Download Master Your Success: Unveiling the Secrets of NUR2571 Professional Nursing II - PN2 Final and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1 1 NUR2571: Professional Nursing II / PN2 Final Exam Review 1. What happens when someone is on low fat diet? ADEK 2. When someone has dysphagia what are we concerned about? Upright, head of bead 3. What type of foods do we give someone who is iron deficient? Red meat, leafy greens 4. Someone who has hypokalemia, what is a cause? Diuretics, vomiting and diarrhea 5. High potassium. Above 5 6. What do you do with physical assessment? auscultate, percuss, palpate, inspect 7. What do we know about UC? abdominal distension, have a lot of diarrhea, will have dehydration, look for skin turgor, mucous membranes, labs are occult blood, electrolytes. 8. RA? stiffness, pain for more than 3 months, use OT, foam spoons, use cold 9. HIV. low CD4, less than 200 10. Negative air flow room for TB.- If you have a piece of paper, it should go into the room. Someonewho is sick in this room will pull everything into rom. 11. (cAART) HAART therapy- if their viral load is low, you know therapy is working 12. Immunotherapy for someone with severe allergies- avoid triggers, have epi pen in room 13. Diphenhydramine 2 sleepy 5 4 35. Teach someone who just found out they have sickle cell. Hydrate 36. What are some early signs of sickle cell crisis- pain in extremities. KNOW EARLY s/s of this are! 37. Parenteral nutrition, how is it given- LOOK THIS UP, know what things you can and cannot put it in. 38. If you were to give blood, what kind of labs do we focus on? H&H, KNOW LABS, low hemoglobin 39. Seizures- take meds 40. Type of seizures- absent(staring off into space), tonic and clonic (toned muscles and jerking we will see) 41. Someone comes into ER with spinal cord injury- check airway! 42. Myasthenia gravis- will see that they cannot do six cardinal signs. Muscle weakness will improve with rest? 43. Test of myasthenia gravis? Teslin test 44. What are giving the patient during that test? atropine 45. Autonomic dysreflexia- what do we need to do for that patient? Worried about their bowels, schedule bowel regiments, repo q2h 46. Macular degeneration- Set up things on their sides 47. What is Meiners disease? causes vertigo. 48. What is otitis media? Ear infection 49. Mastoiditis? 50. Appendicitis- right lower quadrant pain 51. When caring for someone with UC, what will we worry about? check cardiac, listen to heart and lungs. 52. Chron’s- don’t smoke, their diet would be high protein, high calorie 53. Someone is on parenteral nutrition, what do you need to continue to asses? BS 54. What type of diet do you give for Meiners? Low salt 55. Doing a UA, what would you expect someone with UTI to look like? cloudy 56. Someone with Parkinson’s, what do you want to do with them? Encourage them to do ADL’s and PT 57. What is high BUN and creatines. BUN= above 20 creatine= 1.7 If someone who has chronic 6 5 kidney disease would be high. 58. Signs and symptoms for someone with PAD? pain that doesn’t go away with activity, may complain of cold, would be blue 59. What is stress incontinence- sneeze and pee 60. hemophilia a- factor 8, may see internal bleeding, watch for bruising, could be painful, if they have pain, it would be their joints 61. What is type 2 hypersensitivity reaction? Blood type 62. What might you see with someone with hypokalemia? could have seizures, could be lethargic, could go int coma, not alert and oriented x 4, bad appetite 63. Status epilepticus- give Ativan, stops CNS 64. Tell me a level someone would have if they have spinal cord injury, where would they need mechanical vent? Anything above 4 65. You’re caring for someone with spinal cord injury, notice they are feeling well, high BP check bladder, may have urinary retention. 66. When you take spironolactone, what does it do? its potassium sparing. 67. What’s going on with MS? myelin sheath being deteriorated 68. What kind of complications can come from g tube? aspiration, malnutrition, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distension, 7 69. Isoniazid and rifampin- for TB, may turn urine orange. 70. If there someone we wouldn’t want to take that? pregnant and hep b 71. What do you want to give for glaucoma? timolol, it decreases pressure 72. Anaphylactic reaction- airway, Trendelenburg to protect core, oxygen 73. When you have someone with chronic renal failure? Lab wise? Concerned with hypernatremia, hyperkalemia. Look at EKG for arrythmias. 74. Migraines- what happens to vision? blurred vision, aura (decrease stimuli) 75. What can cause increase CO2? COPD, asthma, pneumonia, 76. Macular degeneration, what are they able to see? Peripheral 77. When you give dig- check pulse 78. Tell me about heparin and warfarin- can take at same time- slowly progress off of heparin. PT and INR for warfarin, PTT is for heparin 79. Vegan diet, worried about vitamin B12 and iron 80. Would we tell someone on a vegan diet that they need – vitamin, a, b, c 81. Is there anything we have to worry about with vitamin D with vegans? yes Vitamin K? 82. Question on IV fluids- for someone with high creatinine level. 83. When feeding someone with g tube- head of bed up to prevent aspiration 84. Delegation, nothing you can EAT 85. PICC line- ultrasound to check placement. 86. Caring for someone with Chron’s, main things to check and look at- check electrolytes 87. What is Chvostek’s sign tell you? Calcium deficiency 88. Worried about for patient with seizure for over 5 minutes? airway 89. What is perindopril? worried about angioedema 90. If someone have AIDS, what precautions? Standard 91. What will you see with DVT? redness, swelling, warm. Meds to give would be blood thinners. 92. When you care for someone you think might be allergic to something? Watch their airway, resp rate 93. Anaphylaxis question, what might you see- low BP, tachycardia, swelling (angioedema), no 6