Download NUR 2063 Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam | NUR2063 Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam and more Exams Pathophysiology in PDF only on Docsity! NUR 2063 Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam | NUR2063 Essentials of Pathophysiology Exam (Latest 2024) Rasmussen College 1. Which of the following assessment findings indicates an alteration in homeostatic control mechanisms? - Fever 2. Injury that occurs when blood flow is diminished to tissue is called injury. - ischemic 3. The cancer growth continuum is divided into which of the following stages? - Initiation, promotion, progression 4. The activities of the cell are directed by which cell structure? - Cytoplasm 5. Enzymes that use oxidation to convert food materials into energy are found in sausage- shaped structures called: - mitochondria 6. A patient presents with hyponatremia. What is the priority assessment for the patient? - Mental status changes 7. What is the priority assessment for a patient with a potassium imbalance? - EKG - Sign - Objective Symptom - Subjective 21. The two types of cells seen during a Type 1 hypersensitivity - Mast and Basophil cells 22. Mantoux test - PPD - TB test 23. What is the etiology of gout? - High uric acid levels 24. A 17-year-old college-bound student receives a vaccine against an organism that causes meningitis. This is an example of - Primary prevention 25. A disorder of unknown cause → Idiopathic - True 26. Which of the following is a statement about disease pathogenesis? - Strep infection activates immune cells, leading to inflammation 27. An obese teen is given a prescription for a low-calorie diet and exercise program. This is an example of - Secondary prevention 28. When potassium intake is less than potassium output (or when potassium shifts from plasma into cells) - hypokalemia 29. Intake of water and Na is less than output of water and Na - ECV deficit 30. Avoid massive vitamin D supplementation and drink lots of fluids to prevent kidney damage - Patient teaching for hypercalcemia 31. Besides immunity, what other function does the lymphatic system serve - fluid balance 32. Compounds released during stress - Catecholamines / cortisol 33. Which of the following statements about interferon is correct? - Interferon binds to surface receptors of cells invaded with a virus 34. Which of the following is associated with specific immunity? - immunoglobulins 35. Injecting a vaccine of a dead or weakened pathogen imparts which type of immunity? - Artificial active immunity 36. Normal potassium levels - 3.5-5.5mEq/L 37. What is the purpose of the stress response? - restore balance 38. Holds 1/3 of the body's water - extracellular fluid 39. 135-145 mEq/L - sodium serum range 40. Alarm stage of GAS - increased heart rate 41. Which space does fluid enter to cause edema? - interstitial compartment 42. Treats hives, pruritis and swelling - histamine and prostaglandin 43. Macrophage is a type of white blood cell which is a phagocyte. - Homeostasis 60. Negative feedback - uses hormone to reach homeostasis 61. Positive feedback - increases hormones to create a reaction to occur 62. What the four different parts of homeostasis - Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical manifestations, Treatment implications 63. What are the levels of prevent? - Primary - Preventative measure Secondary - Detection Tertiary - Reducing effects 64. Mitochondria - Powerhouse of the cell Produces ATP (Glucose+O2) 65. Osmosis - Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane 66. What are the fluid compartments? - ICF and ECF 67. Sign - Objective - Rash, erythema 68. Symptom - Subjective - Fever, nausea 69. How is fluid between interstitial and intracellular compartments distributed? - Osmosis 70. Main complication of sodium imbalance - Hyper/Hyponatremia Concern - Hypovolemia Kidney failure 71. Main complication of calcium imbalance - Hypercalcemia/Hypocalcemia Kidney disease 72. How is fluid lost from the body? - Feces, urine, insensible loss 73. How do we lose fluid from extracellular compartment? - Vomiting, diarrhea, urinating, sweating, diuretics' 74. What is potential and fatal complication of hyponatremia - Can cause pressure in brain d/t fluid volume excess 75. Priority assessment for a patient with a potassium imbalance. - Cardiac - Bradycardia, abnormal EKG, Dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest 76. Symptoms of dehydration - Thirst, hypotension, tachycardia, weak-thready pulse, altered level of consciousness 77. Manifestations of fluid excess - peripheral edema, periorbital edema, anasarca, cerebral edema, dyspnea, bounding pulse, tachycardia, jugular vein distension, hypertension, polyuria, rapid weight gain, crackles, and bulging fontanelles 78. Cause of edema - Hydrostatic forces are greater than osmotic fluid - excess fluid in interstitial space 79. Extracellular fluid has higher concentration of which electrolytes/substances - Sodium, Chloride 80. The energy currency of a cell and role the mitochondrion plays in this currency - ATP - Aerobic metabolism 81. Three electrolytes that are stored in and impact bone and the relationship they have to each other B cells encounter antigen, produced & mature in bone marrow, differentiate into 2 types (memory & immunoglobulin-secreting [Ig]), antibodies produced 72hrs after initial antigen exposure, subsequent exposure to same antigen leads to quicker response 95. What are macrophages? - Fibrocystic WBC within tissues produced by monocytes; phagocytize (eat) & stimulate lymphocytes & other immune cells to respond to pathogens 96. Where are leukocytes and red blood cells formed - Bone marrow 97. Best way to prevent the spread of infection - wash hands 98. What compounds does the body release during stress? - Cortisol / Catecholamines 99. Specific type of white blood cell found with type 1 hypersensitivity - Mast cell 100. Type 1 hypersensitivity - -B-Lymphocyte -IgE -Mast cells & Basophils -Histamine, Serotonin, Leukotrienes, Prostaglandins -Hay Fever, Asthma 101. Type 2 hypersensitivity - -B-Lymphocyte -IgG, IgM -RBC & WBC -Complement -Transfusion reactions, Hemolytic disease 102. Type 3 hypersensitivity - -B-Lymphocyte -IgG -Host tissue cells -Complement -Serum sickness, Arthus phenomenon SLE, Rheumatoid arthritis 103. Type 4 hypersensitivity - -T-Lymphocyte -None -Host tissue cells -Cytokines -Contact dermatitis, Infection allergy 104. Apoptosis - Cell kill themselves Cancer cells do not go through this 105. Carcinogenesis - Process in which cancer develops 106. Gangrene - Severe hypoxic injury 107. Benign cell - slow, progressive, localized, well defined, resembles host, grows by expansion 108. Malignant - Rapid growth, spreads quickly, Fatal 109. Cancer complications - Anemia - Decrease in circulation of blood Cachexia - Unexplained weight loss and weakness Leukopenia - Decrease in circulating white blood cells Thrombocytopenia - Decrease in circulating platelets 110. General adaptation syndrome - Alarm Resistance Exhaustion 111. Rheumatoid arthritis - Systemic autoimmune condition involving multiple joints. Inflammatory response in rheumatoid joint leads to accumulation of immune cells and infiltration of the synovium 126. 3rd degree burn - Full thickness damage through skin into nerves and muscles 127. Simple fracture - Single break with bone ends keeping alignment 128. Transverse Fracture - Straight across the bone shaft 129. Oblique fracture - at an angle to the bone shaft 130. Spiral fracture - Twists around the bone shaft 131. Comminuted fracture - Multiple fracture lines and bones pieces 132. Greenstick fracture - Incomplete break in the bone, only slight bend 133. Compression fracture - Bone is crushed or collapses / small pieces 134. Complete fracture - - broken into two or more sperate pieces 135. Incomplete fracture - Partially broken 136. Open fracture / Compound - Skin is broken and bone protrude 137. Closed fracture - Skin is intact 138. Impacted fracture - one end of the bone is forced into the adjacent bone 139. Pathologic fracture - fracture caused by diseased or weakened bone 140. Stress fracture - repeated excessive stress 141. Depressed fracture - cranium is fractured inward toward the brain 142. Shingles - viral disease that affects the peripheral nerves and causes blisters on the skin that follow the course of the affected nerves 143. Scabies - contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite, commonly through sexual contact 144. Complications of fractures - • Acute compartment syndrome • Crush syndrome • Hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock • Fat embolism syndrome • Venous thromboembolism • Infection • Chronic complications, such as ischemic necrosis, delayed union, and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 145. IgG - Main defense against bacteria - (passive immunity)