Download NURS 6635 MIDTERM-PMHNP EXAM 2024 EDITION: Real Exam Questions with Verified Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!
- Select the neurotransmitter involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents based on the common comorbidity of tic disorders. A Norepinephrine B GABA C Dopamine D Acetylcholine 1 points QUESTION 2
- Select the class of drugs most effective in treating pain disorder. A Opioid analgesics B TCA and SSRI antidepressants C Beta- adrenergic blockers D Mood stabilizers 1 points QUESTION 3
- Select the most commonly occurring eating disorder. AAnorexia nervosa B Bulimia nervosa C Purging D Binge
1 points QUESTION 4
- Select the disorder in which inflicting injury to self or others is common. A . Pai n B . Conversio n C . Somatic sympto m D . Factitiou s 1 points QUESTION 5
- Select two imaging methods used to study anxiety disorders. A . C T B .
1 points QUESTION 6
- Select the two factors that do not cause dissociative amnesia. A . Sexu al abus e B . Substan ce abuse C . Surgical pain D .
Partner betraya l 1 points QUESTION 7
- Select the correct epidemiologic fact about major depression in children and adolescents. A . There is a 20% incidence by age 18 B . The incidence is equal in adolescent females and males C . There is a decreased incidence after 20 D . The incidence is five- to ten-fold greater in children with a parent or sibling with major depression 1 points QUESTION 8
- Select the brain region that is most implicated in the function of memory. A
Hippocam pu s B . Tempor al lobe C . Amygdal a D . Corpus callosu m 1 points QUESTION 9
- Select the greatest impediment to treating anorexia nervosa patients. A . Drug adverse effects B . Variability of family therapy
Patient resistance D . Noncompliance with therapy 1 points QUESTION 10
- Select the most common sleep disorder. A . Parasom ni a B . Hyperso m nia C . Insomni a D . Apnea
1 points QUESTION 11
- Select the percentage of untreated PTSD patients who recover after one year. A 10% B 20% C 30% D 50% 1 points QUESTION 12
- Select the factor that is required to cause PTSD from a stressor. A . Intense horror B . Isolated experience C . Concurrent substance abuse D . Survivor’s guilt
1 points QUESTION 13
- Select two causes of dissociative amnesia. A . Sexu al abus e B . Substan ce abuse C . Surgical pain D . Partner betraya l 1 points QUESTION 14
- Select the population in which rumination disorder occurs most frequently. A . Male infants aged 3 to 12
month s B . Female infants 6 to 18 months C . Children aged 2 to 5 years D . Adolescents aged 13 to 15 years 1 points QUESTION 15
- Select the symptom that is least associated with manic and hypomanic episodes. A . Suicid al ideatio n B . Inflated selfesteem C
Distractibilit y D . Pressure d speech 1 points QUESTION 16
- Select the two comorbid disorders with which Pica occurs most commonly. A . Enuresi s B . Encopres is C . Autis m D . Intellectua l disability 1 points QUESTION 17
- Select the third most commonly reported psychiatric symptom. A . Depressi on B . Anxiet y C . Psychos is D . Depersonali za tion 1 points QUESTION 18
- Select the characteristic in long sleepers (more than 9 hours) that is absent in short sleepers (less than 6 hours). A . Mildly depresse d B .
Ambitiou s C . Sociall y adept D . Efficien t 1 points QUESTION 19
- Select the two most common peripheral symptoms of anxiety. A . Bradyc ar dia B . Dizzine ss C . Constipa ti on D .
Tremor s 1 points QUESTION 20
- Select the two methods to treat dissociative amnesia. A . Antipsychot ic drugs B . Cognitiv e therapy C . Hypnos is D . Psychoanaly sis 1 points QUESTION 21
- Select the theorist who is credited with establishing the area of psychosomatic medicine. A .
Freu d B . Abrah a m C . Grodd e ck D . Ferenc z i 1 points QUESTION 22
- Select the disorder in children and adolescents that is described by depressed or irritable mood for most of the day for a majority of days in at least one year. A . Major depressio n B .
Cyclothymi a C . Bereaveme nt D . Persisten t depressi on 1 points QUESTION 23
- Select the type of dissociative amnesia described by inability to recall any events in a particular lifespan period. A . Selectiv e B . Localize d C . Generali z ed D .
Continu o us 1 points QUESTION 24
- Select the frequency range of heritability of bipolar disorder. A . 60 %- 90 % B . 50 %- 80 % C . 30 %- 60 % D . 10 %- 40% 1 points QUESTION 25
- Select the two symptoms that result from prolonged sleep deprivation.
A Ambition . B . Hallucinat i ons C . Contente d ness D . Irritability 1 points QUESTION 26
- Select the most likely stressor to cause an adjustment disorder. A . Medic al illness B . Natural
disaste r C . Vehicle acciden t D . Substan ce abuse 1 points QUESTION 27
- Select the medical condition that must be excluded as a cause of somatic symptom disorder or hypochondriasis. A . Angina pectori s B . Asthm a C . Diabete s D
Multipl e sclerosi s 1 points QUESTION 28
- Select the function that is most affected by conversion disorder. A . Voluntar y motor B . Hearin g C . Involuntar y motor D . Smellin g 1 points QUESTION 29
- Select the therapy for insomnia that can be effective at up to three years after
discontinuatio n. A . Cognitivebehavio ral B . Sedating antihistamin es C . Benzodiazepin es D . Paradoxic al intention 1 points QUESTION 30
- Select the mental health model that is most associated with human interpersonal connection. A . Maturit y B .
Resilien c e C . Spiritua l D . WellBein g 1 points QUESTION 31
- Select the behavior that best describes early onset bipolar disorder in children and adolescent s. A . Aggres si on B . Withdr a wal C . Pani c D
Exhibiti o n 1 points QUESTION 32
- Select the two medical conditions in which derealization and depersonalization are commo n. A . Anorexi a B . Migrain e C . Parkins o n’s D . Seizure s 1 points QUESTION 33
- Select the age stage of life in which identity crisis typically emerges.
Childhoo d B . Adolesce n ce C . Middl e adult D . Elderl y adult 1 points QUESTION 34
- Select the two most important factors that guide the decision to prescribe benzodiazepines to treat generalized anxiety. A . Specific target symptoms B .
Patient insistence on a benzodiazepine C . History of substance abuse D . Duration of therapy 1 points QUESTION 35
- Select age after which encopresis may be correctly diagnosed. A . 2 B 3 . C. 4 D. 6 1 points
- Select the mg/dL blood alcohol level range that is associated with causing impaired judgment and coordination. A . 20 to 40 B . 50 to 100 C . 100 to 130 D . 140 to 190 1 points QUESTION 37
- Select the minimum treatment time to assess the effectiveness of antidepressant drug therapy. A .