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NURS 231 Pathophysiology Module 2 Exam: Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers covering key concepts in nurs 231 pathophysiology module 2. It covers topics such as tumor markers, cancer diagnosis, tnm system, cell proliferation and differentiation, stem cells, polyps, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer treatment, metastasis, risk factors, and screening methods. Ideal for students preparing for exams or seeking a deeper understanding of the subject.

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Portage Learning NURS 231

Pathophysiology Module 2 Exam

2022 Q4 UPDATE

Portage Learning NURS 231 Pathophysiology

Module 2 Exam 2022

Attempt History

Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 57 minutes 90.5 out of 100

Score for this quiz: 90.5 out of

This attempt took 57 minutes.

Question 1 3 / 3 pts


Blood tests for tumor markers can make a diagnosis of cancer. Why or why not?

Your Answer:

it is false because,levels are elevated under the bening condition, however the most levels are not elevated in early stages of malignant

False, only tissue can diagnose. Tumor markers are helpful to assess response to therapy or reoccurrence.

Question 2 3 / 3 pts

What is the most important procedure in diagnosing the correct cancer and histology?





tissue biopsy

Question 3 2 / 4 pts

  1. List two signs or symptoms a patient may present with that might indicate a cancer diagnosis:
  2. What are two systemic manifestations of cancer exhibited by cancer patients?

Your Answer:

pain and bleeding

weight loss and hair loss,

**1. Bleeding; sore that doesn’t heal; fluid in the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal spaces; chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, abdominal discomfort or swelling. Other possible answers can include a mass or lump, pain (need to be specific), fatigue, fevers, weight loss

  1. Weight loss, wasting of body fat and muscle tissue, weakness, anorexia, and anemia, fatigue, sleep disturbances**

Question 4 10 / 10 pts

Explain the TNM system:

Your Answer:

TNM system is divided 3 stages to dignose

cancer, T- is the shape and location of the

primary tumor

N- is envolment of the lymp nodes

M- is the extend of matastatic envelment

T is the size and local spread of the primary tumor.

N is the involvement of the regional lymph nodes.

M is the extent of the metastatic involvement.

Question 5 9 / 10 pts

  1. When would surgery be appropriate in the treatment of cancer?
  2. Most chemotherapeutic drugs cause pancytopenia due to bone marrow suppression. What are the 3 possible adverse outcomes of this?

Your Answer:

surgery is the is the first treatment of solid tumor when it has well deferentiated margin, it can be remove completely, or oncology emergancy and prophalcit surgery for high risk PT

neutropenia , risk of

infection anamia ,fatigue

thromyopenia risk of


1. Surgery is often the first treatment for solid tumors. If the tumor is small with well-defined margins, it can be removed completely. It is also used for oncologic emergencies and prophylactic surgery in high risk patients.

Neutropenia- risk for infections

Anemia- causing fatigue

Thrombocytopenia- risk for bleeding


Question 6 2.5^ /^ 2.5^ pts


Cell proliferation is the process in which proliferating cells become more specialized cell types.



False, cell differentiation


Question 8 2.5 / 2.5 pts

What are two important properties that stem cells

possess? Your Answer:




Potency and self-renewal

Question 9 0 / 2.5 pts

Question 7 2.5^ /^ 2.5^ pts

True/False: Cell differentiation is the process in which proliferating cells become more specialized cell types.



These are cells of the same lineage that have not yet differentiated to the extent that they have lost their ability to divide:





progenitor or parent cells

Question 10 3 / 4 pts

Define polyp. Are they benign or

malignant? Your Answer:

they project from the mecousas of in the intestine, they are fingerlike and project, they are bening

A polyp is a growth that projects from a mucosal surface, such as the intestine. A polyp can be benign or malignant

Question 11 3 / 3 pts

What are normal genes called that become cancer-causing if


Your Answer:



Question 12 3 / 3 pts

What is a tumor suppressor gene? Give one

example. Your Answer:

tumer supress gene slows the cell division, repair DNA mistakes, also play role by inhibiting the proleferation of the cell

example is brca1 and 2 , tp 53

Tumor suppressor genes are associated with gene underactivity. These genes slow down cell division, repair DNA mistakes, or tell cells when to die. BRCA1 or 2, TP

Question 13 7 / 10 pts

A 40-year-old woman has experienced heavy menstrual bleeding. She was told she has a uterine tumor called a leiomyoma. She is worried she has cancer. What do you tell her? Explain at least 2 differences between a benign and malignant tumor.

Your Answer:

bening has well differentaited ,grows by expansion, progress slow, does not metastasis, does not cause problem , unles its compressing blood vessels or the brain

malignant invades surrounding tissue and oragan, grows rapidly, spread, can matastasis can cause cancer, c and invade other organs and tissue and its very dengerous

Leiomyoma is a benign tumor. (Leiomyosarcoma is malignant) Student can add any of the following: Benign tumors are well-differentiated cells, resemble the cells of tissues of origin, and have a slow, progressive rate of growth. They grow by expansion and remain localized to their site of origin, not capable of metastasizing. They develop a rim of connective tissue around the tumor called a fibrous capsule, which aids in surgical removal. Benign tumors are less of a threat unless they interfere with vital functions Malignant neoplasms invade and destroy tissue. They grow rapidly, spread to other parts of the body, and lack well- defined margins. They can compress blood vessels and outgrow their blood supply, causing ischemia and tissue injury. Surgery can be more difficult if it has spread.

Question 14 10 / 10 pts

A 62-year-old man with a 30-pack year smoking history is diagnosed with small cell lung cancer with metastasis to the bone. (1) Explain the process of how cancer spreads metastatically. (2) What symptoms might he have presented with? (3) Which screening test would he have benefited from?

Your Answer:

first matastasisng cancer cell must break lose, and invade the surounding extra cellualr matrix to get acecess blod vessels,to gorw, then it must survive through the blood stream until it comes up a favorable location to deveopl the blood supply and invade the surounding tissue

2- coughing, shortness breath bone

pain 3- yearly shows los dose chest


(1) Metastasis- a cancer cell must break loose from the primary tumor, invade the surrounding extracellular matrix, gain access to a blood vessel, survive its passage in the bloodstream, emerge at a favorable location, invade the surrounding tissue, begin to grow, and establish a blood supply. (2) Chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, bone pain. (3) Yearly low-dose chest CT.

Question 17 4 /^4 pts

Malignant tumors have which of the following characteristics? Select all that apply.

Malignant tummors have which of the following characteristics? Select all that apply.

Question 17 4 /^4 pts






Variable rate of growth

Spreads by metastasis

Well-differentiated cells

Fibrous capsule

Question 16 3 /^3 pts

What are molecular and cellular mechanisms in genes that increase susceptibility to cancer? Select all that apply.

Lack of cellular

senescence Angiogenesis

Ability to undergo apoptosis

Mutations in growth factor signaling pathways

Intact DNA repair genes

List 4 of the 7 risk factors linked to cancer as stated in the module.

Your Answer:



cancer causing agents

envirnmental agent



Heredity, hormonal factors, obesity, immunologic mechanisms, environmental agents such as chemicals, radiation, and cancer-causing viruses.

Question 18 10 / 10 pts

  1. is a systemic treatment that enables drugs to reach the site of the tumor as well as other distant sites.
  2. The profound weight loss and wasting of fat and tissue that accompany cancer is known as.

Your Answer:


cancer anorexia cachexia syndrome

**1. chemotherapy

  1. cancer anorexia-cachexia syndrome**




Question 20 3.5 / 3.5 pts

Question 19 3.5^ /^ 3.5^ pts

Which of the following are risk factors for developing cancer? Select all that apply.



High intake of smoked meats



Question 21 3 / 3 pts

List one example of screening for each method: observation, palpation, and lab test/procedure:

Your Answer:

abservation, skin

mouth palpation,

thyroid, rectum

lab test, pap smear, mommogarphy

All of the following statements about carcinogenesis are true except:

Chemical carcinogenesis is usually a multistep phenomenon

Initiators cause irreversible damage to DNA

Promoters of carcinogenesis exert their effect before

initiation Promoters act at a later stage

Promoters of carcinogenesis induce cell proliferation

Observation: skin, mouth, external genitalia Palpation: breast, thyroid, rectum and anus, prostate, lymph nodes

Laboratory tests and procedures: Pap smear, colonoscopy, mammography

Quiz Score: 90.5 out of

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