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NSG 3250 Exam: Perioperative Nursing Concepts and Procedures, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive overview of perioperative nursing concepts and procedures, covering topics such as informed consent, stages of surgery, nursing activities in each phase, risk factors for complications, and postoperative care. It includes multiple-choice questions and answers, making it a valuable resource for students preparing for exams in nursing programs.

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NSG 3250 EXAM with correct answers

Requirements for informed consent - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - cognitively aware

  • 18 years of age or older (parent or legal guardian if under 18) 3 types of stages of peri operative - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - pre operative
  • intraoperative
  • post operative 5 classifications of surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - emergent
  • urgent
  • required
  • elective
  • optional Emergent surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -Needs to happen immediately/ without delay
  • ex: gunshot wound Urgent surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -needs to happen within 24- 48hrs -ex: closed fracture Required surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -plan within a few weeks or months

-ex: cataracts, thyroid disorder Elective surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - failure to have surgery is not catastrophic

  • ex: repair of scars Optional surgery - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - personal preference
  • ex: cosmetic surgery Nursing activities in preoperative phase - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -pre admission testing
  • preoperative consent
  • education
  • review medical record
  • psychological support
  • establishes IV line Nursing activities in intraoperative phase - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - maintain aseptic
  • intraoperative documentation
  • reports changes in vital signs
  • communicates about fluid instillation and blood loss
  • emotional support if patient is awake during procedure
  • updates family Nursing activities in postoperative phase - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - transfer of patient to PACU
  • vital signs monitoring
  • discharge planning with patient
  • describe physical limitations Risk factors for surgical complications - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - cardiovascular disease
  • electrolyte imbalance
  • extremes of age
  • extremes of weight
  • immunologic abnormalities
  • pregnancy
  • medications
  • nicotine use When do you tell the doctor that the patient has an allergy? - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ When the doctor orders something that the patient is allergic to, or latex allergies Malignant hyperthermia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ A hereditary condition of uncontrolled heat production that occurs when susceptible people receive certain anesthetic drugs. What to remove for surgery? - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - pierced jewelry
  • artificial nails
  • hearing aids
  • contact lenses
  • wedding bands Important nutrients for wound healing - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - protein
  • amino acids
  • carbohydrates and fats
  • water
  • vitamin c
  • zinc
  • magnesium Medications with potential interaction with anesthetics - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - corticosteroids
  • diuretics
  • phenothiazines
  • tranquilizers
  • insulins
  • anticoagulants
  • anticonvulsants
  • thyroid hormone
  • opioids When to check for possible infection - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 24 hours after surgery Preoperative instructions to prevent postoperative complications (patient education) - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - diaphragmatic breathing
  • coughing
  • leg exercises
  • turning to the side
  • incentive spirometer Cognitive coping strategies - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - guided imagery
  • distraction
  • optimistic self-recitation
  • aromatherapy
  • reiki Ways to reduce anxiety of a patient who is about to undergo a procedure - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - ask them if they want a family member to walk down with them to the procedure
  • discussion with the patient to help determine the sources of fears Potential adverse effects of surgery and anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - agitation and disorientation
  • allergic reaction
  • bleeding
  • cardiac arrhythmia
  • malignant hyperthermia
  • over sedation or under sedation Circulating nurse - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ a nurse who assists the scrub nurse and the surgeons during surgery, positioning the patient and equipment, obtaining additional supplies, adjusting lighting as needed, and helps monitor vital signs Unrestricted zone - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ street clothes allowed restricted area - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ includes operating rooms and sterile storage areas; proper OR attire and masks required in this area
  1. General Anesthesia stages - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - stage 1: beginning anesthesia
  • stage 2: excitement
  • stage 3: surgical anesthesia
  • stage 4: medullary depression Stage 1: beginning anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ -dizziness and feeling of detachment
  • noises are exaggerated
  • still conscious
  • may sense inability to move extremities easily Stage 2: excitement - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ is a period of excitement and often combative behavior, with many signs of sympathetic stimulation (e.g., tachycardia, increased respirations, blood pressure changes, dilated pupils) Stage 3: Surgical Anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ The patient is unconscious and has no pain reflexes; respiration is very regular, and blood pressure is maintained. Stage 4: Medullary Depression - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ The patient develops severe respiratory and cardiovascular depression that requires mechanical and pharmacologic support. Happens when too much anesthetic is given. multimodal anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ the use of multiple drugs with different actions to produce optimal analgesia Regional Anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Temporary interruption of nerve conduction, is produced by injecting an anesthetic solution near the nerves to be blocked.

local anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ anesthesia used to numb a specific area without causing loss of consciousness Potential intraoperative complications - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - anesthesia awareness -nausea/vomiting -anaphylaxis -hypoxia -hypothermia -malignant hyperthermia postanesthesia care unit (PACU) - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ an area often adjacent to the surgical suite designed to provide care for patients recovering from anesthesia or moderate sedation/analgesia Phases of Postanesthesia Care - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 1.) phase I PACU: used during the immediate recovery phase, intensive nursing care is provided. 2.) phase II PACU: the patient is prepared for self-care or an extended care setting. The patient is prepared for discharge. In many hospitals, phase II and phase III units are combined. hypovolemic shock - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ A condition in which low blood volume, due to massive internal or external bleeding or extensive loss of body water, results in inadequate perfusion. signs of hypovolemic shock - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ (most common type of shock) pallor, cool, moist skin, rapid breathing, cyanosis of lips, gums and tongue, rapid, weak, thready pulse, hypotension, concentrated urine

How to avoid hypovolemic shock - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Timely administration of IV fluids, blood, blood products, and medications that elevate blood pressure What percentage of patients have postoperative nausea and vomiting? - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 30%-50% Ways to reduce nausea and vomiting - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - medication

  • aromatherapy (ginger, lavender, spearmint, peppermint)
  • ice chips Risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ less than 50, female, hx of motion sickness/previous PONV, and opioid administration Modified Aldrete Scoring System - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Used to assess transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2; Discontinuation of anesthesia to return of protective reflexes and motor function; A score of 7 to 10 indicates readiness for transfer or discharge to the next phase of recovery When do you get a patient up after general anesthesia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ 8+ hours after procedure (24 hours is standard) Goal of rehabilitation - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ Restore highest level of function Potential complications after a procedure or operation - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ - venous thrombosis
  • hematoma
  • infection (wound sepsis)
  • wound dehiscence and evisceration dehinscence - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ separation of wound edges Evisceration - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ wound separation with protrusion of organs When should you report the drainage of blood at a surgical site? - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ When it is fresh blood on the dressing, and large amounts of blood drainage serosanguineous drainage - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ mixture of serum and red blood cells. light pink to blood tinged What is a abdominal binder used for? - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ To provide support and guard against dehiscence Insulin - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ A hormone segregated by the beta islet cells in the pancreas that is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ A complication of diabetes, most commonly type 1, that results from a deficiency of insulin, resulting in acidosis Hyperglycemia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ high blood sugar Hypoglycemia - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ low blood sugar Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ polyuria, dehydration, increased pulse, fruity odor, polyphagia , polydyspia

Ketone - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ a highly acidic substance formed when the liver breaks down free fatty acids in the absence of insulin nephropathy - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ a long-term complication of diabetes in which the kidney cells are damaged; characterized by microalbuminuria in early stages and progressing to end-stage kidney disease neuropathy - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ a long-term complication of diabetes resulting from damage to the nerve cell Dawn phenomenon - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ A nocturnal release of growth hormone, which may cause blood glucose level elevations before breakfast in the client with diabetes mellitus. Treatment includes administering an evening dose of intermediate acting insulin at 10 pm. Somogyi effect - ** VERIFIED ANSWERS 🔰 ✔✔ early-morning hyperglycemia that occurs as a result of nighttime hypoglycemic episodes