Download NURC 1001 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! NURC 1001 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update How many times can you have to take the state test before you have to retake the class? - Correct Answer-3 How many questions are on the state test? - Correct Answer- 75 What does the nurse aid registry show? - Correct Answer--If you're active / nonactive -investigations of abuse What should you do if there's any changes in the residents condition? - Correct Answer-Tell nurse immediately What is POC? - Correct Answer-Plan of care What is hospice? - Correct Answer-No longer responds to planned treatment, end of life pg. 1 professoraxe l Why should you always know where SDS is in the hospital? - Correct Answer-Hospital could be fined. What does ADL stand for? - Correct Answer-Activities of daily living What should you always do when entering a residents room? - Correct Answer-Always knock and announce what you're going to do. I & O - Correct Answer-Intake and output What is the current requirement for nurse aids in service ? - Correct Answer-12 hours OBRA - Correct Answer--1987 -anyone could be a nurse aid - started nurse aid training program -75 hours. 16 of which are clinicals Delegation? - Correct Answer-Nurse aids cannot delegate pg. 2 professoraxe l What should you always do in a room with a resident who is agitated? - Correct Answer-Make sure your back is towards the door. Resident with impaired sense of touch? - Correct Answer-Be careful of temperatures Your chart is a what? - Correct Answer-Legal document Should you use permanent ink on your chart? - Correct Answer-Yes Four quadrants of upper abdomen? - Correct Answer-Left upper quadrant, right upper quadrant, left lower quadrant, right lower quadrant If you don't document it.. - Correct Answer-You didn't do it If resident wants to see their chart, what do you do? - Correct Answer-Tell the nurse pg. 5 professoraxe l Militarily time? 1 o'clock is..? - Correct Answer-13 Elderly are an increased risk of infections due to - Correct Answer--impaired immune system Signs of infection will be the same with elderly people true or false. Why? - Correct Answer--False -signs will be different due to change in immune system MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) - Correct Answer--spread from person to person via direct contact -drug resistant -never hold linen against your body -gets into wounds VRE - Correct Answer--found in intestines and female genital tract -drug resistant C-diff - Correct Answer--very very contagious -spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria pg. 6 professoraxe l -PPE shingles (herpes zoster) - Correct Answer--caused by same virus as chicken pox -follows nerve path Scabies - Correct Answer--burrow into skin and lay eggs -female mite Lice - Correct Answer--nits (eggs) -lay eggs in hair shaft What do you do when something is contaminated? - Correct Answer-wear gloves Infection types? - Correct Answer--systemic -local Systemic infection? - Correct Answer-Through the inside of the body pg. 7 professoraxe l