Download NSG222/ NSG 222 Exam 1: (New 2024/ 2025 Update) Family Nursing Review Q&A and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
NSG22 2 / NSG 22 2 Exam 1 : (New 2024/ 2025
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ways to decrease risk for lymphedema Answer:
- avoid using affected arm for blood pressure, blood draws, IVs
- wear gloves during activities that may cause injury
- wear compression sleeve
recommendations for breast self exam Answer:
- inspect breasts in 3 different posi- tions (hands above head, hands on hips, leaning forward)
- 3 types of palpation (circles, wedges, lines)
- use 3 different types of pressure (light, medium, firm)
hysterectomy post op care Answer:
- pain management
- assess vaginal bleeding (less than 1 pad per hour)
- encourage early ambulation
- nothing in the vagina for 6 weeks
- no heavy lifting for 6 weeks
risk factors for uterine cancer Answer:
- obesity
- nulliparity
- older age at pregnancy
vulvar cancer Answer:
- leukoplakia (white patches on vulva)
- erythema/redness
- lumps on labia
- dysuria
- itching/burning
- treated with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery
cycles of violence Answer:
- tension building
- physical abuse
- reconciliation/honeymoon
nursing focus for rape Answer:
- supportive care
- evidence collection
- STI evaluation
- prevent pregnancy
placenta functions Answer:
- removes waste products from fetus
- oxygenates blood for fetus
- supplies fetus with nutrients
hormones produced by the placenta Answer:
- chorionic gonadotropin
- prolactin
- human placental lactogen (hPL)
- estrogen
- progesterone
- relaxin
umbilical cord Answer:
- connects fetus to placenta
- contains 1 large vein & 2 small arteries
- vein carries oxygenated blood to fetus
- arteries carry deoxygenated blood to placenta
amniotic fluid Answer:
- fluid within the amniotic sac that insulates and cushions the fetus
- normal volume at 32-26 weeks: 500-2000mL
oligohydramnios Answer:
- too little amniotic fluid (<500mL at 32-36 weeks)
- indicates kidney abnormality b/c fetus is not urinating enough
polyhydramnios Answer:
- too much amniotic fluid (>2000mL at 32-36 weeks)
- indicates GI abnormality b/c fetus is not swallowing enough
presumptive (subjective) signs of pregnancy Answer:
- amenorrhea
- nausea
- breast tenderness
- deepening pigmentation
- urinary frequency
- fetal movements (quickening)
probable (objective) signs of pregnancy Answer:
- Braxton Hicks contractions
- positive pregnancy test
- abdominal enlargement
- Ballottement (rebound felt during cervical exam)
- Goodell's sign (softening of cervix)
- Chadwick's sign (bluish-purple coloration of cervix)
- Hegar's sign (softening of lower uterine segment)
positive signs of pregnancy Answer:
- audible fetal heartbeat
- fetal movement felt by examiner
- ultrasound confirmation
normal changes/symptoms during pregnancy Answer:
- nausea/vomiting
- excessive salivation
- back pain
- nasal stuffiness
- constipation
- shortness of breath
- breast tenderness
- hemorrhoids
interventions to help with symptoms during pregnancy Answer:
- heating pad for back pain
- maintain good posture
- wear supportive shoes
- remain upright after eating for heartburn
physiological changes during pregnancy Answer:
- uterus: softens, anteflexion
- cervix: softens, forms mucus plug
- vagina: lengthens, increased vascularity
- ovaries: enlarge, cease ovulation
- breasts: enlarge, increased vascularity
- GI: decreased motility, constipation
- cardiovascular: increased heart rate, increased cardiac output, increased blood volume (up to 50%)
- respiratory: increased tidal volume, increased O2 consumption
- urinary: increased urination, kidneys enlarge
- musculoskeletal: increased lordosis, postural changes
- skin: hyperpigmentation
- endocrine: decreased glucose & insulin
- sexuality: fluctuates throughout pregnancy (most interest in 2nd trimester)
linea nigra Answer:
- a dark line appearing on the abdomen and extending from the pubis toward the umbilicus
- normal finding
- will disappear after delivery
supine hypotension syndrome Answer:
- pressure on the inferior vena cava when a pregnant woman lies on her back
- causes lightheadedness, weakness, dizziness
- relieved by lying on left side
pregnancy complications
- 1st trimester: bleeding, painful urination, severe vomiting
- 2nd trimester: regular uterine contractions, calf pain, sudden gush of fluid from vagina, lack of fetal movement
- 3rd trimester: sudden weight gain, edema, severe abdominal pain, headache with visual changes
recommended weight gain during pregnancy for healthy BMI (18.5 - 24.9)- Answer: 25 - 35 pounds
- 1st trimester: 3-5 pounds
- 2nd & 3rd trimester: 1 pound per week
recommended weight gain during pregnancy for underweight BMI (<18.5)- Answer: 28 - 40 pounds
- 1st trimester: 5 pounds
- 2nd & 3rd trimester: 1+ pound per week
recommended weight gain during pregnancy for overweight BMI (>25) Answer:
15 - 25 pounds
- 1st trimester: 2 pounds
- 2nd & 3rd trimester: 2/3 pound per week
first prenatal visit Answer:
- estimated due date
- physical, pelvic, and breast exam
- blood pressure and weight
- personal and family medical history
- lab tests: urine, blood, maybe pap smear
- screening for STIs
Naegele's Rule Answer:
- method for determining the estimated date of delivery (EDD)
- add 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period, then subtract 3 months
- add one year to get EDD
gravida Answer: pregnant woman
primigravida Answer: a woman who is pregnant for the first time
nulligravida Answer:
a woman who has never been pregnant
multigravida Answer: a woman who has been pregnant more than once
primipara Answer: a woman who has given birth only once
nullipara Answer: a woman who has never given birth
multipara Answer: a woman who has given birth to two or more children
- G: number of pregnancies (including current one)
- T: pregnancies to term (38-42 weeks)
- P: preterm deliveries (20-37 weeks)
- A: abortions, pregnancies ending before 20 wks
- L: currently living children
4 types of contraception Answer:
- behavioral
- barrier
- hormonal
- permanent
behavioral methods of contraception Answer:
- abstinence
- rhythm method (fertility awareness)
- withdrawal (coitus interruptus)
- lactational amenorrhea
lactational amenorrhea Answer:
- breast feeding at least 6 times per day
- no more than 6 hours between feedings at night
- solely breastfeeding child
What is unique about the barrier method of contraception? Answer: only method that also prevents STIs
barrier methods of contraception Answer:
- condom
- diaphragm
- cervical cap
- sponge
hormonal methods of contraception Answer:
- oral
- injectable
- transdermal
- vaginal ring
- implantable
- intrauterine
- emergency
permanent methods of contraception Answer:
- tubal ligation
- vasectomy
- hysterectomy
What is the age of viability of a fetus? Answer: 22 - 24 weeks
menopause Answer:
- absence of menses for a period of 1 year
- average age of onset is 51
- caused by a decline in estrogen
symptoms of menopause Answer:
- hot flashes
- disturbed sleep
- vaginal dryness
- stress incontinence
- anxiety
- weight gain
genital herpes (HSV II) Answer:
- painful fluid-filled lesions
- mucopurulent discharge
- no cure (antiviral drugs treat symptoms)
pelvic inflammatory disease Answer:
- inflammation in the reproductive tract
- caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia
- treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease Answer:
- abdominal pain
- fever
- elevated WBCs
- dysuria
- dysmenorrhea
- painful intercourse
- nausea
- vomiting
human papillomavirus (HPV) Answer:
- viral sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts or cervical cancer
- no cure (vaccines available - 2 doses for 9-14 yrs, 3 doses for 15-45 yrs)
mastitis Answer:
- inflammation of breast tissue caused by blocked milk duct
- flu-like symptoms
- warmth, redness, swelling, tenderness
- usually unilateral
- treatment includes encouraging breast feeding
non-modifiable risk factors for breast cancer Answer:
- gender (females)
- age (older than 50)
- family history
- genetic mutations (BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes)
- race (Caucasian)
- early menarche/late menopause
modifiable risk factors for breast cancer Answer:
- obesity
- sedentary lifestyle
- excessive alcohol intake
- smoking
- nulliparity
When is Rhogam given? Answer:
- mother is Rh-negative & infant is Rh-positive
- 28 weeks gestation AND 72 hours after birth
- any miscarriage
- an abortion
- an ectopic pregnancy
- after an amniocentesis
- after a stillbirth
How does mother assess fetal well-being? Answer:
- track how long it takes to feel 10 movements
- contact provider if less than 10 movements in 2 hours
biophysical profile components Answer:
- 30 minutes allowed for test (score of 8-10 is normal)
- body movements: 3+ limb/trunk movements
- fetal tone: 1+ limb/trunk extensions
- fetal breathing: 1+ breathing movements of > 30 seconds
- amniotic fluid: pockets of 2cm or more
- normal NST
multifactorial inheritance Answer: affected by multiple genetic factors and environ- mental influences
What is the difference between fetal circulation in utero and circulation after birth? Answer: oxygenated blood supplied by the placenta versus the lungs
autosomal dominant disorders Answer:
- only 1 abnormal gene
- Huntington's disease
- Marfan's syndrome
autosomal recessive disorders Answer:
- requires 2 abnormal genes
- cystic fibrosis
- sickle cell anemia
x-linked disorders Answer:
- linked to the X chromosome, affects males more ofent
- hemophilia
- muscular dystrophy
preconception counseling should be offered to Answer:
- mother is 35 or older
- father is 50 or older
- exposure to teratogens
- cases of incest
primary amenorrhea Answer: absence of menses by age 15 with absence of growth of secondary sex characteristics
causes of primary amenorrhea Answer:
- stress
- vigorous exercise
- congenital abnormalities
- endocrine disorders
secondary amenorrhea Answer: absence of menses by age 16 with normal develop- ment of secondary sex characteristics
causes of secondary amenorrhea Answer:
- vigorous exercise
- stress
- anxiety/depression
- pregnancy
- breast feeding
primary dysmenorrhea Answer: painful menstruation without any identifiable underlying pelvic pathology
secondary dysmenorrhea Answer:
- painful menstruation due to pelvic or uterine pathol- ogy
- do not typically respond to NSAIDs
- causes infertility
causes of secondary dysmenorrhea Answer:
- fibroids
- endometriosis
- pelvic inflammatory disease
causes of infertility Answer:
- endometriosis
- ovarian failure
- tubal damage
- obesity
- STIs
- diabetes
- smoking
infertility treatment options Answer:
- clomiphene (promotes ovulation)
- hormone injections (promotes ovulation)
- in vitro fertilization
- intrauterine insemination
- smoking cessation
- decrease alcohol use