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NURS 231 Pathophysiology Module 4 Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of questions and answers covering key concepts in pathophysiology, specifically related to module 4. It covers topics such as hemostasis, hypercoagulable states, hemophilia, blood flow, myocardial oxygen demand, and cardiovascular diseases. Valuable for students studying pathophysiology as it offers a structured approach to understanding and applying the concepts.

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Available from 11/11/2024

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Portage Learning NURS 231

Pathophysiology 2022 Module 4


Portage Learning NURS 231 Pathophysiology 2022

Module 4 Exam

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Attempt Time LATEST Attempt 1 9 minutes

This attempt took 9 minutes.


Blood coagulation

Formation of platelet plug

Vascular dilation

Vascular constriction

The three stages of hemostasis include each of the following except:

Question 1^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Question 2^ 1.67 / 2.5 pts

Which of the following medications would decrease a person’s risk for clotting? Select all that apply.

Correct! (^) Heparin

Correct! (^) Warfarin

Vitamin K

orrect Answer (^) Lovenox




Hemophilia B

Hemophilia A

Mutation of prothrombin gene

Oral contraceptive use

Which of the following is NOT a hypercoagulable state? Select all that apply.

Question 3^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Which of the following are TRUE of hemophilia A? Select all that apply.

Question 4^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Correct! (^) Spontaneous joint bleeding can occur

The platelet count is decreased

Aspirin and NSAIDS are the mainstay of treatment

Correct! (^) The PTT is increased



Low hematocrit

Diameter of the vessel

Blood viscosity

In which of the following ways is blood flow NOT negatively affected?

Question 5^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Which of the following increases the strength of the muscular contraction?

Wall tension

Correct! (^) Inotropic influence

Peripheral vascular resistance


Question 6^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Correct! (^) Parasympathetic nervous system activation


Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system


Which of the following is NOT a regulator of blood pressure?

Question 7^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts





Factor V Leiden mutation

Which of the following does NOT lead to an increased risk for DVT? Select all that apply.

Question 8^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Multiple Choice

Question 9^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Which of the following is NOT associated with iron deficiency anemia?

Correct! (^) Normocytic


Decreased MCV

Low hemoglobin

ou Answered

CORRECT r Vitamin B12 deficiency and Folate deficiency

Sickle cell disease, Vitamin B12 deficiency

Folate deficiency, Sickle cell disease

Iron deficiency anemia, Thalassemias

What are the two most common causes of macrocytic anemia?

Multiple Choice

Question 10^ 0 / 2.5 pts

Multiple Choice

Question^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Which of the following is FALSE regarding sickle cell disease?

Abnormality of HbS gene

Blood vessel occlusion is a complication

Correct! (^) Average red cell lifespan is 60 days

Can lead to encapsulated infections




Functional asplenia

Acute chest syndrome

Hemolytic anemia

A child with homozygous sickle cell disease arrives at the ER. Lab tests indicate pneumococcal sepsis, a bacterial infection. Imaging called spleen scintigraphy measures IV administered radiopharmaceutical tracers present in the tissue, and is used to assess the size, shape, position, and health of the organ. While the physician could palpate the patient's spleen, it could not be visualized by the scintigraphy. What is the likely complication this patient is experiencing?

Multiple Choice:

Question 12^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

ou Answered

CORRECT r MCV is decreased

Vitamin B12 is bound to intrinsic factor

Peripheral neuropathy can be a result of deficiency

Dietary deficiencies are not common

Which of the following is NOT true of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia?

Multiple Choice:

Question 13^ 0 / 2.5 pts





Red blood cell

A decrease in this type of cell can lead to an increased risk of bacterial infections:

Multiple Choice:

Question 14^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts


Weight reduction

Smoking cessation

Increase red meat consumption

Increase physical activity

Lifestyle changes to treat hyperlipidemia include each of the following except:

Multiple Choice:

Question 15^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Correct! (^) Consist of macrophages and smooth muscle cells

Form scar tissue and calcifications

Can be symptomatic

Present in adults only

Which of the following is true of fatty streaks of atherosclerotic lesions?

Multiple Choice:

Question 16^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Question 17 Not yet graded / 10 pts

Multiple Choice:

  1. The three major determinants of myocardial oxygen demand (MVO2) include each of the following except: a. Diastolic pressure b. Heart rate c. Left ventricular contractility d. Systolic pressure

Fill in the Blank:

  1. is the most important factor in myocardial oxygen demand. As this increases, myocardial oxygen consumption or demand also increases.

Multiple Choice:

  1. What is the most common cause of cardiogenic shock? a. Heart failure b. Cardiomyopathy c. Myocardial infarction d. Hypertension

Multiple Choice:

  1. Which does NOT occur during cardiogenic shock? a. Decreased cardiac output b. Hypotension c. Hypoperfusion d. Decreased systemic vascular resistance

Your Answer:

  1. A
  2. heart rate
  3. C
4. D
1. A
  1. Heart rate
3. C
4. D
  1. Explain how ventricular hypertrophy is an adaptive mechanism:
  2. What happens during exercise in someone with coronary artery disease?

Your Answer:

Ventricular hypertrophy is an adaptive mechanism in the way the ventricular is able to offset the increase in wall stress.

When someone is exercising with coronary artery disease the coronary vessel lumens are narrowed and the blood flow to the heart decreases. The vessels can't vasodilate causing chest pains and shortness of breath.

Question 18^ Not yet graded / 10 pts

  1. An increase in wall stress can be caused by an increase in preload or afterload. Ventricular hypertrophy is an adaptive mechanism by which the ventricle can offset the increase in wall stress. OR Blood pressure elevation increases the workload of the left ventricle by increasing the pressure against which the heart must pump as it ejects blood into the systemic circulation. Over time, the left ventricle hypertrophies to compensate for the increased pressure and work.
  2. During exertion, the heart beats harder and faster to supply oxygen to the muscles. The coronary vessels vasodilate and increase blood flow to the cardiac muscle to meet its increased demand for oxygen. With atherosclerotic disease, the coronary vessel lumens are narrowed and blood supply to the heart is diminished. With exertion, the vessels cannot adequately vasodilate. This can manifest as chest pain or tightness and/or shortness of breath.
  3. Name 2 biomarkers that elevate during a myocardial infarction:
  4. Besides chest pain, name 2 other symptoms a person may experience during a myocardial infarction:

Your Answer:

Troponin and creatine kinase

sudden death and coronary heart disease

Question 19^ Not yet graded / 10 pts

  1. Troponin and creatine kinase MB (CK-MB)
  2. Pain radiating down the left ram or into the jaw or neck, dyspnea (shortness of breath), nausea/vomiting, sweating, weakness, fatigue, or GI complaints.

ou Answered


Premature ventricular contractions

r Atrial fibrillation

Sinus tachycardia

Atrial flutter

Ventricular fibrillation

Which arrhythmia requires the use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy to prevent stroke risk?

Multiple Choice:

Question 20^ 0 / 2.5 pts

Multiple Choice:

Question 21^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Upon autopsy, this patient’s heart revealed which disease process?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Restrictive cardiomyopathy

Correct! (^) Dilated cardiomyopathy

Inflammatory cardiomyopathy

Multiple Choice:

Upon seeing this on your patient, which disease would you screen for?

Question 22^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts



Heart failure

Correct! (^) Hyperlipidemia

Multiple Choice:

Which pharmacologic treatment of hypertension has a mechanism of action characterized by reducing vascular smooth muscle tone (vasodilation) and reducing cardiac contractility and heart rate?

Question 23^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts


Correct! (^) Calcium channel blockers



ou Answered



r Diuretic


ACE inhibitor

Which pharmacologic treatment of heart failure has a mechanism of action characterized by excretion of fluid, reducing preload:

Multiple Choice:

Question 24^ 0 / 2.5 pts

Multiple Choice:

Which of the following diseases is classified as a restrictive cardiomyopathy?

Question 25^ 0 / 2.5 pts

Hypertensive heart disease

ou Answered (^) Ischemic heart disease

CORRECT (^) Amyloid heart disease






Which cardiomyopathy is a common cause of heart failure and the leading indication for heart transplantation?

Multiple Choice:

Question 26^ 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Fill in the blank:

Thrombocytes are also known as.

Your Answer:

Question 27^ Not yet graded / 2.5 pts

Question 28 Not yet graded / 10 pts

A 45-year-old man has a blood pressure at a screening program of 142/90. His father has a history of hypertension and heart attack. His grandfather died of a stroke. He is 20 lbs overweight, likes eating salty foods, and enjoys drinking beer. He states he is too tired and busy to exercise.

  1. According to JNC 8 guidelines, what category does this patient’s blood pressure fall into?
  2. What is hypertension a risk factor for?
  3. What lifestyle modifications would you suggest for them?
  4. Name one medication therapy for hypertension and its mechanism of action.

Your Answer:

  1. hypertension stage 2
  2. atherosclerosis
  3. workout, decrease intake of salty foods and beer
  4. ACE inhibitors help decrease vasoconstriction.



1. Hypertension stage 2 2. Atherosclerosis, CAD (MI), heart failure, stroke, peripheral artery disease 3. Lose weight, exercise, decrease salt intake, decrease alcohol intake 4. Diuretics, like thiazides, lower blood pressure by decreasing vascular volume; ACE inhibitors inhibit the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, thereby reducing vasoconstriction, aldosterone levels; Calcium channel receptor blockers inhibit the movement of calcium into cardiac and vascular smooth muscle. They reduce vascular smooth muscle tone (vasodilation); reduce cardiac contractility and heart rate, and decrease cardiac output

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