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NRNP 6665-01, Week 11 Final Exam 2023\2024 (100% Correct Answers, Exams of Nursing

NRNP 6665-01, Week 11 Final Exam 2023\2024 (100% Correct Answers

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Download NRNP 6665-01, Week 11 Final Exam 2023\2024 (100% Correct Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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  1. An illness of symptoms or deficits that affect voluntary motor or sensory functions, which suggest another medical condition but that is judged to be caused by psychological factors because the illness is preceded by conflicts or other stressors in known as which of the following? A. Factitious disorder B. Illness anxiety disorder C. Somatic symptom disorder D. Functional neurological symptom disorder
  2. A condition characterized by the person giving approximate answers, with clouding of consciousness, frequently accompanied by hallucinations or other dissociative, somatoform or conversion symptoms is A. Ganser Syndrome B. Schizophrenia

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Dissociative trance disorder D. Dissociative identity disorder 3 )Which of the following can cause delirium? Check all that apply. A. Polypharmacy B. Sleep deprivation C. Admission/transfer/discharge from a healthcare facility D. None of the above

  1. Acute withdrawal from alcohol represents which type of clinical problem in psychosomatic medicine? A. Medical complications of psychiatric conditions or

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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treatments B. Psychiatric complications of medical conditions and treatments C. Psychiatric symptoms as a reaction to medical treatments. D. Co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions.

  1. The principal theoretician to bring psyche and soma together was which of the following? A. Sigmund Freud B. Anna Freud C. Karl Abraham D. Georg Groddeck

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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  1. Which of the following would not be included in the treatment plan for a patient with illness anxiety disorder? A. Behavioral therapy B. Group psychotherapy C. Insight oriented psychotherapy D. Exploratory invasive procedures to obtain diagnosis
  2. Which of the following is consistent with current literature about the relationship between obstetrical complications and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? A. Research is unclear whether obstetric complications are a true risk factor for ASD. B. Research proves there is a negative correlation between obstetrical complications and ASD. C.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Research proves there is a positive correlation between obstetrical complications and ASD. D. Research strongly supports a positive relationship between obstetric complications and ASD.

  1. The epidemiology related to kleptomania includes which of the following? A. Kleptomania is more prevalent in males than females. B. Kleptomania is estimated to be about 10 percent in the general population. C. Kleptomania is reported to occur in fewer than 5 percent of identified shoplifters. D. All of the above
  2. A frontotemporal dementia with onset in the fifth to sixth decade of life, more common in men, marked by personality change and cognitive decline, is known as which of the following? A.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Pick's disease B. Lewy body dementia C. Huntington's disease D Creutzfeldt-Jakob

. disease

  1. Which of the following demographics are consistent with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) A. Female to male ratio (4:1) B. Onset of symptoms by age 3 C. Affects 1 in 100 children D. All the above
  2. The ARNP is working with the family of a patient with Alzheimer's Disease who keeps

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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stating the family is plotting against her, trying to have her "snuffed out." The family is distraught because they state they are doing their best to make sure their family member is safe. The ARNP explains which of the following in educating the patient about the patient's A. The patient is hallucinating. An estimated 20-30 percent of patient with dementia have hallucinations. B. The patient is delusional. An estimated 30-40 percent of patients with dementia have delusions. C. The patient likely has valid concerns and adult protective services needs to be called. D. Disturbance in perception is common in patients with Alzheimer's Disease and patient needs to be hospitalized immediately.

  1. Which of the following persons hypothesized that the symptoms of conversion disorder reflect unconscious conflict? A. Anna Freud B.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Paul Briquet C. Sigmund Freud D. Jean-Martin Charcot

  1. Which of the following is consistent within normal range developmental milestones in adaptive skills for a 4-year-old? A. Toilets self alone; uses fork B. Writes part of name; copies a square C. Follows three-step request; tells stories D. Walks upstairs; catches ball
  2. A temporary marked alteration in the state of consciousness or by the customary sense of personal identity without the replacement by an alternate sense of identity is known as

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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which of the following? A. Ganser Syndrome B. Dissociative Trance Disorder C. Dissociative Identity Disorder D. Factitious Dissociative Identity Disorder

  1. Differential diagnoses to be considered when diagnosing Ganser syndrome include which of the following? A. Organic dementia B. Depressive pseudodementia C. Korsakoff's syndrome D.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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All the above

  1. A patient who has been raped, presents with the inability to recall important personal information and any information about the rape, does recall events prior and since. There does not appear to be any physiological reason for this. This presentation is consistent with which of the following diagnoses? A. Dissociative amnesia B. Dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue C. Localized dissociative amnesia D. Generalized dissociative amnesia
  2. Depersonalization can result from which of the following conditions? Check all that apply. A. Seizure disorders B. Brain tumors

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Vertigo D. Meniere's disease

  1. A child who demonstrates repetitive significant violations of social rules and the rights of others over the course of a year would likely be diagnosed with which of the following diagnoses? A. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder B. Autism spectrum disorder C. Conduct disorder D. Oppositional defiant disorder
  2. A sudden unexpected purposeful travel away from home with inability to recall all of one's past accompanied by confusion about personal identity not due to direct effects of a substance or a general medical condition which causes clinically significant distress or

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning is most specifically known as which of the following? A. Dissociative fugue B. Dissociative amnesia C. Posttraumatic amnesia D. Systematized amnesia

  1. Which of the following is NOT considered a nonpathological form of amnesia? A. Hypnotic amnesia B. Generalized amnesia C.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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Infantile and childhood amnesia D. Amnesia for sleep and dreaming Answer & Explanation Solved by verified expert Rated Helpful Answers:

  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B

Step-by-step explanation

  1. A
    • One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant disruption of daily life. Excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviours related to the somatic symptoms or associated health concerns as manifested by high level of anxiety (psychological factors)
  2. A.

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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10. B

11. D

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. D

16. C

17. A, C, D

18. C

19. A

20. D


Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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  • The most well-recognized symptom of Ganser syndrome is the so-called symptom of approximate answers. [1] This is when a patient responds to questions with an incorrect answer, but by the nature of the answer reveals an understanding of the question posed.
  1. A
  • Delirium is an acute psychiatric disorder that is caused by physiological and/or pharmacological factors. polypharmacy is an independent risk factor for delirium in a population of elderly patients after emergency admission.
  1. A.
  • Medical complications of psychiatric conditions or treatments
  1. D
  • Goddeck developed an effective approach to the investigation of the mind- body conundrum. "Psyche & soma" Nevertheless, his unique contribution to modern Psychosomatic Medicine has been permanently obscured.
  1. B

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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  • Group psychotherapy, which typically involves several people who all have anxiety disorders, can be effective for both treating anxiety and providing patients with support.
  1. C
  • The factors associated with autism risk in the meta-analysis were advanced parental age at birth , maternal prenatal medication use, bleeding, gestational diabetes, being first born vs. third or later, and having a mother born abroad.
  1. B
  • Scientists estimate that kleptomania occurs in 5 to 10 percent of psychiatric patients. Studies suggest that 0.6% of the general population may have this disorder and that it is more common in females than males.
  1. B
  • The causes of dementia can vary, depending on the types of brain changes that may be taking place. Other dementias include Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal disorders, and vascular dementia. It is common for people to have mixed dementia — a combination of two or more types of dementia.
  1. B

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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  • Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. Most children were still being diagnosed after age 4, though autism can be reliably diagnosed as early as age 2.
  1. D.
  • Alzheimer's affects perception because the disease slowly destroys the parts of the brain that are responsible for converting sensory input into meaningful information
  1. C
  • The term conversion disorder was coined by Sigmund Freud, who hypothesized that the occurrence of certain symptoms not explained by organic diseases reflect unconscious conflict.
  1. A
  • Between ages three and four: o pours well form small pitcher o spreads soft butter with knife o buttons and unbuttons large buttons o washes hands independently o blows nose when reminded

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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o uses toilet independently

  1. C
    • Dissociative disorders involve problems with memory, identity, emotion, perception, behavior and sense of self. Dissociative symptoms can potentially disrupt every area of mental functioning.
  2. D
    • All of the above
  3. C
    • Localized amnesia involves being unable to recall a specific event or events or a specific period of time; these gaps in memory are usually related to trauma or stress.
  4. A, C and D A. Seizure disorders C. Vertigo D. Meniere's disease

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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18. C

Symptoms of conduct disorder include:

  • Not caring about social norms of good behavior.
  • Ignoring the rights and feelings of other people.
  • Enjoying causing harm, lying or manipulating people.
  • Committing physical or sexual violence.
  • Hurting animals.
  1. A
  • Dissociative fugue, formerly called fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a subtype of dissociative amnesia. It involves loss of memory for personal autobiographical information combined with unexpected and sudden travel and sometimes setting up a new identity.
  1. D.
  • Hippocampal damage reported fewer dreams and the dreams they had were much less detailed. These findings suggest that a healthy hippocampus is necessary for both memory and dreaming, reinforcing the link between the two. Hippocampal damage is

Final Exam 2023\2024 (100%

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associated with a number of diseases, including dementia. If these diseases cause patients to dream less, this may worsen the memory difficulties associated with these conditions.