opic hematuria e xcept: A) Kidney stones B) Bladder cancer 527 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 Walden University NRNP 6531 Final Exam compilation Questions and Answers 100%Correct/Verified Assured Success New 2023!!! c) Acute pyelonephritis Renal artery stenosis, ‘A 65-year-old carpenter complains of stiffness and pain in both hands and right knee shortly after waking and worsens in the afternoon. He feels some relief with rest. On, exam the nurse practitioner Notices the presence of Heberden's nodes. Which of the following is most likely? a. Osteoporosis b. Rheumatoid Art d. Reiter's syndrome Osteoarthritis Mary, age 72, has severe osteoarthritis of her right knee. She obtains much relief from corticosteroid injections. When she asks you how often she can have them, how do you respond? A. Only once a year in the same joint B. No more than twice a year in the same joint © D. No more than five to six times a year in the same joint No more than three to four times a year in the same joint Your 75-year-old client with osteoarthritis of the knee will be starting on a course of NSAIDs for pain management. The most important teaching point for your patient currently is: ‘A. You should start with a high dose first and taper down the dose as needed. B. You should continue to take your Coumadin as you have been. c. D. At this point, it wll not be helpful to lose weight. Report any excessive stomach upset or if you notice that your stools become dark or bloody. ‘A 45-year-old woman in complaining of generalized stiffness, especially in both her wrist and hands. It is much worse in the morning and last a few hours. She also complains of fatigue and generalized body aches that have been present for the past few months. Which of the following is most likely? a, Osteoporosis b. ¢. Osteoarthritis, d. ftout Rheumatoid arthritis {tinny, age 48, has rheumatoid arthritis and gets achy and stiff after sitting through a long, movie. This is referred to as about:blank 31/212 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 32/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! A. longevity stiff ness B. gelling C. intermi ttent arthritis D . moldi ng gelling Mr s. Matthew s h as rheumatoid arthritis. On re viewing an x-r ay of her hip, you notice tha t there is a mark ed absence of articular cartilage. What me ch anism is responsible for thi s? A. Antigen - antibod y forma tion B. L ymphocyte response C. Immune compl ex formati on D . L ysosomal degr adation L ysos omal degr adation Kari na a client with my asthenia gr avis is to receiv e immunosuppressive therap y . The nurse under stands that this ther apy is eff ective because it: A. Stimulates the production of ace tylcholine at the neurom uscu lar junction. B. Promot es the remov al of antibodies that impair the transmission of impulses C. Inhibits the b reak down of acetylcholine at the neur omuscular junction. D . Decreases the pr oduction of autoan tibodies that att ack the ac etylcholine recep tors. Decreas es the production of autoan tibodies that attack the acetylcholine recep tors. T reatmen t for Myasthenia Gr avis Includes: A. IVIG or Plasmapheresis B. Antibiotics C. Analgesic's D . Sedation IVIG or Plasmapheresis What specific tr eatment is given patien ts diagnosed with Myas thenia Gr avis that will focus on impr oving conduction? A. Surger y B. Physic al Therapy C. Mestinon (pyridostigmine) Neos tigmine D . F luroquinol ones Mestinon (p yr idostigmine) Neostigmi ne Firs t-li ne treatmen t of S LE in a patient wit h mild sympt oms is: A. sy stemi c cortic ost eroids. B. hyd roxy chloroquine plus NSAIDs. 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 35/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! a. The child no longer complains of pain at lower knee at r est b. The child no longer complains of pain at the ankle at res t. c. The child no longer complains of pain at the hip during ex ercise. d. The child no longer complains of pain at lower knee during ex ercise . The child no longer complains of pain at lower knee during ex ercise . Common risk f actors f or O sgood Schlatt er Disease include: a. Highly active with open growth plat es b. Significant Growth Spurt c. T ypically as ymmetrical but can occur bilater ally d. Boys> Girls e. All of the above All of the above What mus t you you do to diagnose a distal f emur , pat ellar , and proxim al tibia fractur e? Obt ain imaging according t o Ottaw a knee rules What ar e the k ey physi cal findings of patellar fr actures? palpable DEFECT on patella, HEM ARTHROSIS, Fail ure to do STRAIGHT LEG RAISE = failur e of EXTENSOR MECHANI SM (retinaculum displaced) Heidi, age 29, is a nur se who has an acute episode of back pain. Y ou have det ermined that it is a simple "mechanical" back ache and order A) Bedres t for 2 da ys B) Muscle relax ants C) "Let pain be your guide" and continue activities D) Back - st reng thening ex er c ises "Let pain be your guide" and con tinue activities Beth, age 49, com es in w ith low back pain. An x - ray o f the lumbar/ sac ral spine is within normal limits. Which of the follo wing diagnoses do you explor e further? A. Scoliosis B. Ost eoarthritis C. Spinal stenosis D . Herniat ed nucleus pulposus Herniat ed nucleus pulposus 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 36/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! John, age 17 , work s as a stock boy at the local supermark et. He is in the office f or a routine visit. Y ou notice that he ha d an episode of low back pain 6 months ago from improperly lifting heavy bo xes. In discussing proper body mechanics with him to pre vent future injuries, you t ell him, 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 37/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! A. " Bend your knees and face the object str aight on. " B. " Hold box es awa y from your body at arm 's leng th. " C. " Bend and twist simulta neously as you lift. " D . " Keep your f eet firmly tog ether . " " Bend your knees and f ace the object str aight on. " With the str aight - leg-raising tes t, the NP is evalua ting tension on which of the follo wing nerve roots? A. L1 and L2 B. L3 and L4 C. L5 and S1 D . S2 and S3 L5 and S1 The most commo n sites for lumbar disk herniation are: A. L1 to L2 and L2 to L3. B. L2 to L3 and L4 to L5. C. L4 to L5 and L5 to S1. D . L5 to S1 and S1 to S2 L4 to L5 and L5 to S1 Immediat e diag nostic imaging f or low back pain should be reserved f or all of the following EX CEPT : A. presence of signs of the cauda equina syndr ome. B. presence of sever e neurological deficits. C. presence of risk fact ors for c ancer . D . presence of moder ate pain lasting a t least 2 week s. presence of moder ate pain lasting at le ast 2 week s. Firs t-li ne ther apy f or prepa tellar bursitis should include: A. bursal aspir ation. B. intr abur sal corticos teroid injection. C. acet aminophen. D . knee splinting. bur sal aspira tion. Clinical conditions with a prese ntation similar to acute b ursitis include which of the fol lowing? (More than one can apply .) A. rheumatoid arthritis B. septic arthritis 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 40/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! B. heat to area. C. weigh t-b earing ex er c ises. D . nons ter oidal anti-inflamma tory drugs (NSAIDs). nonst eroidal anti-inflammat ory drugs (NSAIDs). Lik ely sequelae of intrabur sal corticost eroid injection include: A. irre ver sible skin atrop hy . B. inf ection. C. inflammatory r eac tion. D . soreness at the sit e of injection. soreness at the sit e of injection. P atients with later al epicondylitis typically presen t with: a. electric-lik e pain elicited by tapping ov er the median nerve b. reduced joint pain c. pain that is wor st with elbow flexion (elbow ROM is usually normal) d. decreased hand grip str ength the pain is worse with r esisted wrist ext ension decre ase d hand grip streng th the pain is worse with resis ted wrist ext ension Risk fa ctors for later al epicondylitis include all of the following EX CEPT : A. repetitive lifting B. playing tennis C. hamm ering D . gout gout Up to what per centag e of patients with medial epicondylitis r ecover without surge ry? A. 35% B. 50% C. 70% D . 95 % 95 % Initial trea tment of later al epicondylitis includes all of the fol lowing EX CEPT : A. res t and activity modifications B. corticos teroid injections C. topic al or oral NSA ID S D . count erfor ce b r acing br ace cent ered over the back of the for earm can help reliev e symptoms cortic osteroid injections 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 41/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Carpal tunnel syndr ome is inflammation of the: A) Ulnar nerve B) Radial nerve C) Br achial n erve D) Median nerve Median nerve The Phalen tes t is used to evalu ate for: A) Inflammation of the median nerve B) Rheumatoid arthritis C) Degener ative joint changes D) Chronic t enosynovitis Inflammation of the median nerve Sandr a, a comput er progr ammer , has just been give n a new diagnosis of carpal tunnel synd rome. Y our next s tep is to A. ref er her to a hand surgeon. B. tak e a more complet e history . C. try neutral position wrist splinting and order an or al NSAID. D . order a nerve conduction s tudy such as an electr omyogr aphy ( EMG) try neutr al position wrist splinting and order an or al NSAID. Ale xander , age 18, spr ained his ankle playing ice hock ey . He is confused as to whether to apply heat or cold. Wha t do you tell him? A. " Use continuous heat f or the first 12 hour s, then use heat or cold to y our own pref erence. " B. " Use continuous cold f or the first 12 hour s, then use heat or cold to y our own pref erence. " C. " Apply cold for 20 minut es, then take it o ff for 30 - 45 minutes; r epeat for the fir st 24 - 48 hours while awak e. " D . " Alternat e between cold and heat f or 20 minutes each for the fir st 24 - 48 hours. " " Apply cold f or 20 minutes, then tak e it off for 30 - 45 minut es; repeat f or the first 24 - 48 hour s while awak e. " When Maxwell, age 12, slid in to home plate while playing baseball, he injur ed his ankle. Y ou are trying to diff erentiat e between a sprain and a s train. Y ou know that a sprain A. is an injur y to the ligamen ts that attach t o b ones in a joint. B. is an injury to the tendons tha t attac h to the muscles in a joint. C. is an injur y resulting in e xtensive tear s of the muscles. D . does not result in joint inst ability . is an injury to the ligamen ts th at att ach to bones in a joint. 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 42/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which of the follo wing is usually not a part of treatmen t of a sprain? A. Immobiliz ation B. Applying ice to the area C. Joint rest D . Loc al cortic ost eroid injection Local corti costeroi d injection Janice is rec overing from ost eomyelitis of her leg. She asks y ou for advice as to what she c an do to promot e healing. Y ou tell her to: A. put weight on the aff ected leg more frequ ently to promote incr eased circulation, o xygenation, and nutrition to the tissues of the wound are a. B. eat foods high in vit amins and calcium and increase her calorie and pr otein intak e. C. spend time in the fresh air and expose the w ound to fresh air and sunlight. D . be sure to use s trict aseptic technique when changing the dressing, which should be k ept wet at all times to impr ove wound healing. eat f oods high in v itamins and cal cium and increase her calorie and prot ein intak e. Dan, age 49, dev eloped osteom yelitis of the f emur after a motor cycle accident. Which of the following st atements about the clinical manif est ations of osteom yelitis is correct? A. Integumen tary effects include sw elling , erythema, and warmth at t he inv olved site. B. There is a low-g rade fe ver with intermitt ent chills C. Musculosk eletal eff ects include tenderness of the entire leg . D . Car diovas cular eff ects include bradyc ardia. Inte gumentary eff ects include swelling, er ythema, and warmth at the in volved site. What is the pr otein lacking or absent in muscular dys trophy a. cor onin b. tubulin c. dystr ophin d. k eratin dy stro phin T ype of muscular dystr ophy that is mos t common in adulthood a. Beck er md b. Duchenne md c. f acioscapu lohumer al md d. my otonic md. m yotonic md. 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 45/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! A. dyspnea. B. angina. C. seizure. D . sy ncop e. sy ncope. All of the foll owing are possible etiologies f or papilledema a. Intra cranial abscess b. Ruptured aneury sm c. Migr aine headaches d. Cer ebral edema Migr aine headaches The fol lowing measures ar e used for treating various types of headache. Which is not consider ed to be eff ective ther apy for migr aine? a. Propanolol proph ylaxis b. Resting in a quie t and dark ened room c. T rimethobenzamide supposit ories for nausea d. Sodium res triction to decreas e wat er ret ention Sodium restr iction to decre ase wat er reten tion Which of the follo wing is indicate d in the proph ylactic trea tment of migraine headache a. ibuprof en (Motrin) b. Napro xen sodium (Anapro x) c. Propanolol (Inder al) d. Sumatriptan (Imitr ex) Propanolol (Inder al) An adult woman comes to t he clinic presenting with gr adual onset of throbbing headaches behind one ey e wor sening over sever al eyes is diagnosed as a. Cluster headache b. Migr aine headache c. T rigeminal neuralgia d. T em por al art eritis Migr aine headache In tension-type headache, which of the fol lowing st atements is true? a. Photophobia is seldom reported. b. The pain is typically described as "pressing" in quality 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 46/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! c. The headache is usually unilater al d. Physi cal activity usually makes the discom fort wor se The pain is typically described as "pressing" in quality A fir st - line proph ylactic treatmen t option for the pr evention of tension-typ e headache is a. Nortriptyline b. V erapamil c. Carbamaz epine d. valpro ate Nor triptylin e Migr aine associated with muscle or neck pain, which is NOT an Int ernational Headache Society migraine diagnostic crit erion, is often diagnosed as a. Sinus headache b. Cluster headache c. Incr eased intr acranial pressur e d. T ension-type headache T e nsion-ty pe headache Acute cer ebral hemorrhage is best iden tified with which of the following imaging te chniques? a. tr anses ophagea l echocardiogr am b. CT Scan c. Cerebr al angiogram d. MR angiogr aphy CT Scan A 64-y ear-old w oman presents t o your clinic with a sudden righ t-sided head ac he that is w orse in her right ey e. She claims her vision seems blurr ed, and her right pupil is dilat ed and slow to r eact. The right conjunctiv a is mark edly injected, and the eyeball is firm. Y ou screen her vision and find that she is 20/30 OS and 20/30 OD . She most lik ely has A. open-angle glaucoma. B. angle-closur e glaucoma. C. herpetic conjunctivitis. D . diabetic retinopa thy . angl e-closur e glaucoma. Sylvia has glaucoma and has s tarted taking a medic ation that acts as a diuretic to r educe the intraocular pressur e. Which medication is she taking? A. A carbonicanh ydras e inhibitor B. A beta-adr energic receptor block er 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 47/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! C. A miotic D . A my driatic A carbonic anhydr ase inhibitor Signs and symp toms of acute angle-closure glaucoma include A. painless redness of the eyes. B. loss of peripheral vision. C. tr anslucent cor neas. D . halos around lights. halos around lights . When ev aluating the person who has bacterial meningitis, the NP expects to find CSF results o f: a. low protein b. predominance of lymphocytes c. glucose at about 30% of serum levels d. low opening pressure glucose a t a bout 30% of serum levels An 18-y ear-old colleg e freshman is br ought to the student health cent er with a chief complaint of a 3-da y hist ory of progr essive headache and intermittent f ever . On physic al examina tion he has a positive K ernig and Brudzinski sign. The most lik ely diagnosis is: a. vir al encephalitis b. bacterial meningitis c. acute subar achnoid hemorrhage d. epidur al hematoma bacteri al meningitis Which of the follo wing diseases is associated with a high risk of giant cell arteritis? A. history of tr ansiet ischemia attacks (TIA) B. Frequent migr aine headaches with f ocal neurological findings C. Polymalgia rheumati ca (PMP) D . Sy stemic lupus erythematous (SLE) P olymalgia rheumatica (PMP) Which of the follo wing diagnostic tes ts would be most helpful in the diagnosis of this illness? A. CT scan of the br ain B. Cranial nerve e xam C. Sedim enta tion ra te D . CBC with diff erential 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 50/212 • Question 2 1 out of 1 po ints A . B . C . D W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which repr esents the most appropria te diagnostic test f or the patient in the pre vious question? A. CBC with WBC Diff erential? B. L yme disease antibody titer? C. CT scan of the head with contr ast? D . BUN and Creatine lev els? L yme disease antibody titer? In pres c ribing prednisone for the pa tient with Bells palsy , the NP consider s that its use: A. Has not been shown to be helpful in impr oving outcom es in the condition. B. Should be initiated asap a fter the onset of f acial paraly sis. C. Is lik ely to help minimize ocular s ymptoms. D . Ma y prolong the course of the disease. Should be initiated asap aft er the onset of f acial paraly sis. T reatmen t options f or an adult with seizures include all of the f ol lowing agents EX CEPT : a. Carbamaz epine b. Phenyt oin c. Gabap entin d. tamsulosin tamsulosin Which of the follo wing best describes patient pr esentati on during tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizur e? a. Blank staring lasting 3 to 5 seconds, accompanied by impaired level of c 0 onsc iousness b. Awak e sta te with abnormal motor behavior lasting seco nds c. Rigid extension of arms and legs, f ollowed by sudden jerking movements with loss of cons ciousne ss d. Abrupt muscle contr action with autonomi c signs Rigid ext ension of arms and legs, follow ed by sudden jerking moveme nts with loss of consciousness Central obesity, “moon” face, and dorsocervical fat pad are associated with: 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 51/212 • Question 3 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 4 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 5 1 out of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! . An elderly man is started o n lisinopril and hydrochlorhiazide f or hypertension. Three days later, he returns to the offi ce complaining of left great toe pain. On exam, the nurse practitioner notes an edem at ous, erythematous tender left great toe. The likely precipitant of this patient’s pain is: The most effective treatment of non-infectious bursitis includes: intrabursal What conditions must be met for you to bill “incident to” the physician, receiving % 100 reimbursement from Medicare? Selected Answer: The physician must be on-site and engaged in patient care Answers: You must initiate the plan of care for the pati ent The physician must be on-site and engaged in patient care You must be employed as an i ndependent contractor You must be the main health care provider who sees the patient A . B . C . D . 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 52/212 • Question 6 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 7 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 8 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 9 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 10 1 out of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which of the following is not a risk factor associated with the development of syndrome X and type 2 diabetes mellitus? The met abolic syndr ome ref ers to the co-oc cu rren c e of sever al known cardiov ascular risk f actors, including insulin resist ance, obesity , ather ogenic dyslipidemia and hypertension. Which of the follo wi ng is not a common ear ly sign of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? A. Nocturia B. Urgency inc ontinence C. Strong urinary str ea m flow D . Straining to v oid Steve, age 69, has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When teaching him how to reduce h is lower esopha geal sphincter pressure, which substances do you recommend that he avoid? Fried food DT caf fe ine, chocolate and anticholiner gics Which drug category contains the drugs that are the first line Gold standard therapy for COPD? Beta antagonist 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 55/212 • Question 25 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 28 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 29 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 30 out 1 of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! out 1 of points 1 Martin, age 24 , presents with an erythematous ear canal, pain, and a recent history of swimming. What do you suspect? Otitis externa/ swimmer’s ear Which of the following symptoms suggests a more serious cause of back pain? Pain associated with lying down at night A patient taking levothyroxine is being over replaced. What - condition is he at risk for? osteoporosis Which of the following is the most common cause of low back pain? Which is the most common cause of end-stage renal disease in the United States? Diabetes A . B . C . D . 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 56/212 • Question 31 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 32 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 33 1 out of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! A 77-year-old female prese nts to the office complaining a sudden swelling on her right elbow. She denies fever, c h ills, trauma, or pain. The physical exam reveals a non-tender area of swelling over the extensor surface over the right elbow with evidence of trauma or irritation. The nurse practitioner suspects: A 60 year old female patient co mplains of s udden onset unilateral, stabbing, surface pain in the lower part of her face lasti ng a few minutes, subsiding, and then returning. The pain is triggered by touch or temperature extremes. Physical examination is nor mal. Which of the following is the most l ikely diagnosis? A. fibromyligia or neuro something Beth, age , comes 49 in with low back pain. An x-ray of t he lumbosacral spine is within normal limits. Which of the following diagnoses do you explore further? Arthritis, C • Question 34 • D out 1 of points 1 A patient exhibits extrapyramidal side e ffects of antipsychotic medications. Which of the following symptoms would lead you to look for another diagnosis? high fever (102 to 104 degrees F), irregular pulse, accelerated heartbeat (tachyca rd ia), increased rate of respiration (tachypnea), muscle rigidity , altered mental status, autonom i c nervous system dysfunction resulting in high or low blood pressure, profuse perspi ra tion, and excessive sweating. called A . B . C . D . 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 57/212 • Question 35 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 37 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 38 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 39 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 41 out 1 of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! hallucinations. Phalen’s test, 90°wrist flexion for 60 seconds, reproduces symptoms of: carpal tunnel syndrome The most common cause of elevated liver function tests is: alcohol Reed-Sternberg B lymphocytes are associated with which of the following disorders: A Aplasti c anemia . B Hodgkin’s lymphoma . C Non Hodgkin’s . lymphoma D Myelodysplastic . syndromes Which of the fo llowing is a potential a cquired cause of thrombophilia? A Homocysteinuria . B Protein C de ficiency . C Factor V Leiden . D Antiphospholipid . antibodies 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 60/212 B . C . D . • Question 53 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 54 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 55 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 56 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 57 1 out of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! The diagnosis of human papilloma virus HPV) ( infection in males is usually made by: Which h istory is commonly found in a patient with glomerulonephritis? A patient complains of generalized joint pain and stiffness associated with activity and relieved with rest. This patient history is consistent with which of the following disorders? Osteoarthritis The most co mmon presentation of thyroid can cer is: thyroid The obligatory criteria for diagnosis of muscular dystrophy ( M D) a re: 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 61/212 with a family history of Duchenne or Be cker MD may be carriers. • Question 58 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 59 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 60 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 61 out 1 of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Gene tic testing to evaluate missing or repeated mutations in the dystrophin gene. A lack of the dystrophin gene can lead to a diagnosis of Duchenne or Becker MD. The test is important not only to confirm the MD diagnosis in males but also to determine whether Accurate diagnosis of the mu scular dystrophies is important for pati ents, their families, and efficient and cost - effective use of medical resources. EEG. ( ) The dia gnosis which m ust be considere d in a patient who presents with a severe headache of sudden onset, with neck stiffness and fever, is: A 60 year old male patient with multiple health problems presents with a complaint of erectile dysfunction (ED). Of th e following, which medication is most likely to be causi n g the problem? Hypertensive medicati o n such as A 72 year old patient exhibits sudden onset of fluctuating restlessness, a gitation, confusion, and impaired attention. T his is accompanied by visual hallucinations and sleep disturbance. What is the most likely cause of this behavior? 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 62/212 • Question 62 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 63 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 64 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 65 out 1 of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which of t he following se t of symptoms should raise suspicion of a brain tumor? The c ornerstone of treatment for stress fracture of the femur or metatarsal stress fracture is: relative rest-that being the cessation of the offending activity for a period of time until the irritation is eliminated, pain is gone and the bone is given a chance to heal. R est the affect ed part of the body - Once pain free, the person can gr adually begin the sporting activity again - Air splinting c an reduce pain and decre ase the time until ret urn to full participa tion or intensity of ex ercise. - NSAIDs to redu c e pain and inflammation Sally, a co mputer programmer, h as just been given a new diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Your next step is to: a. ref er her to a hand surgeon b. tak e a more complet e hx c. try neutral position wrist splinting and or der an oral NS AID d. order a nerve conduction study such as an electr omyogr aphy (EMG) Marsha presents wit h s ymptoms resembling both fibromyalgia a nd chronic fatigue syndrome, which have many similarities. Wh ich of the following is more characteristic of fibromyalgia? The cardinal sign of infectious arthri ti s is: 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 65/212 • Question 82 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 83 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 85 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 86 1 out of po 1 ints A . B . C . D . W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! 4. Accelerated atherogenesis In which of the following presentations is further diagnostic testing not warranted? The most commo n symptoms of transient ischemic attac k TIA) ( include: Common symptoms are sudden and transient, and include unilateral paresis, speech disturbance, and monocular blindness. i i Establishment of a definitive diagn os is of oste omyelitis requires: definitive diagnosis Which of the following is the most common causative organism of nongonococcal urethritis? 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 66/212 • Question 88 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 90 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 92 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 93 1 out of po 1 ints A . B . C . D . W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! A 30 year old female patient p r esents to the clinic with heat intolerance, tremors, nervousness, and weight loss inconsistent with inc rea sed appetite. Which test would be most likely to confirm the suspected diagnosis? Potential causes of hypocalcemia include which of the following? of hypocalcemia Causes include hypopar athyroidism, vitamin D deficiency , and renal disease. Which of the following is a contraindication for metformin therapy? h ypersensitity metabolic acidiosis, deh ydrati on, sepsis, hypox e mia, hepatic impairment, r ena l dys fu nction The organism most often associated with prostatitis is: • Question 94 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 67/212 • Question 95 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 98 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 101 1 out of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! 1 out of 1 points The most effective intervention(s) to prevent stroke is (are): the most most effective/or life style changes What is the most commonly abused substance? alcoho l 86 million abusers An obese hyperlipidemic patient, newly d iagnosed with type diabetes 2 mellitus, has fasting glucose v alues 18 0 to 2 50 mg/Dl. What is the most appropriate initial treatment to consider? • Question 100 1 out of 1 points Prolonged PT suggests: A Platelet abnormality . B Abnormality in intrinsic coagulation . pathway C Abn ormality in e xtrinsic coagulation . pathway D None of the above . Deficiency of FII, FV , FX, or fibri nogen abnormalities 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 70/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which of the following accounts f or half of the bladder tumors among men an d one- third in women? Cigar ette smok e, both active and passive inhalation • Question 23 1 out of 1 points A 21-year-old female presents to the office complaining of urinary frequency and urinary burning. The nurse practitioner suspects a urinary tract infection when the urinalysis reveals Answer: 10WBC/HPF • Question 26 1 out of 1 points The initial clinical sign of Dupuytren’s contracture is: Answer: Painless nodule on palmer fascia • Question 33 1 out of 1 points A nurse p ractitione r diagnos es a 60 year old male wi th balanitis. Which disease is commonly associated with balanitis? ( • Question 34 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 71/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Josh, age 2 2 , is a stock boy and has an acute episode of low back pain. You order a nd NSAID and tell him which of the following? Begin lower back strengthening exercises depending on pain tolerance. • Question 35 1 out of 1 points A 72 ye ar old female p atient reports a 6 month history of gradually progressive swollen and painful distal interphalangea l (DIP) joints of one hand. She has no systemic symptoms but the erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR), antinuclear antibody (ANA), and rheumatoid factor (RF) are all minimally elevated. What is the most likely diagnosis? Osteoarthritis • Question 40 1 out of 1 points Jennife r says that she has heard that caffeine can cause osteoporosis and asks you why. How do you respond? "A high caffeine intake h as a diuretic ef fect that may cause calcium t o be excreted more rapidly." • Question 41 1 out of 1 points Which of th e following set of symptoms should rai s e suspicion of a brain tumor? Holocranial headaches present in the morning and accompanied by projectile 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 72/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! vomiting without nausea • Question 43 1 out of 1 points Diagnostic confirmation of acute leukemia i s bas ed on: Bone marro w aspira tion and biopsy • Question 44 1 out of 1 points Which of th e following antibiotics should not be prescribed for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester? T rimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole • Question 46 1 out of 1 points Who is at a h igher risk for developing nephrolithiasis? Bill, who runs every da y and tak es ex cessive amounts of vitamin C 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 75/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Midstream urine specimens for culture and sensitivity CBC and differential Blood urea nitrogen Creatinine • Question 69 1 out of 1 points A patient has just been diagnosed w ith Bell’s palsy. He is und e rstandably upset a nd has questions about the prognosis. You response should be: the condition is self-limiting, and most likely complete recovery will occur • Question 70 1 out of 1 points What is the first step in th e treatment of uric acid kidney stones? Encouraging hydration • Question 71 1 out of 1 points Urine cultures should be obtained for which of the following patients? All of the above All of the above ( pregnant females, males, and febrile patients) • Question 73 1 out of 1 points A patient has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and thyroid ho rmone replaceme nt therapy is prescribed. How long should the nurse practitioner wait before checking the patient’s TSH? Answer: 6 – 8 weeks 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 76/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! • Question 76 1 out of 1 points Which of t he following patients most warrants screening for hypothyroidism? An elderly female with recent onset of mental dysfunction • Question 77 1 out of 1 points The hallmark of neurofibromatosis ( von Recklinghausen’s disease) present in almost 100 % of patients is : caf e au lait spots. • Question 82 1 out of 1 points A patient p resenting fo r an annua l physical exam has a BMI of 25 kg/m2 This patient would be classified as: Overweigh t • Question 84 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 77/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! 1 out of 1 points Diagnostic evaluation of hypothyroidism reveals: Elevated TSH and decrease T4 • Question 85 1 out of 1 points Diagnostic radiological studies are indicated for low back pain: P ain lasting more than 1 mon th - Obje ctive r adicul opath y - Cauda equina s yndrome - Considering "red flag": s yst emic arthritis, infx, malignancy , tr auma , congenit al/development al abnormalities • Question 88 1 out of 1 points The correct treatment for ankle sprain during the first 48 hours after injury includes: a cold compress to help reduce swelling ( Rest, ice, compression, elevation ) • Question 89 1 out of 1 points The most reliable indicator(s) of neurological deficit when assessing a patient with acute low back pain is(are): decreased reflexes, strength, and sensation in the lower extremities 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 80/212 • Question 15 out 0 of 1 po ints • Question 16 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 20 out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 21 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 26 1 out of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! 1 out of 1 points Which of t he following is the mo st common complication of the myelodysplastic syndromes? Bleeding Which of the following is characteristic of a manic episode? Grandiosity or grandiose delusions Which of the following characteristics are associated with prepatellar bursitis? Repetitive knee trauma A middle-aged female presents complaining of recent weight lo ss. The physical exam reveals an enlarged painless cervical lymph node. The differential diagnosis for this patient’s problem includes: Answer: infection What is the most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome? the long-term, high-dose use of the cortisol-like glucocorticoids A diabetic patient is taking low-dose en a lapril for hypertension. A record of th e patient’s blood pressure over 4 weeks ranges from 130 to 142 mmHg systolic a nd 75 t o 85 mmHg out 1 of points 1 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 81/212 • Question 30 out 1 of po 1 ints • Question 31 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 35 0 out of po 1 ints • Question 38 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 39 out 1 of 1 po ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! diastolic. How should the nurse practitioner respond? Answer: Current guidelines recommend lowering BP to <135/80 mmHg Your patient has an elevated mean cell volume ( MCV). What should you be considering in terms of diagnosis? Anemia (pernicious or folic acid anemia) macrocytic Liver disease What information s hould patients with diabetes and their families receive about hypoglycemia? …………………. At what age is screening most likely to detec t s coliosis? Adolescent age ( 1 1 and older , or from onset of puberty until skeletal maturity). A patient has been taking fluoxetine (Prozac) since being diagnosed with major depression, first episode, 2 months ago. She reports considerable im provement in her symptoms and her intent ion to discontinue the medication. W hat should be t he nurse prac titioner’s reco mme ndation? Answer: Recommend that the patient continue the antidepressant medication for at least 4 more months A typical description of a tension headache is: mild to moderate intensity , bilateral, nonthrobbing 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 82/212 • Question 41 0 out of 1 po ints • Question 42 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 43 0 out of 1 po ints • Question 53 1 out of 1 po ints • Question 56 out 1 of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which of the following is not a characteristic of type diabetes mellitus? 2 ---------------------------- -- ----- Which of the following is not a characteristic of type 1 diabetes m e llitus? It is gener ally contr olled by diet and/or or al medication . The most accurate mea su re of diabetes c ontrol is: t he most accurate measurement o r Glycos ylate d hemoglobin level Microalbuminuria is a measure of: Answer: Urinary excretion of 30-299mg/24 hours of albumin, Expressing albumin and creatinine ratio (ACR) t ak es the variability into account and normalizes the albumin in a spot specime A patient has HIV infection and is having a problem with massive diarrhea. You suspect the cause is: Cryptosporidiosis The nurse practitioner is following a child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) who has been previously diagnosed and is bein g managed for t he disease by a pediatric rheumatologist. The mo ther asks for information about the child’s long term prognosis. What is the most appropriate reply? prevent disease progression and destruction of joints, 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 85/212 • out 1 of 1 po ints • Question 97 1 out of po 1 ints • Question 99 out 0 of po 1 ints W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! What intervention does the American College of Rheumatology recommend as first line therapy for osteoarthritis? Acetaminoph en should be used as first- line therapy for mild osteoarthritis. Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs are superior to acetaminophe n for treating moderate to severe osteoarthritis The best test to determine microalbuminuria to assist in the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy: Answer: measure albumin microalbuminuria ( A 26 year old female presents with elbow pain that is described as a ching and burning. There is point tendernes s along the lateral aspect of the elbow and painful passive flexion and extension. She reports she has been playing tennis almost daily for the past month. The most likely diagnosis is: lateral epicondy litis ( tennis elbow) 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 86/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! • Question 1 1 out of 0 points When co mpleting this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? Selected Answer: Y e s Answers: Y e s No • Question 2 The most co mmon can cer f ound on the auricle is: Selected Answer: Basal cell carcino ma Answers: Actinic keratosis Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Acral-lentiginous melanoma • Question 3 2 out of 1 points 0 out of 1 points Which of the following medication classes s hould be avo ided in patients w ith acute or chronic bronchitis becau s e it will contribute to ventilation-perfusion mismatch in the patient? 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 87/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Selected Answer: Anticholinerg ics Answers: Xanthines Antihistimine s Steroids Anticholinerg ics • Question 4 0 out of 1 points A 47 year old male patient presents to the clinic with a single episode of a moderate amount of bright red rectal bleeding. On examination, external hemorrhoids are noted. How should the nurse practitioner proceed? Selected Answer: Inst ruct the patien t on meas ures to prevent h emorrhoids such as bowel habits and diet. Answers: Inst ruct the patien t on measu res to prevent hem orrhoids such as bowel habits and diet. Order a topical hemorrhoid cream along with a stool softener. Refer the patient for a bar ium enema and sigmoidoscopy. Refer the patient for a surgical hemorrhoidectomy. • Question 5 1 out of 1 points Which of the following patient characteristics are associated with chronic bronchitis? Selected Answer: Underweight, pink skin, and increased respiratory rate Answers: Overweight, cy a nosis, and normal or slightly in c reased respiratory rate Underweight, pink skin, an d increased respiratory rate 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 90/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Which type of lung cancer has the poorest prognosis? Selected Answer: Adenocarcinoma Answers: Adenocarcinoma Epidermoid carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Large cell carcinoma • Question 11 2 out of 1 points An 83-year-old female presents to the office complaining of diarrhea for several days. She expl ains she has even had fecal incontinence one time. She describes loose stools 3 – 4 times a day for several weeks and d e nies fever, chills, pain, recent antibiotic use. The history suggests that the patient has: Selected Answer: Chronic diarrhea Answers: Acute diarrhea Chronic diarrhea Irritable bowel Functional bowel disease • Question 12 1 out of 1 points Margaret, age 32, comes into the of f ice with painful joints and a distinctive rash in a butterfly distribution on her face. The rash has red papules and plaques with a f ine scale. What do you suspect? Selected Answer: Systemic lupus erythematosus 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 91/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Answers: An allergic reaction Relapsing polychondritis Lymphocytoma cutis Systemic lupus erythematosus • Question 13 1 out of 1 points Antibiotic administration has been demonstrated to be of little benefit to the treatment of which of the following disea s e processes? Selected Answer: Acute bronchitis Answers: Chronic si nusitis Acute bronchitis Bacterial pneumonia Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis • Question 14 0 out of 1 points Lisa, age 49 , has daily sym ptoms of asthma. She uses her inhaled short- a cting beta-2 agonist daily. Her exacerbations affec t her activities and they occur at least twice weekly and may last for days. She is affected more than once weekly during the night with an exacerbation. Which category of asthma severity is Lisa in? Selected Answer: Mild persistent Answers: Mild intermittent Mild persistent 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 92/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Moderate persistent • Question 15 0 out of 1 points Which of the following i s the most appropriate therapeutic regimen for an adult patient with no known allergies diagnosed with group A B-hemolytic strep? Selected Answer: None of the above Answers: Penicillin V 500 milligrams PO every 8 hours for 10 days Ampicillin 250 milligrams PO twice a day for 10 days Clarithromycin 500 milligrams po daily for 7 days None of the above • Question 16 0 out of 1 points A cashier complains of dull ache and pressure sensation in her lower legs. I t i s relieved by leg elevation. She occasionally has edema in her lower legs at the end of the day. What is the most likely cause of these probl e ms? Selected Answer: Arterial insufficiency Answers: Congestive heart failure Vari cose veins Deep vein thr ombos is Arterial insufficiency • Question 17 Which statement below is corre ct about pertussis? Selected 1 out of 1 points 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 95/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! When a patient presents w ith symptoms of ac ute gallbladder di se ase, what is the appropriate nurse practitioner action? Selected Answer: Order a n abd omina l ultra so und Answers: Orde r abdominal x-rays Order an abdominal ultrasound Refer the patient to a surgeon for evaluation Prescribe pain medication • Question 23 A false-positive result with the fecal occult blood test can result from: Selected Answer: stool that has been stored before testing Answers: ingestion o f large amou n ts of vitamin C a high dietary intake of rare cooked beef a colonic neoplasm that is not bleeding stool that has been stored before testing • Question 24 0 out of 1 points 0 out of 1 points A 76- year-old male complains of weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cram pin g and pain. Physical findings in clude an a bdominal mass and stool positive for occult blood. The nurse practitioner pain suspects a tumor in the small intestine . The best diagnostic test for this patient is: Selected Answer: Colonoscopy 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 96/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Answers: Colonoscopy Small bowel follow- through Barium enema CT abdomen • Question 25 1 out of 1 points A patient presents to urgent care co mplaining of dyspnea, fatigue, and lower extremity edema. T he echocardiogram reveals and ejection fra ction of 38%. The nurse practitioner knows that these findings are consistent with: Selected Answer: Systolic heart failure Answers: Mitral regurgitation Systolic heart failure Cardiac myxoma Diastolic heart failure • Question 26 1 out of 1 points Maxine, Age 76 , has just been given a diagnosis of pneumoni a . Which of the f ol lowing is an indication that she should be hospitalized? Selected Answer: Multilobar involvem ent on c hest x-ray with the inability to take oral medications Answers: Multilobar involvement on chest x-ray with the inability to take oral medications 8/29/23, 5:30 PM Final Exam compliation 6531 about:blank 97/212 W alden Uni v ersity NRNP 6531 Final Ex am compilation Questions and Answ ers 100%C orrect/V erified Assur ed Success Ne w 2023!!! Alert and oriented, slightly high but stable vital signs, and no on e to take care of her at home Sputum and gram positive organisms A complete blood count showing leukocytosis • Question 27 1 out of 1 points A 55 year old man is diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. The nurse pra ctitioner correctly tells him: Selected Answer: “It is the most common cause of death in patients with s kin cancer.” Answers: “It is the most common cause of death in patients w ith skin cancer.” “It can be cured with surgical excision or radiation therapy.” “It is a slow gr owing skin cancer that rare ly undergoes malignant changes.” “It can be cured using 5-flurouracil cream twic e d aily for 2 to 4 weeks.” • Question 28 2 out of 1 points Expected spirometry read in gs when the patient has chronic emphysema i nclude: Selected Answer: Increased total lung capacity (TLC) Answers: Dec reased residual v olume (RV) Increased vital capacity ( VC ) Increased forced expiratory volume ( FEV -1) Increased total lung capacity (TLC) • Question 29