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Download NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 1 / 28 NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 1. A client with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has Pneumocystis carinii (PCP). What is the nurse's priority assessment for this client?: Lung sounds 2. How many ml is one teaspoon?: 5 3. The client with rheumatoid arthritis is having her rheumatoid factor (RF) drawn while she is having a flare-up of the disease. Which result is seen in clients with rheumatoid arthritis?: A positive rheumatoid factor 4. A nurse is providing education for a client who has glaucoma which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?: "Without treatment, glaucoma can cause blindness." 5. A nurse is caring for an immobile client. What is the priority assessment in this client?: Assessment of skin turgor 6. A client with a diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) develops pneumonia. What type of infection is this?: An opportunistic infection 7. What level of Maslow hierarchy does shelter belong to: physiological 8. A client states that he has been experiencing oozing from his wound. What is the nurse priority?: Inspect the wound and assess the drainage 9. What is not a potential complication of rheumatoid arthritis?: NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 2 / 28 Paresthesia 10. The nurse is planning care for a post-operative client after a total hip arthroplasty. What is the priority nursing intervention?: Perform neurovascular assessment per protocol 11. The nurse is providing medication education for a client with osteoarthritis. What teaching should the nurse include in the education?: You should not take more than 4000mg of acetaminophen a day 12. The mother of a new born baby is concerned that the baby will develop illnesses from being around people from outside of their family. What is the nurse's best response?: "Tell me more about that" 13. The nurse is preparing to administer medication to a client with osteoarthritis. what is the goal of medication therapy?: Reduce pain and inflammation 14. The nurse has documented the following wound assessment: "Shallow open, reddened ulcer with no slough on the anterior region of the right heel?" What stage is the wound?: Stage 2 15. . By providing measures to prevent skin breakdown, how does the nurse break the chain of infection: Maintaining the integrity of a portal of entry 16. What is not an appropriate nursing intervention for psoriasis?: apply rubbing alcohol to plaques 17. How many milligrams is 3000 mcg: 3 mg NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 5 / 28 31. A client is in skeletal traction. With the nurse's assessment. It is noted that the pins appear red, swollen, and there is purulent drainage. What action does the nurse take first?: Collect a culture of the purulent fluid. 32. When providing a routine bed bath, what action does the nurse complete first?: Cleanse the client's face 33. What is a symptom of the expected disease pattern of rheumatoid arthritis?: Bilateral joint pain 34. What can the nurse teach a client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to reduce the risk of infection: Avoid raw fruits and vegetables Avoid cleaning your toothbrush with bleach Wash your hands thoroughly 35. A nurse is providing oral hygiene for an unconscious client. What is the priority nursing intervention?: Position the client on one side with the head turned towards you 36. What medication class can decrease tissue inflammation but delay bone healing?: Nonsteroidal ant-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 37. The nurse will be using Braden scale with each admit to the long term care center. Which of these will be utilized in a Braden Scale Assessment?: Friction and shear Nutrition Sensory perception NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 6 / 28 38. What are some of the expected outcomes when medications are given for rheumatoid arthritis?: Increased quality of life Decreased pain Increased range of motion Reduced inflammation 39. A client who is sitting in high fowler's position is at risk for what type of injury as the skin layers shift in opposite directions?: Shearing injury 40. What is not appropriate client education on preventing the spread of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MARSA).: Use a bath sponge to cleanse the skin 41. An area of erythema on the child's skin is being assessed by the nurse. The nurse presses down on the area and the area becomes white. What term does the nurse document for finding?: Blanching 42. A nurse is caring for 25 - year old male quadriplegic client. Which of the following treatments would the nurse perform to decrease the risk of joint contracture and promote joint mobility?: Provide passive range of motion (ROM) 43. What are the risk factors for osteoarthritis?: Older age Sports injuries Obesity Female gender 44. A client is post-operative day 1 and reports a sudden increase in bloodtinged liquid draining from his incision after feeling a popping NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 7 / 28 sensation. What is the nurse's next action?: Assess the wound for signs of dehiscence 45. Which of the following statements by a client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) requires further teaching?: "I can still have unprotected intercourse with my partner since he doesn't have HIV" "I can spread this through contact with surfaces, so I need to wear gloves in public" "Because I have HIV, that meant that I'm an AIDS patient" 46. What is the likely reason that a client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) would succumb to pneumonia while a healthy person exposed to the same infection did not?: The client with AIDS is a susceptible host. 47. The client states "Why am I getting protein supplements while I'm healing from a bed sore?" What is the best response by the nurse?: "Protein has amino acids that promote wound healing." 48. Which of the following clients should be placed in isolation for airborne precautions: A client that recently traveled and developed a fever with cough 49. A homeless client arrives in the emergency room. The client verbalizes an inability to bathe for at least one month. What is the nurse's priority?: inspect the client's skin 50. A client is diagnosed with narcolepsy. What is the nurse's priority intervention?: Inform the client that driving would be dangerous NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 10 / 28 63. A nurse is teaching a client who has a new prescription for ibuprofen to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse should teach the client to monitor for what effect of this medication?: constipation 64. What is the nurse's priority action for a client with compromised immunity?: Wash hands before entering the client's room 65. A nurse is teaching a client about adequate nutrition and hydration for the client with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). What is important to teach the client?: Drink at least 2 to 3 L of fluids per day Lower your caloric intake Eat high-calorie foods 66. The nurse is preparing communication for a provider. The client is experiencing acute pain greater than the severity of the fracture. Distal to the injury, he is experiencing a "pins and needles" sensation. The pulse is weak and thready but is bounding on all unaffected extremities. What emergent condition does the nurse suspects?: Compartment syndrome 67. How many ml I is two tablespoons?: 30 mL 68. Which organization publishers the National Patient Goals?: The Joint commission 69. The nurse is caring for four clients. What client should the nurse see first?: A client on Methotrexate with a fever NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 11 / 28 70. The nurses notice a new area of skin breakdown near the site of a dressing. This wound is an example of which phase of the nursing process?: assessment 71. A client has cellulitis on his left arm. What statement by the client indicated a correct understanding of symptom management?: "I can use warm, moist towel" 72. . The client complains of fatigue and joint pain and reports that they are unable to walk due to pain in the knees. What is the most appropriate statement by the nurse?: "Please tell me more about when your pain started." 73. A provider has ordered a wound culture for a client with a non-healing wound. What is the nurse's first action?: Put on non-sterile gloves 74. The quality and risk nurse in the local hospital is performing a hospital survey on sentinel events. Which statement would the nurse use best?: An unexpected event involving death or serious physical or psychological injury 75. The nurse is caring for a client with rheumatoid arthritis one day after shoulder injury. What would prompt the nurse to call the provider immediately?: The client has paresthesia in her fingers and intense increasing pain her shoulder 76. The nurse is performing a psychosocial assessment on a client with severe rheumatoid arthritis. What would be the most appropriate statement by the nurse?: "How does this impact your role in your family" NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 12 / 28 77. A nurse is admitting a client who has tuberculosis. What transmissionbased precautions should the nurse initiate?: Airborne 78. What is an infectious disease that can be transmitted directly from one person to another?: a communicable disease 79. A nurse is teaching a client who has fibromyalgia bout strategies that might help reduce her symptoms. What should the nurse include in the client education?: Establish a regular sleep pattern 80. The nurse is caring for four clients. Which of these clients will the nurse see first?: A client with sudden and increasing pain in his fractured arm 81. A client has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Which of these statements' findings indicate possible infection?: Temperature: 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit Purulent drainage 82. The nurse assesses a deep wound. The area is covered by black necrotic tissue. What term would nurse use when documenting this wound?: Eschar 83. What are the causes of pressure ulcers?: Ischemia Immobility Poor nutrition Moisture NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 15 / 28 supplemental oxygen of 2 L/Min via a nasal canula. Which positioning technique will best assist him with his breathing?: Fowler's position 99. A nurse is reviewing factors that increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) with a client who has recurrent UTIs. Which of the following factors should the nurse include?: Frequent sexual intercourse Location of the urethra closer to the anus Frequent catheterization 100. A nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses on complementary and alternative therapies they can incorporate into their practice without the need for specialized licensing or certification. Which of the following should the nurse encourage them to use?: Guided imagery Meditation Music therapy 101. A nurse is reviewing complementary and alternative therapies with a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following interventions are mind-body therapies?: Art therapy Yoga Biofeedback 102. Accepting pauses or silences that may extend for some time without interjecting a verbal response is considered which of the following?: Therapeutic communication NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 16 / 28 103. The American Nurse Association exists to advance the nursing profession by: Fostering high standards of nursing practice Advocating on health care issues affecting nurses and the public Promoting a safe and ethical work environment 104. component of the nursing process: Promote professionalism provide a framework for use of skills promote use of critical thinking 105. A client states that they will schedule massages as well as take their prescribed medication for pain control. What is this an example of: Complementary therapy 106. A nurse is telling a new mother from Africa that she shouldn't carry her baby in a sling created from a large rectangular cloth. The African woman tells the nurse that everyone in Mozambique carries babies this way. The nurse believes bassinets are safer for infants, what is this scenario an example of?: Cultural Imposition 107. What factors may interfere with sleep?: Medications A stressful job A large meal right before bedtime Anxiety 108. When a labor and delivery nurse tells a coworker that an asian client probably did not want any pain medication because Asian women typically are stoic, "the nurse expresses a belief known as what?: Stereotype NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 17 / 28 109. A client begins to fall while the nurse is assisting with ambulation, what is the priority nursing intervention?: Guide the client safely to the floor 110. Which organization publishes the National patient safety Goals: The joint Commission 111. What complication may be a result of decreased mobility: Pressure injuries 112. A client just received a diagnosis of cancer. Which statement by the nurse best demonstrates empathy?: This must be hard news to hear. Tell me more about it 113. Which set of vital signs, taken on an adult, is cause for concern and requires further evaluation?: Temperature 97.F; pulse 54 bpm; respirations 14 breaths/minute; blood pressure 196/114 mmHg 114. A nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) obtaining vitals from a client with hearing loss. Which of the following actions by the unlicensed assistive personnel causes the nurse to provide further education to improve communication?: UAP is chewing gum while taking 115. A nurse in the transitional care unit is reviewing the client's electronic health record from the hospital before the client arrives at the unit. What phase of the therapeutic relationship are the nurse and client: pre-interaction 116. What is the most reliable source used to measure pain?: The client 117. To decrease a client's risk of injury when ambulating to the bathroom at night, NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 20 / 28 131. A client has an area of ecchymosis on their coccyx. What is the best intervention by the nurse to prevent further skin and tissue breakdown?: Reposition the client to relieve pressure 132. Non-pharmacological interventions for pain management include which of the following?: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) Cold therapy Acupuncture Deep Breathing 133. What expected physiological changes of the older adult put them at risk of fall?: Reduced muscle strength Sensory losses like vision and hearing Slowing of reflexes 134. The nurse knows which of the following is a "never event": A surgical sponge is left in a client's surgical site 135. What is an example of non-verbal communication by a nurse?: Eye contact 136. The nurse is caring for a 65 year-old client and notes a temperature of 95.1 How does the nurse interpret this finding?: Hypothermia 137. A nurse is caring for a patient recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Based on testing, there is no indication that the cancer has spread to NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 21 / 28 the other organs. The client is scheduled for surgery to have lobectomy performed. This is classified as, which type of surgical treatment?: Curative 138. The patient who has undergone which surgical procedure is most at risk for hypocalcemia?: Thyroidectomy 139. A nurse is providing education to a client and family that is undergoing radiation as a part of his cancer treatment plan for brain tumor. Which of the following are side effects of radiation?: Skin irritation Cerebral edema Alopecia 140. what are the normal values for serum sodium?: 135-145 mEq/L 141. what is the step in which normal cells become damaged? This step is irreversible and leads to concern development.: initiation 142. A nurse is caring for a 90-year-old female admitted for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for the best five days. Heart rate is 130 bpm, blood pressure is 96 / 50 mmHg: mucous membrane is dry, and the client has poor skin turgor. Which of the following is an appropriate fluid replacement for this client?: Isotonic 143. The provider wants to administer an isotonic solution to the client. Which of the following concentration is considered an ionic solution?: 0.9% NaCl 144. a client would like to know what it means that her Breast cancer has metastasized. What does this mean?: Cancer cells have moved from their primary sites NUR 2356 FINAL EXAM 2 LATEST VERSIONS 2024-2025 MULTIDIMENSIONAL CARE 1 FINAL 22 / 28 145. A client presented to the emergency department with increased shortness of breath and pitting edema of his lower extremities. The client recently saw his primary doctor, who increased his furosemide. The client has a history of heart failure and diabetes. The client's laboratory findings are as follows: Na 150mEq/L Potassium 2.5 mEq/L. Which of the following electrolyte imbalance is the client exhibiting?: hypernatremia and hypokalemia 146. 4. a nurse is caring for a client who presents with a new onset of seizures, confusion and muscle tremors. Her laboratory results revealed hypomagnesemia. Which of the following would be a cause of hypomagnesemia?: Alcoholism 147. Tumor lysis syndrome is an example of what type of oncological emergency?: Hematologic 148. What serum laboratory value does the nurse expect to see in a client with hypokalemia?: Potassium less than 3.5 mEq/L 149. A nurse should instruct the client to follow which strategies to prevent cancer?: Smoking cessation Avoid alcohol Vaccination Diet low in saturated fats . 25 / 28 RASMUSSEN MDC1 EXAM 1 Study online at 158 A nurse should instruct a client with a positive family history of colon cancer to adhere to which of the following recommendation?: Encourage baseline colonoscopy screening 159. A nurse is caring for a client who is undergoing external radiation treatment for liver cancer. What information needs to be provided to the client and the family?: Importance of maintaining external markings for future treatment 160. The nurse knows that which side effect of chemotherapy is the most serious?: Bone marrow suppression 161. Cancer management requires a collaborative approach, including establishing a multidisciplinary team. After diagnosis which is the next priority step?: developing a treatment plan 162. A nurse is caring for a client presently diagnosed with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. A review of the morning labs refill hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia. Based on the laboratory findings, which of the following conditions is the patient exhibiting?: Tumor lysis syndrome 163. Which of the following cancers arise from blood cell forming tissue?: leukemias 164. Patients diagnosed with cancer who have exhausted all treatment options are good candidates for:: Palliative care 165. . A nurse is caring for a newly diagnosed leukemia patient who recently completed the initial round of chemotherapy. Which of the following should be included in the patient and family education?: The client is at increased risk of developing mucositis . 26 / 28 RASMUSSEN MDC1 EXAM 1 Study online at 166. A nurse is caring for an 84-year-old with nausea who has been vomiting for the past three days and as recently as this morning. upon assessment, the nurse notes an elevated heart rate, dry oral mucous membranes, and poor skin turgor. What priority intervention would be based on the assessment findings?: Obtain IV access and administer fluids 167. The nurse is caring a 26-year-old with a family history of breast cancer. The client lost her mother and sister to breast cancer and is concerned about her risk. The client underwent genetic testing. Which indicates that she also has genetic disposition for breast cancer, which indicates that she also has the genetic disposition for breast cancer. The client has opted to have bilateral mastectomy. What surgical treatment option would this fall under?: Prophylactic 168. 1st level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological needs 169. 2nd level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: safety; security 170. 3rd level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: love and belonging 171. 4th level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: self-esteem 172 5th level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: self-actualization 173. Adequate arterial blood flow to the peripheral tissue; ability of the heart to supply blood: Perfusion 174. normal values for respiration: 12-20 breaths/min 175. normal values for pulse OX: 95-100% 176. pharmacological pain interventions: NSAIDs, Opioids . 27 / 28 RASMUSSEN MDC1 EXAM 1 Study online at 177. Arises from burning your skin like on a hot iron or from touching a hot pan on the stove.: Cutaneous pain 178. caused from deep internal disorders such as menstrual cramps, labor pains, or gastrointestinal infections.: Visceral pain 179. Originates from the ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels and bones: Deep somatic pain 180. Starts at an origin but extends to other locations: Radiating pain 181. Occurs in an area distant from the site of origin: Referred pain 182. Pain that is perceived from an area that has been surgically or traumatically removed: Phantom pain 183. Results from an injury of one or more nerves.: Neuropathic pain 184. Lasts 6 months or longer and interferes with activities of daily living: chronic pain 185. What are the therapeutic communication relationship phases: pre- interaction - orientation - working - termination 186. 5 key characteristics of therapeutic communication: 1. Empathy 2. Respect 3. Genuineness 4. Concreteness 5. Confrontation 187. How to enhance therapeutic communication: Listen actively. Establish trust. Be assertive.