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NSG3100 Exam 1 Questions with Answers Correctly Tested and Verified Updates, Exams of Nursing

NSG3100 Exam 1 Questions with Answers Correctly Tested and Verified Updates

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Verified Updates

  1. which action would the nurse undertake first when d beginning to formulate a patient's plan of care a- list possible treatment options b-identify realistic outcome indicators c- consult with healthcare team members d- rank patient concerns from assessment data
  2. which resource is most helpful when prioritizing iden- c tified nursing diagnoses a- nursing interventions classification b- gordon's functional health patterns c- maslow's hierarchy of needs d- nursing outcomes classification 3. if a patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms of each b of these nursing diagnoses, which should the nurse address first while planning care? a- fatigue b- acute pain c- lack of knowledge d- disturbed body image
  3. which statement illustrates a characteristic of goals d within the care planning process? a- goals are vague objectives communicating expec- tations for improvement b- short-term goals need not be measurable, unlike long term goals c- goal attainment can be measured by identifying nursing interventions d- long term goals are helpful in judging a patient's progress 5. which nursing goal is written correctly for a patient b with the nursing diagnosis for risk for infection after abdominal surgery? a- nurse will encourage use of sterile technique during each dressing change

Verified Updates b- patient's WBC will remain within normal range

Verified Updates throughout hospitalization c- patient's visitors will be instructed in proper hand- washing before direct interaction with patient d- patient will understand the importance of cleaning around the incision with a clean cloth during bath time

6. If the nurse chooses the Nursing Outcome Classi- fication (NOC), Appetite (1014) for a chemotherapy patient, which outcome indicators would be accept- able for evaluation of goal attainment? (Select all that apply.) a. Expressed desire to eat b. Report that food smells good c. Use of relaxation techniques before meals d. Preparation of home-cooked meals for self and fam- ily e. Uses nutritional information on labels to guide se- lections 7. which action by the nurse would be most important in developing a patient-centered plan of care for an alert, oriented adult a- providing a written copy of care options to the patient and family b- collaborrating with the patient's social worker to determine resources c- listening to patient's concerns and beliefs about proposed treatment d- engaging the patient's family, friends or care providers in conversation 8. which interventions can the nurse initiate indepen- dently while providing patient care? a- ordering blood transfusion b- auscultating lung sounds c- monitoring skin integrity d- apply heel protectors e- adjusting antibiotic dosages a, b, d c b,c,d

Verified Updates

  1. b

Verified Updates the nurse notices that a patient is becoming short of breath and anxious. which intervention is dependent nursing action, requiring the order of a PCP? a- elevating the head of the patient's bed b- administering oxygen by nasal cannula c- assessing the patient's O2 saturation d- elevating the patient's peripheral circulation

10. which situation indicates the greatest need for collab- orative interventions provided by several health care team members? a- hospice referral b- physical assessment c- activities of daily living d- health history interview 11. what should the nurse consider before implementa- tion of all nursing interventions a- potential communication barriers b- diverse cultural practices c- scope of nursing practice d- functional status of patient e- time of most recent shift change 12. which intervention would be most important for the nurse to include in a patient's care plan if the patient is unable to complete activities of daily living without becoming fatigued? a- instruct the patient to shower and shave simultane- ously b- discourage the patient from bathing while hospital- ized c- encourage the patient to rest between bathing ac- tivities d- ask the patient's spouse to assist with all bathing 13. which nursing intervention is most important to com- plete before giving medication to a patient? a- pr ovid e wate r to aid in the patie nts abilit y to swal low med

Verified Updates a a,b,c,d c b

Verified Updates b- double-check the patient's allergies before giving the drug c- ask the patient to verify having taken the medica- tion before d- place the patient in a side-lying position to prevent aspiration

14. Which direct-care intervention would be most effec- tive in helping a patient cope emotionally with a new diagnosis of cancer? a. Reassessing for changes in the patient's physical condition b. Teaching the patient various methods of stress re- duction c. Referring the patient for music and massage thera- py d. Encouraging the patient to explore options for care 15. what should be taken into consideration by the nurse when deciding on interventions to include in a pa- tient's plan of care? a- patient's treatment preferences b- cultural and ethnic influences c- nurses professional expertise d- current evidence based research e- convenience to nursing staff 16. Which task may the registered nurse safely delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel without prior inter- vention? a. Ambulating a patient with ataxia and new right sided paresthesia b. Feeding a patient with cerebral palsy who recently aspirated c. Transporting a patient to the hospital entrance for discharge d. Administering prescribed programmed medica- tions d a,b,c,d c

Verified Updates

  1. a, d

Verified Updates which actions are part of the evaluation step in the nursing process? a- recognizing the need for modifications in the care plan b. documenting performed nursing interventions c- determining if nursing interventions were complet- ed d- reviewing whether a patient met their short term goal e- identifying realistic outcomes with patient input

18. which action by the day-shift nurse provides objective data that enables the night-shift nurse to complete an evaluation of the patient's short term goals? a- encouraging the patient to share observations from the day b- leaving a message with the charge nurse before shift change c- documenting patient assessment findings in the patients chart d- checking with the pharmacist regarding possible drug interactions 19. Which notation is most appropriate for the nurse to include in a patient's chart regarding evaluation of the goal, "Patient will ambulate three times daily in the hallway before discharge without shortness of breath (SOB)"? a. Goal not met; patient states he is tired. b. Goal not met; patient ambulated three times in room. c. Goal met; patient ambulated three times in the hall- way. d. Goal met; patient ambulated three times in the hall- way without SOB. 20. what situations would necessitate modification of a patient's plan of care? a- de cr ea se in a pa tie nt' s le ve l of or ie nt ati on

Verified Updates c d a, b, d

Verified Updates b- discharge of a patient to rehab facility c- patient adherence to established plan of care d- sudden onset of shortness of breath in patient receiving oxygen

  1. what is the purpose of the nursing process? c a- providing patient centered care b- identifying members of the healthcare team c- organizing the way nurses think about patient care d- facilitating communication among members of the healthcare team
  2. a patient comes to the ED complaining of n/v, what d should the nurse ask the patient about first? a- family hx of diabetes b- medication the patient is taking c- operations the patient has had in the past d- severity and duration of the n/v 23. An alert, oriented patient is admitted to the hospital d with chest pain. Who is the best source of primary data on this patient? a. Family member b. Physician c. Another nurse d. Patient
  3. what is the primary purpose of the nursing diagnosis? b a- resolve patient confusion b- communicating patient needs c- meeting accreditation requirements d- articulating the nursing scope of practice
  4. On what premise is a nursing diagnosis identified for c a patient? a. First impressions b. Nursing intuition c. Clustered data

Verified Updates d. Medical diagnoses

Verified Updates

  1. which statement is an appropriately written short term a goal? a- pt will walk to bathroom independently without falling within two days after surgery b- nurse will watch patient demonstrate proper insulin injection technique each morning c- patient's spouse will express satisfaction with the patient's progress before discharge d- patient's incision will be well approximated each time it is assessed by the nurse 27. which nursing action is critical before delegating in- c terventions to another member of the health care team? a- locate all members of health care team b- notify the physical of potential complications c- know the scope of practice and competency of the other team member d- call a meeting of the healthcare team to determine needs of patient
  2. what should be the primary focus for nursing inter- a ventions? a- patient needs b- nurse concerns c- physician priorities d- patient's family requests 29. a patient reports feeling tired and complains of not a sleeping at night. what action should the nurse per- form first? a- identify the reasons the patient is unable to sleep b- request medication to help the patient sleep c- tell the patient that sleep will come with relaxation d- notify the physician that the patient is restless and anxious

Verified Updates

  1. what action should the nurse take regarding a pa- c tient's plan of care if the patient appears to have met the short term goal of urinating one hour after

Verified Updates surgery? a- consult the surgeon to see if the clinical pathway is being followed b- discontinue the plan of care, because the patient has met the established goal c- monitor patient urine output to evaluate the need for current plan of care d- notify the patient that the goal has been attained and no further intervention is needed

31. what is the most important reason for nurses to use standardized taxonomy such as the ICNP, CCC, NAN- DA? a- insurance documentation b- professional autonomy c- EMR data analysis d- patient safety 32. which nursing diagnosis statements are appropriately written according to the 2018- NANDA format? (select all that apply) a- risk for infection related to elevated temperature and WBC b- readiness for effective family process as evidenced by an expressed desire for improved communication and mutual respect verbalized by family members c- impaired health maintenance related to inability to access care as evidenced by failure to keep appoint- ments, homebound status d- risk for hemorrhaging as evidenced by prolonged clotting time e- chronic pain related to osteoarthritis as manifested by verbalized postop discomfort 33. which phrase best represents a related factor in a problem-focused nursing diagnosis? a- unsteady gait requiring the assistance of two peo- ple b- re d ne ss an d s w ell in g ar o u n d in ci si o n sit e

Verified Updates d b,c,d c

Verified Updates c- ineffective adaptation to recent loss d- patient complaint of restlessness

34. Which actions does the nurse need to take before determining the types of nursing diagnoses that are applicable to a patient? (Select all that apply.) a. Review the patient's past and present medical his- tory. b. Analyze the nursing assessment data to determine whether information is complete. c. Outline an individualized plan of care to address each concern. d. Consider potential complications to which the pa- tient is susceptible. e. Evaluate how the patient has responded to treat- ment. 35. what is the primary difference between the NANDA risk nursing diagnosis and a problem-focused nurs- ing diagnosis a- related factors are not part of a risk diagnosis b- there is no cause and effect relationship estab- lished c- defining characteristics are subjective in a risk di- agnosis d- there are no nursing interventions prescribed with a risk diagnosis 36. what is the most important action for a nurse to take to have a new nursing diagnosis considered for inclu- sion in the ICNP and NANDA taxonomies? a- share concerns with the nurse manager on the nursing unit b- offer alternative care for a patient and family mem- bers c- discuss how to address patient needs with physi- cian d- provide evidence based research to support nurs- ing care a,b,d a d

Verified Updates

37. what is the most significant problem that may result from improperly writing NANDA nursing diagnosis statements? a- lack of direction for formulating patient plans of care b- omission of PCP c- combining two unrelated patient concerns d- increased team collaboration needs 38. which statement best describes the relationship of medical diagnosis to nursing diagnosis? a- medical diagnosis are imbedded in nursing diagno- sis b- nursing diagnosis are derived from medical diag- nosis c- medical diagnosis are not relevant to nursing diag- nosis d- medical diagnosis may be interrelated to nursing diagnosis 39. a patient has just experienced a cardiac arrest on the unit. the nurse has implemented acute care plan for management of code situations. what is the next step the nurse should take? a- resume all interventions of the nursing process related to the patient's current condition b- perform the steps of the nursing process related to the patient's current condition c- seek physician input related to updating the nurs- ing diagnosis statements d- evaluate the success of the acute care plan for management of the cardiac arrest 40. what s/s would the nurse appropriately cluster as supporting data for a patient with extreme anxiety? (Select all that apply) a- denies any difficulty falling asleep b- elevated pulse rate auscultated at 140bpm c- continuous foot tapping throughout intake inter- a d b b,c,e

Verified Updates view d- demonstrates how to give insulin self injection without hesitation e- patient states " I feel nervous all the time, especially when i'm alone"

41. An uncooperative 70-year-old male with right-sided paralysis from a recent cerebrovascular accident (CVA) has to be transferred from the bed to a wheel- chair. Which action indicates the best method to trans- fer this patient? a. A two-person lift is performed, with one person on each side of the patient. b. The patient is steadied under the arms and pivoted on his left leg. c. A full-body sling lift is used with the help of unli- censed assistive personnel (UAP). d. A stand assist lift is used with the help of another nurse. 42. after instruction, which action by a patient who can bear weight on both feet indicates an understanding of the proper use of crutches? a- adjusting the crutches so they rest directly under the axilla b- moving the opposing crutch and leg together for a two point crutch walk c- using a four-point crutch walk when not weight bearing on the left leg d- placing the crutches 28 inches forward 43. What bony prominences are at greatest risk for skin breakdown on a patient who is restricted to bed rest and placed in the side-lying position? (Select all that apply.) a. Sternum b. Ears c. Elbows c b b,c,d

d. Hips e. Coccyx

44. Which area of the central nervous system has most likely sustained damage if a patient exhibits a lack of coordination and an unsteady gait after a traumatic head injury? a. Medulla oblongata b. Articular disk c. Brainstem d. Cerebellum 45. a nurse is providing teaching on the prevention of osteoporosis. which important fact should the nurse include in the teaching care plan? a- calcium should be taken with vitamin d to increase calcium absorption b-african american women are more prone to develop- ing osteoporosis than are asian american women c- increased phosphorus metabolism may lead to bone fragility d- aerobic exercise is more advantageous than weight-bearing exercise in preventing osteoporosis 46. what nursing intervention would be most effective in preventing flaccidity in a hospitalized patient? a- early ambulation after surgery b- administering calcium with vitamin D c- coughing and deep breathing exercising d- referring the patient to occupational therapy 47. Identify all nursing interventions that are necessary when caring for a quadriplegic patient injured 2 years earlier in a motor vehicle accident. (Select all that apply.) a. Monitoring respiratory status and breathing difficul- ties b. Assisting with feeding and ADLs c. D evel opi ng a car e pla n wit h the pati ent' s po wer of atto rne y

d a a a,b,d

d. Using mechanical lifts to assist with transferring the patient e. Placing a gait belt around the patient's waist before ambulation

48. which discovery found during an admission assess- ment of a patient transferred from a long-term care facility does the nurse recognize as a result of immo- bility? a- bilateral elbow contractures b- increased muscle tone c- decreased cardiac workload d- orthostatic hypertension 49. which nursing diagnosis is a top priority for a patient who is one day status post hip replacement? a- impaired health maintenance b- activity intolerance c- impaired mobility d- self care deficit 50. After application of sequential compression devices (SCDs) on a patient, what assessment finding is es- sential for the nurse to include in documentation? a.Warmth of bilateral upper extremities b. Lower extremity circulatory status c. Circumoral cyanosis d. Bowel sounds 51. which action by a patient marks the beginning of the physical assessment process? a- redressing after a physical examination b- breathing normally during auscultation c- greeting the nurse in the examination room d- sharing work environment information 52. which factors should be taken into consideration by the nurse before and during a patient interview? a- distance between the chairs in which the nurse and the patie nt are sittin g

a c b c a,b,c,d

b- traditional treatments typically used by the patient to prevent disease c- gender preference for PCP d- physical condition of the patient e- music preference of the patient

  1. which action by the nurse is most appropriate during b the orientation phase of the patient interview? a- always position patients in a comfortable reclined position to ensure their comfort during questioning b- ask which name a patient prefers to be called during care to show respect and build trust c- quickly conduct a review of systems to determine the need for a complete or focused assessment b- begin with questions about intimacy and sexuality to address sensitive issues first
  2. which activity by the nurse best demonstrates part of b the working phase of a patient interview? a- summarizing previously discussed key topics b- including selected family members in care planning c- transferring care responsibilities to the home health nurse d- verifying the name by which a patient prefers to be addressed 55. Which entry in a patient's electronic health record c best indicates the need for a nurse to gather sec- ondary rather than primary subjective data? a. Complaining of chest pain b. Apical pulse 110 c. Comatose d. Difficulty swallowing 56. Which line of questioning by the nurse best repre- d sents an appropriate approach to the review of sys- tems aspect of the assessment process?

a. "What do you do for a living? Can you describe your work environment?" b. "Is there a family history of heart disease, cancer,