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NUR 413 Overview of critical acute care nursing Exam., Exams of Nursing

NUR413Overviewof criticalacutecarenursing Exam. critical care nursing deals with - ANS human responses to critical illness or injury inclusive of physiological and psychological evolution of critical care began with - ANS polio unites recovery rooms coronary care units started to see improvement of patient outcomes role of professional organizations - ANS to support critical care nurses and practice largest specialty organization in the world - ANS american association of critical care nurses american association of critical care nurses role / mission - ANS provide knowledge, influence and resources to those caring for acutely and critically ill patients 4 values of the AACN - ANS 1. accou

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NUR 413 Overview of critical acute care nursing


critical care nursing deals with - ANS human responses to critical illness or injury inclusive of physiological and psychological evolution of critical care began with - ANS polio unites recovery rooms coronary care units started to see improvement of patient outcomes role of professional organizations - ANS to support critical care nurses and practice largest specialty organization in the world - ANS american association of critical care nurses american association of critical care nurses role / mission - ANS provide knowledge, influence and resources to those caring for acutely and critically ill patients 4 values of the AACN - ANS 1. accountability

  1. collaboration
  2. leadership
  3. innovation AACN- Synergy model - ANS created a healthcare system driven by patient and family needs to drive competencies of nurses purpose of a critical care certification - ANS validate knowledge

promote professional excellence help nurses to maintain up to date knowledge who oversees the critical care certification process - ANS AACN certification corporation critical care certification is based on - ANS the AACN synergy model different types of certification and who obtains them - ANS CCRN = for nurses who provide care of critically ill adult, peds or neonatal CCRN-E for nurses who work in eICUs PCCN - for nurses who provide acute care in progressive care, or tele what is the key to focus on quality and safety - ANS COMMUNICATION like SBAR Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) 6 core competencies that provide the foundation for quality care - ANS 1. patient centered care

  1. teamwork and collaboration
  2. EBP
  3. quality improvement
  4. safety other organizations that focus on quality and safety - ANS 1. institute for healthcare improvement
  5. joint commission national patient safety goals slide - ANS 16 what 3 things form post intensive care syndrome - ANS 1. disability and weakness
  1. psych issues
  2. cognitive dysfunction physical component of PICS - ANS 1. ICU acquired weakness
  3. critical illness polyneuropathy
  4. critical illness myopathy
  5. disuse atrophy
  6. lung capacity / volume impairment issues with cognitive impairment include - ANS deficits in executive function, memory and attention slide 20 - ANS 20 psych aspect of PICS for patients includes - ANS 1. anxiety
  7. depression
  8. PTSD psych aspect of PICS for families includes - ANS 1. anxiety
  9. depression
  10. PTSD
  11. complicated grief (being in an ongoing, heightened state of mourning that keeps you from healing)

nursing interventions we can do in the ICU to decrease risk of PICS - ANS 1. maximize mobility

  1. minimze delirium
  2. review medications
  3. be family centered
  4. educate what to expect in the ICU
  5. support care at EOL tips to minimize delirium - ANS 1. use a validated scale
  6. do regular assessments
  7. report the findings helpful approach to delirium management - ANS 1. stop
  8. think
  9. medicate Review meds: deliriogenic drugs - ANS narcotics, hypnotics (such as benzodiazepines), and anticholinergics meds for neuromuscular weakness - ANS 1. steroids
  10. neuromuscular blockades slide 33 - ANS 33 ABCDEF bundle assessment of care - ANS A: Assess prevent and manage pain

B: both SAT and SBT C: choice of analgesia and sedation D: delirium assessment, prevention and management E: early mobility and exercise F: family engagement and empowerment SBT and SAT stand for - ANS spontaneous breathing trials spontaneous awakening trials visitation in the ICU - ANS liberated visitation has no effect on the patients condition and at times the effect is positive children must be accompained by an adult family centered care includes - ANS 1. orientation

  1. empowering with education (teach back)
  2. invitation to participate
  3. setting proper expectations effect of ICU diaries - ANS decrease the incidence of PTSD following ICU stay what is included in ICU diaries - ANS 1. calendar of events and or milestones
  4. photographs
  5. entries from staff and family
  1. utilize printed templates or websites suggestions for family entries in an ICU diary - ANS 1. events from home
  2. visits to the ICU
  3. family milestones
  4. info on patients interests
  5. personal notes
  6. timelines/ milestones
  7. things to remember supportive care at EOl includes - ANS chaplains/ spiritual care sympathy cards memorial stones private space to mourn follow up nursing interventions we can do after discharge to decrease risk of PICS - ANS 1. use the vanderbilt ICU recovery center ICU support groups
  8. use online resources for pts and families vanderbilt ICU recovery center main goal - ANS assist patients with critical transitions and make informed decisions about their future healthcare

family member needs - ANS 1. critical illness/ injury affects the whole family because of uncertainty and loss of control

  1. receiving assurance
  2. remaining near the patient
  3. receiving information
  4. being comfortable
  5. having support available
  6. having hope value mnemonic to enhance communication with family members to critically ill patients - ANS V - value what the family tells you A- acknowledge family emotions L- listen to the family members U- understand the patient as a person E- elicit (ask) questions of family members Phases in the Trajectory model of chronic illness - ANS - Pretrajectory
  • Trajectory onset
  • Stable
  • Unstable
  • Acute
  • Crisis
  • Comeback
  • Downward
  • Dying


Nursing management of chronic conditions - ANS 1. ID trajectory phase

  1. establish goals
  2. plan to achieve desired outcomes
  3. ID factors that facilitate or hinder attainment of goals
  4. implement interventions
  5. evaluate effectivness interventions hope - ANS having a positive outlook, deep inner faith and goals/ plans critical attributes of hope - ANS 1. future oriented
  6. reality based
  7. goal attainment
  8. uncertainity
  9. multidimensional nursing interventions to inspirie hope - ANS 1. devise and revise goals preserving a sense of future
  10. edc on clincial status
  11. support spirituality ; faith and finding meaning
  12. provide comfort : pain alleviation and symptom management

hope inspiring strategies - therapeutic use of self - ANS value the individual sharing an appreciation of beauty, humor hope inspiring strategies - foster interpersonal relationships - ANS loving relaitonships with familt friends, faith in caregivers hope inspiring strategies - allow control - ANS autonomy and self determation in decison making hope inspiring strategies - reminiscing - ANS acknowledging the value and worth of ones life HOPE mnemonic - ANS H- have the dialogue O- outcomes and future P- possibilities and presence E- emotions / spiriuality/ empowerment