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NUR 2063 / NUR2063 Final Exam Questions and Answers (Latest 2024 / 2025): Essentials of Pa, Exams of Nursing

NUR 2063 / NUR2063 Final Exam Questions and Answers (Latest 2024 / 2025): Essentials of Pathophysiology - Rasmussen

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Download NUR 2063 / NUR2063 Final Exam Questions and Answers (Latest 2024 / 2025): Essentials of Pa and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NUR i2063 i/ iNUR2063 iFinal iExam iQuestions iand iAnswers i(Latest i2024 i/ i2025): iEssentials iof iPathophysiology i- iRasmussen Abnormal ifunctioning iof ithe iparathyroid iglands ican ilead ito iwhich ielectrolyte iimbalance? i ANSWER: iCalcium iand iphosphorous Best iway ito iprevent ispread iof idiseases? i ANSWER: iProper ihand iwashing. Cause iof ibrain idamage iin iCerebral iPalsy iand iwhen idoes iit ihappen? i ANSWER: iDamage ioccurs iduring ithe iprenatal iperiod, ioften iduring ichildbirth, ior iin ithe ifirst i3 iyears iof ilife. iThis iis icaused iby ia iprenatal idisturbance i(genetic ior ienvironmental ifactors) iof ibrain icell imigration iduring ibrain idevelopment. Cause iof icardiogenic ishock? i ANSWER: iFluid ibuildup iin ithe ichest icausing icardiac itamponade, iinternal ibleeding ior iblood iloss, ipulmonary iembolism, itrauma ior iinjury ito ithe ichest icausing idamage ito ithe iheart iso ithat iit ino ilonger ipumps iblood ieffectively. Cause iof icontact idermatitis? i ANSWER: iDirect iexposure ito ian iirritant ior iallergen-producing isubstance. Cause iof iCVA iand ithe igold istandard ifor idiagnosis? i ANSWER: iIschemic iStroke i- iBlocked iartery Hemorrhagic iStroke i- iLeaking ior ibursting iof ia iblood ivessel Gold istandard idiagnosis iis ia iCT iscan. Cause iof iedema iregarding iprotein? i ANSWER: iLow iprotein ilevels iallow isalt iand iwater ito ileave ithe iblood ivessels iand ileak iinto ithe itissues. Cause iof ihepatic iencephalopathy. i ANSWER: iThe idecline iin ibrain ifunction iresulting ifrom isevere iliver idisease. iThe iliver ican't iadequately iremove itoxins ifrom ithe iblood icausing ia ibuildup, ileading ito ibrain idamage. Cause iof iRheumatoid iArthritis? i ANSWER: iExact icause iis iunknown, ithought ito ibe icaused iby igenetic ivulnerability iand ienvironmental itriggers. Cause, icharacteristics, iand itreatment iof iDIC? i ANSWER: iDisseminated iintravascular icoagulation iis iwhere iproteins icontrolling iblood iclotting ibecome ioveractive ifrom iinflammation, iinfection, iand icancer. iCharacteristics iinclude iblood iclots iand ibleeding ifrom imany isites. iTreatment iinvolves itreating ithe iunderlying icause iand iproviding isupportive icare ithrough iIV ifluids iand iblood itransfusions. Causes iof iatherosclerotic iplaques/CAD? i ANSWER: iDamage ito ithe iinner ilayers iof ithe iarteries ifrom ismoking, ihigh iamounts iof icertain iand icholesterol iin ithe iblood ifrom idiet, iand ilow iphysical iactivity. Characteristics iof iCoronary iArtery iDisease? i ANSWER: iHardening ior inarrowing iof ithe iarteries ithat isupply ithe iheart iwith ioxygen iand inutrients. iInflammation iand ithe ibuildup iof ifatty ideposits ialong ithe iinnermost ilayer iof ithe icoronary iarteries. Characteristics iof iParkinson's iDisease? i ANSWER: iBlank ifacial iexpression, iForward itilt ito iposture, islow imonotonous islurred ispeech, itremor iof ilimbs iand ihead iat irest, ishort ishuffle igait ior iimpaired ibalance. Clinical imanifestations iof ia ipatient iwith iacute irespiratory ifailure i(ARDS) iand iwhat iwould iwe iexpect ithe ioxygen iand icarbon idioxide ilevels ito ibe? i ANSWER: iSOB, irapid iand ishallow ibreathing, iincreased iHR, icoughing iwith iphlegm, icyanosis, ifatigue, ifever, icrackling iin ilungs, ihypotension, irestlessness, iconfusion, ilethargy, iand ianxiety. Carbon idioxide ilevels iincrease iwhile ioxygen ilevels idecrease. Clinical imanifestations iof ihyperthyroidism? i ANSWER: iSudden iweight iloss, itachycardia, idysrhythmias i(A-fib), ihypertension, iincreased iappetite, inervousness, ianxiety, iirritability, idifficulty iconcentrating, itremor, idiaphoresis, iuterine ibleeding, iincreased isensitivity ito iheat, idiarrhea, igoiter, idifficulty isleeping, iand iexophthalmos i(protruding ieyes). Complication iof icompartment isyndrome? i ANSWER: iMuscle ior itissue idamage ior iloss, iamputation, iinfection, inerve idamage, iand ikidney ifailure. Defining icharacteristic iof iHodgkins iLymphoma? i ANSWER: iPresence iof iReed-Sternberg iRS icells, ias iwell ias iother iabnormal icell itypes. Difference ibetween ia isign iand isymptom? i ANSWER: iSign i= iObjective Symptom i= iSubjective Effects iof iall iforms iof iheart ifailure? i ANSWER: iThe iheart iis iunable ito ipump ian iadequate iamount iof iblood ito imeet ithe ibody's imetabolic ineeds. Diagnosed iwith ian iEKG iand iby imeasuring itroponin ilevels iin ithe iblood. Treatment ifor iHemophilia iA? i ANSWER: iReplacing iclotting ifactors ithrough itransfusions iand iAdvate i(Antihemophilic ifactor, ia irecombinant iDNA iproduct) Virchow's itriad ifor irisk ifor ipulmonary iemboli? i ANSWER: i1. iVenous istasis, i2. iActivation iof iblood icoagulation, i3. iVein idamage. What iare icharacteristics iof imetastatic icells? i ANSWER: iGrow iand ireproduce irapidly, ipoorly idifferentiated iand iirregular iin ishape, iand ihave iabnormal imembranes, icytoskeletal iproteins iand imorphology. What iare icomplications iof ianemia? i ANSWER: iFatigue, iweakened iimmune isystem, ifast ior iirregular iheartbeat, iheart ifailure, icomplications iwith ipregnancy iincluding ipremature ilabor iand iproblems iwith ifetal idevelopment, iand iincreased ipostpartum idepression. What iare iEncephalitis iand iMeningitis? i ANSWER: iEncephalitis i- iInflammation iof ithe ibrain. i Meningitis i- iInflammation iof ithe iprotective imembranes icovering ithe ibrain iand ispinal icord. What iare inormal iABG ilevels iand iwhat ido ithey iindicate? i ANSWER: ipH i= i7.35-7.45 PaO2 i= i80-100mmHg PCO2 i= i35-45mmHg Determines iacidity ilevels iof ithe iblood iand ilevels iof icarbon idioxide ilevels iin ithe iblood ifrom ian iartery. iMeasures ihow iwell iyour ilungs iare iable ito imoved ioxygen iinto ithe iblood iand iremove icarbon idioxide ifrom ithe iblood. What iare ithe ifindings iin ihypoventiliation? i ANSWER: iBreathing ithat iis itoo ishallow i(hypopnea) ior itoo islow i(bradypnea) ito imeet ithe ineeds iof ithe ibody. What iare ithe iphysiological icauses iof iincreased iintracranial ipressure? i ANSWER: iBleeding iin ithe ibrain, itumor, istroke, ianeurysm, iHigh iBP, ior ibrain iinfection. What icauses iesophageal ivarices? i ANSWER: iAbnormal, ienlarged iveins iin ithe iesophagus icause iwhen iblood iflow ito ithe iliver iis iblocked. What icauses ijaundice? i ANSWER: iExcess iof iserum ibilirubin iin ithe iblood i> i2.5mg/dL What icauses istress iincontinence? i ANSWER: iPhysical imovement ior iactivity ithat iputs ipressure ion ithe ibladder isuch ias icoughing, ilaughing, isneezing, irunning ior iheavy ilifting. What icondition iis ithe iresult iof iexcess igrowth ihormone iin ichildhood? i ANSWER: iAcromegaly, ialso iknown ias igigantism. What idoes iCVA itenderness iindicate? i ANSWER: iCostovertebral iangle itenderness iindicates ikidney ipathology. What idoes ithe iendocrine isystem iproduce? i ANSWER: iHormones iincluding isteroids i(androgens, iglucocorticoids, iand ithyroid ihormones), iproteins ior ipolypeptides i(insulin iand igrowth ihormones), iamines iand iamino iacids i(epinephrine), iand ifatty iacid iderivatives i(prostaglandins) What idoes ithe ihormone iglucagon ido? i ANSWER: iCounteracts ithe iactions iof iinsulin iby istimulating ihepatic iglucose iproduction iand ithereby iincreasing iblood iglucose ilevels. What idoes ithe ihormone iinsulin ido? i ANSWER: iUnlocks ithe icell imembrane iand iallows iglucose ito ienter iand ibe iused ifor ienergy. What ielectrolyte idisorder iis iassociated iwith iSIADH? i ANSWER: iHyponatremia i- iretention iof iwater idilutes ithe ilevel iof isodium iin ithe ibody. What ielectrolytes iare ifound imore iin iintracellular ispace? iExtracellular ispace? i ANSWER: iICF i= iPotassium iand iPhosphate ECF i= iSodium iand iChloride What ihormone ido ithe ikidneys isecrete ithat iinfluence iblood iproduction? i ANSWER: iErythropoietin What iis ia icomplication iin iType i1 idiabetic ipatients iwhere ifats iare ibeing ibroken idown ifor ienergy? i ANSWER: iDiabetic iKetoacidosis What iis ia iPulmonary iEmbolism iand iwhat iis ithe iprimary icause? i ANSWER: iEmboli ithat ioriginates iin ithe ivenous icirculation ithat itravels ito ithe iright iside iof ithe iheart iand ithen ion ito ithe ipulmonary icirculation. i Caused iby iblood iclots ithat itravel ito ithe ilungs ifrom ideep iveins iin ithe ilegs i(DVT) ior, irarely, ifrom iveins iin iother iparts iof ithe ibody. What iis ian ielectrolyte ipool? i ANSWER: iElectrolytes ishift ibetween iECF iand ipools iin iresponse ito ineed/excess. What iis ianaphylaxis? iWhat iare ithe iS/S? i ANSWER: iSevere, ilife-threatening iallergic ireaction. i S/S i- iSkin ireactions, iswollen itongue ior ithroat, iairway iconstriction icausing iwheezing iand irapid ipulse, ivomiting, idiarrhea, ifainting, ilow iBP, idizziness, inausea, iand iitching. What iis icystitis? iWhat ibacteria icauses icystitis? i ANSWER: iBladder iinfection. iCaused iby iE. iColi What iis ihomeostasis iand iwhat iare i3 imain icomponents iof iit? i ANSWER: iEquilibrium iand ibalance iwithin ithe ibody. i1. iReceptor, i2. iIntegrating icenter, i3. iEffector. What iis ihomeostasis? i ANSWER: iEquilibrium iand ibalance iwithin ithe ibody. What iis iintussesception? i ANSWER: iMechanical ibowel iobstruction icaused iby ithe iintestine itelescoping iinto iitself. What iis iMultiple iSclerosis? i ANSWER: iA iprogressive icentral inervous isystem idisease ithat icauses ithe iimmune isystem ito ieat iaway iat ithe iprotective icovering iof ithe inerves idisrupting ithe icommunication ibetween ithe ibrain iand ithe ibody. What iis ioliguria? i ANSWER: iProduction iand ioutput iof iabnormally ismall iamounts iof iurine. What iis iosteoporosis? i ANSWER: iProgressive iloss iof ibone icalcium ithat ileaves ithe ibones ibrittle. What iis ipassive iimmunity? i ANSWER: iIgG i- ishort iterm iimmunity ias ithe iresult iof iintroduction ito iantibodies ifrom ianother iperson ior ianimal isuch ias iwith ibreast imilk. iAlso, ican icross iplacenta ito iprotect ifetus ifrom iinfection. What iis iPolycythemia? i ANSWER: iA irare, ichronic idisorder iinvolving ithe ioverproduction iof ired iblood icells iin ithe ibone imarrow, imay iproduce imore iWBCs iand iplatelets ias iwell.