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Download NUR 2063/NUR2063 ESSENTIALS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY EXAM 2 LATEST 2024 REAL EXAM 100+ QUESTIONS and more Exams Pathophysiology in PDF only on Docsity!




  1. What are the functions of the kidneys? Regulation of blood pressure; reg- ulating blood osmolarity; removal of toxins; blood filtration; activate vitamin D
  2. What are the clinical manifestations of benign prostatic hypertrophy?
  3. What substance controls the reabsorp- tion of water from the collecting ducts?
  4. What is type 2 diabetes characterized as?
  5. What are the clinical manifestations of Graves' disease? dribbling; difficulty initiating urine stream; hesitancy; urinary reten- tion, decreased stream ADH- Anti Diuretic Hormone peripheral tissue insulin resis- tance Exophthalmos (bulging eyes), goi- ter, enlarge thyroid, heat intoler- ance, anxiety- hyperthyroidism
  6. What processes occur during fasting? glucogenesis; glycogenesis
  7. What type of tissue is accessed to pro- mote energy production in type 1 dia- betes?
  8. What are the clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism?
  9. What are the clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism?
  10. What are the clinical manifestation of hyper para thyroidism?
  11. What are the clinical manifestations of hypo para thyroidism? adipose/ fat myxedema, fatigue, cold sensitivi- ty, constipation, weight gain Goiter, fatigue, weight loss, infer- tility, memory loss, hair loss, mus- cle pain fatigue, body aches, bone pain, depression, headaches, memory loss numbness, tetany, parathesis, muscle spasms
  1. What are the clinical manifestations of ketoacidosis?
  2. What mechanisms control hormone re- lease and regulation?
  3. What hormones are released by the an- terior pituitary gland? fruity breath, drowsiness, nausea, thirst, confusion, lethargy, vomit- ing negative feedback loop Growth Hormone, prolactin, folli- cle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, LH, ACTH and endorphins
  4. What is diabetes insipidus? a disorder caused by inadequate amounts of ADH which causes ex- cessive water loss
  5. clinical manifestations of diabetes in- sipidus
  6. clinical manifestations of Cushings syndrome? polyuria, nocturia, continuous thirst, and polydipsia Excessive secretion of cortisol causes redistribution of fat, "moon face", "buffalo" hump on the back and pendulous abdomen. - Facial skin is flushed (high blood pressure), skin covering abdomen develops stretch marks - • ndividual bruises easily and wound healing is poor - Approximately 1/2 develop mental status changes from irritability to severe psychiatric disturbance - Females may experience changes due to increased andro- gen levels
  1. clinical manifestations of secondary hypothyroidism
  2. clinical manifestations of primary hy- pothyroidism
  3. clinical manifestations of primary al- dosteronism
  4. clinical manifestations of secondary aldosteronism Weakness. - Fatigue. - Cold intolerance. - Constipation. - Weight gain. - Depression. - Joint or muscle pain. - Brittle fingernails. fatigue. - lethargy. - sensitivity to cold. - depression. - muscle weakness. hypertension and hypokalemia High blood pressure. - Low level of potassium in the blood. - Feeling tired all the time. - Headache. - Muscle weakness. - Numbness.
  5. What is myxedema? severe hypothyroidism; non pitting edema
  6. What are the causes of hypothy- roidism? Hashimoto's disease: most com- mon when the immune system at- tacks the thyroid cells
    • after surgical or radioactive treat- ment for hyperthyroidism
    • head or neck radiation for cancer
    • iodine deficiency
  7. What are the three p's in diabetes? polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia
  1. What is the difference between primary and secondary endocrine disorders?
  2. What is the cause of Cushing syn- drome? Primary endocrine disease in- hibits the action of downstream glands, malfunction of the hor- mone producing gland; Sec- ondary endocrine disease is in- dicative of a problem with the pi- tuitary gland. Excessive corticosteroids
  3. What is acute gastritis? Transient inflammation of the gas- tric mucosa
  4. What is chronic gastritis? Chronic mucosal inflammatory changes leading to atrophy and in- testinal metaplasia. This is mostly due to H. Pylori, but in some cases it can be autoimmune.
  5. What causes gastritis? Acute - circulatory disturbances (shock) and exposure to exoge- nous irritants (drugs [aspirin], al- cohol, chemicals, lactose intoler- ance) Chronic - cause is unknown is probably mediated by immuno- logic mechanism or related to in- fection with H. pylori
  6. What is amenorrhea? - absence of menstruation
  7. What is metrorrhagia? - bleeding between periods
  8. What is dysmenorrhea? - painful periods
    1. Costal vertebral angle (CVA) angle formed by the 12th rib and the vertebral column on the pos-

terior thorax, overlying the kidney; percuss for kidney tenderness

  1. What causes flank pain? kidney stones
  2. When is enuresis abnormal? after age 5
  3. People with polycystic kidney disease should do what? increase fluid intake, measure blood pressure regularly
  4. What is polyuria? frequent urination
  5. Female Mutilation risks for uti, trouble urinating
  6. What hormone causes bleeding during menopause?
  7. Where does exchange occur in the kid- neys?
  8. What increases the risk for bladder cancer? estrogen As the filtered fluid moves along the tubule, the blood vessel reab- sorbs almost all of the water, along with minerals and nutrients your body needs. The tubule helps re- move excess acid from the blood. The remaining fluid and wastes in the tubule become urine. smoking
  9. What is the kidney filtration path? Bowmans capsule>proximal tubule>loop of henle>distal tubule
  10. What causes increase in glumerial fil- tration? increase capillary hydrostatic pressure
  11. What is cystitis? inflammation of the urinary blad- der; UTI, painful burning, itching,
  12. What is a hydrocele?

Fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis

  1. What are the symptoms of prositis? pain, fever, trouble urinating, trou- ble with urine retention
  2. What is renal colic? kidney stone related pain
  3. What is the bacteria associated with syphilis? anaerobic spirochetes
  4. What are complications of syphilis? vascular problems, cardiovascu- lar, aortic stenosis, inflamed aorta, aorta necrosis, brain aneurysm, blindness, numbness, tingly, loopyness
  5. What end periods? anorexia, menopause, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, adenomas and carcinomas
  6. When is RAS activated? low BP
  7. Treatment for herpes Acyclovir, sitz bath, dry heat
  8. symptoms of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis dark urine
  9. What causes acromegaly? excessive GH during adulthood
  10. Primary hypothyroidism levels low T4, high TSH
  11. Secondary hypothyroidism levels low T3, T4 and TSH
  12. What is gigantism? hypersecretion of GH in children
  13. What is SIADH? syndrome of inappropriate antidi- uretic hormone; too much sodium secretion
  1. What is the tumor of the adrenal gland? Pheochromocytoma
  2. Acromegaly/Gigantism coarse facial features, deepening of voice, increased ring or shoe size
  3. Graves disease unexplained weight loss, goiter, bulging eyes
  4. Myexdema coma is associated with hy- perthyroidism false
  5. Patient with dysmenorrhea assess pain in pelvic area and up- per thighs
  6. What is the sign of acute prostatitis? tender prostate
  7. CVA is pain is another description for flank pain?
  8. A client has flank pain of 6 on a scale from 0 - 10. This flank pain is likely be- cause of what reason?
  9. Which is indicative of secondary hy- pothyroidism?
  10. What is indicative of primary hypothy- roidism?
  11. What are the two stress hormones that increase glucose production in the liv- er?
  12. A client presents with right lower ab- dominal pain and occasional diarrhea. This is likely? True possible pyelonephritis, with in- flammation and stretching of renal caps Low TSH and LOW T3/T High TSH and Low T3/T Corticosteroids
    • catecholamines Appendicitis
  1. A^ female^ arrives^ at^ the^ clinic^ complain- ing of bleeding between menstrual pe- riods. The nurse identifies this as? Metrorrhagia
  2. A good explanation for myxedema in Lack of thyroid hormone con- thyroid deficiency is? tributes to non- pitting edema
  3. An example of a genetic defect in Vesicoureteral reflux young children with cystitis is?
  4. Diabetes insipidus is caused from? too little ADH production
  5. Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is often a peptic ulcer disease cause of?
  6. In response to a respiratory infection secreting acids and reabsorbing and a high fever, the kidney tubules bicarbonate ions maintain a normal ph of body fluids by?
  7. Metabolic acidosis develops with bilat- tubule exchanges are impaired eral kidney disease for what reason?
  8. The client has gallstones obstructing severe upper right quadrant pain the cystic duct. What would the nurse anticipate in the assessment of the client?
  9. The glomerular filtration will increase increase hydrostatic pressure in by which of the following? the glomerular capillaries
  10. Cardinal signs of pheochromocy- hypertension toma?
  11. The nurse expects which of the follow- deep fast respirations and lethar- ing in an assessment of a client with gy ketoacidosis?
  12. hypercortisolism

The nurse is aware that cushings syn- drome is caused by which of the follow- ing?

  1. What causes Hirschsprung Disease? inadequate innervation of the colon
  2. What would the nurse expect to assess in a client with Addisons disease?
  3. Which of the following results from ob- struction of the left ureter by a renal calculus?
  4. What are the clinical manifestations of appendicitis?
  5. What is the cause of pseudomembra- nous colitis?
  6. What is the nonpharmacologic treat- ment for pseudocolitis?
  7. What is the cause of Helicobacter py- lori (H. pylori)?
  8. What are the clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma?
  9. What causes gastroenteritis due to Salmonella? severe fatigue, muscle joint pain, nausea, vomiting, abdomi- nal pain, darkening areas of the skin severe renal colic right lower abdominal pain, nau- sea and occasionally diarrhea overgrowth of Clostridioides diffi- cile (C difficile) bacteria; overex- posure to antibiotics fecal transplant, colectomy, antibi- otics bacteria spread from person to person; bacteria penetrates the stomach mucous lining and gen- erates substances to neutralize stomach acids No early signs; later signs are anorexia weight loss and GI bleeding Raw or under cooked chicken or eggs
  1. What are complications of a perforated gallbladder? Sepsis infection
  2. What causes jaundice? Increased serum bilirubin over 2. mg/dL
  3. What disease is associated with jaun- dice? Cirrhosis of the liver; hepatitis
  4. What is dysphasia? difficulty swallowing
  5. What is occult blood? Blood that is not visible to the naked eye
  6. What should patients with newly diag- nosed pancreatitis avoid? Alcohol
  7. What causes greenish- yellow emesis? Bile
  8. What is the most frequent location of peptic ulcers?
  9. What types of hepatitis increase the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma?
  10. What are the clinical manifestations of chronic gastritis?
  11. What types of things put a patient at risk for developing acute gastritis?
  12. What are the clinical manifestations of acute gastritis? proximal duodenum Hep B and C inflammation of the stomach lining and anorexia from not eating lactose intolerance, regular use of pain relievers, stress, excessive alcohol use GI distress, bloat, , nausea, vom- iting, anorexia from not eating, postprandial discomfort
  13. What is the cause of hiatal hernia? Increased intra-abdominal pres- sure, such as ascites, pregnan-
  1. What is the cause of a rigid abdomen in peritonitis? cy, obesity, chronic straining or coughing inflamed peritoneum
  2. What is cryptorchidism? undescended testes
  3. What are complications of cryp- torchidism?
  4. What are the clinical manifestations of acute prostatitis?
  5. What is a complication of removing too much fluid during dialysis?
  6. What would you monitor while remov- ing fluid during dialysis?
  7. What are the clinical manifestations of pyelonephritis?
  8. Individuals with HPV are at risk for de- veloping what disease? infertility and cancer dysuria, frequency, urgency, painful prostate hemodialysis, low BP BP CVA tenderness, fever, chills, N/V, anorexia which increases fever in- duced dehydration Cervical cancer
  9. What is enuresis? bed wetting
  10. What is stress incontinence? Leakage with increased abdom- inal pressure, effort, exertion, sneezing, or coughing
  11. What is micturition? urination
  12. What is overflow incontinence? Leakage due to inability of the bladder to empty itself correctly (thus causing bladder to fill up to
  1. What is a genetic defect in young chil- dren with cystitis?
  2. How do kidney tubules maintain a nor- mal pH in response to fever and respi- ratory infection? max capacity) caused by a ure- thral blockage vesicoureteral reflux; back flow of urine from the bladder to the ureter and renal pelvis secrete acid and reabsorb bicards
  3. Why does metabolic acidosis occur? excessive production of fixed acids;
- DKA - lactic acidosis - low flow states - loss of buffers, like loss of bicarb from GIT or - inability of kidney to eliminate acids; ie. renal failure 
  1. What is the serum marker ordered when screening fro prostate cancer?
  2. What are complications of hy- dronephrosis?
  3. What is the cause of increased glomerular filtration rate?
  4. What is the most common cause of pyelonephritis?
  5. What are the risk factors for develop- ing chronic renal failure? PSA- Prostate specific antigen ischemia and necrosis; swelling and build-up of fluid in the kidney; back flow, swelling pressure increase in the glomerular capil- lary hydrostatic pressure E. coli; ascending UTI too much Nsaids, chronic kidney disease; diabetes type 1; hyper- tension