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NUR 504 3P APEA Questions and Answers: Updated 2024-2025, Exams of Nursing

A collection of multiple-choice questions and answers related to the nur 504 3p apea exam. It covers various topics in nursing, including condom use, developmental screening tests, mononucleosis, urinary tract infections, acne treatment, hormonal contraceptives, lipid profiles, ethical dilemmas, malpractice, skin conditions, antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, benign prostatic hyperplasia, spousal abuse, diabetic complications, herpangina, kawasaki syndrome, hypertension, child abuse, intussusception, osteoarthritis, thyrotoxicosis, preconception counseling, and coronary artery blockage. The questions and answers are designed to help nursing students prepare for the apea exam.

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Download NUR 504 3P APEA Questions and Answers: Updated 2024-2025 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!


ANSWERS UPDATED 2024 - 2025.

The NP is counseling a 25 y/o sexually active male patient about condom use, which of the following,state ment is INCORRECT

a. Adequate lubrication is,needed to prevent,damage to the condom

b. Roll the condom over an erect penis before any sexual contact

c. Make sure the condom is tight against the head of,the penis

d. Withdraw,while the penis is erect, so that the condom stays in place

Explanation: Condoms ANS - c. Make sure the condom is tight against the head of the penis

The NP is counseling a 25 y/o sexually active male patient about condom use, which of the following,state ment is INCORRECT

a. Adequate lubrication is,needed to prevent,damage to the condom

b. Roll the condom over an erect penis before any sexual contact

c. Make sure the condom is tight against the head of,the penis

d. Withdraw,while the penis is erect, so that the condom stays in place

Explanation: Condoms ANS - c. Make sure the condom is tight against the head of the penis

Which of the following descriptions of Denver II Developmental Screening Test is most accurate?

a. Applicable to children from birth to 2 years; evaluates four major categories of,development: motor, in tellectual, emotional, and language to determine whether a child is within normal range for various beha viors or,is developmentally delayed

b. Applicable to children from birth to 5 years; evaluates four,major categories of development: motor, vi sion, hearing,and psychosocial to determine whether a child is normal or developmentally compromised

d. Applicable to children from birth to 6 years; evaluates four,major categories of development: gross mo tor, fine motor- adaptive, language, and personal social to determine whether,a child is,within normal range for behavior s or is developmentally delayed. ANS - d. Applicable to children from birth to 6 years; evaluates four major,categories of,development: gross m otor, fine motor-

adaptive, language, and personal social to determine whether,a child is within normal range for behavior s or is developmentally delayed.

A 15 years old high school student with a mild sore throat and low- grade fever that has persisted for about,3 weeks. She reports general malaise, fatigue, and loss of appetit e. The NP suspects mononucleosis. Which of,the following is the LEAST appropriate intervention?

a. Palpate the lymph nodes and spleen

b. Examine the posterior,oropharynx for,petechiae

c. Obtain a CBC, throat culture, and heterophil antibody test.

d. Obtain an urinalyses and serum for,LFTs and amylase ANS - d. Obtain an urinalyses and serum for LFTs,and amylase

A 32 years old male patient complaint of urinary frequency and burning on urination for,3 days. Urinalyse s reveals bacteriuria and positive nitrites. He denies any past hx of,urinary tract infections. The initial trea tment,should be:

a. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Sulfatrim) for 7-10 day

b. ciprofloxacin (Cipro) for 3-5 days

c. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole for,3 days

d. 750 mg ciprofloxacin as a one-time dose ANS - a. trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Sulfatrim) for 7-10 day

Which agent is most effective for the treatment of nodulocystic acne?

a. Benzoyl peroxide (Benzac)

b. Retinoic acid (Retin A)

c. Topical tetracycline

d. Isotretinoin ANS - d. Isotretinoin

An 18 y/o woman is taking,a combined hormonal oral contraceptive. She should be instructed to use a ba ckup method for the prevention of pregnancy

a. Throughout the week of placebo pills

b. If prescribed topiramate (Topamax) for,the treatment of migraines.

c. If prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) for,a sinus infection

d. if she forgets to take a single dose of,the contraceptive ANS - b. If,prescribed topiramate (Topamax) for the treatment of,migraines.

A 44 years old female patient has diabetes. Her total cholesterol (TC) is 250 mg/dl (6.5mmol/L), LDL= 190 mg/dL (4.94 mmol/L), HDL= 25 mg/dL (65 mmol/L), and triglycerides= 344,mg/dL (8.94 mmol/L). What,ag ent have the greatest effect on improving her lipid profile and reducing morbidity and mortality associate s with dyslipidemia?

a. Niacin (Niaspan)

b. Atorvastatin

c. Omega 3 fatty acids

d. Fenofibrates ANS - b. Atorvastatin

A NP has recently been hired to work in a fast track facility. The NP employer asked if she has "a problem prescribing medications for emergency contraception." The NP replies affirmatively. This is:

a. Grounds for dismissal

b. An ethical dilemma for the NP

c. Illegal according to the standards of,nursing

d. Patient abandonment. ANS - b. An ethical dilemma for the NP

30 years old female comes into a clinic with classic signs and symptoms of appendicitis. The NP fails to ref er,the,patient to a surgeon. The appendix ruptures and the woman die. This is an example of

a. Failure of,diligence

b. Professional liability

c. Negligence

d. Malpractice ANS - d. Malpractice

A patient presents with pruritic lesions on both knees. There are visible silver scales. How,Should this con dition be managed?

a. Topical antifungal cream or ointment

b. Oral antibiotics

c. Topical corticosteroids cream

d. Topical anti-fungal/ steroid cream ANS - c. Topical corticosteroids cream

Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome is less likely if,the patient

a. Is male

b. Is less than 35 y/o

c. Has taken an SSRI with a short half,life

d. Gradually tapers SSRI use ANS - d. Gradually tapers SSRI use

Patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) should be taught,to avoid which one of,the following dru g classes?

a. Alpha adrenergic antagonist

b. Anti-androgen agents

c. Tricyclic,antidepressant (TCA)

d. Sulfonamides ANS - c. Tricyclic antidepressant (TCA)

Which of the following is the best,response to a woman who has just admitted she is a victim of spousal a buse?

a. What was if you did to make him angry?

b. You must seek refuge,immediately

c. I am concerned about your,safety

d. I am going to call a shelter,for you ANS,- c. I am concerned about your safety

For which patient group does the,US Preventive Services Task Force recommend routine screening for as ymptomatic bacteriuria

a. pregnant woman

b. Children

c. Patients with diabetes

d. patients over the age of,70 ANS - a. pregnant woman

What diabetic complications result from hyperglycemia?

  1. Retinopathy
  2. Hypertension resistant to treatment
  3. Peripheral neuropathy
  4. Accelerated atherosclerosis

a. 1,2,

b. 2,3,

c. 1,3,

d. 1,2,4 ANS - c. 1,3,

A 6 y/o presents w/ complaints of sore throat and fever for 2 days. He has multiple vesiculated ulceration s on his tonsils and uvula. There are no other,remarkable findings. What i the most likely diagnosis?

a. Viral pharyngitis

b. Herpangina

c. Epiglottitis

d. Tonsillitis ANS - b. Herpangina

A patient has Kawasaki syndrome. Which characteristics would be UNUSUAL?

a. Age > 15 years

b. Fever > 101 F (38.3 C)

c. Exudative pharyngitis

d. Painful rash ANS - a. Age > 15 years

According to the JNC 8 guideline hypertension in a 40 y/o can be diagnosed when blood pressure exceeds

a. 140/

b. 130/

c. 125/

d. 150/100 ANS - a. 140/


year old female patient presents with severe injuries that are inconsistent,with the explanation given for them. The nurse practitioner questions the mother,about abuse. She admits that,her husband, the child's father, beat the child. How should the nurse practitioner proceed?

a. Inform the mother,that the abuse must be reported to child protection authorities.

b. Counsel the mother that if it happens again it will be reported to child protection service.

c. Ask,the child what she did to cause the punishment

d. Refer the family to the National Domestic Violence hotline. ANS - a. Inform the mother that the abuse must,be reported to child protection authorities.

A 1-month- old presents with reported recurrent diarrhea, screaming, and drawing up,of the legs followed by periods of,lethargy. On physical examination, a "sausage- like" mass in the upper,right quadrant of the distended abdomen. Which of the following,is the most likel y


a. Intussusception

b. Volvulus

c. Crohn's disease

d. Foreign body in the GI tract ANS - a. Intussusception

A 48 y/o female complains of,pain and stiffness in her right hip and knee that is mild on awakening in the morning, get worse as the day progresses and is relived with hot baths and ibuprofen. Crepitus is palpate d on range of motion of the knee. Signs of,inflammation are notably absent. What is the most likely diagn osis?

a. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

b. Gout

c. Osteoarthritis (OA)

d. Osteoporosis ANS - c. Osteoarthritis (OA)

A middle- aged female complains of insomnia, night sweats, feeling intensely hot, emotional lability, extreme nervo usness and impatience. The LEAST likely cause of,her symptoms is

a. Thyrotoxicosis

b. Menopausal vasomotor instability

c. Alcohol or another drug withdrawal

d. New onset type 2 diabetes mellitus ANS - New onset type 2 diabetes mellitus

A young couple is being,seen by the NP for,preconception counseling. They express a wish for pregnancy within the next 3 month and are very eager,to know what they can do now to"make the baby as healthy a s possible". Which of,the following should the NP encourage to decrease the chance of neural tube defec t in the fetus?

a. Maternal alpha-fetoprotein level

b. Folic acid 0.4 mg daily

c. Rubella vaccine today

d. Vitamin E 400 IU daily ANS - b. Folic acid 0.4 mg daily

A patient with a past history of,documented coronary arterial blockage,less than 70% complains of,chest pain several time p .... which is relived with nitroglycerin. Which is the most appropriate initial action for,t he NP?

a. Refer,to a cardiologist as soon as possible

b. Prescribe long-acting,nitroglycerin

c. Order treadmill stress test

d. Prescribe an ACE inhibitor and re-evaluate,in 24 to 48 hours ANS - a. Refer to a cardiologist as soon as possible

Which of the following indicated need for,further,evaluation?

a. A 7 y/o girl with vaginal bleeding

b. A 7 years old girl with no true pubic hair

c. A 12 years old boy with sparse, slightly pigmented pubic hair

d. A 12-year-old girl with breast buds ANS - A 7 y/o girl with vaginal bleeding

A 3 y/o has enlarged, warm, tender,cervical lymph nodes, indicating:

a. Infection proximal to,the nodes

b. A possible cancer diagnosis

c. Shorty nodes, a common normal variant in children

d. An infectious process distal to the nodes ANS - a. Infection proximal to the nodes

The NP examines a 2-month-old with unequal gluteal and thigh skin folds. What should the NP do next?

a. Send the infant for,x-ray of,the hips

b. Send the infant for ultrasound of,the hips

c. Perform Ortolani and Barlow test

d. Examine the infant for unequal arm length ANS - c. Perform Ortolani and Barlow,test

A very active 35 years old male has painful hemorrhoid, but he does not want hemorrhoidal surgery at thi s time. His diet,has been indiscriminate as his job requires frequent,travel. The most appropriate recomm endation is for,him to,select food that are:

a. Low in fiber,such as milk and other dairy products

b. High in simple carbohydrates such as white bread and mashed potatoes

c. High in fiber such as bran, complex carbohydrates and fresh fruit

d. High protein such a meat, poultry and fish ANS - High in fiber such as bran, complex carbohydrates and fresh fruit

A 13 y/o pt. complains that he fell while running during football practice. Now his knee hurts and someti mes "lucks". The NP conducts McMurrays test. Which of,the following is TRUE about this test?

a. An audible or palpated "click" is positive for a torn meniscus

b. A various stress is applied to the flexed knee

c. The straight leg is internally rotated with the patient supine and flat

d. The knee is grasped with the examiner's fingers placed laterally. ANS - a. An audible or,palpated "click" is positive for a torn meniscus

A 20 y/o male patient complains of "scrotal swelling". He states his scrotum feels heavy but denies pain. On examination, the NP notes transillumination of,the,scrotum. What is the,most

likely diagnosis?

a. Hydrocele

b. Orchitis

c. Testicular torsion

d. Indirect inguinal hernia ANS - a. Hydrocele

Correct instructions to give new parent who are transporting their,newborn infant is

a. A rear-facing infant car seat secured in the backseat is required until the infant weight 20lbs.

b. The infant car,set may be secured in the back or front seat, but must,rear-facing

c. The infant car seat may be front facing,when the infant is 1 year old

d. A rear or front- facing infant car,seat must be secured in the back seat until the infant weight 20,lbs. ANS - a. A rear- facing infant car,seat,secured in the backseat,is required until the infant weight 20lbs.

A pt. present,with classic symptoms of,gastroesophageal reflux,diseases' (GERD). He is instructed in lifest yle modification, and drug,initialed. Two month later, he returns and report that,he still has symptoms. T he next steps are to.

a) Refer for surgical interventions such as partial or complete fundoplication.

b) Refer,for endoscopy, namometry, and/or PH testing

c) Repeat the 8*-week course of,drug therapy while continuing lifestyles modifications.

d) Review proper,proton pump inhibitor,dosing time and adherence with the patient. ANS - d) Review proper proton pump inhibitor dosing time and adherence with the patient.

A 51 -year- old post-menopausal female, request guidance regarding osteoporosis risk.

The NP would be correct to recommend all of the following,EXCEPT

a. Moderate weight bearing exercise 3 times per week

b. 1200 - 1500 mg calcium daily

c. Avoidance of alcoholic beverages

d. Weight loss ANS - d. Weight loss

15 y/o male has a hx of cryptorchidism which was surgically repaired. Because of,this information, it is ess ential for the NP to,teach him about

a. Testicular self-examination

b. Protection of the testes during,sports,activities

c. Risk of testicular torsion

d. Practicing safer sex ANS - a. Testicular self-examination

Moderate weight,loss, particularly of visceral adipose tissue in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus may have all of the following beneficial effects EXCEPT:

a. Improved insulin sensitivity

b. Increased glucose uptake and utilization by the cells

c. Increase lean muscle mass'

d. Improved lipid profile ANS - c. Increase lean muscle mass'

According to Erickson, the developmental task of,the elderly adult is:

a. Intimacy VS isolation

b. Ego integrity VS despair

c. Industry VS self-doubt

d. Trust Vs mistrust ANS - b. Ego integrity VS,despair

A 12 y/o presents with eat pain or 36 hours duration. The NP diagnoses acute otitis media because the

a. Tympanic,membrane is bulging and glossy with tiny bubbles visible posteriorly

b. Tympanic membrane is,retracted against boy landmarks

c. Bony landmarks are obscured, and the tympanic membrane is mildly erythematous, dulls and immobil e.

d. Canal is narrowed, erythematous, and exquisitely tender,with speculum contact ANS - Bony landmarks are obscured, and the tympanic membrane is mildly erythematous, dulls and immobile.

A 26 y/o patient, 18 weeks pregnant with twins, has been healthy and has followed recommendations,of her nurse midwife. She is in the office to discuss results of her,maternal serum alpha- fetoprotein (MSAFP) test. which show elevation in this particular pregnancy?

a. Elevated MSAFPO is an indicator of Down Syndrome

b. Low MSAFP is expected at,18 weeks' gestation

c. Neural tube defects are highly probable

d. Elevated MSAFP is an expected finding ANS - d. Elevated MSAFP is an expected finding

The NP should instruct the mother of an infant with thrush to:

a. Take oral nystatin since she is breastfeeding

b. Stop breast feeding until the thrush has resolved

c. administer antifungal medication to the infant prior,to feeding

d. sterilized pacifiers and bottle nipples ANS - sterilized pacifiers and bottle nipples

The hallmark of,neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghousen disease) present in almost 100%

of,patients is:

a. Acoustic neuroma

b. Astrocytoma of,the retina

c. Distinctive osseous lesion

d. Café au lait,spots ANS - d. Café au lait spots

An 18-year- old female applying,for college admission present to the health clinic because evidence of rubella vaccina tion is required for admission. She says, "don't remember ever,getting that shot" She has negative serolo gic evidence of rubella antibody. The NP should:

a. Tell her that her serologic evidence demonstrates that she is immune to the rubella and that she proba bly has the disease as a child

b. Administer the vaccination after a negative pregnancy test and advise the patient that,shemust not get pregnant for,28 days

c. Tell her that she needs the immunization and can get today if her,pregnancy test is negative

d. Administer the rubella vaccination after a negative pregnancy test and advise her not,to get pregnant f or at least 6 months. ANS - Administer the vaccination after a negative pregnancy test and advise the patient that shemust not get pregnant for 28 days

45 y/o obese pre- menopausal female complains of indigestion, flatulence, RUQ pain and epigastric "crampy pain". Sympto ms are exacerbated by high-fat meal. What is the most likelydiagnosis?

a. Hepatitis

b. Chronic cholecystitis

c. Acute pancreatitis

d. Myocarditis ANS - b. Chronic cholecystitis

The NP correctly teaches an elderly patient with pernicious anemia that food sources of B12 include

a. Red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products

b. Canned and frozen fruit

c. Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas

d. Fresh vegetables ANS - a. Red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products

A 16 y/o male presents w/ mild sore throat, fever, fatigue, posterior cervical adenopathy, and palatine pe techia. With for,this patient, what drug would be the LEAST appropriate to


a. Ibuprofen

b. Erythromycin

c. Ampicillin

d. Doxycycline ANS - c. Ampicillin

A characteristic of,delirium that,is typically absent in dementia is

a. Acute onset of confusion in a previously alert and oriented patient

b. Gradual loss of short-term memory

c. Loss of language skills

d. Long term memory gaps filled in with confabulation ANS - a. Acute onset of confusion in a previously alert and oriented patient

It,is imperative that the NP teach patients taking oral contraceptives to report any of the danger,signs of,c omplications. Which of,the following would be the LEAST concern to the NP?

a. Lower leg,pain

b. Upper abdominal pain

c. Chest pain

d. Weight gain ANS - d. Weight gain

A 12-month- old has conjunctivitis in his right eye with a mucopurulent discharge. The mother asks if,the child can fore go for antibiotic eye drops because he does not's like drops in his eyes. The NP replies that:

a. If,untreated, conjunctivitis may permanently damage the cornea

b. Conjunctivitis is usually caused by a virus. Let's wait a few days

c. If no one else at the daycare has it, we can wait a few days.

d. An oral antihistamine may be prescribed instead of,eye drops. ANS - a. If untreated, conjunctivitis may permanently damage the cornea

Which of the following oral medications should be avoided in a child under,8 years of age?

a. Cephalexin (Keflex)

b. Tetracycline

c. Rifampin

d. Metronidazole (flaggyl) ANS - b. Tetracycline

which oral hypoglycemic agent would be safest,for an elderly patient if,hypoglycemia is a major concern?

a. Tolbutamide (orinase)

b. Glipizide (Glucotrol)

c. Metformin (Glucophage)

d. Chlorpropamide (diabinese) ANS - c. Metformin (Glucophage)

A patient has been taking fluoxetine (prozar) since being diagnosed with major depression 7 month ago. She reports considerable empowerment in her symptoms and her intention to discontinue the medicatio n what should be the NP's recommendation?

a. Advice the patient to stop the antidepressant medication

b. Question the patient to determine if the self- assessment is correct before advising her to discontinue the medication

c. Recommend that the patient continue the antidepressant medication for at,least 4 more month

d. Discuss with the patient that need to take the antidepressant,medication indefinitely ANS - c. Recommend that the patient continue the antidepressant medication for at least 4,more month

the components of,the Denver II Developmental screening test are:

a. Personal/social, fine motor, gross motor, language

b. Intelligence, motor performance, language development

c. Vocabulary, clarity of speech, abstract thinking

d. Problem-solving, speech, gross motor, fine motor ANS - a. Personal/social, fine motor, gross motor, language

for the general adult population, total dietary fat intake should be no more than what percent

of total calories?

a) 10%

b) 20%

c) 30%

d)40% ANS - c) 30%

A 30 y/o female patient is being seen by the NP for,the first time. She is seeking advice from the NP about becoming pregnant. She is currently taking an oral contraceptive. She gives a hx of having hydatidiform molar,pregnancy 2 years ago. An appropriate plan of care for this patient should include

b. Delaying pregnancy for 1 more year

c. Measuring serum chorionic gonadotropin level

d. Discontinuing oral contraceptive

e. Recommending,permanent sterilization ANS - d. Discontinuing oral contraceptive

24 y/o female taking oral contraceptive has missed her last 2 pills. What,should the NP advise her to do to minimize her,risk of pregnancy?

a. Take today's dose and do not miss any more during this month

b. Double today's dose and use a barrier,method for the rest of,this month

c. Double today's dose and tomorrow's dose and use a barrier,method for the rest of this month

d. Stop the pills and restart a new pill pack in one week. ANS - c. Double today's dose and tomorrow's dose and use a barrier method for the rest of this month

which of the following is NOT a goal for treatment for the patient,with cystic fibrosis?

a. Prevent intestinal obstruction

b. Provide adequate nutrition

c. Promote clearance of,secretions

d. Replace water,soluble vitamins ANS - d. Replace water,soluble vitamins

Which red blood cell (RBC) index is most useful for,differentiating types of anemias?

a. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

b. Mean corpuscular,hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

c. Hematocrit (HCT

d. Platelet count ANS - a. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)

what is a Tzanck test used to diagnosed?

a. Mastoiditis

b. Trichomoniasis

c. Hyphema

d. Herpes virus ANS - d. Herpes virus

a 16 y/o sexually active female presents to the clinic. She has never,had vaccinations for hepatitis A or B. She has had one MMR immunization, and her,last,tetanus vaccination was 4 years ago. which vaccination would be contraindicated without further testing?

a. Hepatitis,B

b. Hepatitis A

c. MMR

d. Tetanus ANS - c. MMR

following,the finding of prostate gland abnormalities on DRE, The NP orders appropriate labs. When prep aring to review with the patient, the NP,knows all of,the following are true EXCEPT

a. Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

b. PSA is elevated in the presence of malignant prostate epithelium

c. PSA is elevated in the presence of BPH

d. Positive serum acid phosphatase reflects malignancy of,the prostate gland with bone metastasis. ANS

  • Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

in which of the following,presentations is,further,diagnostic testing NOT warranted?

a. Bilateral gynecomastia in a prepubertal male of average weight; Tanner stage 1

b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular,size and volume

c. Recent onset gynecomastia in a 20-year-old male with breast tenderness

d. Unilateral breast mass which is 5 centimeters in diameter ANS - b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular size and volume

59 years old post- menopausal woman has atrophic vaginitis. She has a hx. Of breast cancerat age 40 years. What is the app ropriate initial treatment for,this patient?

a. Oran conjugated estrogens

b. Oral medroxyprogesterone aetate

c. Topical medroxyprogesterone aetate

d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream ANS - d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream

Advances in obstetric and neonatal care have

a. Helped to identify the cause of cerebral palsy

b. Demonstrated the cerebral palsy is a direct result of birth asphyxia

c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

d. Resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of cerebral palsy ANS - c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

which of the following physical modalities recommended for treatment of,rheumatic arthritis

provides,the most,effective long-term pain relief?

a. Superficial and deep heat

b. Application of cold

c. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

d. Exercise ANS - d. Exercise

40 y/o female with hx. Of frequent sun exposure present with multicolored lesion on her back it,has irreg ular,borders and is about 11 mm in diameter. What should the NP suspect?

a. Squamous cell carcinoma

b. Malignant melanoma

c. Common Nevis

d. Basal cell carcinoma ANS - b. Malignant melanoma

a patient with moderate persistent asthma will probably be most effectively managed with


a. Oral leukotriene blockers

b. Short and long acting bronchodilators

c. Inhaled steroids and long acting bronchodilators

d. Oral steroids and short,acting bronchodilators ANS -

following,the finding of prostate gland abnormalities on DRE, The NP orders appropriate labs. When prep aring to review with the patient, the NP,knows all of,the following are true EXCEPT

a. Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

b. PSA is elevated in the presence of malignant prostate epithelium

c. PSA is elevated in the,presence of BPH

d. Positive serum acid phosphatase reflects malignancy of,the prostate gland with bone metastasis. ANS

  • Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

in which of the following presentations is further,diagnostic testing NOT warranted?

a. Bilateral gynecomastia in a prepubertal male of average weight; Tanner stage 1

b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular,size and volume

c. Recent onset gynecomastia in a 20-year-old male with breast tenderness

d. Unilateral breast mass which is 5 centimeters in diameter ANS - b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular size and volume

59 years old post- menopausal woman has atrophic vaginitis. She has a hx. Of breast cancerat age 40 years. What is the app ropriate initial treatment for,this patient?

a. Oran conjugated estrogens

b. Oral medroxyprogesterone aetate

c. Topical medroxyprogesterone aetate

d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream ANS - d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream

Advances in obstetric and neonatal care have

a. Helped to identify the cause of cerebral palsy

b. Demonstrated the cerebral palsy is a direct result of birth asphyxia

c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

d. Resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of cerebral palsy ANS - c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

which of the following physical modalities recommended for treatment of,rheumatic arthritis

provides,the most,effective long-term pain relief?

a. Superficial and deep heat

b. Application of cold

c. Transcutaneous electrical nerve,stimulation (TENS)

d. Exercise ANS - d. Exercise

a patient with moderate persistent asthma will probably be most effectively managed with


a. Oral leukotriene blockers

b. Short and long acting bronchodilators

c. Inhaled steroids and long acting bronchodilators

d. Oral steroids and short,acting bronchodilators ANS -

following,the finding of prostate gland abnormalities on DRE, The NP orders appropriate labs. When prep aring to review with the patient, the NP,knows all of,the following are true EXCEPT

a. Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

b. PSA is elevated in the presence of malignant prostate epithelium

c. PSA is elevated in the presence of BPH

d. Positive serum acid phosphatase reflects malignancy of,the prostate gland with bone metastasis. ANS

  • Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

in which of the following,presentations is,further,diagnostic testing NOT warranted?

a. Bilateral gynecomastia in a prepubertal male of average weight; Tanner stage 1

b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular,size and volume

c. Recent onset gynecomastia in a 20-year-old male with breast tenderness

d. Unilateral breast mass which is 5 centimeters in diameter ANS - b. Bilateral gynecomastia in a 13 y/o male with normal testicular size and volume

59 years old post- menopausal woman has atrophic vaginitis. She has a hx. Of breast cancerat age 40 years. What is the app ropriate initial treatment for,this patient?

a. Oran conjugated estrogens

b. Oral medroxyprogesterone aetate

c. Topical medroxyprogesterone aetate

d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream ANS - d. Topical conjugate estrogen cream

Advances in obstetric and neonatal care have

a. Helped to identify the cause of,cerebral palsy

b. Demonstrated the cerebral palsy is a direct result of birth asphyxia

c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

d. Resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of cerebral palsy ANS - c. Has no effect on the incident of cerebral palsy

which of the following physical modalities recommended for treatment of,rheumatic arthritis

provides,the most,effective long-term pain relief?

a. Superficial and deep heat

b. Application of cold

c. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

d. Exercise ANS - d. Exercise

The NP is counseling a 25 y/o sexually active male patient about condom use, which of the following,state ment is INCORRECT

a. Adequate lubrication is needed to prevent,damage to the condom

b. Roll the condom over an erect penis before any sexual contact

c. Make sure,the condom is tight against the head of,the penis

d. Withdraw,while the penis is erect, so that the condom stays in place

Explanation: Condoms ANS -

following,the finding of prostate gland abnormalities on DRE, The NP orders appropriate labs. When prep aring to review with the patient, the NP,knows all of,the following are true EXCEPT

a. Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

b. PSA is elevated in the presence of malignant prostate epithelium

c. PSA is elevated in the,presence of BPH

d. Positive serum acid phosphatase reflects malignancy of,the prostate gland with bone metastasis. ANS

  • Normal PSA is 10 mg/ml or less

A,patient has been taking fluoxetine (prozar) since being diagnosed with major depression 7 month ago. She reports considerable empowerment in her symptoms and her intention to discontinue the medicatio n what should be the NP's recommendation?

a. Advice the patient to stop the antidepressant medication

b. Question the patient to determine if,the self- assessment is correct before advising her to discontinue the medication

c. Recommend that the patient,continue the antidepressant medication for,at,least 4 more month

d. Discuss with the patient that need to take the antidepressant,medication indefinitely ANS - c. Recommend that,the patient continue the antidepressant medication for at least 4,more month

for the general adult population, total dietary fat intake should be no more than what percent

of total calories?

a) 10% ANS -