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NSG-3250 EXAM 2 with verified solutions
1. pruritus:|itching |of |the |skin
|redness raised |areas | release |of|histamine
- Meds|for|Pruritis:|TREAT|THE |CAUSE |Topical |tricyclic |for |severe |itching oral |h1 |antagonist |(benadryL, |vistaril, |atarax) |Topical |corticosteroids
- Pruritus |may |be |the |first | of|a|systemic|internal|disease|such|as |diabetes, |blood |disorders, |or |cancer: |indication
- Exposure |to |a |type |of | can |cause |pruritus:|laundry |detergent
- Pruritus |is |frequent |in | because |their |skin |is |commonly |dry:|Older |adults Other |illnesses |can |also |trigger |pruritus.
- urticaria:|Type | 1 |hypersensitive |reaction |of |the |skin |leading |to |a |release |of |histamines |and |other |naturally |occurring |vasodilators Sudden |appearance |of |wheals, |edematous |papules, |pruritus
- Urticaria |is |commonly |a |result |of:|allergic |reactions
- You |can |treat |urticaria |with | :|Antihistamines |or |a |course |of |steroids
- Herpes|simplex|1:|cold |sores, |fever |blisters |embedded |on |the |nerve |ganglion Happens|above|the|waist |No |cure red, |elevated |bumps |with |puss
- Herpes|simplex | 1 |treatments:|antiviral |meds |such |as:|acyclovir, |valacyclovir, |or
|famciclovir or|topical|anesthetics |Tylenol
- Can |the |viral |skin |infections |be |transmitted |in |nonactivated |stages?:|YES
- immunosuppression, |sun |exposure, |and |hormones |can :|worsen |the |herpes |simplex
- Herpes |simplex |2:|lifelong |viral |infection |via |hepatic |lesions |on |the |genitalia |transferred |sexually |and |asexually no |cure |or |vaccine latent |or |exacerbated |phases
- The |initial |infection |of |herpes |simplex | 2 |is | :|very|painful|and |last |2-4 |weeks and |increases |the |risk |for |other |STDs |and |HIV
- If |you |are |experiencing |immunosuppression, |you |are | likely|to|have |a |herpes |break |out: |more
- shingles |(herpes |zoster):|development |of |painful, |inflamed |blisters |that |follow |the |nerve |routes |of |people |who |have |had |chickenpox can |be |reactivated |by |stress, |radiation, not |transmitted |SEXUALLY airborne |precautions |required
- Treatment |for |shingles:|antiviral |medications |(acyclovir)
- Candidiasis:|(moniliasis)|white,|cheesy,|curdlike|infection|that|can|happen|oral- |ly, |skin |folds, |or |vaginally. vaginal |discharge, |itching |and |burning, |and |inflammation
- Wood's|lamp:|Filtered|black|light|that|is|used|to|illuminate|skin|disorders,|fungi, |bacterial |disorders, |and |pigmentation.
- Candidiasis |is |a | infection:|secondary/opportunistic
- Treatment |for |candidacies:|Nystatin
- Diabetes |can | fungal|infections:|enhance |due |to |the |excretion |of |sugars |from |skin
- Tinea |(ringworm):|can |be |detected |under |woods |lamp |head, |body, |groin, |feet anti |fungal |cream
- Impetigo:|superficial |contagious |skin |infection |characterized |by |pustules |that |can |rupture |and |cause |raw, |red |areas
- Impetigo |treatment:|Mupirocin always |wear |gloves |when |applying
- Cellulitis:|inflammation|of|the|skin|and|subcutaneous|tissue|caused|by|infection, |characterized |by |redness, |swelling, |and |fever WBC |would |be |elevated Infection |in |the |blood
- pediculosis:|infestation |with |lice |that |causes |itching |and |dermatitis |Transmitted |via |contact occurs |in |hair |bearing |areas
- pediculosis |treatment:|prescription |or |OTC |lice |treatments/shampoos |Ivermectin Dip |a |comb |in |vinegar |and |brushing |hair |can |kill |the |lice |that |way
- Scabies:|contagious |skin |disease |transmitted |by |the |itch |mite, |commonly |through |sexual |contact intense |itching
- Scabies |treatments:|scabicides
- Lyme |disease:|Tick-borne |disease |caused |by |the |spirochete |Borrelia |burgdor- |feri. Bull|eye |rash|indicates |lymez |joint |pains later |stages |of |Lyme |disease |will |cause |more |severe |conditions
- Psoriasis:|chronic |skin |condition |producing |red |lesions |covered |with |silvery |scales exacerbation |and |remission |periods |overstimulation |of|the|immune |system |hormonal |changes obesity beta |blockers
- At |what |location |is |the |epidermis |the |thickest?:|Palms |of |hands
- What |is |the |medical |term |for |bruising?:|ecchymosis
- What |is |a |common |skin |alteration |in |older |adults |that |looks |like |bright |red |moles?: |Cherry |angiomas |or |hemangioma
- What |is |characterized |by|the |destruction |of |melanocytes |in |circumscribed |areas |of |the |skin |that |looks |like |milky-white |patches?: |Vitiligo
- flat |non-palpable |lesions:|macule, |patch
- When|looks|for|areas|of|jaundice|especially|on|a|dark|patient,|where|would |you |assess?: |sclera |of |eye
- If |a |patient |presents |with |a |rash |that |is |not |crusted |over,|what |kind |of |diagnostic |testing |should |you |do?: |patch |testing
- What |clinical |manifestation |would |appear |on |the |integumentary|system |of |a |patient |with |Cushing |syndrome?: |Hirsutism
- A | is |an |example |of |a |primary |skin |lesion:|pustule
- are |examples |of |secondary |skin |lesions:|crusts, |keloids, |and |ulcers
- Carbon |monoxide |poising |will |present |as |a | coloration|on|the |patients |face |and |chest |and |nail |beds: |bright |cherry |red
- and | are|known|to|have|a|genetic|competent:|eczema |and|psori- |asis
- What |should |be |done |first |if |a |patient |has |an |open |lesion?:|assess |it
- If |a |patient |with |HIV |comes |in |with |a |newly |identified |skin |rash |or |lesions, |what |is |the |probable |cause?: |reduction |of |the |pts |CD4 |count
- Pitted |surface |of |finger |nails |is |a |indication |of | :|psoriasis
- If|a|patient|presents|with|suspected|herpes,|what|kind|of|testing|should|be |done?: |Tzanck |smear
- What |is |a |reliable |treatment |for |acne?:|Benzoyl |peroxide |and |erythromycin
- Psoriasis |will |require:|lifelong |management
- a |pt |with |a |squamous |cell |carcinoma |will |likely |be |treated |with |a:|surgical |excision
- Black |and |blue |lesions |are |indicative |of:|malignant |melanoma
- Kaposi |sarcoma |originates |in |e:|endothelial |cells |lining |small |blood |vessels
- seborric |keratosis:|noncancerous |skin |growth |usually |black,brown |or |light |tan does |not |require |medical |intervention |unless |cosmetically |unacceptable
- in |a |patient |with |psoriasis,|what |should |also |be |assessed:|any |joint |pain |or |immobility
- What |medication |treats |psoriasis:|methotrexate
- If |a |patient |has |to |use |a |corticosteroid |around |their |eyes,|what |is |a |likely |consequence?: |cataracts
- Bluish |marbling |on |skin:|mottling
- A |group |of |disorders |characterized |by |inflammation |and |irritation |of |the |mucous |membranes |of |the |nose: |rhinitis
- excessive|nasal|congestion,|discharge,|sneezing,|and|pruritus|of|the|nose, |roof |of |mouth, |throat, |eyes, |and |ears: |rhinorrhea
- Viral |Rhinitis:|common |cold acute |inflammation |of |the |mucous |membranes |and |the |nasal |cavity
- clinical |manifestations |of |viral |rhinitis: |low-grade |fever, |nasal |congestion, |rhi- |norrhea
|and |nasal |discharge, |halitosis, |sneezing, |watery |eyes, |sore |throat, |general |malaise, |chills, |muscle |and |head |aches.
- The|common|cold|(viral|rhinitis)|can|exacerbate: |herpes|simplex|(cold|sores)
- inflammation |of |the |paranasal |sinuses |and |nasal |cavity:|rhinosinusitis |(si- |nusitis)
- Acute |Rhinosinusitis:|less |than | 4 |weeks
- Subacute |rhinosinusitis:|Lasts |from | 4 |weeks |to |less |than | 12 |weeks
- Chronic |Rhinosinusitis:|Lasts |beyond | 12 |weeks
- pharyngitis:|inflammation |of |the |pharynx
the |back |portion |of |the |throat, |soft |palate, |and |tonsils |viral |and |bacterial |infection acute |and |chronic
- Inflammation |of |the |larynx,|can |be |as |a |result |of |voice |abuse |or |exposures |most |common |cause |is |viral |infection feels |worse |in |morning |and |better |in |warm/wet |climate |avoid |cigarette |smoking corticosteroids |can |cause |thin |skin:|laryngitis
- GERD |can |be |associated |with looks |fiery |red: |laryngitis
- aphonia:|the |loss |of |the |ability |of |the |larynx |to |produce |normal |speech |sounds
- recurrent |episodes |of |upper |airway |obstruction |and |reduction |on |ventila- |tion: |Upper |sleep |apnea
- Always |check |for |lung |collapse |and |LOC |for |patients |with:|laryngitis
- If |anyone |is |overweight,|excessive |day|time |sleepy,|most |likelt |likely:|lung |collaps, |insomnia, |loud |snoring, |arrhythmia increased |risk |for |MI |and |stroke
- collapse |of |alveoli:|atelectasis
- chronic |airway |inflammation:|asthma cough, |chest |tightness, |wheezing |and |dysmia
- Viral |infection |that |is |acute |and |highly |contagious Manifestation|include |muscle |and |headaches,|chills,|severe |diarrhea,|fever, |cough, |hypoxia: |influenza
- pneumoconiosis:|abnormal|condition|caused|by|dust|in|the|lungs,|with|chronic
|inflammation, |infection, |and |bronchitis occupational |lung |disease
- pursed |lip |breathing: |a |technique |of |exhaling |against |pursed |lips |to |prolong |exhalation, |preventing |bronchiolar |collapse |and |air |trapping;|done |to |increase |ex-
piratory |airway |pressure, |improve |oxygenation |of |the |blood, |and |help |prevent |early |airway |closure. increases |extratrachial |pressure
- diaphragmatic |breathing:|breathing |with |the |use |of |the |diaphragm |to |achieve |maximum |inhalation |and |slow |respiratory |rate. put |one |hand |on |abs |and |the |other |on |the |chest |to |know |positioning |breath |slowly |through |nose |and |protrude |abs |as |far |as |possible press |firmly |inward |and |upward |on |the |abs |while |breathing |out
- Instructions |for |incentive |spirometry:
- diseases |caused |from |pneumoconiosis:|Silicosis |Asbestosis
- Nursing |interventions |for |all |respiratory |infections:|elevate |head
- obstructive |sleep |apnea: |a |disorder |in |which |a |person, |while |asleep, |stops |breathing |because |his |or |her |throat |closes;|the |condition |results |in |frequent |awak- |enings |during |the |night more |than | 10 |seconds obesity, |asthma, |diabetes, |HTN, |being |male,
- symptoms |of |sleep |apnea: |Loud |snoring, |frequent |nocturnal |awakening, |ex- |cessive |daytime |sleepiness, |difficulties |falling |asleep |at |night, |morning |headaches, |memory |of |cognitive |problems, |irritability, |loss |of |functioning, |high |blood |pressure, |increased |risk |of |heart |attack |and |stroke
- MRSA,|VRE, |pediculosis, |scabies, |and |RSV |are |all:|contact |precautions
- influenza, |mumps, |pertussis, |meningitis:|droplet |precautions
- TB,|measles, |chickenpox, |and |shingles:|airborne |precautions
- C.|diff, |MRSA, |and|VRE |are:|most |common |HAIs
- Using | is |the |only |acceptable |way |to |sanitize |from |C.|diff:|- soap |and |water
- HAP: |hospital |acquired |pneumonia |usually |occurs | 48 |hours |after |admission |has |high |virulence
Most |common |cause |of |death |in |hospital |due |to |a |HAI
- Kaposi |sarcomas |are |more |common |in | and | men|between |the |ages |of | 40 |and |70: |mediterranean |and |jewish
- Chemical |face |peeling |us |primarily |used |for:|wrinkles |near |the |eyes |and |lips
- If |baths |have |been |prescribed |for |severe |pruritus, | should|be |avoided: |hot |water
- What |medication |would |be |best |for |PREVENTING |asthma |attacks:|mon- |telukast
- If|a|patient|is|getting|a|skin|test|but|admitted|to|using|a|corticosteroid|prior |to |visit, |what |should |the |nurse |do?: |Reschedule |the |appointment |and |inform |pt |about |immune |susceptibility |after |using |corticosteroids
- Increased | will |indicate |a |true |Anaphylaxis |reaction:|eosinophils
- More|times|than|not,|severe|anaphylaxic|reactions|that|occur|from|medical |interventions |result |from: |IV |contrast |and |antibiotics
- Atopic |dermatitis |is |often |related |with | :|asthma
- The |faster |the |onset |of |the |allergic |symptoms |occur, |the | :|more |severe |they |are
- A |client |who |is |at | 30 |weeks |gestation |should |avoid |which |medication?: |- Antihistamines
- How |often |do |you |leave |in |IV |lines?:| 72 |hours
- What |is |a |common |complication |with |leaving |IV |lines |in |for |too |long?:|- Phlebitis |(redness |going |up |the |arm)
- How |long |do |you |leave |in |indwelling |catheters?:|5-7 |days
- CAUTI |precautions:|BID |Cath|care |early |removal
- What |should |a |patient |do |if |a |new |rash |forms |after |taking |a |new |medica- |tion: |notify |the |MD
- What|helps|with|side|effects|associated|with|inhalation|corticosteroids?- : |Use |of |a |spacer |rinse |mouth |after |use taking |lowest |dose |possible
- What |should |the |first |nursing |intervention |be |for |a|patient |coming |in |with |SOB: |elevate |head |of |bed
- What |is |the |best |way |to |prevent |oxygen |toxicity?:|Use |the |lowest |effective |concentration |of |O2 |and |wean |down |as |tolerated
- Pain |management |for |malignant |melanoma |is |a | :|priority|nursing |intervention
- What |vitals |of |you |monitor |while |suctioning |a |patient |with |a |tracheosto- |my?: |HR |and |O2 |sat
- When|caring|for|a|patient|with|acute|bronchitis,|the|nurse|would|prioritize |interventions |by: |auscultating
- What |should |the |nurse |teach |the |patient |about |controlling |the |sx |of |allergic |rhinitis?: |keep |a |diary |of |when |it |happens |and |what |activated |it
- should |be |given |to |a |patient |experiencing |a |mild |asthma |attack- :|albuterol
- What |should |you |do |when |a |patient |starts |ti |develop |a |fever, |dyspnea, |and |crackles |in |the |lungs?: |Take |a |culture |and |give |antibiotics
- Of |the |symptoms |described |to |the |nurse, |which |one |suggest |asthma |or |risk |factors |for |asthma?: |alleged |rhinitis, |a |cough |at |night, |and
- what |patient |education |should |the |nurse |provide |to |a |patient |with |COPD |to |assist |with |long-term |management |of |their |symptoms: |Use |airway |clearance |techniques, |seek |a |support |group, |make |sleep |a |priority
- Wear |cotton |clothing,|use |moisturizer |for |the |skin,|and |use |a |humidifier |to: |reduce |severity |of |contact |dermatitis |symptoms
- When |will |a |bullseye |rash |appear |before |Lyme |disease?:| 48 |hours
- Stage | pressures |ulcers |appear |as |fluid |filled |blisters:| 2
- What |color |shade |would |be |suspect |for |cancer?:|blue |and |black
- When |should |you |collect |sputum?: |first |thing |in |the |morning |to |prevent |food |contamination
- Should |you |advise |pts |with |acne |to |press |on |pimples?:|Hell |no
- Pt |exhibits |a |fever,|severe |arm |pain |and |a |hx |of |neuropathy |and |venous |insufficiency,
|what |should |the |nurse |do?: |Have |pt |raise |arm
- Localized |redness, |swelling, |warmth, |and |pain |are |indicators |of ,:|cellulitis
- Can |oral |antibiotics |cause |vaginal |yeast |infections?:|No
- Is |a |sitz |bath |recommended |for |HSV |outbreak?:|yes
- What |medication |is |indicated |for |herpes?:|Famciclovir
- What |nursing |intervention |should |the |nurse |do |for |a |patient |with |acute |laryngitis: |limit |speech |communication
- If |a |patient |is |experiencing |expitaxis |that |does |not |resolve |after | 10 |mins, |what |could |the |nurse |administer What |is |another |intervention |the |nurse |could |do?:|silver |nitrate |application
insert |a |cotton |tampon
- What|is|a|common |symptoms |closely|associated|with|laryngeal |cancer?- :|hoarseness
- If|a|patient|comes|in |with|an|injury|that|presents|with|a|clear|fluid|leaking |from |the |nose.|What |happened?: |Pt |fractured |their |cribriform |plate
- If |a |client |reports |having |angioedema, |what |implication |could |occur?: |- life-threatening |airway|obstruction
- If |a |patient |reports |drinking |copious |amounts |of |alcohol |and |is |going |in |for |surgery, |what |is |a |concern?: |Delirium |tremens
- What |is |a |possible |complication |of |post |tonsillectomy?: |Hemorrhage
- If |a |patient |reports |daytime |sleepiness,|difficulty |going |to |sleep |at |night, |and |snoring, |what |could |this |indicate?: |Chronic |sleep |apnea
- VIral |pharyngitis |treatment:|symptomatic |treatment
- should |be |followed |up |with |acute |rhinosinusitis:|periorbital |edema
- Clients |who |have |NG |tubes |are |more |susceptible |to |getting | infec- |tions: |Sinus
- After|laryngectomies,|what|should|the|nurse|prioritize|for|the|client?:|Air- |way |patency
- If |a |client |is |in |post |op |day| 1 |for |a |laryngectomy |and |there |is |a |significant |amount |of |blood |in |the |drainage |device.|What |should |the |nurse |do?: |Rapidly |assess |the |patient |and |notify |the |surgeon
- Adequate |liquid |intake |can | secretions |that |might |make |it |hard |for |the |client |to |breath: |loosen |or |thin
- is |a |common |symptom |of |pulmonary |hypertension: |dyspnea
- What|is|the|preferred|method|of|treating|non-small|cell|lung|cancer?: |Sur- |gical |resection
- alpha1-antitrypsin |deficiency:|Panacinar |emphysema
- A |10-year |old |is |experiencing |an |asthma |attack,|what |should |the |priority |nursing
|intervention |be?: |Administer |an |inhaled |beta-adrenergic |agonist
- bronchiectasis: |is |a |chronic, |irreversible |condition |in |which |the |bronchioles |and|and |bronchi|are|dilated|due|to|the|destruction|of|the|muscles|and|elastic|tissues
- Postural |drainage |is |a |treatment |for | :|bronchiectasis
- Characteristics|of|CF|include::|Bronchial|mucus|plugging,|inflammation,|and |eventual |bronchiectasis