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NRNP 6675 Final Exam Questions and Answers Rated A+ Latest Update 2024, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Nursing

NRNP 6675 Final Exam Questions and Answers Rated A+ Latest Update 2024

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NRNP 6675 Final Exam Questions and

Answers Rated A+ Latest Update 2024

Question 1 All of the following are risk factors for sexual assault EXCEPT ( all are correct) A Religion . B Serious mental illness . C Substance use disorder . D Family^ history^ of^ sexual . abuse Question 2 Which of the following is consistent with what is known about postpartum depression? A Feelings^ of^ guilt^ and^ inadequacy^ are^ often^ present^ and . excessive. B Thoughts of harming the baby are often present. . C Typical onset is within 3 – 6 months after delivery. . D All of the above . Question 3 Affirmatively acting to benefit another or others, going beyond what is required by law is known as which of the following? A Fidelity . B Justice . C Beneficence . D Non- . maleficence Question 4



Which of the following is used for treating alcohol-dependent individuals seeking to continue to remain alcohol free after they have stopped drinking? A Tacrine . B Amantadin . e C Galantami . ne D Acamprosa . te Question 5 The NP can impact health policy and healthcare by doing which of the following? A Become^ an^ active^ member^ of^ local,^ state,^ and/or^ national^ NP . organizations. Become familiar with the resources available on NP organization . websites. Volunteer to serve on legislative committees within professional NP . organizations. D (^) All the above . Question 6 The treatment of others equitably and distribution of benefits/burdens fairly is known as which of the following? A (^) Fidelity . B Justice . C (^) Beneficence . D Non-




maleficence Question 7 Which of the following is inconsistent with current literature about victims of sexual abuse? A All victims of sexual abuse are aware that they are in an abusive relationship. . Victims of sexual abuse may willingly participate in sexual acts with an idolized . authority figure. The pre-existing relationship and familiarity with the abuser may impede the victim’s . ability to make rational decisions.

D The victim may make excuses for the abuser’s behavior. . Question 8 Which of the following would constitute negligence? Select all that apply. A (^) Failure to give necessary care. . B Failure to refer when necessary. . C (^) Failure to follow-up with a patient. . D Failure^ to^ disclose^ necessary^ information^ to^ a . patient. Question 9 Which of the following developed a Biblically-based cultural competence model for healthcare professionals? A (^) Spector . B Campinha- . Bacote C Kim-Godwin,^ et . al D Papadopoulos, . et al Question 10 The ARNP recognizes which of the following as long-term effects of sex trafficking onvictims? A Severe . depression B Spiritual . questions C Trauma


bonding D (^) All of the above .


Question 11 A patient appears odd, with a pervasive history of magical thinking, ideas of reference, illusions and derealization. This is consistent with which of the following personality disorders? A Schizoid^ personality . disorder B Paranoid personality . disorder C Schizotypal^ personality . disorder D Avoidant^ personality . disorder Question 12 Which of the following are criteria for a particular suicide to be considered inevitable? A Strong genetic history of suicide in one or more family members. . B A strong genetic loading of mental illness in the family. . The patient must have received the highest standard of treatment and that . treatment failed. D All of the above. . Question 13 A patient with a history of alcohol use presents to the emergency department with oculomotor disturbances, cerebellar ataxia, and confusion. The ARNP recognizes these symptoms as consistent with which of the following psychiatric emergencies? A Akathisia . B (^) Korsakoff’s syndrome . C Wernicke’s encephalopathy


D Idiosyncratic^ alcohol . intoxication Question 14 The emotional burnout and lack of empathy towards clients that healthcare providers experience after treating victims of trauma is known as which of the following?





A Compassion fatigue . B Primary . traumatization C Transference . D Countertransferenc . e Question 15 The Adverse Childhood Experience Study (Felitti et al., 1998) found which of the following relationships between child traumatic events and high-risk behaviors exhibited by adults? The study revealed a causal relationship between child traumatic events and high- . risk adult behaviors. The study revealed a causal relationship between child traumatic events and high- . risk adult behaviors. The study revealed no relationship between child traumatic events and high-risk . adult behaviors. The study revealed an indirect relationship between child traumatic events and high- . risk adult behaviors. Question 16 “Walking on eggshells” and appeasement and avoidance behaviors by the victim is characteristic of which phase of the cycle of domestic violence? A Honeymoon phase . B Abusive^ incident . phase C Tension-building . phase D Refractory phase .

Question 17 The only approved therapy in the United States for moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease is which of the following? A Donepezil .

B Memantin . e C Rivastigmi . ne D Galantami . ne Question 18 A term that defines a person who has distress with clinical symptomatology because their gender identity is not consistent with gender assigned at birth is which of the following? A Cisgender . B Gender fluid . C Pangender . D Gender . dysphoria Question 19 Narcissistic, borderline, antisocial, and histrionic subtypes are associated with which of the following Personality disorders? A Cluster .


B Cluster .


C Cluster .


D Cluster .


Question 20 Which of the following is not consistent with recommendations for psychiatric history taking and the mental status evaluation of older adults?



When a patient is cognitively impaired, an independent history should be obtained . from a family member or caretaker. The patient should still be seen alone even in cases of clear evidence of impairment . to preserve the privacy of the doctor/patient relationship.





C If the patient is cognitively impaired, the patient should never be seen alone. . Even in patients with cognitive impairment, it is important to elicit any suicidal . thoughts or paranoid ideations privately. Question 21 Low health literacy has been linked with which of the following? A (^) Poor health outcomes . B lower rates of hospitalization . C Less^ frequent^ use^ of^ preventive . services D All of the above . Question 22 A claim of malpractice requires that a patient/plaintiff prove which of the following? Selectall that apply. A The existence of a client-professional relationship – duty to care. . Behavior below the appropriate standard of care for professionals dealing in like . circumstances. A causal link between the practitioner’s failure to conform to treatment standards . and harm to the patient. D Actual injury to the patient. . Question 23 According to USDHHS and the Federal Bureau of Primary Health Care, which of the following individuals would be considered homeless? An individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or


private facility that provides temporary living accommodations. B (^) An individual who is a resident in transitional housing . C A person who is living with a friend . D (^) All of the above . Question 24

A particular form of psychotherapy used for patients with borderline personality disorder, especially those with parasuicidal behavior such as frequent cutting in known as which of the following? A Dialectical Behavior Therapy . B (^) Mentalization-based Treatment . C Transference-focused . Psychotherapy D (^) Exposure Therapy . Question 25 As a PMHNP, one of the most common areas you will counsel your patients about is theimportance of sleep hygiene. Which of the following is NOT consistent with common recommendations for good sleep hygiene? A Avoid alcohol and caffeine. . B Set a cool room temperature. . C Set^ TV^ to^ turn^ off^ within^1 hour^ of^ falling . asleep. D Go to bed at the same time each night. . Question 26 The need for nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their education and training is necessary for which of the following reasons? Select all that apply. A The growth^ in^ number^ and^ proportion^ of^ older . Americans B The^ projected^ primary^ care^ physician^ shortage^ by .

C Increased^ number^ of^ individuals^ who^ have^ access^ to . healthcare D The economic push for cost-effective healthcare .

Question 27 According to Freud, stubborn, parsimonious, and highly conscientious traits are associated with which stage of development? A Oral^ stage


B (^) Anal stage . C Phallic . stage D Latency . stage Question 28 Features that point to a medical cause of a mental disorder include which of the following? A Acute onset . B Auditory . hallucinations C Visual . hallucinations D A and C . Question 29 A patient currently on risperidone presents to the emergency department with increased agitation, restlessness, muscle discomfort, and dysphoria. The APRN recognizes these symptoms of akathisia and recommends which of the following? Select all that may apply. A Reduce^ antipsychotic . dosage B Benztropine IM . C Benadryl po or IM . D B and C only . Question 30 Self-care strategies for the ARNP in preparing for the certification exam include all of thefollowing EXCEPT:

A Study in a distraction free environment. . B Six to eight hours of sleep is recommended. .

C Drink^ lot^ of^ caffeine^ and^ eat^ high-concentrated . sugars. D Plan to^ study^ for^ short^ periods^ of^ time^ over^ a longer . time period. Question 31 Which of the following professionals would be able to precept a nurse practitioner student? A An^ advanced^ registered^ nurse . practitioner B (^) A physician . C A unlicensed social worker . D (^) A and B . Question 32 The ARNP is treating a 27 - year-old female with bipolar disorder who is obese and has renal dysfunction. Which of the following is true? A (^) Lithium is the gold standard and should be used. . B Lithium should be avoided in patients with renal disease. . C An^ atypical^ antipsychotic^ such^ as^ olanzapine^ or^ risperidone . should be used. D Depakote is the best option for this patient. . Question 33 Patients with this personality disorder are described as excitable and emotional, and behave in a colorful, dramatic, extroverted, attention-seeking fashion, often with an inability to maintain deep long-lasting attachments. A Borderline personality . disorder

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B Histrionic^ personality . disorder C Schizotypal^ personality . disorder D Narcissistic^ personality

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. disorder Question 34 A personality disorder characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness, indecisiveness, and a pervasive pattern of perfectionism and inflexibility is known as which of the following? A Depressive personality disorder . B Borderline personality disorder . C Dependent personality disorder . D Obsessive-compulsive^ personality . disorder Question 35 A patient presents and is unapproachable, with poor eye contact, reporting a lifelong pattern of isolation, uncomfortable with human interaction, and constricted affect. This presentation is consistent with which of the following personality disorders? A Schizoid^ personality . disorder B Borderline^ personality . disorder C Avoidant^ personality . disorder D Schizotypal^ personality . disorder Question 36 Which of the following core competencies are quality competencies? A Uses best available evidence to continually improve quality of practice. . B Integrates ethical policies in decision making.

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Evaluates the relationships among access cost quality safety and their . influence on health care. D A and C .

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Question 37 Non-pharmacological treatment for abuse includes all of the following EXCEPT: A Cognitive behavioral therapy . B (^) Build a community of support . C Assist^ patient^ to^ devise^ safe^ escape . plan D Involve^ the^ abuser^ in^ the^ treatment . planning Question 38 A personality disorder characterized by extraordinarily unstable affect, mood, behavior, object relations, and self-image is known as which of the following? A Schizoid^ personality . disorder B Schizotypal^ personality . disorder C Borderline^ personality . disorder D Avoidant^ personality . disorder Question 39 A particular form of psychotherapy based on Otto Kernberg’s object relations theory is known as which of the following? A (^) Dialectical Behavior Therapy . B Mentalization-based Treatment . C Transference-focused . Psychotherapy D (^) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Question 40 Generalized convulsions, oliguria, and renal failure are symptoms seen with which of the following lithium levels?

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A 0.8–1.5


mEq/L B 1.5–2.0 . mEq/L C 2.0–2.5 . mEq/L D > 2.5 mEq/L . Question 41 The term “suicide survivor” refers to which of the following? A Those who have lost a loved one to suicide. . B Someone who has attempted suicide but failed. . Only those who have had a serious suicide attempt with a near . death experience. D This is an ambiguous term that should not be used. . Question 42 At a minimum, a psychiatric evaluation in an emergency should include which of the following? Select all that apply. A Is the patient psychotic? . B (^) Is the patient suicidal or homicidal? . C Is^ the^ problem^ organic,^ functional,^ or^ a . combination? D Is^ it^ safe^ for^ the^ patient^ to^ be^ in^ the . emergency room? Question 43 A patient presents with a formal, tense manner. He reluctantly reports a longstanding (since early adulthood) pervasive suspiciousness of others, preoccupied with trustworthiness of friends, unjustified concerns about others deceiving him, angry

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about perceived insults and slights, reluctant to confide in the ARNP. The ARNP suspects the patient likely has which of the following personality disorders? A Schizoid^ personality . disorder